Bladeren bron

splited search in two steps, 1 only taxonomy, 2 full text less 1

Bachir Soussi Chiadmi 9 jaren geleden
4 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 222 en 155 verwijderingen
  1. 10 3
  2. 1 1
  3. 210 143
  4. 1 8

+ 10 - 3

@@ -13,11 +13,18 @@ function materio_search_api_settings(){
 	// dsm($languages, 'languages');
 	foreach ($languages as $lcode => $name) {
-		$form['mainsearchindex_'.$lcode] = array(
+		$form['fulltextsearchindex_'.$lcode] = array(
-			'#default_value' => variable_get('mainsearchindex_'.$lcode, -1),
-			'#title' => t('Main search api index for %lang contents.', array('%lang'=>$name)),
+			'#default_value' => variable_get('fulltextsearchindex_'.$lcode, -1),
+			'#title' => t('Full text search api index for %lang contents.', array('%lang'=>$name)),
+		);
+		$form['taxonomysearchindex_'.$lcode] = array(
+			'#type'=>'select',
+			'#options'=>$index_options,
+			'#default_value' => variable_get('taxonomysearchindex_'.$lcode, -1),
+			'#title' => t('Taxonomy search api index for %lang contents.', array('%lang'=>$name)),
 		$form['brevessearchindex_'.$lcode] = array(

+ 1 - 1

@@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ function template_preprocess_materio_search_api_select_viewmode_block(&$vars){
  * @see materio-search-api-results.tpl.php
 function template_preprocess_materio_search_api_results(array &$vars) {
-  // dsm($vars, '$vars');
+  // dsm($vars, 'vars');
   $results = $vars['results'];
   if(isset($results['result count'])){

+ 210 - 143

@@ -132,7 +132,6 @@ function materio_search_api_results_search(){
   // dsm($args, 'args');
   $typed = implode('/', $keys);
   // remove query page params
   preg_match_all('/\?page=([0-9]+)/', $typed, $pages);
   //dsm($pages, '$pages');
@@ -140,161 +139,37 @@ function materio_search_api_results_search(){
     $typed = str_replace($pages[0][0], '', $typed);
   // dsm($typed, 'typed');
-  global $language;
-  global $user;
-  if(user_access('use materio search api')){
-    // dsm('normal search');
-    # switch index depending on key words type full text or taxonomy term (autocomplete selection)
-    $searchmode = isset($user->data['materiosearchapi_searchmode']) ? $user->data['materiosearchapi_searchmode'] : "fulltext";
-    switch($searchmode){
-      case "fulltext":
-      default:
-        $index_machine_name = variable_get('mainsearchindex_'.$language->language, -1);
-      break;
-      // case "taxonomy":
-      //   $index_machine_name = variable_get('taxonomysearchindex_'.$language->language, -1);
-      // break;
-    }
-    $index = search_api_index_load($index_machine_name);
-  }
-  else if(user_access('use materio search api for breves')){
-    // dsm('limited search');
-    $index_machine_name = variable_get('brevessearchindex_'.$language->language, -1);
-    // dsm($index_machine_name, '$index_machine_name');
-    $index = search_api_index_load($index_machine_name);
-  }
-  if(!user_access('use materio search api')){
-    # potential results index for anonymous and free user
-    $could_index_machine_name = variable_get('mainsearchindex_'.$language->language, -1);
-    $could_index = search_api_index_load($index_machine_name);
-  }
   if ($typed) {
-    # TODO:  cache the results with cache graceful :
-    try {
-      # retrieve viewmode and then use it to define the query range
-      $viewmode = isset($user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode'])
-        ? $user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode']
-        : variable_get('defaultviewmode', 'full');
-      $limit = variable_get($viewmode.'_limite', '10');
-      $offset = pager_find_page() * $limit; //$page*$limit;//
-      if(isset($index)){
-        # define default bundle option (materiaux, breves)
-        $default_bundles = array();
-        if(isset($index->options['data_alter_callbacks']['search_api_alter_bundle_filter']['settings']['bundles'])){
-          $indexed_bundles = $index->options['data_alter_callbacks']['search_api_alter_bundle_filter']['settings']['bundles'];
-          foreach ($indexed_bundles as $bundle) { $default_bundles[] = $bundle; }
-        }
-        # choose solr query bundle option
-        $bundles_filter = isset($user->data['materiosearchapi_bundlesfilter'])
-          ? $user->data['materiosearchapi_bundlesfilter']
-          : $default_bundles;
-        # choose solr query options
-        $query_options = array('conjunction'=>'OR', 'parse mode'=>'direct');
-        #create the solr query
-        $query = search_api_query($index_machine_name, $query_options)
-          ->keys($typed)
-          ->range($offset, $limit);
-        # apply bundle options to solr query if usefull
-        if(count($bundles_filter)){
-          $filter = $query->createFilter('OR');
-          foreach ($bundles_filter as $type)
-            $filter->condition('type', $type, '=');
-          $query->filter($filter);
-        }
-        // $query->setOption('search_api_bypass_access', true);
-        # add user access solr query option
-        $query->setOption('search_api_access_account', $user);
-        # execute solr query and record results
-        $results = $query->execute();
-      }
-      # in case of free user search, run a real search to indicate how much items you could find
-      if(isset($could_index)){
-        $could_query = search_api_query($could_index_machine_name, array('conjunction'=>'OR', 'parse mode'=>'direct'))
-        // ->keys(implode(' ', $keys))
-        ->keys($typed)
-        ->range($offset, $limit);
-        // ->filter($filter);
+    global $language;
+    global $user;
-        $could_results = $could_query->execute();
-        // dsm($could_results, 'could_results');
-      }
-    }
-    catch (SearchApiException $e) {
-      $ret['message'] = t('An error occurred while executing the search. Please try again or contact the site administrator if the problem persists.');
-      watchdog('materiobasemod', 'search error: !msg.', array('!msg' => $e->getMessage()), WATCHDOG_ERROR, l(t('search page'), $_GET['q']));
-    }
-    // dsm($results, 'results');
-    if(user_access('use materio search api for breves')
-      || user_access('use materio search api')
-    {
-      if( user_access('use materio search api') ){
-        if(is_array($results['results'])){
-          $items = $index->loadItems(array_keys($results['results']));
-        }else{
-          $items = array();
-        }
-        // dsm($items, 'items');
-      }
-      else{
-        $items = array();
-        $breves = $index->loadItems(array_keys($results['results']));
-        foreach ($breves as $nid => $breve) {
-          if(!node_access('view', $breve))
-            continue;
-          $items[] = $breve;
-          $materiaux = field_get_items('node',$breve,'field_materiau_ref');
-          // dsm($materiaux, 'materiaux');
-          if($materiaux){
-            foreach ($materiaux as $value) {
-              if(!isset($could_results['results'][$value['target_id']]))
-                continue;
-              $materiau = node_load($value['target_id']);
-              if(node_access('view', $materiau))
-                $items[] = $materiau;
-            }
-          }
-        }
+    # retrieve viewmode and then use it to define the query range
+    $viewmode = isset($user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode'])
+      ? $user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode']
+      : variable_get('defaultviewmode', 'full');
-        $results['breves count'] = $results['result count'];
-        $results['result count'] = count($items);
-        $results['could results'] = $could_results;
-      }
+    $limit = variable_get($viewmode.'_limite', '10');
+    $offset = pager_find_page() * $limit; //$page*$limit;//
-      $ret['results']['#index'] = $index;//search_api_index_load($index_machine_name);
-      $ret['results']['#items'] = $items;
+    # Normal search
+    if(user_access('use materio search api')){
+      // dsm('normal search');
+      $results = msa_solrquery_materiauxbreves($typed, $language, $user, $offset, $limit);
-    else{
-      // for anonymous
-      $results['could results'] = $could_results;
+    # only breves search (+ related materials)
+    else if(user_access('use materio search api for breves')){
+      // dsm('limited search');
+      $results = msa_solrquery_breves($typed, $language, $user, $offset, $limit);
-    // dsm($typed, 'typed');
     // for all case
     $ret['results']['#results'] = $results;
+    $ret['results']['#items'] = $results['items'];
+    $ret['results']['#index'] = $results['index'];
     $ret['results']['#theme'] = 'materio_search_api_results';
     $ret['results']['#keys'] = $typed;
     $ret['results']['#view_mode'] = $viewmode;
     // page title
     $page_title = $typed;
     drupal_set_title('<i class="icon-materio-search"></i>'.check_plain($page_title), PASS_THROUGH);
@@ -325,6 +200,198 @@ function materio_search_api_results_search(){
   return $ret;
+function msa_solrquery_materiauxbreves($typed, $language, $user, $offset, $limit){
+  // dsm($offset, 'offset');
+  // dsm($limit, 'limit');
+  // -- communs --//
+  # define default bundle option (materiaux, breves)
+  $default_bundles = array();
+  if(isset($taxo_index->options['data_alter_callbacks']['search_api_alter_bundle_filter']['settings']['bundles'])){
+    $indexed_bundles = $taxo_index->options['data_alter_callbacks']['search_api_alter_bundle_filter']['settings']['bundles'];
+    foreach ($indexed_bundles as $bundle) { $default_bundles[] = $bundle; }
+  }
+  # choose solr query bundle option
+  $bundles_filter = isset($user->data['materiosearchapi_bundlesfilter'])
+    ? $user->data['materiosearchapi_bundlesfilter']
+    : $default_bundles;
+  # choose solr query options
+  $query_options = array('conjunction'=>'OR', 'parse mode'=>'direct');
+  // -- -- taxo search -- -- //
+  # define search api solr index
+  $taxo_index_machine_name = variable_get('taxonomysearchindex_'.$language->language, -1);
+  $taxo_index = search_api_index_load($taxo_index_machine_name);
+  #create the solr query for taxonomy search
+  $taxo_query = search_api_query($taxo_index_machine_name, $query_options)
+    ->keys($typed);
+  # apply bundle options to solr query if usefull
+  if(count($bundles_filter)){
+    $filter = $taxo_query->createFilter('OR');
+    foreach ($bundles_filter as $type)
+      $filter->condition('type', $type, '=');
+    $taxo_query->filter($filter);
+  }
+  // $query->setOption('search_api_bypass_access', true);
+  # add user access solr query option
+  $taxo_query->setOption('search_api_access_account', $user);
+  #execute first time to get the all items, to be able to filter the full text research
+  $taxo_total_results = $taxo_query->execute();
+  // dsm($taxo_total_results, "taxo total results");
+  #add range to retriev the real current results
+  $taxo_query->range($offset, $limit);
+  # execute solr query and record results
+  $taxo_results = $taxo_query->execute();
+  // dsm($taxo_results, "taxo results");
+  $taxo_items = $taxo_index->loadItems(array_keys($taxo_results['results']));
+  // dsm($taxo_items, 'taxo items');
+  $taxo_results['items'] = $taxo_items;
+  $taxo_results['index'] = $taxo_index;//search_api_index_load($index_machine_name);
+  // -- -- full text search -- -- //
+  #define search api solr index
+  $fulltxt_index_machine_name = variable_get('fulltextsearchindex_'.$language->language, -1);
+  $fulltxt_index = search_api_index_load($fulltxt_index_machine_name);
+  #then calculate the good offset and limit for the complementary search 
+  $fulltxt_offset = $offset - $taxo_results['result count'];
+  #create the solr query for taxonomy search
+  $fulltxt_query = search_api_query($fulltxt_index_machine_name, $query_options)
+    ->keys($typed)
+    ->range(($fulltxt_offset > 0 ? $fulltxt_offset : 0), $limit); // change offset to match with the first query (taxonomy)
+  # apply bundle options to solr query if usefull
+  if(count($bundles_filter)){
+    $filter = $fulltxt_query->createFilter('OR');
+    foreach ($bundles_filter as $type)
+      $filter->condition('type', $type, '=');
+    $fulltxt_query->filter($filter);
+  }
+  # filter to remove precedent search query
+  $nid_filter = $fulltxt_query->createFilter('AND');
+  foreach ($taxo_total_results['results'] as $nid => $item)
+    $nid_filter->condition('nid', $nid, '<>');
+  $fulltxt_query->filter($nid_filter);
+  # add user access solr query option
+  $fulltxt_query->setOption('search_api_access_account', $user);
+  # execute solr query and record results
+  $fulltxt_results = $fulltxt_query->execute();
+  // dsm($fulltxt_results, "fulltxt_results");
+  # add the full text result count to the taxo result to have the total of items
+  $taxo_results['result count'] += $fulltxt_results['result count'];
+  # if we are at the end of the first search results list
+  if($fulltxt_offset >= 0){
+    $fulltxt_items = $fulltxt_index->loadItems(array_keys($fulltxt_results['results']));
+    // dsm($fulltxt_items, 'full txt items');
+    $taxo_results['items'] += $fulltxt_items;
+  }
+  # TODO:  cache the results with cache graceful :
+  return $taxo_results;
+function msa_solrquery_breves($typed, $language, $user, $offset, $limit){
+  $index_machine_name = variable_get('brevessearchindex_'.$language->language, -1);
+  // dsm($index_machine_name, '$index_machine_name');
+  $index = search_api_index_load($index_machine_name);
+  # choose solr query options
+  $query_options = array('conjunction'=>'OR', 'parse mode'=>'direct');
+  #create the solr query
+  $query = search_api_query($index_machine_name, $query_options)
+    ->keys($typed)
+    ->range($offset, $limit);
+  // $query->setOption('search_api_bypass_access', true);
+  # add user access solr query option
+  $query->setOption('search_api_access_account', $user);
+  # execute solr query and record results
+  $results = $query->execute();
+  // dsm($results, 'results');
+  $items = array();
+  $breves = $index->loadItems(array_keys($results['results']));
+  foreach ($breves as $nid => $breve) {
+    if(!node_access('view', $breve))
+      continue;
+    $items[] = $breve;
+    $materiaux = field_get_items('node',$breve,'field_materiau_ref');
+    // dsm($materiaux, 'materiaux');
+    if($materiaux){
+      foreach ($materiaux as $value) {
+        if(!isset($could_results['results'][$value['target_id']]))
+          continue;
+        $materiau = node_load($value['target_id']);
+        if(node_access('view', $materiau))
+          $items[] = $materiau;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  $results['items'] = $items;
+  $results['breves count'] = $results['result count'];
+  $results['result count'] = count($items);
+  #could
+  $could_index_machine_name = variable_get('fulltextsearchindex_'.$language->language, -1);
+  $could_index = search_api_index_load($could_index_machine_name);
+  # in case of free user search, run a real search to indicate how much items you could find
+  $could_query = search_api_query($could_index_machine_name, array('conjunction'=>'OR', 'parse mode'=>'direct'))
+  // ->keys(implode(' ', $keys))
+  ->keys($typed);
+  // ->range($offset, $limit);
+  // ->filter($filter);
+  $could_results = $could_query->execute();
+  // dsm($could_results, 'could_results');
+  $results['could results'] = $could_results;
+  //$results['#index'] = $index;//search_api_index_load($index_machine_name);
+  # TODO:  cache the results with cache graceful :
+  return $results;  
 * materio_search_api_actuality()

+ 1 - 8

@@ -1,12 +1,5 @@
 <div class="inner">
-  <?php
-  print render($searchform);
-  if(isset($advancedsearchform)){
-    print render($advancedsearchform);
-  }
-  ?>
+  <?php print render($searchform); ?>