@@ -1,5935 +0,0 @@
- * @file
- * materio_content_types.features.field.inc
- */
- * Implements hook_field_default_fields().
- */
-function materio_content_types_field_default_fields() {
- $fields = array();
- // Exported field: 'node-breve-body'.
- $fields['node-breve-body'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(
- 0 => 'node',
- ),
- 'field_name' => 'body',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'format' => 'format',
- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 0 => 'format',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '1',
- 'type' => 'text_with_summary',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'breve',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '9',
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '5',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '12',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '3',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '9',
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '1',
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '3',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'body',
- 'label' => 'Body',
- 'required' => FALSE,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'display_summary' => TRUE,
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'text_processing' => 1,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'rows' => 20,
- 'summary_rows' => 5,
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_textarea_with_summary',
- 'weight' => '-4',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-breve-field_authored_on'.
- $fields['node-breve-field_authored_on'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'field_authored_on',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(),
- 'indexes' => array(),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'code' => '//dsm($entity, \'$entity\');
-$entity_field[0][\'value\'] = format_date($entity->created, \'breves\');',
- 'database' => array(
- 'data_default' => '',
- 'data_index' => 0,
- 'data_length' => '32',
- 'data_not_NULL' => 0,
- 'data_precision' => '10',
- 'data_scale' => '2',
- 'data_size' => 'normal',
- 'data_type' => 'varchar',
- ),
- 'display_format' => '$display_output = $entity_field_item[\'value\'];',
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- 'store' => 0,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'computed',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'breve',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed_field_unsanitized',
- 'weight' => '5',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed_field_unsanitized',
- 'weight' => '13',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed_field_unsanitized',
- 'weight' => '3',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed_field_plain',
- 'weight' => '2',
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed_field_plain',
- 'weight' => 10,
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed_field_unsanitized',
- 'weight' => '1',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'field_authored_on',
- 'label' => 'Authored on',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 0,
- 'module' => 'field_extrawidgets',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'display_empty' => 0,
- 'formatter' => '',
- 'formatter_settings' => array(),
- ),
- 'type' => 'field_extrawidgets_read_only',
- 'weight' => '21',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-breve-field_materiau_ref'.
- $fields['node-breve-field_materiau_ref'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '-1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'field_materiau_ref',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '2',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'node' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'target_id' => 'nid',
- ),
- 'table' => 'node',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'target_id' => array(
- 0 => 'target_id',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'entityreference',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'handler' => 'views',
- 'handler_settings' => array(
- 'behaviors' => array(
- 'views-select-list' => array(
- 'status' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- 'view' => array(
- 'args' => array(),
- 'display_name' => 'entityreference_1',
- 'view_name' => 'entity_reference_materiaux_breves',
- ),
- ),
- 'handler_submit' => 'Change handler',
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- 'target_type' => 'node',
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'entityreference',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'breve',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '7',
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'module' => 'entityreference',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'link' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'type' => 'entityreference_label',
- 'weight' => '9',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'module' => 'entityreference',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'link' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'type' => 'entityreference_label',
- 'weight' => '14',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'module' => 'entityreference',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'link' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'type' => 'entityreference_label',
- 'weight' => '8',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '8',
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '8',
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '7',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'field_materiau_ref',
- 'label' => 'Materiau(x) lié(s)',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'entityreference',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'match_operator' => 'CONTAINS',
- 'path' => '',
- 'size' => '60',
- ),
- 'type' => 'entityreference_autocomplete',
- 'weight' => '1',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-breve-field_memo'.
- $fields['node-breve-field_memo'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'field_memo',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '2',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'format' => 'format',
- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 0 => 'format',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'profile2_private' => TRUE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'text_long',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'breve',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '8',
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '7',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '9',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '9',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '6',
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '9',
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '8',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'field_memo',
- 'label' => 'Mémo',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'text_processing' => '0',
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'rows' => '10',
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_textarea',
- 'weight' => '4',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-breve-field_onthologie'.
- $fields['node-breve-field_onthologie'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '-1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'field_onthologie',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'tid' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'tid' => 'tid',
- ),
- 'table' => 'taxonomy_term_data',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'tid' => array(
- 0 => 'tid',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'taxonomy',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'allowed_values' => array(
- 0 => array(
- 'vocabulary' => 'onthologie',
- 'parent' => '0',
- 'depth' => '',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'options_list_callback' => 'i18n_taxonomy_allowed_values',
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'taxonomy_term_reference',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'breve',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '4',
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '5',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '4',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '5',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '4',
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '4',
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '4',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'field_onthologie',
- 'label' => 'Onthologie',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'term_reference_tree',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'cascading_selection' => 0,
- 'filter_view' => '',
- 'leaves_only' => 0,
- 'max_depth' => '',
- 'parent_term_id' => '',
- 'select_parents' => 1,
- 'start_minimized' => 1,
- 'starting_depth' => '2',
- 'token_display' => '',
- 'track_list' => 1,
- 'track_list_order' => 1,
- ),
- 'type' => 'term_reference_tree',
- 'weight' => '18',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-breve-field_source'.
- $fields['node-breve-field_source'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'field_source',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(),
- 'indexes' => array(),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'link',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'attributes' => array(
- 'class' => '',
- 'rel' => '',
- 'target' => 'default',
- ),
- 'display' => array(
- 'url_cutoff' => 80,
- ),
- 'enable_tokens' => 1,
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- 'title' => 'optional',
- 'title_maxlength' => 128,
- 'title_value' => '',
- 'url' => 0,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'link_field',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'breve',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '6',
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'module' => 'link',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'link_default',
- 'weight' => '8',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'inline',
- 'module' => 'link',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'link_default',
- 'weight' => '13',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'module' => 'link',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'link_default',
- 'weight' => '7',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '7',
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '7',
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '10',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'field_source',
- 'label' => 'source',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'attributes' => array(
- 'class' => '',
- 'configurable_title' => 0,
- 'rel' => '',
- 'target' => '_blank',
- 'title' => '',
- ),
- 'display' => array(
- 'url_cutoff' => '80',
- ),
- 'enable_tokens' => 1,
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'rel_remove' => 'default',
- 'title' => 'none',
- 'title_maxlength' => '128',
- 'title_value' => '',
- 'url' => 0,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- 'validate_url' => 1,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 0,
- 'module' => 'link',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'link_field',
- 'weight' => '-2',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-breve-field_tags_libres'.
- $fields['node-breve-field_tags_libres'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '-1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'field_tags_libres',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'tid' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'tid' => 'tid',
- ),
- 'table' => 'taxonomy_term_data',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'tid' => array(
- 0 => 'tid',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'taxonomy',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'allowed_values' => array(
- 0 => array(
- 'vocabulary' => 'tag_libres',
- 'parent' => '0',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'options_list_callback' => 'i18n_taxonomy_allowed_values',
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'taxonomy_term_reference',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'breve',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '5',
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '4',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '5',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '6',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '5',
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '5',
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '5',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'field_tags_libres',
- 'label' => 'Tags libres',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'autocomplete_deluxe',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'autocomplete_deluxe_path' => 'autocomplete_deluxe/taxonomy',
- 'content_taxonomy_autocomplete_new_terms' => 'allow',
- 'size' => '60',
- ),
- 'type' => 'autocomplete_deluxe_taxonomy',
- 'weight' => '20',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-breve-field_video_filter'.
- $fields['node-breve-field_video_filter'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '-1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'field_video_filter',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'height' => array(
- 0 => 'height',
- ),
- 'width' => array(
- 0 => 'width',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'video_filter_field',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'video_filter',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'breve',
- 'default_value' => array(
- 0 => array(
- 'url' => '',
- 'height' => '400',
- 'width' => '300',
- 'autoplay' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '3',
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '9',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '3',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '6',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '3',
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '3',
- ),
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '6',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'field_video_filter',
- 'label' => 'video',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'autoplay' => 0,
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'max_height' => 400,
- 'max_width' => 400,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 0,
- 'module' => 'video_filter_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'video_filter',
- 'weight' => '16',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-breve-field_visuel'.
- $fields['node-breve-field_visuel'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'field_visuel',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'fid' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'fid' => 'fid',
- ),
- 'table' => 'file_managed',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'fid' => array(
- 0 => 'fid',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'image',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'default_image' => 0,
- 'entity_translation_sync' => array(
- 0 => 'fid',
- ),
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- 'uri_scheme' => 'public',
- ),
- 'translatable' => '1',
- 'type' => 'image',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'breve',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'image',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'image_link' => '',
- 'image_style' => 'card-bookmark',
- ),
- 'type' => 'image',
- 'weight' => '2',
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'image',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'image_link' => '',
- 'image_style' => 'card-big',
- ),
- 'type' => 'image',
- 'weight' => '14',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'image',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'image_link' => '',
- 'image_style' => 'card-full',
- ),
- 'type' => 'image',
- 'weight' => '18',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'image',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'image_link' => '',
- 'image_style' => 'card-medium',
- ),
- 'type' => 'image',
- 'weight' => '14',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'image',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'image_link' => '',
- 'image_style' => 'card-small',
- ),
- 'type' => 'image',
- 'weight' => '1',
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'module' => 'image',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'image_link' => '',
- 'image_style' => '',
- ),
- 'type' => 'image',
- 'weight' => '2',
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '9',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'field_visuel',
- 'label' => 'Image',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'alt_field' => 0,
- 'default_image' => 0,
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'file_directory' => 'breves',
- 'file_extensions' => 'png gif jpg jpeg',
- 'max_filesize' => '',
- 'max_resolution' => '',
- 'min_resolution' => '',
- 'title_field' => 1,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'image',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'preview_image_style' => 'medium',
- 'progress_indicator' => 'throbber',
- ),
- 'type' => 'image_image',
- 'weight' => '15',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-breve-field_workflow_state'.
- $fields['node-breve-field_workflow_state'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'field_workflow_state',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '2',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(),
- 'indexes' => array(),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'code' => '',
- 'database' => array(
- 'data_default' => '',
- 'data_index' => 0,
- 'data_length' => '32',
- 'data_not_NULL' => 0,
- 'data_precision' => '10',
- 'data_scale' => '2',
- 'data_size' => 'normal',
- 'data_type' => 'varchar',
- ),
- 'display_format' => '//dsm($entity);
-$workflow = workflow_get_workflow_type_map_by_type($entity->type);
-$states = workflow_get_workflow_states_by_wid($workflow->wid);
-foreach ($states as $state) {
- if ($state->sid == $entity->workflow) {
- $display_output = $state->state;
- dsm($state, \'state\');
- }
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- 'store' => 1,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'computed',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'breve',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '0',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '0',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed_field_plain',
- 'weight' => 11,
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed_field_unsanitized',
- 'weight' => '2',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'field_workflow_state',
- 'label' => 'Workflow State',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 0,
- 'module' => 'field_extrawidgets',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'display_empty' => 0,
- 'formatter' => '',
- 'formatter_settings' => array(),
- ),
- 'type' => 'field_extrawidgets_read_only',
- 'weight' => '23',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-breve-title_field'.
- $fields['node-breve-title_field'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'title_field',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'format' => 'format',
- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 0 => 'format',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'max_length' => 255,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '1',
- 'type' => 'text',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'breve',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_plain',
- 'weight' => '4',
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '4',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '12',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '2',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_plain',
- 'weight' => '1',
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_plain',
- 'weight' => '0',
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '0',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'title_field',
- 'label' => 'Titre',
- 'required' => 1,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'hide_label' => array(
- 'entity' => 0,
- 'page' => 0,
- ),
- 'text_processing' => '0',
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'size' => '60',
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_textfield',
- 'weight' => '-5',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-company-body'.
- $fields['node-company-body'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(
- 0 => 'node',
- ),
- 'field_name' => 'body',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'format' => 'format',
- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 0 => 'format',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '1',
- 'type' => 'text_with_summary',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'company',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '1',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '1',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_plain',
- 'weight' => '1',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '0',
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_plain',
- 'weight' => '1',
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'trim_length' => 600,
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_summary_or_trimmed',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'body',
- 'label' => 'Materio speach',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'display_summary' => 1,
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'text_processing' => '1',
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'rows' => '20',
- 'summary_rows' => 5,
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_textarea_with_summary',
- 'weight' => '4',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-company-field_attachments'.
- $fields['node-company-field_attachments'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '-1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'field_attachments',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '2',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'fid' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'fid' => 'fid',
- ),
- 'table' => 'file_managed',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'fid' => array(
- 0 => 'fid',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'file',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'display_default' => 1,
- 'display_field' => 1,
- 'entity_translation_sync' => array(
- 0 => 'fid',
- ),
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- 'uri_scheme' => 'public',
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'file',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'company',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'file',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'file_default',
- 'weight' => '8',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'file',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'file_default',
- 'weight' => '8',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'file',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'file_table',
- 'weight' => '8',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'module' => 'file',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'file_default',
- 'weight' => '10',
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '7',
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'field_attachments',
- 'label' => 'Fichiers joints',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'description_field' => 0,
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'file_directory' => '',
- 'file_extensions' => 'txt pdf doc docx',
- 'max_filesize' => '',
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'file',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'progress_indicator' => 'throbber',
- ),
- 'type' => 'file_generic',
- 'weight' => '13',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-company-field_department'.
- $fields['node-company-field_department'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'field_department',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'format' => 'format',
- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 0 => 'format',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'max_length' => '255',
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '1',
- 'type' => 'text',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'company',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
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- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '3',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '3',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '3',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'inline',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '5',
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '8',
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'field_department',
- 'label' => 'Department',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'text_processing' => '0',
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'size' => '60',
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_textfield',
- 'weight' => '2',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-company-field_infos_from_company'.
- $fields['node-company-field_infos_from_company'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'field_infos_from_company',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '2',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'format' => 'format',
- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 0 => 'format',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
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- 'settings' => array(
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- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '1',
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- 'type' => 'text_default',
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- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '2',
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- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
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- 'field_name' => 'field_infos_from_company',
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- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'text_processing' => '1',
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
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- 'settings' => array(
- 'rows' => '5',
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_textarea',
- 'weight' => '6',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-company-field_memo'.
- $fields['node-company-field_memo'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'field_memo',
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- 'type' => '2',
- ),
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- 'format' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'format' => 'format',
- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 0 => 'format',
- ),
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- 'profile2_private' => TRUE,
- ),
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- 'type' => 'text_long',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'company',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
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- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- ),
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- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'settings' => array(),
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
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- 'type' => 'text_default',
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- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '9',
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
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- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'text_processing' => '0',
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
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- 'module' => 'text',
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- 'rows' => '10',
- ),
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- 'weight' => '10',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-company-field_note'.
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- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
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- 'type' => '2',
- ),
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- 'indexes' => array(
- 'value' => array(
- 0 => 'value',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
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- 'settings' => array(
- 'allowed_values' => array(
- 0 => '0',
- 1 => '1',
- 2 => '2',
- 3 => '3',
- 4 => '4',
- 5 => '5',
- ),
- 'allowed_values_function' => '',
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'profile2_private' => TRUE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'list_integer',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'company',
- 'default_value' => array(
- 0 => array(
- 'value' => '2',
- ),
- ),
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '11',
- ),
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- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '10',
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
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- 'label' => 'inline',
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- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'list_default',
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- 'settings' => array(),
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- 'label' => 'above',
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- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- ),
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- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
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- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'options',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'options_select',
- 'weight' => '9',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-company-field_public_address'.
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- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
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- 'type' => '0',
- ),
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- 'indexes' => array(),
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- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'profile2_private' => 1,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'addressfield',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'company',
- 'default_value' => array(
- 0 => array(
- 'element_key' => 'node|company|field_public_address|und|0',
- 'thoroughfare' => '',
- 'premise' => '',
- 'postal_code' => '',
- 'locality' => '',
- 'country' => 'FR',
- ),
- ),
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
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- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'addressfield',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'format_handlers' => array(
- 0 => 'address',
- ),
- 'use_widget_handlers' => 1,
- ),
- 'type' => 'addressfield_default',
- 'weight' => '7',
- ),
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- 'label' => 'hidden',
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- 'format_handlers' => array(
- 0 => 'address',
- ),
- 'use_widget_handlers' => 1,
- ),
- 'type' => 'addressfield_default',
- 'weight' => '7',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
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- 'settings' => array(
- 'format_handlers' => array(
- 'address' => 'address',
- ),
- 'use_widget_handlers' => 1,
- ),
- 'type' => 'addressfield_default',
- 'weight' => '7',
- ),
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- 'label' => 'above',
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- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
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- 'format_handlers' => array(
- 0 => 'address',
- ),
- 'use_widget_handlers' => 1,
- ),
- 'type' => 'addressfield_default',
- 'weight' => '9',
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'addressfield',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'format_handlers' => array(
- 0 => 'address',
- ),
- 'use_widget_handlers' => 1,
- ),
- 'type' => 'addressfield_default',
- 'weight' => '6',
- ),
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
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- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'addressfield',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'available_countries' => array(),
- 'format_handlers' => array(
- 'address' => 'address',
- 'name-full' => 0,
- 'name-oneline' => 0,
- 'organisation' => 0,
- ),
- ),
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- 'weight' => '7',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-company-field_public_email'.
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- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
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- 'type' => '0',
- ),
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- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'email',
- ),
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- 'deleted' => '0',
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- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
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- 'label' => 'hidden',
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- 'settings' => array(),
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- 'weight' => '5',
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- ),
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- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'email_default',
- 'weight' => '7',
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'email',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'email_plain',
- 'weight' => '5',
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- 'label' => 'above',
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- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
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- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'email',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'size' => '60',
- ),
- 'type' => 'email_textfield',
- 'weight' => '3',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-company-field_public_phone'.
- $fields['node-company-field_public_phone'] = array(
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- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '-1',
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- 'type' => '0',
- ),
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- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
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- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
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- ),
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- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- 'type' => 'global_phone_number',
- 'weight' => '6',
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- ),
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- 'zw' => 0,
- ),
- 'hide_single_cc' => 0,
- ),
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- 'enable_default_country' => 1,
- 'enable_extension' => 0,
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
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- 'module' => 'cck_phone',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'size' => 15,
- ),
- 'type' => 'phone_number',
- 'weight' => '8',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-company-field_tode_company'.
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- 'cardinality' => '1',
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- 'type' => '2',
- ),
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- 'columns' => array(
- 'tid' => 'tid',
- ),
- 'table' => 'taxonomy_term_data',
- ),
- ),
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- 'tid' => array(
- 0 => 'tid',
- ),
- ),
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- 0 => array(
- 'vocabulary' => 'company',
- 'parent' => '0',
- 'depth' => '',
- ),
- ),
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- 'options_list_callback' => 'i18n_taxonomy_allowed_values',
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- 'user_role_field' => array(
- 1 => 0,
- 2 => 0,
- 3 => 0,
- 4 => 0,
- 5 => '5',
- ),
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'taxonomy_term_reference',
- ),
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- 'bundle' => 'company',
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- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- 'type' => 'taxonomy_term_reference_plain',
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- 'type' => 'taxonomy_term_reference_plain',
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- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
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- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
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- 'show_term_form' => 0,
- 'size' => 60,
- ),
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- ),
- ),
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- 'active' => '1',
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- ),
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- 'url_cutoff' => 80,
- ),
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- 'title_maxlength' => 128,
- 'title_value' => '',
- 'url' => 0,
- ),
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- 'type' => 'link_field',
- ),
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- 'bundle' => 'company',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
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- 'description' => '"http://" will be added automaticly.',
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- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
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- 'weight' => 0,
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- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- 'type' => 'link_default',
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- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'link_plain',
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- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
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- 'title' => '',
- ),
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- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- 'validate_url' => 1,
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- 'module' => 'link',
- 'settings' => array(),
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- 'weight' => '5',
- ),
- ),
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- // Exported field: 'node-materiau-field_attachments'.
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- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '-1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
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- 'type' => '2',
- ),
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- 'fid' => 'fid',
- ),
- 'table' => 'file_managed',
- ),
- ),
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- 'fid' => array(
- 0 => 'fid',
- ),
- ),
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- 'display_field' => 1,
- 'entity_translation_sync' => array(
- 0 => 'fid',
- ),
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- 'uri_scheme' => 'public',
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'file',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'materiau',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
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- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '18',
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- 'label' => 'hidden',
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- 'settings' => array(),
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- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'file_default',
- 'weight' => '12',
- ),
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- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- ),
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- 'label' => 'hidden',
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- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'file_default',
- 'weight' => '9',
- ),
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '17',
- ),
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '17',
- ),
- ),
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- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
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- ),
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- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'file',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'progress_indicator' => 'throbber',
- ),
- 'type' => 'file_generic',
- 'weight' => '3',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-materiau-field_breve_ref'.
- $fields['node-materiau-field_breve_ref'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '-1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
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- 'type' => '0',
- ),
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- 'node' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'target_id' => 'nid',
- ),
- 'table' => 'node',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'target_id' => array(
- 0 => 'target_id',
- ),
- ),
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- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'handler' => 'base',
- 'handler_settings' => array(
- 'behaviors' => array(
- 'views-select-list' => array(
- 'status' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- 'sort' => array(
- 'direction' => 'ASC',
- 'field' => 'body:value',
- 'property' => 'nid',
- 'type' => 'none',
- ),
- 'target_bundles' => array(
- 'breve' => 'breve',
- ),
- ),
- 'handler_submit' => 'Change handler',
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- 'target_type' => 'node',
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'entityreference',
- ),
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- 'bundle' => 'materiau',
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- 'deleted' => '0',
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- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '9',
- ),
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- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '5',
- ),
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- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- ),
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'module' => 'entityreference',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'link' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'type' => 'entityreference_label',
- 'weight' => '23',
- ),
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '10',
- ),
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '9',
- ),
- ),
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- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
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- 'match_operator' => 'CONTAINS',
- 'path' => '',
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- ),
- 'type' => 'entityreference_autocomplete',
- 'weight' => '28',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-materiau-field_company_distrib'.
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- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '-1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
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- 'type' => '2',
- ),
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- 'tid' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'tid' => 'tid',
- ),
- 'table' => 'taxonomy_term_data',
- ),
- ),
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- 'tid' => array(
- 0 => 'tid',
- ),
- ),
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- 0 => array(
- 'vocabulary' => 'company',
- 'parent' => '0',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'options_list_callback' => 'i18n_taxonomy_allowed_values',
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'taxonomy_term_reference',
- ),
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- 'bundle' => 'materiau',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '4',
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- ),
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- ),
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- 'viewmode' => 'cardmedium',
- ),
- 'type' => 'tode',
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- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- ),
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- 'label' => 'inline',
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- 'type' => 'i18n_taxonomy_term_reference_link',
- 'weight' => '18',
- ),
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- ),
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- ),
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '5',
- ),
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- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
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- 'size' => '60',
- ),
- 'type' => 'autocomplete_deluxe_taxonomy',
- 'weight' => '25',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-materiau-field_company_fab'.
- $fields['node-materiau-field_company_fab'] = array(
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- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '-1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
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- 'type' => '2',
- ),
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- 'tid' => 'tid',
- ),
- 'table' => 'taxonomy_term_data',
- ),
- ),
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- 'tid' => array(
- 0 => 'tid',
- ),
- ),
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- 'allowed_values' => array(
- 0 => array(
- 'vocabulary' => 'company',
- 'parent' => '0',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'options_list_callback' => 'i18n_taxonomy_allowed_values',
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'taxonomy_term_reference',
- ),
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- 'deleted' => '0',
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- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- ),
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- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- ),
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- 'label' => 'inline',
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- 'type' => 'i18n_taxonomy_term_reference_link',
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- ),
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- 'label' => 'above',
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- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '6',
- ),
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- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
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- ),
- 'type' => 'autocomplete_deluxe_taxonomy',
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- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-materiau-field_description'.
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- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
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- ),
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- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
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- 0 => 'format',
- ),
- ),
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- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
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- 'type' => 'text_with_summary',
- ),
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- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
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- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '0',
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '2',
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '4',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'field_description',
- 'label' => 'Description',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'display_summary' => 1,
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'text_processing' => '1',
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'rows' => '20',
- 'summary_rows' => 5,
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_textarea_with_summary',
- 'weight' => '-3',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-materiau-field_famille'.
- $fields['node-materiau-field_famille'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'field_famille',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '2',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'value' => array(
- 0 => 'value',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'list',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'allowed_values' => array(
- 'W' => 'Bois (W)',
- 'T' => 'Textile (T)',
- 'R' => 'Plastique (R)',
- 'P' => 'Papier (P)',
- 'C' => 'Composite (C)',
- 'M' => 'Métal (M)',
- 'F' => 'Céramique (F)',
- 'G' => 'Verre (G)',
- 'S' => 'Béton/Pierre (S)',
- 'O' => 'Autre (O)',
- ),
- 'allowed_values_function' => '',
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'list_text',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'materiau',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '3',
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '8',
- ),
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '7',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '6',
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '3',
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- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'module' => 'list',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'list_default',
- 'weight' => '19',
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '8',
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '7',
- ),
- ),
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- 'label' => 'Famille',
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- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
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- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'options',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'options_select',
- 'weight' => '1',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-materiau-field_identifiant'.
- $fields['node-materiau-field_identifiant'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
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- 'type' => '2',
- ),
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- 'indexes' => array(),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'code' => '$entity_field[0][\'value\'] = "";',
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- 'data_default' => '',
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- 'data_length' => '32',
- 'data_not_NULL' => 0,
- 'data_precision' => '10',
- 'data_scale' => '2',
- 'data_size' => 'normal',
- 'data_type' => 'varchar',
- ),
- 'display_format' => '$display_output = $entity_field_item[\'value\'];',
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- 'store' => 1,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'computed',
- ),
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- 'bundle' => 'materiau',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
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- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '7',
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '3',
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- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '7',
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '5',
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- 'label' => 'above',
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- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed_field_plain',
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '9',
- ),
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '8',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
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- 'label' => 'Identifiant',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
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- 'active' => 0,
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed',
- 'weight' => '2',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-materiau-field_localisation'.
- $fields['node-materiau-field_localisation'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
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- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '2',
- ),
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- 'format' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'format' => 'format',
- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
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- 'format' => array(
- 0 => 'format',
- ),
- ),
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- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'max_length' => '255',
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'text',
- ),
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- 'bundle' => 'materiau',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
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- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '17',
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- 'label' => 'hidden',
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- 'type' => 'text_default',
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- 'settings' => array(),
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- 'module' => 'text',
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- 'type' => 'text_default',
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '16',
- ),
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '16',
- ),
- ),
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- 'label' => 'Localisation',
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- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'text_processing' => '0',
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
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- 'size' => '60',
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_textfield',
- 'weight' => '4',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-materiau-field_materiau_image'.
- $fields['node-materiau-field_materiau_image'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '-1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
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- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
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- 'fid' => 'fid',
- ),
- 'table' => 'file_managed',
- ),
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- 0 => 'fid',
- ),
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- 0 => 'fid',
- ),
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- 'uri_scheme' => 'public',
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
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- ),
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- 'bundle' => 'materiau',
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- 'description' => '',
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- 'weight' => '2',
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- ),
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- ),
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- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '13',
- ),
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- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
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- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
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- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'image',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'preview_image_style' => 'medium',
- 'progress_indicator' => 'throbber',
- ),
- 'type' => 'image_image',
- 'weight' => '11',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-materiau-field_materiau_ref'.
- $fields['node-materiau-field_materiau_ref'] = array(
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- 'active' => '1',
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- 'type' => '2',
- ),
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- 'node' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'target_id' => 'nid',
- ),
- 'table' => 'node',
- ),
- ),
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- 'target_id' => array(
- 0 => 'target_id',
- ),
- ),
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- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
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- 'handler_settings' => array(
- 'behaviors' => array(
- 'views-select-list' => array(
- 'status' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- 'view' => array(
- 'args' => array(),
- 'display_name' => 'entityreference_1',
- 'view_name' => 'entity_reference_materiaux_breves',
- ),
- ),
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- ),
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- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- 'link' => FALSE,
- ),
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- 'weight' => '22',
- ),
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '11',
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- ),
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- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
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- ),
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- 'weight' => '27',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-materiau-field_memo'.
- $fields['node-materiau-field_memo'] = array(
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- 'active' => '1',
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- 'deleted' => '0',
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- 'type' => '2',
- ),
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- 'columns' => array(
- 'format' => 'format',
- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
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- 'format' => array(
- 0 => 'format',
- ),
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- 'profile2_private' => TRUE,
- ),
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- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '11',
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '9',
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- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '9',
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- 'weight' => '13',
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- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
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- ),
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '15',
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- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '15',
- ),
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- 'rows' => '10',
- ),
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- ),
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- // Exported field: 'node-materiau-field_nature_titre'.
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- ),
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- ),
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- 0 => 'format',
- ),
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- ),
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- 'entity_type' => 'node',
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- 'label' => 'Nature Titre',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'text_processing' => '0',
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'size' => '60',
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_textfield',
- 'weight' => '-4',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-materiau-field_onthologie'.
- $fields['node-materiau-field_onthologie'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '-1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'field_onthologie',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'tid' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'tid' => 'tid',
- ),
- 'table' => 'taxonomy_term_data',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'tid' => array(
- 0 => 'tid',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'taxonomy',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'allowed_values' => array(
- 0 => array(
- 'vocabulary' => 'onthologie',
- 'parent' => '0',
- 'depth' => '',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'options_list_callback' => 'i18n_taxonomy_allowed_values',
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'taxonomy_term_reference',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'materiau',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '10',
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '10',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '8',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '8',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '10',
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'i18n_taxonomy',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'i18n_taxonomy_term_reference_link',
- 'weight' => '16',
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '12',
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '11',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'field_onthologie',
- 'label' => 'Onthologie',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'term_reference_tree',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'cascading_selection' => 0,
- 'filter_view' => '',
- 'leaves_only' => 0,
- 'max_depth' => '',
- 'parent_term_id' => '',
- 'select_parents' => 1,
- 'start_minimized' => 1,
- 'starting_depth' => '2',
- 'token_display' => '',
- 'track_list' => 1,
- 'track_list_order' => 1,
- ),
- 'type' => 'term_reference_tree',
- 'weight' => '22',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-materiau-field_reference_materio'.
- $fields['node-materiau-field_reference_materio'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'field_reference_materio',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '2',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'value' => array(
- 0 => 'value',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'code' => '$entity_field[0][\'value\'] = "";',
- 'database' => array(
- 'data_default' => '',
- 'data_index' => 1,
- 'data_length' => '255',
- 'data_not_NULL' => 0,
- 'data_precision' => '10',
- 'data_scale' => '2',
- 'data_size' => 'normal',
- 'data_type' => 'varchar',
- ),
- 'display_format' => '$display_output = $entity_field_item[\'value\'];',
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- 'store' => 1,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'computed',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'materiau',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed_field_plain',
- 'weight' => '10',
- ),
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- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed_field_plain',
- 'weight' => '7',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed_field_plain',
- 'weight' => '18',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed_field_plain',
- 'weight' => '20',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed_field_plain',
- 'weight' => '7',
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed_field_plain',
- 'weight' => '21',
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '7',
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed_field_unsanitized',
- 'weight' => '1',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'field_reference_materio',
- 'label' => 'Référence Materio',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 0,
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed',
- 'weight' => '3',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-materiau-field_tags_libres'.
- $fields['node-materiau-field_tags_libres'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '-1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'field_tags_libres',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'tid' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'tid' => 'tid',
- ),
- 'table' => 'taxonomy_term_data',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'tid' => array(
- 0 => 'tid',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'taxonomy',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'allowed_values' => array(
- 0 => array(
- 'vocabulary' => 'tag_libres',
- 'parent' => '0',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'options_list_callback' => 'i18n_taxonomy_allowed_values',
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'taxonomy_term_reference',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'materiau',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '16',
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '5',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '11',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '11',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '15',
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'i18n_taxonomy',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'i18n_taxonomy_term_reference_link',
- 'weight' => '15',
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '13',
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '12',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'field_tags_libres',
- 'label' => 'Tags libres',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'autocomplete_deluxe',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'autocomplete_deluxe_path' => 'autocomplete_deluxe/taxonomy',
- 'content_taxonomy_autocomplete_new_terms' => 'allow',
- 'size' => '60',
- ),
- 'type' => 'autocomplete_deluxe_taxonomy',
- 'weight' => '23',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-materiau-field_video_filter'.
- $fields['node-materiau-field_video_filter'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '-1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'field_video_filter',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'height' => array(
- 0 => 'height',
- ),
- 'width' => array(
- 0 => 'width',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'video_filter_field',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'video_filter',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'materiau',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '11',
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '3',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '12',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '8',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '11',
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'video_filter_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'video_filter_field_default',
- 'weight' => '7',
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '14',
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '14',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'field_video_filter',
- 'label' => 'video',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'autoplay' => 0,
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'max_height' => 400,
- 'max_width' => 400,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 0,
- 'module' => 'video_filter_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'video_filter',
- 'weight' => '12',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-materiau-field_workflow_state'.
- $fields['node-materiau-field_workflow_state'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'field_workflow_state',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '2',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(),
- 'indexes' => array(),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'code' => '',
- 'database' => array(
- 'data_default' => '',
- 'data_index' => 0,
- 'data_length' => '32',
- 'data_not_NULL' => 0,
- 'data_precision' => '10',
- 'data_scale' => '2',
- 'data_size' => 'normal',
- 'data_type' => 'varchar',
- ),
- 'display_format' => '//dsm($entity);
-$workflow = workflow_get_workflow_type_map_by_type($entity->type);
-$states = workflow_get_workflow_states_by_wid($workflow->wid);
-foreach ($states as $state) {
- if ($state->sid == $entity->workflow) {
- $display_output = $state->state;
- dsm($state, \'state\');
- }
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- 'store' => 1,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '0',
- 'type' => 'computed',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'materiau',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '0',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '0',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed_field_plain',
- 'weight' => 24,
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '6',
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'computed_field',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'computed_field_unsanitized',
- 'weight' => '3',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'field_workflow_state',
- 'label' => 'Workflow State',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 0,
- 'module' => 'field_extrawidgets',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'display_empty' => 0,
- 'formatter' => '',
- 'formatter_settings' => array(),
- ),
- 'type' => 'field_extrawidgets_read_only',
- 'weight' => '29',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-materiau-title_field'.
- $fields['node-materiau-title_field'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'title_field',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'format' => 'format',
- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 0 => 'format',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'max_length' => 255,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '1',
- 'type' => 'text',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'materiau',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => 'A field replacing node title.',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_plain',
- 'weight' => '8',
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_plain',
- 'weight' => '5',
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_plain',
- 'weight' => '16',
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_plain',
- 'weight' => '18',
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_plain',
- 'weight' => '5',
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '12',
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '0',
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '0',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'title_field',
- 'label' => 'Nom',
- 'required' => 1,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'hide_label' => array(
- 'entity' => 0,
- 'page' => 0,
- ),
- 'text_processing' => '0',
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'size' => '60',
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_textfield',
- 'weight' => '-5',
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-page-body'.
- $fields['node-page-body'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(
- 0 => 'node',
- ),
- 'field_name' => 'body',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'format' => 'format',
- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 0 => 'format',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '1',
- 'type' => 'text_with_summary',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'page',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'trim_length' => 600,
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_summary_or_trimmed',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'body',
- 'label' => 'Body',
- 'required' => FALSE,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'display_summary' => TRUE,
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'text_processing' => 1,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'rows' => 20,
- 'summary_rows' => 5,
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_textarea_with_summary',
- 'weight' => -4,
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-page-title_field'.
- $fields['node-page-title_field'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'title_field',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'format' => 'format',
- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 0 => 'format',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'max_length' => 255,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '1',
- 'type' => 'text',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'page',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => 'A field replacing node title.',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 1,
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'title_field',
- 'label' => 'Titre',
- 'required' => TRUE,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'hide_label' => array(
- 'entity' => FALSE,
- 'page' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'text_processing' => 0,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'size' => 60,
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_textfield',
- 'weight' => -5,
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-webform-body'.
- $fields['node-webform-body'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(
- 0 => 'node',
- ),
- 'field_name' => 'body',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'format' => 'format',
- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 0 => 'format',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '1',
- 'type' => 'text_with_summary',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'webform',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'trim_length' => 600,
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_summary_or_trimmed',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'body',
- 'label' => 'Body',
- 'required' => FALSE,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'display_summary' => TRUE,
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'text_processing' => 1,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'rows' => 20,
- 'summary_rows' => 5,
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_textarea_with_summary',
- 'weight' => 31,
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'node-webform-title_field'.
- $fields['node-webform-title_field'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'title_field',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'format' => 'format',
- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 0 => 'format',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'max_length' => 255,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '1',
- 'type' => 'text',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'webform',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => 'A field replacing node title.',
- 'display' => array(
- 'bookmark' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardbig' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardfull' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardmedium' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'cardsmall' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 1,
- ),
- 'print' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- 'teaser' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'node',
- 'field_name' => 'title_field',
- 'label' => 'Titre',
- 'required' => TRUE,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'hide_label' => array(
- 'entity' => FALSE,
- 'page' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'text_processing' => 0,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'size' => 60,
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_textfield',
- 'weight' => -5,
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'taxonomy_term-company-synonyms_synonym'.
- $fields['taxonomy_term-company-synonyms_synonym'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '-1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'synonyms_synonym',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'format' => 'format',
- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 0 => 'format',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'max_length' => 255,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '1',
- 'type' => 'text',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'company',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'taxonomy_term',
- 'field_name' => 'synonyms_synonym',
- 'label' => 'Synonyms',
- 'required' => FALSE,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'text_processing' => 0,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'size' => 60,
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_textfield',
- 'weight' => 31,
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'taxonomy_term-onthologie-name_field'.
- $fields['taxonomy_term-onthologie-name_field'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'name_field',
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'format' => 'format',
- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 0 => 'format',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'max_length' => 255,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '1',
- 'type' => 'text',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'onthologie',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => 'A field replacing taxonomy term name.',
- 'display' => array(
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => '1',
- ),
- 'search_index' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '0',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'taxonomy_term',
- 'field_name' => 'name_field',
- 'label' => 'Nom',
- 'required' => TRUE,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'hide_label' => array(
- 'entity' => FALSE,
- 'page' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'text_processing' => 0,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'size' => 60,
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_textfield',
- 'weight' => -5,
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'taxonomy_term-onthologie-synonyms_synonym'.
- $fields['taxonomy_term-onthologie-synonyms_synonym'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '-1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'synonyms_synonym',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'format' => 'format',
- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 0 => 'format',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'max_length' => 255,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '1',
- 'type' => 'text',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'onthologie',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '0',
- ),
- 'search_index' => array(
- 'label' => 'hidden',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => '1',
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'taxonomy_term',
- 'field_name' => 'synonyms_synonym',
- 'label' => 'Synonyms',
- 'required' => 0,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'text_processing' => '0',
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'active' => 1,
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'size' => '60',
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_textfield',
- 'weight' => 31,
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'taxonomy_term-tag_libres-name_field'.
- $fields['taxonomy_term-tag_libres-name_field'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'name_field',
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'format' => 'format',
- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 0 => 'format',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'max_length' => 255,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '1',
- 'type' => 'text',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'tag_libres',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'weight' => 1,
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'taxonomy_term',
- 'field_name' => 'name_field',
- 'label' => 'Nom',
- 'required' => TRUE,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'hide_label' => array(
- 'entity' => FALSE,
- 'page' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'text_processing' => 0,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'size' => 60,
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_textfield',
- 'weight' => -5,
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Exported field: 'taxonomy_term-tag_libres-synonyms_synonym'.
- $fields['taxonomy_term-tag_libres-synonyms_synonym'] = array(
- 'field_config' => array(
- 'active' => '1',
- 'cardinality' => '-1',
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'entity_types' => array(),
- 'field_name' => 'synonyms_synonym',
- 'field_permissions' => array(
- 'type' => '0',
- ),
- 'foreign keys' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 'columns' => array(
- 'format' => 'format',
- ),
- 'table' => 'filter_format',
- ),
- ),
- 'indexes' => array(
- 'format' => array(
- 0 => 'format',
- ),
- ),
- 'locked' => '0',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'max_length' => 255,
- 'profile2_private' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'translatable' => '1',
- 'type' => 'text',
- ),
- 'field_instance' => array(
- 'bundle' => 'tag_libres',
- 'default_value' => NULL,
- 'deleted' => '0',
- 'description' => '',
- 'display' => array(
- 'default' => array(
- 'label' => 'above',
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(),
- 'type' => 'text_default',
- 'weight' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- 'entity_type' => 'taxonomy_term',
- 'field_name' => 'synonyms_synonym',
- 'label' => 'Synonyms',
- 'required' => FALSE,
- 'settings' => array(
- 'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
- 'text_processing' => 0,
- 'user_register_form' => FALSE,
- ),
- 'widget' => array(
- 'module' => 'text',
- 'settings' => array(
- 'size' => 60,
- ),
- 'type' => 'text_textfield',
- 'weight' => 31,
- ),
- ),
- );
- // Translatables
- // Included for use with string extractors like potx.
- t('"http://" will be added automaticly.');
- t('A field replacing node title.');
- t('A field replacing taxonomy term name.');
- t('Adresse');
- t('Authored on');
- t('Body');
- t('Brève(s) liée(s)');
- t('Department');
- t('Description');
- t('Distributeurs');
- t('Email');
- t('Fabricants');
- t('Famille');
- t('Fichiers joints');
- t('Identifiant');
- t('Image');
- t('Infos from company');
- t('Localisation');
- t('Materiau(x) lié(s)');
- t('Materio speach');
- t('Mémo');
- t('Name');
- t('Nature Titre');
- t('Nom');
- t('Note');
- t('Onthologie');
- t('Phone');
- t('Référence Materio');
- t('Synonyms');
- t('Tags libres');
- t('Titre');
- t('Workflow State');
- t('source');
- t('video');
- t('website');
- return $fields;