Description ----------- Another CCK module to provide a phone number field type. Main differences cck_phone from Phone (CCK) phone.module are: - Single CCK widget instead of ever growing CCK widget per country - Supports all/multiple countries in one CCK field - Covers almost all country codes (239 on last count) out of the box, with generic phone number validation - Includes all countries codes or select your own list of countries - Custom country specific phone numbers validation & formatting - Custom country validation can be turned off, configurable per field - Better tel link support (RFC3966) or mobile support - iPhone, Android, iPad, Opera Mobile/Mini, etc. Prerequisites ------------- The cck_phone.module requires the content.module to be installed. Installation ------------ To install, copy the cck_phone directory and all its contents to your modules directory. To enable this module, go to Administer > Modules, and enable Phone Number. Themable -------- theme_phone_number($element) - FAPI theme for an individual phone number elements. theme_phone_number_extension($extension = '') - Theme function for phone extension theme_cck_phone_formatter_default($element) - Theme function for 'default' or global phone number field formatter. theme_cck_phone_formatter_local($element) - Theme function for 'local' phone number field formatter. theme_cck_phone_mobile_tel($element, $phone = '') - Theme function for mobile tel. Todo Tasks: (Contribution is welcome!) ----------- - D7 port using Field API - migration option from phone.module - phone types (home, work, mobile, fax, etc) support - simpletest Ongoing Tasks: -------------- - add validation support to all country phone numbers - translation of the module Bugs/Features/Patches: ---------------------- If you want to report bugs, feature requests, or submit a patch, please do so at the project page on the Drupal web site. Credits ------- Initially sponsored by