Bladeren bron

merged materiobasemod submodule

Bachir Soussi Chiadmi 10 jaren geleden
56 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 8046 en 0 verwijderingen
  1. 27 0
  2. BIN
  3. 130 0
  4. 592 0
  5. 636 0
  6. 713 0
  7. 130 0
  8. 44 0
  9. 44 0
  10. 341 0
  11. 130 0
  12. 161 0
  13. 130 0
  14. 25 0
  15. 212 0
  16. 29 0
  17. 117 0
  18. 17 0
  19. 23 0
  20. 58 0
  21. 7 0
  22. 72 0
  23. 502 0
  24. 497 0
  25. 23 0
  26. 148 0
  27. 14 0
  28. 80 0
  29. 29 0
  30. 1046 0
  31. 479 0
  32. 29 0
  33. 68 0
  34. 247 0
  35. 29 0
  36. 77 0
  37. 23 0
  38. 653 0
  39. 58 0
  40. 25 0
  41. 44 0
  42. 31 0
  43. 3 0
  44. 3 0
  45. 5 0
  46. 19 0
  47. 9 0
  48. 39 0
  49. 19 0
  50. 3 0
  51. 67 0
  52. 5 0
  53. 3 0
  54. 1 0
  55. 65 0
  56. 65 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 27 - 0


File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 130 - 0

+ 592 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+ *
+ */
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// ===== TYPOGRAHIE ====================================================================================================== 
+.upper(){text-transform: uppercase;}
+.normal(){font-style: normal;}
+.hyphens(@value: auto)
+  -webkit-hyphens:@value;
+     -moz-hyphens:@value;
+      -ms-hyphens:@value;
+       -o-hyphens:@value;
+          hyphens:@value;
+.font-size(@value: 1em,@lineheight:1.3em)
+  font-size:@value;
+  line-height:@lineheight;
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// ===== SHORTCUTS ======================================================================================================= 
+// padding
+.p(@p){ padding:@arguments; }
+.p(@v, @h){ padding:@arguments; }
+.p(@t, @l, @b, @l){ padding:@arguments; }
+{ padding-top:@p; }{ padding-right:@p; }
+.pb(@p){ padding-bottom:@p; }{ padding-left:@p; }
+// margin
+.m(@p){ margin:@arguments; }
+.m(@v, @h){ margin:@arguments; }
+.m(@t, @l, @b, @l){ margin:@arguments; }
+{ margin-top:@m; }{ margin-right:@m; }
+.mb(@m){ margin-bottom:@m; }{ margin-left:@m; }
+.0(){ margin:0; padding:0; }
+// border
+.b(@b){ border: @b; }
+.b(@size, @color){ border: @size solid @color; }
+{ border-top: @b;}, @color){border-top: @size solid @color;}
+{ border-right: @b;}, @color){border-right: @size solid @color;}
+{ border-bottom: @b;}, @color){border-bottom: @size solid @color;}
+{ border-left: @b;}, @color){border-left: @size solid @color;}
+.bordered(@top-color: #EEE, @right-color: #EEE, @bottom-color: #EEE, @left-color: #EEE)
+  border-top   : solid 1px @top-color;
+  border-right : solid 1px @right-color;
+  border-bottom: solid 1px @bottom-color;
+  border-left  : solid 1px @left-color;
+// Background, @url, @repeat, @scrollfixed, @pos){background: @arguments;}
+.bgc(@color){background-color: @arguments;}
+.bkgd(@params){background: @arguments;}
+.bgca(@r, @g, @b, @a){
+  background-color: rgb(@r, @g, @b); // ie8
+  background-color: rgba(@r, @g, @b, @a);
+  *background-color: rgb(@r, @g, @b); // ie7 
+// Selection
+    &::selection {
+    	background:@bgcolor;
+    	color:@color;
+    }
+    &::-moz-selection {
+    	background:@bgcolor;
+    	color:@color;
+    }
+    &::-webkit-selection {
+    	background:@bgcolor;
+    	color:@color;
+    } 
+// Colors
+  &,
+  & *{color:@value;}
+// Opacity
+.opacity(@opacity: 0.5)
+  -webkit-opacity: @opacity;
+   -khtml-opacity: @opacity;
+     -moz-opacity: @opacity;
+          opacity: @opacity;
+// size
+.size(@height, @width) {
+  width: @width;
+  height: @height;
+.square(@size) {
+  .size(@size, @size);
+// center {
+  display: block;
+  margin-left: auto;
+  margin-right: auto;
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// ===== DISPLAY UTILS =================================================================================================== 
+// Inline blocks
+    display:moz-inline-stack;
+    display:inline-block;
+    vertical-align:@align;
+    zoom:1;
+    *display:inline;
+    .ie7 &, .ie8 &{display:block;float:left;}
+  .db; float:@align;
+.abs(@value) { position:absolute; top:@value; left:@value; bottom:@value; right:@value; }
+.abs(@top, @left) { position:absolute; top:@top; left:@left; }
+.abs(@top, @right, @bottom, @left) { position:absolute; top:@top; left:@left; bottom:@bottom; right:@right; };
+.fix(@value) { position:fixed; top:@value; left:@value; bottom:@value; right:@value; }
+.fix(@top, @left) { position:fixed; top:@top; left:@left; }
+.fix(@top, @right, @bottom, @left) { position:fixed; top:@top; left:@left; bottom:@bottom; right:@right; };
+// Columns system
+.g() { width:@g; }
+.col(@col,@coltotal:@n,@gutter:@g) {
+  width: @col * ( 100% - ((@coltotal - 1) * @gutter) ) / @coltotal + ((@col - 1) * @gutter);
+.inside-left(@col,@coltotal:@n,@gutter:@g) {
+  padding-left: @col * ( 100% - ((@coltotal - 1) * @gutter) ) / @coltotal + (@col * @gutter);
+.inside-right(@col,@coltotal:@n,@gutter:@g) {
+  padding-right: @col * ( 100% - ((@coltotal - 1) * @gutter) ) / @coltotal + (@col * @gutter);
+// Vertical alignement
+//    ___ .align-child()
+//   |
+//   |  Permet l’alignement vertical d’un objet par rapport à son premier parent (dans son conteneur direct). 
+//   |
+//   |  1 param   : @vertical-align
+  &:before { content: ""; .dib(middle); overflow: hidden; visibility: hidden; width: 0; height: 100%; }
+  & > * { .dib(@align); }
+  &:after{clear:both;content:'';display:block;height:0px;overflow:hidden;visibility:hidden;width:0px;}
+// For clearing floats like a boss
+.clearix() {
+  *zoom: 1;
+  &:before,
+  &:after {
+    display: table;
+    content: "";
+    // Fixes Opera/contenteditable bug:
+    //
+    line-height: 0;
+  }
+  &:after {
+    clear: both;
+  }
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// ===== CSS3 ============================================================================================================ 
+// Gradients
+.gradient(@color: #F5F5F5, @start: #EEE, @stop: #FFF)
+  background: @color;
+  background: -webkit-gradient(linear,
+                               left bottom,
+                               left top,
+                               color-stop(0, @start),
+                               color-stop(1, @stop));
+  background: -ms-linear-gradient(bottom,
+                                  @start,
+                                  @stop);
+  background: -moz-linear-gradient(center bottom,
+                                   @start 0%,
+                                   @stop 100%);
+} #F5F5F5, @start: 0, @stop: 255)
+  background: @color;
+  background: -webkit-gradient(linear,
+                               left bottom,
+                               left top,
+                               color-stop(0, rgb(@start,@start,@start)),
+                               color-stop(1, rgb(@stop,@stop,@stop)));
+  background: -ms-linear-gradient(bottom,
+                                  rgb(@start,@start,@start) 0%,
+                                  rgb(@start,@start,@start) 100%);
+  background: -moz-linear-gradient(center bottom,
+                                   rgb(@start,@start,@start) 0%,
+                                   rgb(@stop,@stop,@stop) 100%);
+// Shadows
+//    ___ .box-shadow()
+//   |
+//   |  Ombré extérieur.
+//   |
+//   |  1 param   : @blur
+//   |  2+ params : @horizontal / @vertical / @blur / @color: #000 / @spread: 0px
+//    ___ .inset-shadow()
+//   |
+//   |  Ombré intérieur.
+//   |
+//   |  1 param   : @blur
+//   |  2+ params : @horizontal / @vertical / @blur / @color: #000 / @spread: 0px
+// 9px)
+  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(OffX=0, OffY=0, Color='#000');
+  -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(OffX=0, OffY=0, Color='#000')";
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 @blur #000;
+     -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 @blur #000;
+      -ms-box-shadow: 0 0 @blur #000;
+          box-shadow: 0 0 @blur #000;
+}, @y, @blur: 9px, @color: #000, @spread: 0px)
+  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(OffX=@x, OffY=@y, Color=~'@{color}');
+  -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(OffX=@{x}, OffY=@{y}, Color='@{color}')";
+  -webkit-box-shadow: @x @y @blur @spread @color;
+     -moz-box-shadow: @x @y @blur @spread @color;
+      -ms-box-shadow: @x @y @blur @spread @color;
+          box-shadow: @x @y @blur @spread @color;
+.inset-shadow(@blur: 9px)
+  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(OffX=0, OffY=0, Color='#000');
+  -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(OffX=0, OffY=0, Color='#000')";
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 @blur #000 inset;
+     -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 @blur #000 inset;
+      -ms-box-shadow: 0 0 @blur #000 inset;
+          box-shadow: 0 0 @blur #000 inset;
+.inset-shadow(@x, @y, @blur: 9px, @color: #000, @spread: 0px)
+  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(OffX=@x, OffY=@y, Color=~'@{color}');
+  -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(OffX=0, OffY=0, Color='@{color}')";
+  -webkit-box-shadow: @x @y @blur @spread @color inset;
+     -moz-box-shadow: @x @y @blur @spread @color inset;
+      -ms-box-shadow: @x @y @blur @spread @color inset;
+          box-shadow: @x @y @blur @spread @color inset;
+.drop-shadow(@x-axis: 0, @y-axis: 1px, @blur: 2px, @alpha: 0.1)
+  -webkit-box-shadow: @x-axis @y-axis @blur rgba(0, 0, 0, @alpha);
+  -moz-box-shadow: @x-axis @y-axis @blur rgba(0, 0, 0, @alpha);
+  box-shadow: @x-axis @y-axis @blur rgba(0, 0, 0, @alpha);
+// Border radius
+.rounded(@radius: 2px)
+  -webkit-border-radius: @radius;
+     -moz-border-radius: @radius;
+          border-radius: @radius;
+  -webkit-background-clip: padding-box;
+     -moz-background-clip: padding;
+          background-clip: padding-box; 
+.border-radius(@topleft: 0, @topright: 0, @bottomright: 0, @bottomleft: 0)
+	-webkit-border-radius:@arguments;
+	   -moz-border-radius:@arguments;
+	        border-radius:@arguments;
+  -webkit-background-clip: padding-box;
+     -moz-background-clip: padding;
+          background-clip: padding-box; 
+// transitions
+.transition-simply-prefix(@string) {
+  -webkit-transition: @string;
+  -moz-transition: @string;
+  -o-transition: @string;
+  transition: @string;
+//    ___ .transition()
+//   |
+//   |  1 param   : @property
+//   |  2 params  : @property / @duration
+//   |  3+ params : @property / @duration / @transitiondelay:0s , @timingfunction:ease-out
+//    ___ .transitions()
+//   |
+//   |  Permet de fixer des paramètres spécifique par propriétés, exemple:
+//   |  
+//   |  .transitions(
+//   |     'height , padding  , margin , box-shadow',
+//   |     '.5s    , .2s      , .2s    , .2s',
+//   |     '0s     , 0s       , 0s     , .3s',
+//   |     'linear , ease-out , linear , ease-out'
+//   |  );
+.transition(@property: all)
+  -webkit-transition: @property;
+     -moz-transition: @property;
+       -o-transition: @property;
+          transition: @property;
+.transition(@property, @duration)
+  -webkit-transition: @arguments;
+     -moz-transition: @arguments;
+       -o-transition: @arguments;
+          transition: @arguments;
+.transition(@property, @duration, @transitiondelay, @timingfunction:ease-out)
+  -webkit-transition: @arguments;
+     -moz-transition: @arguments;
+       -o-transition: @arguments;
+          transition: @arguments;
+.transitions(@property: all, @duration:0s, @transitiondelay:0s, @timingfunction:ease-out)
+  -webkit-transition-property       :~'@{property}';
+  -webkit-transition-duration       :~'@{duration}';
+  -webkit-transition-delay          :~'@{transitiondelay}';
+  -webkit-transition-timing-function:~'@{timingfunction}';
+     -moz-transition-property       :~'@{property}';
+     -moz-transition-duration       :~'@{duration}';
+     -moz-transition-delay          :~'@{transitiondelay}';
+     -moz-transition-timing-function:~'@{timingfunction}';
+       -o-transition-property       :~'@{property}';
+       -o-transition-duration       :~'@{duration}';
+       -o-transition-delay          :~'@{transitiondelay}';
+       -o-transition-timing-function:~'@{timingfunction}';
+          transition-property       :~'@{property}';
+          transition-duration       :~'@{duration}';
+          transition-delay          :~'@{transitiondelay}';
+          transition-timing-function:~'@{timingfunction}';
+.transitions-duration(@duration: 0s)
+  -webkit-transition-duration: ~'@{duration}';
+     -moz-transition-duration: ~'@{duration}';
+       -o-transition-duration: ~'@{duration}';
+          transition-duration: ~'@{duration}';
+.transition-duration(@duration: 0.2s)
+  -webkit-transition-duration: @duration;
+     -moz-transition-duration: @duration;
+       -o-transition-duration: @duration;
+          transition-duration: @duration;
+.transitions-delay(@delay: 0s)
+  -webkit-transition-delay: ~'@{delay}';
+     -moz-transition-delay: ~'@{delay}';
+       -o-transition-delay: ~'@{delay}';
+          transition-delay: ~'@{delay}';
+// Rotate
+//    ___ .rotation()
+//   |
+//   |  1 param   : @degree
+//    ___ .rotate()
+//   |  
+//   |  Tentative de compatibilté étendue (fonctionne uniquement pour 0, 90, 180 ou 270 degrés).
+//   |  
+//   |  1 param  : @degree
+//   |  3 params : @degree / @originX / @originY
+  -webkit-transform: rotate(@deg);
+     -moz-transform: rotate(@deg);
+          transform: rotate(@deg);
+.rotate(@value, @originX:0%, @originY:0%, @unit:'deg')
+  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation = (360 / @value) + 1); //0, 1, 2, or 3 rotate 0, 90, 180 or 270
+  -webkit-transform: rotate(~"@{value}@{unit}"); // ~"@{value}@{unit}" rather than @value@unit remove the spaces between value and unit.
+     -moz-transform: rotate(~"@{value}@{unit}");
+      -ms-transform: rotate(~"@{value}@{unit}");
+       -o-transform: rotate(~"@{value}@{unit}");
+          transform: rotate(~"@{value}@{unit}");
+  -webkit-transform-origin:@originX @originY;
+     -moz-transform-origin:@originX @originY;
+      -ms-transform-origin:@originX @originY;
+       -o-transform-origin:@originX @originY;
+          transform-origin:@originX @originY;
+// Scale
+  -webkit-transform:scale(@ratio);
+     -moz-transform:scale(@ratio);
+          transform:scale(@ratio);
+// Translate
+.translate(@x:0, @y:0)
+  -webkit-transform: translate(@x, @y);
+     -moz-transform: translate(@x, @y);
+      -ms-transform: translate(@x, @y);
+       -o-transform: translate(@x, @y);
+          transform: translate(@x, @y);
+// Columns
+.columns(@colwidth: 250px, @colcount: 0, @colgap: 50px, @columnRuleColor: #EEE, @columnRuleStyle: solid, @columnRuleWidth: 1px)
+  -webkit-column-width     : @colwidth;
+  -webkit-column-count     : @colcount;
+  -webkit-column-gap       : @colgap;
+  -webkit-column-rule-color: @columnRuleColor;
+  -webkit-column-rule-style: @columnRuleStyle;
+  -webkit-column-rule-width: @columnRuleWidth;
+     -moz-column-width     : @colwidth;
+     -moz-column-count     : @colcount;
+     -moz-column-gap       : @colgap;
+     -moz-column-rule-color: @columnRuleColor;
+     -moz-column-rule-style: @columnRuleStyle;
+     -moz-column-rule-width: @columnRuleWidth;
+          column-width     : @colwidth;
+          column-count     : @colcount;
+          column-gap       : @colgap;
+          column-rule-color: @columnRuleColor;
+          column-rule-style: @columnRuleStyle;
+          column-rule-width: @columnRuleWidth;
+  .dib;
+  background-color:@bc;
+  border:1px solid;
+  border-color:darken(desaturate(@bc, 35%),15%) darken(desaturate(@bc, 35%),15%) darken(desaturate(@bc, 35%),20%);
+  .rounded;
+  color: @c;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  .font-size(.8em,1em);
+  font-weight: normal;
+  padding: 0.25em 0.75em;
+  margin-top:.5em;
+  &:hover{background-color:darken(@bc, 20%);}
+  &:active{
+    text-shadow: 0 1px 0 lighten(@bc,5%);
+    background-color:darken(@bc, 20%);
+    //.inset-shadow(0,0,2px,darken(@bc,60));
+  }
+  // Safari/chrome
+  &::-webkit-progress-bar{background-color:@bc;.rounded(@radius);}
+  &::-webkit-progress-value{background-color:@fc;.rounded(@radius);}
+  // Firefox
+  &{background-color:@bc;.rounded(@radius);height:@h;}
+  &::-moz-progress-bar{background-color:@fc;.rounded(@radius);}
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// ===== RETINA ========================================================================================================== 
+// retina.less
+// A helper mixin for applying high-resolution background images (
+.at2x(@path, @w: auto, @h: auto) {
+  background-image: url(@path);
+  @at2x_path: ~`"@{path}".split('.').slice(0, "@{path}".split('.').length - 1).join(".") + "@2x" + "." + "@{path}".split('.')["@{path}".split('.').length - 1]`;
+  @media all and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio : 1.5) {
+    background-image: url(@at2x_path);
+    background-size: @w @h;
+  }

+ 636 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+/** font */
+.upper{text-transform: uppercase;}
+.normal{font-style: normal;}
+/** shortcuts */
+ *
+ */
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// ===== TYPOGRAHIE ====================================================================================================== 
+.upper(){text-transform: uppercase;}
+.normal(){font-style: normal;}
+.hyphens(@value: auto)
+  -webkit-hyphens:@value;
+     -moz-hyphens:@value;
+      -ms-hyphens:@value;
+       -o-hyphens:@value;
+          hyphens:@value;
+.font-size(@value: 1em,@lineheight:1.3em)
+  font-size:@value;
+  line-height:@lineheight;
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// ===== SHORTCUTS ======================================================================================================= 
+>>>>>>> bitbucket/master
+// padding
+.p(@p){ padding:@arguments; }
+.p(@v, @h){ padding:@arguments; }
+.p(@t, @l, @b, @l){ padding:@arguments; }
+{ padding-top:@p; }{ padding-right:@p; }
+.pb(@p){ padding-bottom:@p; }{ padding-left:@p; }
+// margin
+.m(@p){ margin:@arguments; }
+.m(@v, @h){ margin:@arguments; }
+.m(@t, @l, @b, @l){ margin:@arguments; }
+{ margin-top:@m; }{ margin-right:@m; }
+.mb(@m){ margin-bottom:@m; }{ margin-left:@m; }
+.0(){ margin:0; padding:0; }
+// border
+.b(@b){ border: @b; }
+.b(@size, @color){ border: @size solid @color; }
+{ border-top: @b;}, @color){border-top: @size solid @color;}
+{ border-right: @b;}, @color){border-right: @size solid @color;}
+{ border-bottom: @b;}, @color){border-bottom: @size solid @color;}
+{ border-left: @b;}, @color){border-left: @size solid @color;}
+.bordered(@top-color: #EEE, @right-color: #EEE, @bottom-color: #EEE, @left-color: #EEE)
+  border-top   : solid 1px @top-color;
+  border-right : solid 1px @right-color;
+  border-bottom: solid 1px @bottom-color;
+  border-left  : solid 1px @left-color;
+// Background, @url, @repeat, @scrollfixed, @pos){background: @arguments;}
+.bgc(@color){background-color: @arguments;}
+.bkgd(@params){background: @arguments;}
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+// opacity
+.opacity(@opacity: 0.5) {
+  -moz-opacity: @opacity;
+  -khtml-opacity: @opacity;
+  -webkit-opacity: @opacity;
+  opacity: @opacity;
+/** Inline blocks */
+		display:moz-inline-stack;
+		display:inline-block;
+		vertical-align:top;
+		zoom:1;
+		*display:inline;
+	/*	margin-right:-.25em;*/
+		.ie7 &{display:inline;}
+// selection style
+// Selection
+>>>>>>> bitbucket/master
+    &::selection {
+    	background:@bgcolor;
+    	color:@color;
+    }
+    &::-moz-selection {
+    	background:@bgcolor;
+    	color:@color;
+    }
+    &::-webkit-selection {
+    	background:@bgcolor;
+    	color:@color;
+    } 
+// Colors
+  &,
+  & *{color:@value;}
+// Opacity
+.opacity(@opacity: 0.5)
+  -webkit-opacity: @opacity;
+   -khtml-opacity: @opacity;
+     -moz-opacity: @opacity;
+          opacity: @opacity;
+// size
+.size(@height, @width) {
+  width: @width;
+  height: @height;
+.square(@size) {
+  .size(@size, @size);
+// center {
+  display: block;
+  margin-left: auto;
+  margin-right: auto;
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// ===== DISPLAY UTILS =================================================================================================== 
+// Inline blocks
+    display:moz-inline-stack;
+    display:inline-block;
+    vertical-align:@align;
+    zoom:1;
+    *display:inline;
+    .ie7 &, .ie8 &{display:block;float:left;}
+// Vertical alignement
+//    ___ .align-child()
+//   |
+//   |  Permet l’alignement vertical d’un objet par rapport à son premier parent (dans son conteneur direct). 
+//   |
+//   |  1 param   : @vertical-align
+  &:before { content: ""; .dib(middle); overflow: hidden; visibility: hidden; width: 0; height: 100%; }
+  & > * { .dib(@align); }
+  &:after{clear:both;content:'';display:block;height:0px;overflow:hidden;visibility:hidden;width:0px;}
+// For clearing floats like a boss
+.clearix() {
+  *zoom: 1;
+  &:before,
+  &:after {
+    display: table;
+    content: "";
+    // Fixes Opera/contenteditable bug:
+    //
+    line-height: 0;
+  }
+  &:after {
+    clear: both;
+  }
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// ===== CSS3 ============================================================================================================ 
+// Gradients
+.gradient(@color: #F5F5F5, @start: #EEE, @stop: #FFF)
+  background: @color;
+  background: -webkit-gradient(linear,
+                               left bottom,
+                               left top,
+                               color-stop(0, @start),
+                               color-stop(1, @stop));
+  background: -ms-linear-gradient(bottom,
+                                  @start,
+                                  @stop);
+  background: -moz-linear-gradient(center bottom,
+                                   @start 0%,
+                                   @stop 100%);
+} #F5F5F5, @start: 0, @stop: 255)
+  background: @color;
+  background: -webkit-gradient(linear,
+                               left bottom,
+                               left top,
+                               color-stop(0, rgb(@start,@start,@start)),
+                               color-stop(1, rgb(@stop,@stop,@stop)));
+  background: -ms-linear-gradient(bottom,
+                                  rgb(@start,@start,@start) 0%,
+                                  rgb(@start,@start,@start) 100%);
+  background: -moz-linear-gradient(center bottom,
+                                   rgb(@start,@start,@start) 0%,
+                                   rgb(@stop,@stop,@stop) 100%);
+// Shadows
+//    ___ .box-shadow()
+//   |
+//   |  Ombré extérieur.
+//   |
+//   |  1 param   : @blur
+//   |  2+ params : @horizontal / @vertical / @blur / @color: #000 / @spread: 0px
+//    ___ .inset-shadow()
+//   |
+//   |  Ombré intérieur.
+//   |
+//   |  1 param   : @blur
+//   |  2+ params : @horizontal / @vertical / @blur / @color: #000 / @spread: 0px
+// 9px)
+  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(OffX=0, OffY=0, Color='#000');
+  -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(OffX=0, OffY=0, Color='#000')";
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 @blur #000;
+     -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 @blur #000;
+      -ms-box-shadow: 0 0 @blur #000;
+          box-shadow: 0 0 @blur #000;
+}, @y, @blur: 9px, @color: #000, @spread: 0px)
+  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(OffX=@x, OffY=@y, Color=~'@{color}');
+  -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(OffX=@{x}, OffY=@{y}, Color='@{color}')";
+  -webkit-box-shadow: @x @y @blur @spread @color;
+     -moz-box-shadow: @x @y @blur @spread @color;
+      -ms-box-shadow: @x @y @blur @spread @color;
+          box-shadow: @x @y @blur @spread @color;
+.inset-shadow(@blur: 9px)
+  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(OffX=0, OffY=0, Color='#000');
+  -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(OffX=0, OffY=0, Color='#000')";
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 @blur #000 inset;
+     -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 @blur #000 inset;
+      -ms-box-shadow: 0 0 @blur #000 inset;
+          box-shadow: 0 0 @blur #000 inset;
+.inset-shadow(@x, @y, @blur: 9px, @color: #000, @spread: 0px)
+  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(OffX=@x, OffY=@y, Color=~'@{color}');
+  -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(OffX=0, OffY=0, Color='@{color}')";
+  -webkit-box-shadow: @x @y @blur @spread @color inset;
+     -moz-box-shadow: @x @y @blur @spread @color inset;
+      -ms-box-shadow: @x @y @blur @spread @color inset;
+          box-shadow: @x @y @blur @spread @color inset;
+// Border radius
+.rounded(@radius: 2px)
+  -webkit-border-radius: @radius;
+     -moz-border-radius: @radius;
+          border-radius: @radius;
+  -webkit-background-clip: padding-box;
+     -moz-background-clip: padding;
+          background-clip: padding-box; 
+.border-radius(@topleft: 0, @topright: 0, @bottomright: 0, @bottomleft: 0)
+	-webkit-border-radius:@arguments;
+	   -moz-border-radius:@arguments;
+	        border-radius:@arguments;
+  -webkit-background-clip: padding-box;
+     -moz-background-clip: padding;
+          background-clip: padding-box; 
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+// transitions
+.transition-simply-prefix(@string) {
+  -webkit-transition: @string;
+  -moz-transition: @string;
+  -o-transition: @string;
+  transition: @string;
+// Transition
+//    ___ .transition()
+//   |
+//   |  1 param   : @property
+//   |  2 params  : @property / @duration
+//   |  3+ params : @property / @duration / @transitiondelay:0s , @timingfunction:ease-out
+//    ___ .transitions()
+//   |
+//   |  Permet de fixer des paramètres spécifique par propriétés, exemple:
+//   |  
+//   |  .transitions(
+//   |     'height , padding  , margin , box-shadow',
+//   |     '.5s    , .2s      , .2s    , .2s',
+//   |     '0s     , 0s       , 0s     , .3s',
+//   |     'linear , ease-out , linear , ease-out'
+//   |  );
+.transition(@property: all)
+  -webkit-transition: @property;
+     -moz-transition: @property;
+       -o-transition: @property;
+          transition: @property;
+>>>>>>> bitbucket/master
+.transition(@property, @duration)
+  -webkit-transition: @arguments;
+     -moz-transition: @arguments;
+       -o-transition: @arguments;
+          transition: @arguments;
+.transition(@property, @duration, @transitiondelay, @timingfunction:ease-out)
+  -webkit-transition: @arguments;
+     -moz-transition: @arguments;
+       -o-transition: @arguments;
+          transition: @arguments;
+.transitions(@property: all, @duration:0s, @transitiondelay:0s, @timingfunction:ease-out)
+  -webkit-transition-property       :~'@{property}';
+  -webkit-transition-duration       :~'@{duration}';
+  -webkit-transition-delay          :~'@{transitiondelay}';
+  -webkit-transition-timing-function:~'@{timingfunction}';
+     -moz-transition-property       :~'@{property}';
+     -moz-transition-duration       :~'@{duration}';
+     -moz-transition-delay          :~'@{transitiondelay}';
+     -moz-transition-timing-function:~'@{timingfunction}';
+       -o-transition-property       :~'@{property}';
+       -o-transition-duration       :~'@{duration}';
+       -o-transition-delay          :~'@{transitiondelay}';
+       -o-transition-timing-function:~'@{timingfunction}';
+          transition-property       :~'@{property}';
+          transition-duration       :~'@{duration}';
+          transition-delay          :~'@{transitiondelay}';
+          transition-timing-function:~'@{timingfunction}';
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+.transition(@p, @d, @e, @de) {
+  -webkit-transition: @arguments;
+  -moz-transition: @arguments;
+  -o-transition: @arguments;
+  transition: @arguments;
+.transition-delay(@delay: 0s) {
+  -webkit-transition-delay: @delay;
+  -moz-transition-delay: @delay;
+  -o-transition-delay: @delay;
+  transition-delay: @delay;
+// rotation
+.transitions-duration(@duration: 0s)
+  -webkit-transition-duration: ~'@{duration}';
+     -moz-transition-duration: ~'@{duration}';
+       -o-transition-duration: ~'@{duration}';
+          transition-duration: ~'@{duration}';
+.transition-duration(@duration: 0.2s)
+  -webkit-transition-duration: @duration;
+     -moz-transition-duration: @duration;
+       -o-transition-duration: @duration;
+          transition-duration: @duration;
+// Rotate
+//    ___ .rotation()
+//   |
+//   |  1 param   : @degree
+//    ___ .rotate()
+//   |  
+//   |  Tentative de compatibilté étendue (fonctionne uniquement pour 0, 90, 180 ou 270 degrés).
+//   |  
+//   |  1 param  : @degree
+//   |  3 params : @degree / @originX / @originY
+>>>>>>> bitbucket/master
+  -webkit-transform: rotate(@deg);
+     -moz-transform: rotate(@deg);
+          transform: rotate(@deg);
+.rotate(@value, @originX:0%, @originY:0%, @unit:'deg')
+  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation = (360 / @value) + 1); //0, 1, 2, or 3 rotate 0, 90, 180 or 270
+  -webkit-transform: rotate(~"@{value}@{unit}"); // ~"@{value}@{unit}" rather than @value@unit remove the spaces between value and unit.
+     -moz-transform: rotate(~"@{value}@{unit}");
+      -ms-transform: rotate(~"@{value}@{unit}");
+       -o-transform: rotate(~"@{value}@{unit}");
+          transform: rotate(~"@{value}@{unit}");
+  -webkit-transform-origin:@originX @originY;
+     -moz-transform-origin:@originX @originY;
+      -ms-transform-origin:@originX @originY;
+       -o-transform-origin:@originX @originY;
+          transform-origin:@originX @originY;
+// Scale
+  -webkit-transform:scale(@ratio);
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+  -moz-transform:scale(@ratio);
+  transform:scale(@ratio);
+// columns
+.columns(@colwidth: 250px) {
+  -moz-column-width: @colwidth;
+  -webkit-column-width: @colwidth;
+  column-width: @colwidth;
+.columns(@colwidth: 250px, @colcount: 0, @colgap: 50px, @columnRuleColor: #EEE, @columnRuleStyle: solid, @columnRuleWidth: 1px) {
+  -moz-column-width: @colwidth;
+  -moz-column-count: @colcount;
+  -moz-column-gap: @colgap;
+  -moz-column-rule-color: @columnRuleColor;
+  -moz-column-rule-style: @columnRuleStyle;
+  -moz-column-rule-width: @columnRuleWidth;
+  -webkit-column-width: @colwidth;
+  -webkit-column-count: @colcount;
+  -webkit-column-gap: @colgap;
+     -moz-transform:scale(@ratio);
+          transform:scale(@ratio);
+// Translate
+.translate(@x:0, @y:0)
+  -webkit-transform: translate(@x, @y);
+     -moz-transform: translate(@x, @y);
+      -ms-transform: translate(@x, @y);
+       -o-transform: translate(@x, @y);
+          transform: translate(@x, @y);
+// Columns
+.columns(@colwidth: 250px, @colcount: 0, @colgap: 50px, @columnRuleColor: #EEE, @columnRuleStyle: solid, @columnRuleWidth: 1px)
+  -webkit-column-width     : @colwidth;
+  -webkit-column-count     : @colcount;
+  -webkit-column-gap       : @colgap;
+>>>>>>> bitbucket/master
+  -webkit-column-rule-color: @columnRuleColor;
+  -webkit-column-rule-style: @columnRuleStyle;
+  -webkit-column-rule-width: @columnRuleWidth;
+     -moz-column-width     : @colwidth;
+     -moz-column-count     : @colcount;
+     -moz-column-gap       : @colgap;
+     -moz-column-rule-color: @columnRuleColor;
+     -moz-column-rule-style: @columnRuleStyle;
+     -moz-column-rule-width: @columnRuleWidth;
+          column-width     : @colwidth;
+          column-count     : @colcount;
+          column-gap       : @colgap;
+          column-rule-color: @columnRuleColor;
+          column-rule-style: @columnRuleStyle;
+          column-rule-width: @columnRuleWidth;
+  .dib;
+  background-color:@bc;
+  border:1px solid;
+  border-color:darken(desaturate(@bc, 35%),15%) darken(desaturate(@bc, 35%),15%) darken(desaturate(@bc, 35%),20%);
+  .rounded;
+  color: @c;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  .font-size(.8em,1em);
+  font-weight: normal;
+  padding: 0.25em 0.75em;
+  margin-top:.5em;
+  &:hover{background-color:darken(@bc, 20%);}
+  &:active{
+    text-shadow: 0 1px 0 lighten(@bc,5%);
+    background-color:darken(@bc, 20%);
+    //.inset-shadow(0,0,2px,darken(@bc,60));
+  }
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// =
+// ===== RETINA ========================================================================================================== 
+// retina.less
+// A helper mixin for applying high-resolution background images (
+.at2x(@path, @w: auto, @h: auto) {
+  background-image: url(@path);
+  @at2x_path: ~`"@{path}".split('.').slice(0, "@{path}".split('.').length - 1).join(".") + "@2x" + "." + "@{path}".split('.')["@{path}".split('.').length - 1]`;
+  @media all and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio : 1.5) {
+    background-image: url(@at2x_path);
+    background-size: @w @h;
+  }  

+ 713 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,713 @@
+// @codekit-prepend "gui.js"
+// @koala-prepend "gui.js"
+(function($) {
+MaterioFlag = function(){
+  var _isLoadingList = false ;
+  /**
+  * init()
+  */
+  function init(){
+    //trace('MaterioFlag :: init MaterioFlag');
+    buildBlocks();
+    $(document)
+      .bind('flagGlobalAfterLinkUpdate', onFlaging)
+      .bind('resultscompleted resultschanged previewloaded', onResultsUpdated)
+      .bind('init-scroller-pager', onInitScrollerPager)
+      .bind('load-scroller-pager', onLoadScrollerPager)
+      .bind('view-mode-changed', onViewModeChanged)
+      .bind('history-state-change', onHistoryStateChange);
+    // ajaxifyLinks();
+    // trigger updated event for direct html loading
+    if(isList()){
+      setTimeout(function(){
+        triggerContentChanged();
+      }, 10);
+    }
+  };
+  function onFlaging(event){
+    //trace('MaterioFlag :: onFlaging', event);
+    refreshBlocks();
+  };
+  function onResultsUpdated(event){
+    //trace('MaterioFlag :: onResultsUpdated', event);
+    ajaxifyLinks(event.container);
+  };
+  function buildBlocks(activename){
+    //trace('MaterioFlag :: buildBlocks | activename', activename);
+    if($('#block-materio-flag-materio-flag-mybookmarks').length){
+      var type = 'bookmarks';
+      var block = '#block-materio-flag-materio-flag-mybookmarks';
+    }else if($('#block-materio-flag-materio-flag-mylists').length){
+      var type = 'lists';
+      var block = '#block-materio-flag-materio-flag-mylists';
+    }
+    switch(type){
+      case 'bookmarks':
+        var name = type;
+        $('h2 .listname', block).attr('name', name).bind('click', onClickShowPreview);
+        $('<i class="icon-remove"></i>').appendTo($('h2', block)).attr('name', name).bind('click', onClickClosePreview);
+        // $('<span class="preview"><i class="icon-eye-open"></i></span>').appendTo($('h2', block)).bind('click', onClickShowPreview);
+        // if(!readCookie('materiobookmarkspreviewopened')){
+        //   showPreview('bookmarks', block);
+        // }else{
+        // }
+        break;
+      case 'lists':
+        // nav block
+        $('', '#block-materio-flag-materio-flag-mylists-nav').each(function(index){
+          //trace('nav block this', this);
+          $this = $(this)
+            .bind('click', onClickOpenLink)
+            .addClass('ajax-processed');
+          var name = $this.attr('class').match(/flag_lists_[^_]+_[0-9]+/);
+          // trace('MaterioFlag :: name', name);
+          $('<span class="preview"><i class="icon-eye-open"></i></span>').attr('name', name).insertAfter($this).bind('click', onClickShowPreview);
+        });
+        $('a.edit-list:not(.ajax-processed)', '#block-materio-flag-materio-flag-mylists-nav')
+          .bind('click', onCLickEditList)
+          .addClass('ajax-processed');
+        $('a.flag-lists-create:not(.ajax-processed)', '#block-materio-flag-materio-flag-mylists-nav')
+          .bind('click', onClickCreatLink)
+          .addClass('ajax-processed');
+        // preview block
+        $('section.flag-list:not(.ajax-processed)', '#block-materio-flag-materio-flag-mylists').each(function(index){
+          var name = $(this).attr('class').match(/flag_lists_[^_]+_[0-9]+/);
+          $('<i class="icon-remove"></i>').appendTo($('h2.listname', this)).attr('name', name).bind('click', onClickClosePreview);
+          $('',  this).bind('click', onClickOpenLink);
+        }).addClass('ajax-processed');
+        break;
+    }
+    // trigger refresh block event for enabling lazyload images
+    setTimeout(function(){
+      $.event.trigger({
+        type : 'my'+type+'-block-builded',
+        block : block,
+        name : name
+      });
+    },10);
+    // trace('MaterioFlag :: activename', activename);
+    if(activename == undefined)
+      activename = readCookie('materiomyflaglistsopened');
+    // trace('MaterioFlag :: activename', activename);
+    if(activename)
+      showPreview(activename, block);
+  };
+  function refreshBlocks(name){
+    //trace('MaterioFlag :: refreshBlocks | name', name);
+    if($('#block-materio-flag-materio-flag-mybookmarks').length){
+      var type = 'bookmarks';
+    }else if($('#block-materio-flag-materio-flag-mylists').length){
+      var type = 'lists';
+    }
+    if(type != undefined){
+      var id = '#block-materio-flag-materio-flag-my'+type;
+      var url = Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+'materioflag/refresh/block/'+type;
+      $.getJSON(url, function(json){
+        // trace('MaterioFlag :: block refreshed '+type, json);
+        $(id).replaceWith(json.block);
+        $('#block-materio-flag-materio-flag-mylists-nav').replaceWith(json.block_nav);
+        buildBlocks(name);
+        $.event.trigger({
+          type : 'my'+type+'-block-updated',
+          listname : name
+        });
+      });
+    }
+  };
+  function ajaxifyLinks(container){
+    //trace('MaterioFlag :: ajaxifyLinks', container);
+    container = ((container != null) ? container : 'body');
+    // trace('MaterioFlag :: typeof Drupal.flagLink', typeof Drupal.flagLink);
+    if (typeof Drupal.flagLink != 'undefined')
+      Drupal.flagLink(container);
+    if(isList()){
+      var fid = $('.materio-flags-list', '#content').attr('fid');
+      $('li.unflag-action.fid-'+fid+' a:not(.ajax-processed), li.flag-bookmarks a.unflag-action:not(.ajax-processed)')
+        .bind('click', onUnflagList)
+        .addClass('ajax-processed');
+    }
+    $('a.flag-lists-create:not(.ajax-processed)', container)
+      .bind('click', onClickCreatLink)
+      .addClass('ajax-processed');
+  };
+  /**
+  * show hide preview
+  */
+  function onClickShowPreview(event){
+    //trace('MaterioFlag :: onClickShowPreview', event);
+    showPreview($(this).attr('name'), $(this).parent('.block').attr('id'));
+  };
+  function showPreview(name, block){
+    //trace('MaterioFlag :: showPreview', name);
+    $('section.'+name, block).addClass('active')
+      .siblings('section').removeClass('active');
+    createCookie('materiomyflaglistsopened', name, 1);
+    $.event.trigger('init-layout');
+  };
+  function onClickClosePreview(event){
+    //trace('MaterioFlag :: onClickClosePreview', event);
+    eraseCookie('materiomyflaglistsopened');
+    if($(this).attr('name') == 'bookmarks'){
+      $(this).parents('.block').find('section.bookmarks').removeClass('active');
+    }else{
+      $(this).parents('section.flag-list').removeClass('active');
+    }
+    $.event.trigger('init-layout');
+  };
+  /**
+  * onClickOpenLink
+  */
+  function onClickOpenLink(event){
+    event.preventDefault();
+    var $link = $(event.currentTarget);
+    var fid = $link.attr('href').match(/lists\/([0-9]+)$/);
+    // trace('MaterioFlag :: type', type);
+    loadList(fid[1]);
+    return false;
+  };
+  function loadList(fid){
+    //trace('MaterioFlag :: loadList | fid', fid);
+    var url = Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+'materioflag/ajax/list/'+fid;
+    $.event.trigger('loading-content');
+    $.getJSON(url, {'current_path':document.location.href},function(json){
+      //trace('MaterioFlag :: json', json);
+      if(json.redirect){
+        window.location = json.redirect;
+      }else{
+        changeContent(json);
+      }
+    });
+  };
+  function changeContent(json){
+    if(json.rendered){
+      $('.inner-content','#content').html(json.rendered);
+      $.event.trigger('loaded-content');
+      // no need of ajaxifylinks because it's triggered with resultschanged
+      // ajaxifyLinks('#content');
+      var path = Drupal.settings.basePath + Drupal.settings.pathPrefix + json.path;
+      $.event.trigger({
+        type : 'new-history-page',
+        path : path,
+        title : json.title,
+        content : json.rendered
+      });
+      // TODO:  change language links for folders
+      // for (language in Drupal.settings.materio_search_api_ajax.languages) {
+      //   var l = Drupal.settings.materio_search_api_ajax.languages[language];
+      //   $('#block-locale-language li.'+language+' a').attr('href', Drupal.settings.basePath + l.prefix+'/' + json.search_path + '/' + json.keys)
+      // };
+      triggerContentChanged();
+    }else{
+      //trace('MaterioFlag :: no results');
+    }
+  };
+  function triggerContentChanged(){
+    $.event.trigger({
+      type: 'resultschanged',
+      container : '#content .flaglist-items'
+    });
+  };
+  /**
+  * onClickCreatLink(event)
+  */
+  function onClickCreatLink(event){
+    //trace('MaterioFlag :: onClickCreatLink | event', event);
+    event.preventDefault();
+    var $link = $(event.currentTarget);
+    var type = $link.attr('href').match(/[^\/]*$/);
+    // trace('MaterioFlag :: type', type);
+    var url = Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+'materioflag/createlist/form/'+type[0];
+    $.getJSON(url, function(json){
+      //trace('MaterioFlag :: creat list : json', json);
+      showCreateListForm(json, $link);
+    });
+    return false;
+  };
+  function showCreateListForm(json, $link){
+    //trace('MaterioFlag :: showCreateListForm | json', json);
+    // google analytics
+    $.event.trigger({
+      type:"record-stat",
+      categorie:"flagLists",
+      action: 'show create form'
+    });
+    var $modal = $('<div id="modal" class="modal"/>').appendTo('body');
+    $modal
+      .css({
+        position:'absolute',
+        top:'40%', left:'50%',
+        marginLeft:'-150px', width:'300px',
+        zIndex:"99999"
+      })
+      .append(json.rendered_form)
+      .find('input[type="submit"]', '#materio-flag-create-list-form').bind('click', function(event) {
+        event.preventDefault();
+        switch($(this).attr('name')){
+          case 'cancel':
+            //trace('MaterioFlag :: cancel',event);
+            $(this).parents('#modal').remove();
+            // google analytics
+            $.event.trigger({
+              type:"record-stat",
+              categorie:"flagLists",
+              action: 'cancel create form'
+            });
+            break;
+          case 'create':
+            //trace('MaterioFlag :: create',event);
+            var title = $(this).parents('form').find('input[name*="flag-lists-name"]').val();
+            var type = $(this).parents('form').find('input[name*="type"]').val();
+            // google analytics
+            $.event.trigger({
+              type : "record-stat",
+              categorie : "flagLists",
+              action : "submit create form",
+              label : 'title : '+title
+            });
+            createList($modal, type, title, $link);
+            break;
+        }
+        return false;
+      })
+      .parents('form').find('input[type="text"]').focus();
+      // TODO:  esc keypressed close the form
+  };
+  function createList($modal, type, title, $link){
+    //trace('materioflag :: createList | title', title);
+    $('.flag-lists-create').addClass('loading');
+    var url = Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+'flag-lists/add/'+type+'/js';
+    $.getJSON(url, {name:title}, function(data) {
+      if (data.error) {
+        //trace(data.error);
+      }
+      else {
+        // select.append('<option value="'+data.flag.fid+'">'+data.flag.title+'</option>');
+        // $('', $(this)).val('');
+        // dialog.dialog('close');
+        //trace('MaterioFlag :: created list : data', data);
+        if($link.attr('nid') && $link.attr('token')){
+          flagEntityWithList(, $link.attr('nid'), $link.attr('token'));
+        }else{
+          refreshBlocks(;
+          refreshNodeLinks();
+        }
+        $modal.remove();
+      }
+    });
+  };
+  function flagEntityWithList(name, nid, token){
+    //trace('MaterioFlag :: flagEntityWithList | name', name);
+    // var ret;
+    // Send POST request
+    $.ajax({
+      type: 'POST',
+      url: Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+'flag-lists/flag/'+name+'/'+nid,
+      data: { js: true, token: token },
+      dataType: 'json',
+      success: function (data2) {
+        //trace('MaterioFlag :: node taged with newly created list : data2', data2)
+        if (data2.status) {
+          // google analytics
+           $.event.trigger({
+              type : "record-stat",
+              categorie : 'FlagLists',
+              action : 'node flaged',
+              label : 'nid : '+nid+' | flag : '+name
+            });
+          refreshBlocks(name);
+          refreshNodeLinks();
+        }else {
+          // Failure.
+          alert(data2.errorMessage);
+        }
+      },
+      error: function (xmlhttp) {
+        alert('An HTTP error '+ xmlhttp.status +' occurred.\n'+ element.href);
+      }
+    });
+  };
+  function refreshNodeLinks(){
+    //trace('MaterioFlag :: refreshNodeLinks');
+    var nids = new Array();
+    $('.flag-lists-entity-links')
+      // .addClass('loading')
+      .parents('.node')
+        .each(function(index) {
+          nids.push($(this).attr('class').match(/node-([0-9]+)/)[1]);
+        });
+    // trace('MaterioFlag :: nids', nids);
+    var url = Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+'materioflag/nodelinks';
+    $.getJSON(url, {nids:nids.join(";")}, function(data) {
+      // trace('MaterioFlag :: data', data);
+      for(nid in data.links){
+        // trace('MaterioFlag :: nid', nid);
+        // trace('MaterioFlag :: data.links[nid]', data.links[nid]);
+        $('.node-'+nid+' .flag-lists-entity-links').replaceWith(data.links[nid]);
+        // trace('MaterioFlag :: typeof Drupal.flagLink', typeof Drupal.flagLink);
+        // if (typeof Drupal.flagLink != 'undefined')
+        //   Drupal.flagLink($('.node-'+nid+' .flag-lists-entity-links'));
+        // TODO:  sortir ajaxifyLinks de la boucle, je pense que ça prend trop de ressources
+        ajaxifyLinks('.node-'+nid+' .flag-lists-entity-links');
+      }
+    });
+    $.event.trigger({
+      type : 'materioflag-nodelinks-updated',
+      nids : nids
+    });
+  };
+  /**
+  * onCLickEditList(event)
+  */
+  function onCLickEditList(event){
+    //trace('MaterioFlag :: onCLickEditList | event', event);
+    // TODO:  empécher le double formulaire
+    event.preventDefault();
+    var $link = $(event.currentTarget);
+    var lid = $link.attr('href').match(/[^\/]*$/);
+    var type = 'materiau'; // this is cheap
+    var url = Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+'materioflag/editlistform/'+type+'/'+lid[0];
+    $.getJSON(url, function(json){
+      //trace('MaterioFlag :: editlist : json', json);
+      showEditListForm(json, $link);
+    });
+    return false;
+  };
+  function showEditListForm(json, $link){
+    //trace('MaterioFlag :: showEditListForm | json', json);
+    // google analytics
+    $.event.trigger({
+      type:"record-stat",
+      categorie:"flagLists",
+      action: 'show edit form'
+    });
+    var $modal = $('<div id="modal" class="modal"/>').appendTo('body');
+    $modal
+      .css({
+        position:'absolute',
+        top:'40%', left:'50%',
+        marginLeft:'-150px', width:'300px',
+        zIndex:"99999"
+      })
+      .append(json.rendered_form)
+      .find('input[type="submit"]', '#materio-flag-edit-list-form').bind('click', function(event) {
+        event.preventDefault();
+        var $form = $(this).parents('form');
+        var title = $form.find('input[name*="flag-lists-title"]').val();
+        var fid = $form.find('input[name*="fid"]').val();
+        var name = $form.find('input[name*="name"]').val();
+        switch($(this).attr('name')){
+          case 'cancel':
+            //trace('MaterioFlag :: cancel',event);
+            $(this).parents('#modal').remove();
+            // google analytics
+            var action = 'cancel edit form';
+            break;
+          case 'save':
+            //trace('MaterioFlag :: create',event);
+            // google analytics
+            var action = "submit edit form";
+            saveList($modal, fid, name, title);
+            break;
+          case 'delete':
+            //trace('MaterioFlag :: delete',event);
+            if(confirm('Do you realy want to delete your '+title+' folder ?')){
+              var action = "submit delete form";
+              deleteList($modal, fid);
+            }else{
+              var action = "cancel delete form";
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+        // google analytics
+        $.event.trigger({
+          type:"record-stat",
+          categorie:"flagLists",
+          action: action
+        });
+        return false;
+      })
+      .parents('form').find('input[type="text"]').focus();
+      // TODO:  esc keypressed close the form
+  };
+  function saveList($modal, fid, name, title){
+    //trace('MaterioFlag :: saveList | fid : '+fid+'| name', name);
+    $('.flag-lists-link.fid-'+fid).addClass('loading');
+    var url = Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+'materioflag/editlist/'+fid+'/'+name+'/'+title;
+    $.getJSON(url, function(data) {
+      if (data.error) {
+        // trace(data.error);
+        if(data.message)
+          alert(data.message);
+      }
+      else {
+        //trace('MaterioFlag :: saved list : data', data);
+        $.event.trigger({
+          type : 'list-edited',
+          name : data.listname,
+          title : data.title,
+        });
+        refreshBlocks();
+        refreshNodeLinks();
+        $modal.remove();
+      }
+    });
+  };
+  function deleteList($modal, fid){
+    //trace('MaterioFlag :: deletelist | fid', fid);
+    $('.flag-lists-link.fid-'+fid).hide();
+    var url = Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+'materioflag/deletelist/'+fid;
+    $.getJSON(url, function(data) {
+      if (data.error) {
+        // trace(data.error);
+        if(data.message)
+          alert(data.message);
+      }
+      else {
+        //trace('MaterioFlag :: deleted list : data', data);
+        refreshBlocks();
+        refreshNodeLinks();
+        // TODO:  if the deleted list was the current displayed list ??
+        $modal.remove();
+      }
+    });
+  };
+  /**
+  * onUnflagList()
+  */
+  function onUnflagList(event){
+    //trace('onUnflagList', event);
+    $(this).parents('article.node').addClass('removed');
+  };
+  /**
+  *
+  */
+  function onInitScrollerPager(event){
+    // trace('MaterioFlag :: MaterioFlag :: onInitScrollerPager');
+    if (isList()){
+      // trace('MaterioFlag :: event.pager', event);
+      event.pager.hide();
+    }
+  };
+  function onLoadScrollerPager(event){
+    if (isList())
+      loadNextListPage(event.href);
+  };
+  function loadNextListPage(href){
+    // trace('MaterioFlag :: loadNextListPage', href);
+    if(!_isLoadingList){
+      var fid = href.match(/lists\/([^\/|\?]+)/);
+      var page = href.match(/\?page=([0-9]+)/);
+      var url = Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+'materioflag/ajax/list/'+fid[1]+'/'+page[1];
+      // trace('MaterioFlag :: url', url);
+      loadNextPage(url, $('.materio-flags-list', '#content'), '.flaglist-items');
+    }
+  };
+  function loadNextPage(url, $container, target){
+    //trace('MaterioFlag :: loadNextPage');
+    _isLoadingList = true;
+    $container.addClass('loading');
+    $.getJSON(url, function(json){
+      //trace('json', json);
+      _isLoadingList = false;
+      $container.removeClass('loading');
+      addNextpage(json, target);
+    });
+  };
+  function addNextpage(json, container_class){
+    var $newcontent = $(json.rendered),
+        $newitems = $(container_class, $newcontent).children('article').addClass('just-added'),
+        $newpager = $('ul.pager', $newcontent);
+    $(container_class, '#content').append($newitems);
+    $('ul.pager', '#content').replaceWith($newpager.hide());
+    // TODO: animation, this should be on theme side
+    $(container_class, '#content').children('.just-added').each(function(i){
+      // $(this).delay(5000*i).removeClass('just-added');
+      var $this = $(this);
+      setTimeout(function(){
+        $this.removeClass('just-added');
+      }, 150*i);
+    });
+    $.event.trigger({
+      type : 'resultscompleted',
+      container : $(container_class, '#content')
+    });
+  };
+  function onViewModeChanged(event){
+    if (isList())
+      loadList(getFid());
+  };
+  /**
+  * history
+  */
+  function onHistoryStateChange(event){
+    if(isList())
+      triggerContentChanged();
+  };
+  /**
+  * Helpers
+  */
+  function getFid(){
+    return $('.materio-flags-list', '#content').attr('fid');;
+  };
+  function isList(){
+    return $('.materio-flags-list', '#content').length;
+  };
+  /**
+  * cookies
+  */
+  function createCookie(name,value,days) {
+    if (days) {
+      var date = new Date();
+      date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000));
+      var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
+    }
+    else var expires = "";
+    document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";
+  }
+  function readCookie(name) {
+    var nameEQ = name + "=";
+    var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
+    for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
+      var c = ca[i];
+      while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);
+      if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
+  function eraseCookie(name) {
+    createCookie(name,"",-1);
+  }
+  init();
+$(document).ready(function() {
+  var materioflag = new MaterioFlag();

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 130 - 0

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// @codekit-prepend "gui.js"
+// @koala-prepend "gui.js"
+(function($) {
+MaterioPageTitle = function(){
+  function init(){
+    $(document)
+      .bind('materio-page-title-refresh-block', onRefreshBlock)
+      .bind('list-edited', onListEdited);
+  };
+  function onRefreshBlock(event){
+    trace('MaterioPageTitle :: onRefreshBlock', event);
+    // var url = Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+'materio_page_title/refresh/block';
+    // $.getJSON(url, function(json){
+    //   trace('page title json', json);
+    //   $('#block-materio-page-title-materio-page-title').replaceWith(json.block);
+    // });
+    if(typeof event.title !== 'undefined')
+      $('#block-materio-page-title-materio-page-title h1').html(event.title);
+  };
+  function onListEdited(event){
+    trace('MaterioPageTitle :: onListEdited', event);
+    // this is for refreshing page title when list title was just edited AND this list is the cirreunt list
+    if($("#materio-page-title ."
+      $('''click');
+  };
+  init();
+$(document).ready(function() {
+  var materiopagetitle = new MaterioPageTitle();

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// @codekit-prepend "gui.js"
+// @koala-prepend "gui.js"
+(function($) {
+MaterioPageTitle = function(){
+  function init(){
+    $(document)
+      .bind('materio-page-title-refresh-block', onRefreshBlock)
+      .bind('list-edited', onListEdited);
+  };
+  function onRefreshBlock(event){
+    trace('MaterioPageTitle :: onRefreshBlock', event);
+    // var url = Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+'materio_page_title/refresh/block';
+    // $.getJSON(url, function(json){
+    //   trace('page title json', json);
+    //   $('#block-materio-page-title-materio-page-title').replaceWith(json.block);
+    // });
+    if(typeof event.title !== 'undefined')
+      $('#block-materio-page-title-materio-page-title h1').html(event.title);
+  };
+  function onListEdited(event){
+    trace('MaterioPageTitle :: onListEdited', event);
+    // this is for refreshing page title when list title was just edited AND this list is the cirreunt list
+    if($("#materio-page-title ."
+      $('''click');
+  };
+  init();
+$(document).ready(function() {
+  var materiopagetitle = new MaterioPageTitle();

+ 341 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+// @codekit-prepend "gui.js"
+// @koala-prepend "gui_ck_fw/gui.js"
+(function($) {
+MaterioSearchApiAjax = function(){
+  var _isloadingresults = false;
+  var _$content = $('#content');
+  // TODO:  define $content by module settings
+  /**
+  * init()
+  */
+  function init(){
+    //trace('init MaterioSearchApiAjax');
+    initSearchAjax();
+    initViewMode();
+  };
+  /**
+  * searchAjax
+  */
+  function initSearchAjax(){
+    // trace('initSearchAjax');
+    $('#materio-search-api-search-form').bind('submit', function(event) {
+      // trace('search submited', event);
+      // var $this = $(this);
+      setTimeout(function(){
+        loadResults(getSearchKeys());
+      },10);
+      return false;
+    });
+    // /!\ AUTOCOMPLETE SELECT EVENT need a patch
+    $("#edit-searchfield")
+      .bind('autocompleteSelect', function(event) {
+        // $(this).parents('.form').trigger('submit');
+        setTimeout(function(){
+          loadResults(getSearchKeys(), "taxonomy");
+        },10);
+      })
+      .bind('focus', function(event){
+        $(this).select();
+      });
+    $(document)
+      .bind('theme-ready', onThemeReady)
+      .bind('init-scroller-pager', onInitScrollerPager)
+      .bind('load-scroller-pager', onLoadScrollerPager)
+      .bind('view-mode-changed', onViewModeChanged)
+      .bind('history-state-change', onHistoryStateChange);
+  };
+  function onThemeReady(event){
+    // trace('MaterioSearchApiAjax :: onThemeReady');
+    if( isActuality() || isExplore() ){
+      $.event.trigger({
+        type : 'resultschanged',
+        container : isActuality() ? '#content .actuality-items' : '#content .search-results'
+      });
+    }
+  };
+  function getSearchKeys(){
+    return $('#materio-search-api-search-form').find('input[name*="searchfield"]').val();
+  };
+  function loadResults(keys, searchmode){
+    //trace('keys', keys);
+    if(keys !== undefined && keys !== ''  && keys.length >= 2){
+      keys = keys.replace('/', ' ');
+      // define mode (between full text or only term selected on autocompletion)
+      searchmode = searchmode || "fulltext";
+      // record the "node type filter" form item
+      var types = {}, stringTypes = [];
+      $('#edit-bundles-filter', '#materio-search-api-search-form').find('input[type*="checkbox"]').each(function(i){
+        $this = $(this);
+        if ( $this.attr('checked') )
+          stringTypes.push($this.val());
+        types[$this.val()] = $this.attr('checked');
+      });
+      //trace('types', types);
+      if(!_isloadingresults){
+        $.event.trigger('loading-content');
+        _isloadingresults = true;
+        $('#materio-search-api-search-form').addClass('loading');
+        // trace('window.location.href',window.location.href);
+        // TODO:  record ajax path in a variable from materio_search_api_ajax_init
+        $.getJSON(Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+'materio_search_api_ajax/search/',
+          {'types':types,'current_path':document.location.href, 'keys':keys, 'searchmode':searchmode},
+          function(json){
+            //trace('json', json);
+            // google analytics
+            $.event.trigger({
+              type : "record-stat",
+              categorie : 'Search',
+              action : keys,
+              label : 'filters : '+ stringTypes.join(' ,'),
+              value : json.count
+            });
+            if(json.redirect){
+              window.location = json.redirect;
+            }else{
+              $.event.trigger('loaded-content');
+              _isloadingresults = false;
+              $('#materio-search-api-search-form').removeClass('loading');
+              changeContent(json);
+            }
+        });
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  function loadActuality(){
+    if(!_isloadingresults){
+      $.event.trigger('loading-content');
+      _isloadingresults = true;
+      $('#materio-search-api-search-form').addClass('loading');
+      var url = Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+'materio_search_api_ajax/actuality';
+      $.getJSON(url,
+        function(json){
+          //trace('json', json);
+          $.event.trigger('loaded-content');
+          _isloadingresults = false;
+          $('#materio-search-api-search-form').removeClass('loading');
+          changeContent(json);
+      });
+    }
+  };
+  function changeContent(json){
+    //trace('MaterioSearchApiAjax changeContent | json', json);
+    if(json.returned){
+      $.event.trigger('loaded-content');
+      $('.inner-content',_$content).html(json.returned).find('ul.pager').hide();
+      triggerContentChanged();
+    }else{
+      //trace('no results');
+    }
+    $.event.trigger({
+      type : 'new-history-page',
+      path : Drupal.settings.basePath + Drupal.settings.pathPrefix + json.path,
+      title : json.title,
+      content : json.returned
+    });
+    for (language in Drupal.settings.materio_search_api_ajax.languages) {
+      var l = Drupal.settings.materio_search_api_ajax.languages[language];
+      $('#block-locale-language li.'+language+' a').attr('href', Drupal.settings.basePath + l.prefix+'/' + json.search_path + '/' + json.keys)
+    };
+  };
+  function triggerContentChanged(){
+    //trace('MaterioSearchApiAjax :: triggerContentChanged');
+    $.event.trigger({
+      type : 'resultschanged',
+      container : '#content .search-results, #content .actuality-items'
+    });
+  };
+  function onInitScrollerPager(event){
+    // trace("onInitScrollerPager");
+    if(isActuality() || isExplore())
+      event.pager.hide();
+  };
+  function onLoadScrollerPager(event){
+    // trace("onLoadScrollerPager");
+    if(!_isloadingresults){
+      if (isExplore())
+        loadNextResultsPage(event.href);
+      if(isActuality())
+        loadNextActualityPage(event.href);
+    }
+  };
+  function loadNextResultsPage(href){
+    // trace('loadNextResultsPage');
+    var keys = href.match(/explore\/([^\/|\?]+)/);
+    var page = href.match(/\?page=([0-9]+)/);
+    var url = Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+'materio_search_api_ajax/search/'+page[1];
+    loadNextPage(url, keys[1], $('.materiobase-results', _$content), '.search-results');
+  };
+  function loadNextActualityPage(href){
+    // trace('loadNextActualityPage');
+    var page = href.match(/\?page=([0-9]+)/);
+    var url = Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+'materio_search_api_ajax/actuality/'+page[1];
+    loadNextPage(url, '', $('.materiobase-actuality', _$content), '.actuality-items');
+  };
+  function loadNextPage(url, keys, $container, target){
+    // trace('MaterioSearchApiAjax :: loadNextPage()');
+    _isloadingresults = true;
+    $container.addClass('loading');
+    $.getJSON(url, {'keys':keys}, function(json){
+      //trace('json', json);
+      $container.removeClass('loading');
+      addNextpage(json, target);
+      // addNextpageItemByItem($(json.return), target);
+    });
+  };
+  function addNextpage(json, container_class){
+    // trace('json',json);
+    if(json){
+      var $newcontent = $(json.returned),
+          $newitems = $(container_class, $newcontent).children('article'), //.addClass('just-added'),
+          $newpager = $('ul.pager', $newcontent);
+      $(container_class, _$content).append($newitems);
+      $('ul.pager', _$content).replaceWith($newpager.hide());
+      // TODO: animation, this should be on theme side
+      $(container_class, _$content).children('.just-added').each(function(i){
+        var $this = $(this);
+        setTimeout(function(){
+          $this.removeClass('just-added');
+        }, 150*i);
+      });
+      $.event.trigger({
+        type : 'resultscompleted',
+        container : $(container_class, _$content)
+      });
+    }
+    _isloadingresults = false;
+  };
+  // TEST not used
+  function addNextpageItemByItem($newcontent, container_class){
+    //trace('MaterioSearchApiAjax :: addNextpageItemByItem()');
+    $('ul.pager', _$content).remove();
+    $(container_class, _$content).append($(container_class, $newcontent).children('article').eq(0));
+    if($(container_class, $newcontent).children('article').length){
+      setTimeout(function(){
+        addNextpageItemByItem($newcontent, container_class);
+      }, 200);
+    }else{
+      _isloadingresults = false;
+      $('ul.pager', _$content).replaceWith($('ul.pager', $newcontent).hide());
+      $.event.trigger({
+        type : 'resultscompleted',
+        container : $(container_class, _$content)
+      });
+    }
+  };
+  /**
+  * viewmode
+  */
+  function initViewMode(){
+    $('.viewmode-link').click(function(event){
+      event.preventDefault();
+      if(!$(this).is('.active')){
+        $(this).trigger({type:'vm-clicked'});
+        changeViewMode($(this).attr('rel'), $(this));
+      }else{
+        $(this).trigger({type:'vm-clicked-active'});
+      }
+      return false;
+    });
+  };
+  function changeViewMode(vm, $btn){
+    if(!_isloadingresults){
+      _isloadingresults = true;
+      $.getJSON(Drupal.settings.basePath+'materio_search_api_ajax/viewmode/change/'+vm, function(json){
+        //trace('viewmode json', json);
+      _isloadingresults = false;
+        if (json.statut == "saved"){
+          // google analytics
+          $.event.trigger({
+            type : "record-stat",
+            categorie : 'Viewmode',
+            action : vm,
+            label : isActuality() ? 'Actualities' : 'Search results'
+          });
+          $.event.trigger('view-mode-changed');
+          $('.viewmode-link, .viewmode-link i').removeClass('active');
+          $btn.addClass('active').find('i').addClass('active');
+        }
+      });
+    }
+  };
+  function onViewModeChanged(event){
+    if (isExplore())
+      loadResults(getSearchKeys());
+    if(isActuality())
+      loadActuality();
+  };
+  /**
+  * history
+  */
+  function onHistoryStateChange(event){
+    if(isExplore() || isActuality())
+      triggerContentChanged();
+    // TODO:  pushstate trogger state change, so we have a retriggerring here on loading new results … how to avoid this
+  };
+  /**
+  * helpers
+  */
+  function isExplore(){
+     return $('.search-results', '#content').length;
+  };
+  function isActuality(){
+    return $('.actuality-items', '#content').length;
+  };
+  init();
+$(document).ready(function() {
+  var materiosearchapiajax = new MaterioSearchApiAjax();

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 130 - 0

+ 161 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+// @codekit-prepend "gui.js"
+// @koala-prepend "gui_ck_fw/gui.js"
+(function($) {
+MaterioUser = function(){
+  var _isAdhesion = $('body').is('.page-node-11187') || $('body').is('.page-node-11186');
+  function init() {
+    //trace('MaterioUser init compile test 3');
+    if(_isAdhesion)
+      initAdhesion();
+  };
+  function initAdhesion(){
+    // trace('initAdhesion');
+    $('.get-link a').bind('click', function(event) {
+      // trace('get-link click');
+      // do not show the registration form if already logged-in
+      if($('body').is('.logged-in'))
+        return true;
+      // else show the ajaxified registration form
+      event.preventDefault();
+      var  $this = $(this),
+             href = $this.attr("href"),
+             destination = href.match('/\?destination=([^,]+)');
+      destination = "/" + destination[1].replace('%23', '#');
+      destination = destination.replace('//', '/');
+      // trace('destination', destination);
+      if($this.parents('.gratos').size()){
+        loadRegisterBlock(destination);
+      }else{
+        loadLoginAndRegisterBlock(destination);
+      }
+      return false;
+    });
+  };
+  function loadRegisterBlock (destination) {
+    // trace("loadRegisterBlock :: dest = "+destination);
+    $.getJSON(Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+'materio_user/registerblock', function(json){formLoaded(json, destination);});
+  }
+  function loadLoginAndRegisterBlock(destination){
+    // trace('loadRegistrationBlock :: dest = '+destination);
+    $.getJSON(Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+'materio_user/loginandregisterblock', function(json){formLoaded(json, destination);});
+  };
+  function formLoaded(json, destination){
+    //trace('formLoaded | json', json);
+    var $modal = $('<div>').addClass('modal-content').append(json.block);
+    var id,label, description;
+    $('input.form-text', $modal).each(function(i) {
+      id = $(this).attr('id');
+      label = $('label[for='+id+']').hide().text();
+      description = $(this).parent().find('.description').hide().text();
+      $(this).attr('placeholder', label).attr('title', description);
+    });
+    // $('.homepage-textfield', $modal).hide();
+    $('body').append($('<div>').addClass('modal-wrapper').append($modal));
+    $('.modal-wrapper').bind('click', function(event) {
+      $(this).remove();
+    });
+    $('.modal-content').bind('click', function(event) {
+     event.stopPropagation();
+    });
+    // doesn't work
+    // Drupal.attachBehaviors('bodi>.modal-wrapper');
+    $.event.trigger('ajax-register-block-loaded');
+    $("#user-register-form #edit-submit, #user-register-form #edit-submit--2", $modal).click(function(event){
+      event.preventDefault();
+      // disable submit button to avoid duplicate user creation
+      // console.log('click', this);
+      $(this).attr('disabled', 'true');
+      $.ajax({
+        type: 'POST',
+        dataType:'json',
+        url: Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+"materio_user/register/submit",
+        data: $('#user-register-form', $modal).serialize(),
+        success: function(data) { onUserLoginRegisterSubmit($('#user-register-form'), data, destination);},
+        error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { trace('error : '+textStatus+' | '+errorThrown); }
+      });
+      return false;
+    });
+     $("#user-login #edit-submit", $modal).click(function(event){
+      event.preventDefault();
+      $.ajax({
+        type: 'POST',
+        dataType:'json',
+        url: Drupal.settings.basePath+Drupal.settings.pathPrefix+"materio_user/login/submit",
+        data: $('#user-login', $modal).serialize(),
+        success: function(data){ onUserLoginRegisterSubmit($('#user-login'), data, destination); },
+        error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { trace('error : '+textStatus+' | '+errorThrown); }
+      });
+      return false;
+    });
+    // google analytics
+    // $.event.trigger({
+    //   type : "record-stat",
+    //   categorie : 'Search',
+    //   action : keys,
+    //   label : 'filters : '+ stringTypes.join(' ,'),
+    //   value : json.count
+    // });
+  };
+  function onUserLoginRegisterSubmit($form, data, destination){
+    // console.log('data', data);
+    cleanModalErrors();
+    if(data.errors != null){
+      for(field in data.errors){
+        $('input[name='+field+']', $form).addClass('error');
+        $form.prepend($('<div>').addClass('message-error').html(data.errors[field]));
+      }
+      (function($form){
+        setTimeout(function(){
+          console.log('enabled');
+          $('input[type=submit]', $form).removeAttr('disabled');
+        }, 0.5*1000);
+      })($form);
+    }else{
+      // trace('destination = '+destination);
+      window.location.pathname = destination;
+    }
+  };
+  function cleanModalErrors() {
+    $('.message-error', '.modal-content').remove();
+    $('input', '.modal-content').removeClass('error');
+  }
+  init();
+$(document).ready(function() {
+  var materiouser = new MaterioUser();

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 130 - 0

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+name = Materio Admin
+description = "Materio admin module"
+; Core version (required)
+core = 7.x
+; Package name (see for a list of names)
+package = Materio
+; PHP version requirement (optional)
+; php = 5.2
+; Loadable code files
+; Module dependencies
+; dependencies[] = user
+;dependencies[] = logintoboggan
+;dependencies[] = simplenews
+;dependencies[] = rules
+; Configuration page
+; configure = admin/config/materiobasemod
+; For further information about configuration options, see
+; -

+ 212 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+ * Implements hook_permission().
+ */
+function materio_admin_permission() {
+  return array(
+    'access default users list' =>  array(
+      'title' => t('Access default users list'),
+      'description' => t('Access default users list.'),
+    ),
+    'access default UC roles expiration list' => array(
+      'title' => t('access default UC roles expiration list'),
+      'description' => t('access default UC roles expiration list.'),
+    ),
+    'access duplicate mails list' => array(
+      'title' => t('access duplicate mails list'),
+      'description' => t('access duplicate mails list.'),
+    ),
+  );
+ * Implements hook_menu().
+ */
+function materio_admin_menu() {
+  $items['admin/users/duplicatemails'] = array(
+    'title' => "Duplicate mails",
+    'page callback' => 'materio_duplicatemails',
+    'access callback' => 'user_access',
+    'access arguments' => array('access duplicate mails list'),
+    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK
+  );
+  if(module_exists('simplenews')){
+    $cats = simplenews_category_list();
+    // dsm($cats, 'cats');
+    foreach ($cats as $tid => $name) {
+      // $items['node/%node/simplenews'] = array(
+      //   'title' => 'Newsletter',
+      //   'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
+      //   'access callback' => 'simplenews_node_tab_access',
+      //   'access arguments' => array(1),
+      //   'page callback' => 'simplenews_node_tab_page',
+      //   'page arguments' => array(1),
+      //   'context' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
+      //   'file' => 'includes/',
+      //   'weight' => 2,
+      // );
+      $items['node/add/simplenews/'.$tid] = array(
+        'title' => $name,
+        'title callback' => 'check_plain',
+        'page callback' => 'node_add',
+        'page arguments' => array('simplenews'),
+        'access callback' => 'node_access',
+        'access arguments' => array('create', 'simplenews'),
+        'file path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'node'),
+        'file' => '',
+      );
+    }
+  }
+  return $items;
+function materio_duplicatemails(){
+  $mails = db_query('SELECT mail FROM {users} GROUP BY mail HAVING count(mail) > 1')->fetchCol();
+  // Bail out early if there are no duplicates.
+  if (!$mails) {
+    return t('All accounts have unique email addresses.');
+  }
+  // Grab all the user data for accounts with addresses identified as
+  // duplicates. This is a little convoluted, but it lets us grab all the user
+  // data in one shot.
+  $uids = db_select('users', 'u')
+    ->fields('u', array('uid'))
+    ->condition('mail', $mails, 'IN')
+    ->orderBy('access', 'DESC')
+    ->execute()
+    ->fetchCol();
+  $duplicate_users = user_load_multiple($uids);
+  $duplicate_mails = array();
+  foreach ($duplicate_users as $duplicate_user) {
+    $duplicate_mails[$duplicate_user->mail][] = $duplicate_user;
+  }
+  // Turn the data we've got into markup.
+  $output = t('Accounts with duplicate email address:') . '<br />';
+  $output = "<ul>";
+  foreach ($duplicate_mails as $mail => $users) {
+    $output .= "<li> <strong>$mail</strong> : <br />";
+    $accounts = array();
+    foreach ($users as $duplicate_user) {
+       $accounts[] =  l($duplicate_user->name, "user/{$duplicate_user->uid}") . ' ('. date('Y-m-d', $duplicate_user->access) .')';
+    }
+    $output .= implode(', ', $accounts);
+      $output .= '</li>';
+  }
+  $output .= "</ul>";
+  return $output;
+ * Implements hook_menu_alter().
+ */
+function materio_admin_menu_alter(&$items){
+  // dsm($items, 'menu alter items');
+  if(isset($items['admin/people'])){
+    $items['admin/people']['access arguments'] = array('access default users list');
+    // dsm($items['admin/people']);
+  }
+  if(isset($items['admin/people/expiration'])){
+    $items['admin/people/expiration']['access arguments'] = array('access default UC roles expiration list');
+    // dsm($items['admin/people/expiration']);
+  }
+  # deactivate default home page
+  $items['node']['access callback'] = FALSE;
+  // if(isset($items['admin/content/add/simplenews'])){
+    // delete($items['admin/content/add/simplenews']);
+  //   $cats = simplenews_category_list();
+  //   dsm($cats, 'cats');
+  //   foreach ($cats as $tid => $name) {
+  //     $items['admin/content/add/simplenews/'.$tid]
+  //   }
+  // }
+ * Implements hook_menu_local_tasks_alter().
+ */
+function materio_admin_menu_local_tasks_alter(&$data, $router_item, $root_path) {
+  if ($root_path == 'admin/people/simplenews') {
+    $item = menu_get_item('admin/content/simplenews');
+    if ($item['access']) {
+      $item['title'] = 'Go to '.$item['title'];
+      $data['actions']['output'][] = array(
+        '#theme' => 'menu_local_task',
+        '#link' => $item,
+      );
+    }
+  }
+  if ($root_path == 'admin/content/simplenews') {
+    $cats = simplenews_category_list();
+    foreach ($cats as $tid => $name) {
+      $item = menu_get_item('node/add/simplenews/'.$tid);
+      $item['title'] = 'Add new '.$name;
+      if ($item['access']) {
+        $data['actions']['output'][] = array(
+          '#theme' => 'menu_local_task',
+          '#link' => $item,
+        );
+      }
+    }
+    $item = menu_get_item('admin/people/simplenews');
+    if ($item['access']) {
+      $item['title'] = 'Go to '.$item['title'];
+      $data['actions']['output'][] = array(
+        '#theme' => 'menu_local_task',
+        '#link' => $item,
+      );
+    }
+  }
+  * Implements hook_form_alter().
+  */
+function materio_admin_form_simplenews_node_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
+  // dsm($form_id, '$form_id');
+  // dsm($form_state, '$form_state');
+  // dsm($form, '$form');
+  // dsm($_GET, 'GET');
+  if(!$form['nid']['#value']){
+    $cats = simplenews_category_list();
+    $cats_tids = array_keys($cats);
+    $q = parse_url($_GET['q']);
+    $cat = array_pop(explode('/', $q['path']));
+    // dsm($cat, 'cat');
+    if(in_array($cat, $cats_tids)){
+      // prepopulate type of news
+      $form['field_simplenews_term']['und']['#default_value'] = $cat;
+      $form['field_simplenews_term']['und']['#disabled'] = true;
+      // change default template regarding type of news
+      $form['body']['und'][0]['#default_value'] = materio_admin_getSimplenewsNodeBodyTemplate($cat);
+    }
+  }else{
+    $form['field_simplenews_term']['und']['#disabled'] = true;
+  }
+  $form['body']['und'][0]['#rows'] = 50;
+function materio_admin_getSimplenewsNodeBodyTemplate($cat){
+  return file_get_contents(drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_admin').'/templates/simplenews_'.$cat.'_node.html');

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+name = Materio Didactique
+description = "Materio Didactique module"
+; Core version (required)
+core = 7.x
+; Package name (see for a list of names)
+package = Materio
+; PHP version requirement (optional)
+; php = 5.2
+; Loadable code files
+;files[] =
+;files[] =
+files[] =
+;files[] =
+files[] = materio_didactique.module
+; Module dependencies
+;dependencies[] = taxonomy
+;dependencies[] = search_api
+;dependencies[] = search_api_solr
+; Configuration page
+; configure = admin/config/materiobasemod
+; For further information about configuration options, see
+; -

+ 117 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ * Implements hook_permission().
+ */
+function materio_didactique_permission() {
+  return array(
+    'view materio didactique home block' =>  array(
+      'title' => t('view materio didactique home block'),
+      'description' => t(''),
+    ),
+    'access materio didactique page' =>  array(
+      'title' => t('access materio didactique page'),
+      'description' => t(''),
+    ),
+  );
+ * Implements hook_menu().
+ */
+function materio_didactique_menu() {
+  $items['whoweare'] = array(
+    'title' => 'Who we are',
+    'page callback' => 'materio_didactique_get_page',
+    // 'page arguments' => array(),
+    'access arguments' => array('access materio didactique page'),
+    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
+    'file' => '',
+  );
+  return $items;
+ * Implements hook_block_info().
+ */
+function materio_didactique_block_info() {
+  $blocks['materio_didactique_home'] = array(
+    'info' => t('Materio didactique home block'),
+    'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE
+  );
+  return $blocks;
+ * Implements hook_block_view().
+ */
+function materio_didactique_block_view($delta = '') {
+  $block = array();
+  switch ($delta) {
+    case 'materio_didactique_home':
+    	if(user_access('view materio didactique home block')){
+	    	$query = new EntityFieldQuery;
+	    	$query
+	    		->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')
+	      	->propertyCondition('status', 1)
+	  	   	->entityCondition('bundle', array('didactique'))
+		      ->fieldCondition('field_displayed_in_home', 'value', 1)
+		      ->fieldOrderBy('field_weight', 'value', 'ASC');
+		    $result = $query->execute();
+	  		// dsm($result, '$result');
+	  		if (isset($result['node'])) {
+		      $block['subject'] = t('Didactique home block');
+		      $block['content'] = theme('materio_didactique_home_block', array('items' => $result['node']));
+	    	}
+	    }
+      break;
+  }
+  return $block;
+ * Implements hook_theme().
+ */
+function materio_didactique_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
+  return array(
+    'materio_didactique_home_block' => array(
+      'arguments' => array('items'=>NULL),
+      'template' => 'materio-didactique-home-block',
+      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_didactique').'/templates',
+    ),
+    'materio_didactique_page' => array(
+      'arguments' => array('items'=>array()),
+      'template' => 'materio-didactique-page',
+      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_didactique').'/templates',
+    )
+  );
+function template_preprocess_materio_didactique_home_block(&$vars){
+	// dsm($vars, 'template_preprocess_materio_didactique_home_block | $vars');
+	$items = array();
+	foreach ($vars['items'] as $nid => $item) {
+		$items[] = node_load($nid);
+	}
+	$vars['items'] = $items;
+function template_preprocess_materio_didactique_page(&$vars){
+  // dsm($vars, 'template_preprocess_materio_didactique_page | $vars');
+  $items = array();
+  foreach ($vars['items'] as $nid => $item) {
+    $items[] = node_load($nid);
+  }
+  $vars['items'] = $items;

+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+function materio_didactique_get_page(){
+	$query = new EntityFieldQuery;
+	$query
+		->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')
+  	->propertyCondition('status', 1)
+   	->entityCondition('bundle', array('didactique'))
+    ->fieldCondition('field_displayed_in_whoweare', 'value', 1)
+    ->fieldOrderBy('field_weight', 'value', 'ASC');
+  $result = $query->execute();
+	// dsm($result, '$result');
+  return theme('materio_didactique_page', array('items' => $result['node']));

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+name = Materio Display
+description = "Materio display module (permissions, ...)"
+; Core version (required)
+core = 7.x
+; Package name (see for a list of names)
+package = Materio
+; PHP version requirement (optional)
+; php = 5.2
+; Loadable code files
+; files[] = materio_ctools_automodal.module
+; Module dependencies
+; dependencies[] = user
+; Configuration page
+; configure = admin/config/materiobasemod
+; For further information about configuration options, see
+; -

+ 58 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * Implements hook_init().
+ */
+// function materio_user_init() {
+//   drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_user').'/js/materio_user.min.js');
+// }
+ * Implements hook_permission().
+ */
+function materio_display_permission() {
+  return array(
+    'view full materiau description' =>  array(
+      'title' => t('view full materiau description'),
+      'description' => t('view full materiau description'),
+    ),
+  );
+ * Implements hook_preprocess().
+ */
+function materio_display_preprocess_field(&$vars, $hook) {
+  // dsm($vars);
+  $element = $vars['element'];
+  if($element['#field_name'] == 'field_description'){
+    // dsm($vars);
+    if(!user_access('view full materiau description')){
+      $value = $element['#items'][0]['value'];
+      switch ($element['#view_mode']) {
+        case 'cardbig':
+        case 'cardfull':
+          $limit = 210;
+          break;
+        default:
+          $limit = 130;
+          break;
+      }
+      $summary = truncate_utf8($value, $limit, TRUE, TRUE);
+      $summary .= '<div class="upgrade"><p>'
+        . t("In order to access full description, information about manufacturers and more, you need to upgrade your account.")
+        . l(t("Pricing"), 'node/11187')
+        . '</p></div>';
+      // dsm($summary);
+      $vars['items'][0]['#markup'] = $summary;
+    }
+  }

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+name = Materio Flag
+description = Provides bookmark flag (and maybe folders).
+core = 7.x
+dependencies[] = flag
+dependencies[] = flag_lists
+package = Materio

+ 72 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ * @file
+ * The Flag Bookmark module install hooks.
+ */
+ * Implements hook_install().
+ */
+function materio_flag_install() {
+  // Everything is handled by hook_enable().
+ * Implements hook_enable().
+ *
+ * We create the demonstration flag on enable, so hook implementations in flag
+ * module will fire correctly, as the APIs are not available on install.
+ */
+function materio_flag_enable() {
+  // Load the flag API in case we want to use it when enabling.
+  include_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'flag') . '/flag.module');
+  if (!flag_get_flags()) {
+    // Install a demonstration flag only if no flag exists. This is to prevent
+    // a case where a disables and enables the module, and the demonstration
+    // flag is overwritten or re-created.
+    $flag = flag_flag::factory_by_entity_type('node');
+    $configuration = array(
+        'name' => 'bookmarks',
+        'global' => 0,
+        'show_on_page' => 1,
+        'show_on_teaser' => 0,
+        'show_on_form' => 0,
+        // The following UI labels aren't wrapped in t() because they are written
+        // to the DB in English. They are passed to t() later, thus allowing for
+        // multilingual sites.
+        'title' => 'Bookmarks',
+        'flag_short' => 'Bookmark this',
+        'flag_long' => 'Add this post to your bookmarks',
+        'flag_message' => 'This post has been added to your bookmarks',
+        'unflag_short' => 'Unbookmark this',
+        'unflag_long' => 'Remove this post from your bookmarks',
+        'unflag_message' => 'This post has been removed from your bookmarks',
+        'types' => _materio_flag_install_get_suggested_node_types(),
+    );
+    $flag->form_input($configuration);
+    $flag->save();
+    // Clear the flag cache so the new permission is seen by core.
+    drupal_static_reset('flag_get_flags');
+    // Grant permissions.
+    $permissions = array('flag bookmarks', 'unflag bookmarks');
+    user_role_grant_permissions(DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID, $permissions);
+  }
+ * Returns some node types to which the demonstration 'bookmarks' flag will apply.
+ */
+function _materio_flag_install_get_suggested_node_types() {
+  $preferred = array('page', 'article', 'story', 'forum', 'blog');
+  $existing = array_intersect($preferred, array_keys(node_type_get_types()));
+  if (!$existing) {
+    // As a last resort, take the first preference.
+    return array($preferred[0]);
+  }
+  return $existing;

+ 502 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+ * @file
+ * The Flag bookmark module.
+ *
+ * This module creates a default Flag when enabled.
+ *
+ */
+ * Implements hook_permission().
+ */
+function materio_flag_permission() {
+  return array(
+    'access mybookmarks block' =>  array(
+      'title' => t('Show my bookmarks block'),
+      'description' => t('access own bookmarks block'),
+    ),
+  );
+ * Implements hook_menu().
+ */
+function materio_flag_menu() {
+  $items = array();
+  $base = array(
+    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
+    'file' => '',
+  );
+  $items['materioflag/refresh/block/bookmarks'] = $base+array(
+    'access arguments' => array('flag bookmarks'),
+    'page callback' => 'materio_flag_refresh_block',
+    'page arguments' => array(3),
+  );
+  $items['bookmarks'] = $base+array(
+    'access arguments' => array('flag bookmarks'),
+    'page callback' => 'materio_flag_user_bookmarks',
+    'page arguments' => array(),
+  );
+  $items['materioflag/refresh/block/lists'] = $base+array(
+    'access arguments' => array('create flag lists'),
+    'page callback' => 'materio_flag_refresh_block',
+    'page arguments' => array(3),
+  );
+  $items['materioflag/createlist/form/%'] = $base+array(
+    'access arguments' => array('create flag lists'),
+    'access callback' => 'user_access',
+    'page callback' => 'materio_flag_createlist_form',
+    'page arguments' => array(3),
+  );
+  $items['materioflag/editlistform/%/%'] = $base+array(
+    'access arguments' => array('create flag lists'),
+    'access callback' => 'user_access',
+    'page callback' => 'materio_flag_editlist_form',
+    'page arguments' => array(2,3),
+  );
+  $items['materioflag/editlist/%/%'] = $base+array(
+    'access arguments' => array('create flag lists'),
+    'access callback' => 'user_access',
+    'page callback' => 'materio_flag_edit_list',
+    'page arguments' => array(2,3),
+  );
+  $items['materioflag/deletelist/%'] = $base+array(
+    'access arguments' => array('create flag lists'),
+    'access callback' => 'user_access',
+    'page callback' => 'materio_flag_delete_list',
+    'page arguments' => array(2,3),
+  );
+  $items['materioflag/nodelinks'] = $base+array(
+    'access arguments' => array('create flag lists'),
+    'access callback' => 'user_access',
+    'page callback' => 'materio_flag_nodelinks',
+    // 'page arguments' => array(3),
+  );
+  $items['lists/%'] = $base+array(
+    'access arguments' => array('view flag lists'),
+    'access callback' => 'user_access',
+    'page callback' => 'materio_flag_user_lists',
+    'page arguments' => array(1),
+  );
+   $items['materioflag/ajax/list/%'] = $base+array(
+    'page callback' => 'materio_flag_ajax_list',
+    'access callback' => 'materio_access_ajax_flags',
+    'page arguments' => array(3, 4),
+  );
+  return $items;
+function materio_access_ajax_flags(){
+  return user_access('create flag lists') || user_access('flag bookmarks');
+ * Implements hook_menu_alter().
+ */
+function materio_flag_menu_alter(&$items) {
+  // Example - disable the page at node/add
+  /*
+   *$items['node/add']['access callback'] = FALSE;
+   */
+  // disable tabs on user page
+  $items['user/%user/flags/lists']['access callback'] = false;
+  $items['user/%user/flags/lists/%']['access callback'] = false;
+ * Implements hook_block_info().
+ */
+function materio_flag_block_info() {
+  $blocks['materio_flag_mybookmarks'] = array(
+    'info' => t('My bookmarks'),
+    'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE
+  );
+ $blocks['materio_flag_mylists'] = array(
+    'info' => t('My Materio flag lists'),
+    'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE
+  );
+  $blocks['materio_flag_mylists_nav'] = array(
+    'info' => t('My Materio flag lists navigation'),
+    'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE
+  );
+  return $blocks;
+ * Implements hook_block_view().
+ */
+function materio_flag_block_view($delta = '') {
+  global $user;
+  $block = array();
+  switch ($delta) {
+    case 'materio_flag_mybookmarks':
+      if(user_access('access mybookmarks block')){
+        $userflags = flag_get_user_flags('node');
+        //dsm($userflags, 'userflags');
+        if(isset($userflags['bookmarks'])){
+        	$userbookmarks = array();
+  	      foreach ($userflags['bookmarks'] as $nid => $flag) {
+        		$userbookmarks[] = node_load($nid);
+  	      }
+          // TODO:  put this title generation on a theme function
+          $subject = '<span class="listname">'.t('My bookmarks (@len) ', array("@len"=>count($userbookmarks))).'</span>';
+  	      $block['subject'] = $subject . l('<i class="icon-resize-full"></i>', 'bookmarks', array('html'=>true, 'attributes' => array('class' => array('open-list')),)); //
+  	      $block['content'] = theme('materio_flag_mybookmarks_block', array("bookmarks"=>$userbookmarks, "viewmode"=>"bookmark"));
+        }else{
+        	$block['subject'] = t('My bookmarks');
+        	$block['content'] = t('No bookmarks yet. Add bookmarks on clicking on results star');
+        }
+        drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_flag').'/js/materio_flag.min.js');
+      }
+      break;
+    case 'materio_flag_mylists':
+      if(user_access('create flag lists')){
+        $flags = flag_lists_get_user_flags(NULL, $user);
+        // $userflags = flag_get_user_flags('node');
+        // dsm($userflags, 'userflags');
+        // dsm($flags, 'flags');
+        foreach ($flags as $name => $flag) {
+          $flag->path = url('lists/'.$flag->fid);
+          $flaged_content = flag_lists_get_flagged_content($flag->fid, $user->uid);
+          // dsm($flaged_content, 'flaged_content');
+          $fcn = array();
+          foreach ($flaged_content as $entity) {
+            if($entity->entity_type == 'node'){
+              $node = node_load($entity->entity_id);
+              // dsm($node, 'node');
+              // $node->flag_names[] = $name;
+              $fcn[] = $node;
+            }
+          }
+          $lists[$name] = array(
+            'list' => $flag,
+            'content' => $fcn,
+          );
+        }
+        if(isset($lists)){
+          // $block['subject'] = t('My !listname'.'s', array('!listname'=>t(variable_get('flag_lists_name', 'list'))));
+          $block['subject'] = t('My '.variable_get('flag_lists_name', 'list').'s');
+          $block['content'] = theme('materio_flag_mylists_block', array("lists"=>$lists, "viewmode"=>"bookmark"));
+          // $block['content'] = theme('flag_lists_user_page', array('uid' => $user->uid));
+        }else{
+          $block['subject'] = t('My '. variable_get('flag_lists_name', 'list') .'s');
+          $block['content'] = t('No !listname yet. Add !listname on clicking on results star', array('!listname'=>variable_get('flag_lists_name', 'list')));
+        }
+        drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_flag').'/js/materio_flag.min.js');
+      }
+      break;
+    case 'materio_flag_mylists_nav':
+      if(user_access('create flag lists')){
+        $flags = flag_lists_get_user_flags(NULL, $user);
+        foreach ($flags as $name => $flag) {
+          $flaged_content = flag_lists_get_flagged_content($flag->fid, $user->uid);
+          $flag->flaged_content = $flaged_content;
+          $flags[$name] = $flag;
+        }
+        // if($flags){
+          // $block['subject'] = t('My !listname'.'s', array('!listname'=>variable_get('flag_lists_name', 'list')));
+          $block['subject'] = t('My '.variable_get('flag_lists_name', 'list').'s');
+          $block['content'] = theme('materio_flag_mylists_nav_block', array("flags"=>$flags));
+          // $block['content'] = theme('flag_lists_user_page', array('uid' => $user->uid));
+        // }
+        # what happend if no flags yet
+        // else{
+        //   $block['subject'] = t('My '.variable_get('flag_lists_name', 'list').'s');
+        // //   $block['content'] = t('No !listname yet. Add !listname on clicking on results star', array('!listname'=>variable_get('flag_lists_name', 'list')));
+        // }
+      }
+      break;
+  }
+  return $block;
+ * Implements hook_entity_info_alter().
+ */
+function materio_flag_entity_info_alter(&$entity_info) {
+  $entity_info['node']['view modes']['bookmark'] = array(
+    'label' => t('Bookmark'),
+    'custom settings' => TRUE,
+  );
+ * Implements hook_entity_view().
+ *
+ * Note this is broken for taxonomy terms. @see
+ */
+function materio_flag_entity_view($entity, $type, $view_mode, $langcode) {
+  if($type == 'node'){
+    if(user_access('create flag lists') && $view_mode != 'print'){
+      $entity->content['flaglistslinks'] = materio_flag_get_entity_links($entity, $type, $view_mode);
+      drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'flag') . '/theme/flag.css');
+      drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'flag') . '/theme/flag.js');
+      // Do we have a list template for this node type, or are we s
+      if (flag_lists_template_exists($entity->type)) {
+        global $user;
+        if ($flags = flag_lists_get_user_flags($entity->type, $user)) {
+          foreach ($flags as $flag) {
+            // dsm($flag, 'flag');
+            if ( ($flag->module == 'flag_lists' && _flag_lists_is_flagged($flag, $entity->nid, $user->uid, 0)) || $flag->is_flagged($entity->nid) ) {
+              $entity->flags[] = $flag;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+function materio_flag_get_entity_links($entity, $type, $view_mode = null){
+  // dsm($entity, 'entity');
+  // Do we have a list template for this node type, or are we s
+  if (!flag_lists_template_exists($entity->type)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  global $user;
+  $links = array();
+  # if flag name is provided we are on flaglists content list (block mylists)
+  if($view_mode == 'bookmark'){
+    // TODO:  define view mode in settings
+    // if (isset($entity->flag_names) && $flags = flag_lists_get_user_flags($entity->type, $user)) {
+    //   // dsm($flags, 'flags');
+    //   // TODO:  limit flag link by current flag list
+    //   foreach ($flags as $flag) {
+    //     //dsm($flag->name, 'flag');
+    //     if(in_array($flag->name, $entity->flag_names)){
+    //       if ($flag->module == 'flag_lists') {
+    //         $action = _flag_lists_is_flagged($flag, $entity->nid, $user->uid, 0) ? 'unflag' : 'flag';
+    //       } else {
+    //         $action = $flag->is_flagged($entity->nid) ? 'unflag' : 'flag';
+    //       }
+    //       $flag->module = 'materio_flag';
+    //       $link = $flag->theme($action, $entity->nid);
+    //       // If it's a list, fix the link.
+    //       if ($flag->module == 'flag_lists') {
+    //         flag_lists_fix_link($link, $action);
+    //       }
+    //       $items[] = array(
+    //         'data' => $link,
+    //         'class' => array('flag-lists-link', $action.'-action'),
+    //       );
+    //       // array_splice($entity->flag_names, array_search($flag->name, $entity->flag_names), 1);
+    //       // dsm($entity->flag_names, 'entity->flag_name');
+    //       // break;
+    //     }
+    //   }
+    // }
+  #normal display
+  }else{
+    if ($flags = flag_lists_get_user_flags($entity->type, $user)) {
+      // dsm($flags, 'flags');
+      // Build the list of lists for this node.
+      foreach ($flags as $flag) {
+        // dsm($flag, 'flag');
+        if ($flag->module == 'flag_lists') {
+          $action = _flag_lists_is_flagged($flag, $entity->nid, $user->uid, 0) ? 'unflag' : 'flag';
+        }
+        else {
+          $action = $flag->is_flagged($entity->nid) ? 'unflag' : 'flag';;
+        }
+        $link = $flag->theme($action, $entity->nid);
+        // If it's a list, fix the link.
+        if ($flag->module == 'flag_lists') {
+          flag_lists_fix_link($link, $action);
+        }
+        $items[] = array(
+          'data' => $link,
+          'class' => array('flag-lists-link', $action.'-action', 'fid-'.$flag->fid),
+        );
+      }
+    }
+    // dsm($items, 'items '.$entity->title);
+    #create new list
+    $link = l(
+      '<i class="icon-plus"></i>&nbsp;<span>' . t('New @name', array('@name' => t(variable_get('flag_lists_name', 'list')))) . '</span>',
+      'flag-lists/add/' . $entity->type,
+      array(
+        'attributes' => array(
+          'class' => array('flag-lists-create'),
+          'title' => t('create a new @name and use it.', array('@name'=>t(variable_get('flag_lists_name', 'list')))),
+          'nid' => $entity->nid,
+          'token' => flag_get_token($entity->nid),
+        ),
+        'html' => TRUE,
+      )
+    );
+    $create = array(
+      'data' => $link,
+      'class' => array('flag-lists-create'),
+    );
+  }
+  if(isset($items)){
+    $ops = array(
+      '#node' => $entity,
+      '#items' => $items,
+    );
+  }
+  if(isset($create)){
+    $ops['#create'] = $create;
+  }
+  if(isset($ops)){
+    // dsm($ops, 'ops');
+    drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_flag').'/js/materio_flag.min.js');
+    $ops['#theme'] = "materio_flag_mylists_entity_links";
+    return $ops;
+  }
+  return;
+function _materio_flag_get_listpagetitle($flag){
+  $cont = '<i class="icon-materio-folder"></i>';
+  $cont .= '<span class="'.$flag->name.'">'.check_plain($flag->title).'</span>';
+  if(flag_lists_is_owner('edit', $flag->fid)){
+    $cont .= l('<i class="icon-wrench"></i>',
+                'flags/lists/edit/'.$flag->fid,
+                array(
+                  'html'=>true,
+                  'attributes'=>array('class'=>array('edit-list', $flag->name)),
+                )
+              );
+  }
+  return $cont;
+ * Implements hook_theme().
+ */
+function materio_flag_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
+  return array(
+    'materio_flag_mybookmarks_block' => array(
+      'arguments' => array(),
+      'template' => 'materio-flag-mybookmarks-block',
+      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_flag').'/templates',
+    ),
+    'materio_flag_mylists_block' => array(
+      'arguments' => array(),
+      'template' => 'materio-flag-mylists-block',
+      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_flag').'/templates',
+    ),
+    'materio_flag_mylists_nav_block' => array(
+      'arguments' => array(),
+      'template' => 'materio-flag-mylists-nav-block',
+      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_flag').'/templates',
+    ),
+    'materio_flag_mylists_entity_links' => array(
+      'variables' => array('node' => NULL, 'create' => NULL, 'items' => array()),
+    ),
+    'materio_flag_mylists_list' => array(
+      'template' => 'materio-flag-mylists-list',
+      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_flag').'/templates',
+      'variables' => array(
+        'count' => 0,
+        'items' => array(),
+        'view_mode' => 'teaser',
+        'pager' => NULL,
+        'fid' => null,
+        'name' => null,
+        'title' => null,
+      ),
+    ),
+  );
+function template_preprocess_materio_flag_mybookmarks_block(&$vars){
+	// dsm($vars, 'vars');
+function template_preprocess_materio_flag_mylists_block(&$vars){
+  // dsm($vars, 'vars');
+function template_preprocess_materio_flag_mylists_nav_block(&$vars){
+  // dsm($vars, 'vars');
+ * theme_materio_flag_mylists_entity_links()
+ *
+ * see theme_flag_lists_list()
+ */
+function theme_materio_flag_mylists_entity_links($vars){
+  // $node = $vars['node'];
+  $items = $vars['items'];
+  // dsm($vars, 'vars HO');
+  if(isset($vars['create']))
+    $items[] = $vars['create'];
+  return theme('item_list', array('items' => $items, 'type' => 'ul', 'attributes' => array('class' => 'flag-lists-entity-links')));
+function template_preprocess_materio_flag_mylists_list(&$vars) {
+  $vars['list_count'] = format_plural(
+    $vars['count'],
+    '@name @title contains 1 item.', // in @sec seconds
+    '@name @title contains @count items.', // in @sec seconds
+    array(
+      '@name' => t($vars['name']),
+      '@title' => $vars['title'],
+    )
+  );
+  // dsm($vars, '$vars');

+ 497 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+ * materio_flag_refresh_blocks($flag)
+ *
+ */
+function materio_flag_refresh_block($flag){
+	switch ($flag) {
+		case 'bookmarks':
+			$block_name = 'materio_flag_mybookmarks';
+			break;
+	case 'lists':
+		$block_name = 'materio_flag_mylists';
+    $block_nav_name = 'materio_flag_mylists_nav';
+		break;
+	}
+	if(!isset($block_name))
+		return;
+	$rep = array("flag"=>$flag);
+	$block = block_load('materio_flag', $block_name);
+	$block_content = _block_render_blocks(array($block));
+	$build = _block_get_renderable_array($block_content);
+	$block_rendered = drupal_render($build);
+  $rep['block'] = $block_rendered;
+  if(isset($block_nav_name)){
+    $block = block_load('materio_flag', $block_nav_name);
+    $block_content = _block_render_blocks(array($block));
+    $build = _block_get_renderable_array($block_content);
+    $block_rendered = drupal_render($build);
+    $rep['block_nav'] = $block_rendered;
+  }
+ 	drupal_json_output($rep);
+ * materio_flag_createlist($type)
+ *
+ */
+function materio_flag_createlist_form($type){
+  $debug = false;
+	$path = 'flag-lists/add/' . $type;
+  // check if request is ajax, if not rediret
+  if (!$debug && (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) != 'xmlhttprequest')) {
+    drupal_goto('flag-lists/add/' . $type);
+    exit ;
+  }
+  // menu_set_active_item($path);
+  // $return = menu_execute_active_handler($path, FALSE);
+  // if (is_int($return)) {
+  //   switch ($return) {
+  //     case MENU_NOT_FOUND :
+  //       drupal_add_http_header('Status', '404 Not Found');
+  //       break;
+  //     case MENU_ACCESS_DENIED :
+  //       drupal_add_http_header('Status', '403 Forbidden');
+  //       break;
+  //     case MENU_SITE_OFFLINE :
+  //       drupal_add_http_header('Status', '503 Service unavailable');
+  //       break;
+  //   }
+  // } elseif (isset($return)) {
+  // $form_state['build_info']['args'] = array(NULL, 'breve');
+  // $f = drupal_get_form('flag_lists_form', $form_state);
+  // dsm($f);
+  $form = array(
+    '#type' => 'form',
+    '#id' => 'materio-flag-create-list-form',
+  );
+  $form['type'] = array(
+    '#type' => 'hidden',
+    '#value' => $type,
+    '#name' => 'type',
+  );
+  $form['listname'] = array(
+    '#type' => 'textfield',
+    '#title' => t('Create new @name', array('@name'=>variable_get('flag_lists_name', 'list'))),
+    '#default_value' => '',
+    // '#size' => 100,
+    '#maxlength' => 255,
+    '#name' => 'flag-lists-name',
+    '#description' => t('A short, descriptive title for this Folder list. Limit to 255 characters.'),
+  );
+  $form['actions'] = array(
+    '#prefix' => '<div class="actions">',
+    '#suffix' => '</div>',
+  );
+  $form['actions']['create'] = array(
+    '#type' => 'submit',
+    '#value' => t('create'),
+    '#name' => 'create',
+  );
+  $form['actions']['cancel'] = array(
+    '#type' => 'button',
+    '#value' => t('cancel'),
+    '#name' => 'cancel',
+  );
+  // dsm($form, 'form');
+  $return = drupal_render($form);
+  $rep = array(
+    'rendered_form'=>$return,
+  );
+  if ($debug) {
+    dsm($rep, 'rep');
+    return "debug display";
+  }else{
+    drupal_json_output($rep);
+  }
+ * materio_flag_editlist_form()
+ */
+function materio_flag_editlist_form($type, $fid){
+  $debug = false;
+  $path = 'flags/lists/edit/' . $fid;
+  // check if request is ajax, if not rediret
+  if (!$debug && (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) != 'xmlhttprequest')) {
+    drupal_goto($path);
+    exit ;
+  }
+  // If name is numeric, then we have the fid, so get the name.
+  if (is_numeric($fid)) {
+    $name = db_select('flag_lists_flags', 'f')
+      ->fields('f', array('name'))
+      ->condition('fid', $fid)
+      ->execute()
+      ->fetchField();
+  }
+  if(flag_lists_is_owner('edit', $fid)){
+    $flag = flag_lists_get_flag($name);
+    $form = array(
+      '#type' => 'form',
+      '#id' => 'materio-flag-edit-list-form',
+    );
+    $form['type'] = array(
+      '#type' => 'hidden',
+      '#value' => $type,
+      '#name' => 'type',
+    );
+    $form['fid'] = array(
+      '#type' => 'hidden',
+      '#value' => $fid,
+      '#name' => 'fid',
+    );
+    $form['name'] = array(
+      '#type' => 'hidden',
+      '#value' => $name,
+      '#name' => 'name',
+    );
+    $form['listtitle'] = array(
+      '#type' => 'textfield',
+      '#title' => t('Edit this '.variable_get('flag_lists_name', 'list')),
+      '#value' => $flag->title,
+      // '#size' => 100,
+      '#maxlength' => 255,
+      '#name' => 'flag-lists-title',
+      '#description' => t('A short, descriptive title for this Folder list. Limit to 255 characters.'),
+    );
+    $form['actions'] = array(
+      '#prefix' => '<div class="actions">',
+      '#suffix' => '</div>',
+    );
+    $form['actions']['save'] = array(
+      '#type' => 'submit',
+      '#value' => t('save'),
+      '#name' => 'save',
+    );
+    $form['actions']['delete'] = array(
+      '#type' => 'submit',
+      '#value' => t('delete'),
+      '#name' => 'delete',
+    );
+    $form['actions']['cancel'] = array(
+      '#type' => 'button',
+      '#value' => t('cancel'),
+      '#name' => 'cancel',
+    );
+    // dsm($form, 'form');
+    $return = drupal_render($form);
+    $rep = array(
+      'rendered_form'=>$return,
+    );
+  }else{
+    $rep = array(
+      'status' => 'error',
+      'message' => t('you do not have rights to edit this '.variable_get('flag_lists_name', 'list')),
+    );
+  }
+  if ($debug) {
+    dsm($rep, 'rep');
+    return "debug display";
+  }else{
+    drupal_json_output($rep);
+  }
+function materio_flag_edit_list($fid, $name, $title){
+  $path = 'flags/lists/edit/' . $fid;
+  // check if request is ajax, if not rediret
+  if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) != 'xmlhttprequest') {
+    drupal_goto($path);
+    exit ;
+  }
+  if(!flag_lists_is_owner('edit', $fid)){
+    $rep = array(
+      'error' => true,
+      'message' => t('You have not enough rights to edit this @name.', array('@name' => variable_get('flag_lists_name', t('list'))))
+    );
+  }else if (flag_lists_title_exists($title, 'materiau') || flag_lists_title_exists($title, 'breve')){
+    $rep = array(
+      'error' => true,
+      'message' => t('You already have a @name with this name.', array('@name' => variable_get('flag_lists_name', t('list'))))
+    );
+  }else{
+    $flag = flag_lists_get_flag($name);
+    $flag->title = $title;
+    flag_lists_set_messages($flag);
+    flag_lists_save($flag);
+    _flag_lists_clear_cache();
+    $rep = array(
+      'status' => 'saved',
+      'listname' => $name,
+      'listtitle' => $title,
+    );
+  }
+  drupal_json_output($rep);
+function materio_flag_delete_list($fid){
+  $path = 'flags/lists/delete/' . $fid;
+  // check if request is ajax, if not rediret
+  if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) != 'xmlhttprequest') {
+    drupal_goto($path);
+    exit ;
+  }
+  if(!flag_lists_is_owner('delete', $fid)){
+    $rep = array(
+      'error' => true,
+      'message' => t('You have not enough rights to delete this @name.', array('@name' => variable_get('flag_lists_name', t('list'))))
+    );
+  }else{
+    // If name is numeric, then we have the fid, so get the name.
+    if (is_numeric($fid)) {
+      $name = db_select('flag_lists_flags', 'f')
+        ->fields('f', array('name'))
+        ->condition('fid', $fid)
+        ->execute()
+        ->fetchField();
+    }
+    $flag = flag_lists_get_flag($name);
+    flag_lists_fl_delete($flag);
+    $rep = array(
+      'status' => 'saved',
+    );
+  }
+  drupal_json_output($rep);
+function materio_flag_nodelinks(){
+  $nids = explode(';', $_REQUEST['nids']);
+  if(count($nids)){
+    foreach ($nids as $nid) {
+      $node = node_load($nid);
+      $lks = render(materio_flag_get_entity_links($node, 'node'));
+      $links[$nid] = $lks;
+    }
+    $rep = array(
+      "status" => 1,
+      "nids" => $nids,
+      'links' => $links,
+    );
+  }else{
+    $rep['status'] = 0;
+  }
+  drupal_json_output($rep);
+function materio_flag_user_bookmarks(){
+  global $user;
+  drupal_set_title(t('My bookmarks'), PASS_THROUGH);
+  $flaged = flag_get_user_flags('node');
+  // dsm($flaged, 'flaged');
+  $flag = flag_get_flag('bookmarks');
+  $flaged_content = $flaged['bookmarks'];
+  // dsm($flaged_content, 'flaged_content');
+  $viewmode = isset($user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode']) ? $user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode'] : variable_get('defaultviewmode', 'full');
+  $limit = variable_get($viewmode.'_limite', '10');
+  $offset = pager_find_page() * $limit;
+  $count = count($flaged_content);
+  $max = $offset+$limit > $count ? $count : $offset+$limit;
+  $i = 0;
+  foreach ($flaged_content as $id => $item) {
+    if($i >= $offset){
+      if($i < $max){
+        if($item->entity_type == 'node'){
+          $items[] = node_load($id);
+        }
+      }else{
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  $ret['#items'] = $items;
+  $ret['#theme'] = 'materio_flag_mylists_list';
+  $ret['#view_mode'] = $viewmode;
+  $ret['#fid'] = $flag->fid;
+  $ret['#count'] = $count;
+  $ret['#name'] = variable_get('flag_lists_name', 'list');
+  $ret['#title'] = $flag->title;
+  pager_default_initialize($count, $limit);
+  $ret['#pager'] = theme('pager');
+  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_flag').'/js/materio_flag-ck.js');
+  return $ret;
+function materio_flag_user_lists($fid){
+  global $user;
+  $flag = flag_lists_get_flag($fid);
+  // dsm($flag, 'flag');
+  drupal_set_title(_materio_flag_get_listpagetitle($flag), PASS_THROUGH);
+  $flaged_content = flag_lists_get_flagged_content($fid, $user->uid);
+  // dsm($flaged_content, 'flaged_content');
+  $viewmode = isset($user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode']) ? $user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode'] : variable_get('defaultviewmode', 'full');
+  $limit = variable_get($viewmode.'_limite', '10');
+  $offset = pager_find_page() * $limit;
+  $count = count($flaged_content);
+  $max = $offset+$limit > $count ? $count : $offset+$limit;
+  for ($i=$offset; $i < $max; $i++) {
+    if($flaged_content[$i]->entity_type == 'node'){
+      $items[] = node_load($flaged_content[$i]->entity_id);
+    }
+  }
+  $ret['#items'] = $items;
+  $ret['#theme'] = 'materio_flag_mylists_list';
+  $ret['#view_mode'] = $viewmode;
+  $ret['#fid'] = $fid;
+  $ret['#count'] = $count;
+  $ret['#name'] = variable_get('flag_lists_name', 'list');
+  $ret['#title'] = $flag->title;
+  pager_default_initialize($count, $limit);
+  $ret['#pager'] = theme('pager');
+  return $ret;
+function materio_flag_ajax_list($fid, $page = 0){
+  $debug = false;
+  $_GET['page'] = $page;
+  if($fid == 1){
+    $list_path = $path = 'bookmarks';
+  }else{
+    $list_path = 'lists';
+    $path = $list_path.'/'.$fid;
+  }
+  // check if request is ajax, if not rediret to search_api_page page with right keys
+  if (!$debug && (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) != 'xmlhttprequest')) {
+    drupal_goto($path, array('query'=>array('page'=>$page)), 301);
+    exit;
+  }
+  if(isset($_GET['current_path'])){
+    // dsm($_GET['current_path'], '$_GET[current_path]');
+    // url() generates the prefix using hook_url_outbound_alter(). Instead of
+    // running the hook_url_outbound_alter() again here, extract the prefix
+    // from url().
+    url('', array('prefix' => &$prefix));
+    $cur_path = str_replace($base_url.base_path().$prefix, '', $_GET['current_path']);
+    // dsm($cur_path, 'cur_path');
+    $cur_is_list_path = strpos($cur_path, $list_path);
+    // dsm($matches, '$matches');
+    if($cur_is_list_path === false){
+      $rep = array(
+        "redirect" => $base_url.base_path().$prefix.$path,
+      );
+      drupal_json_output($rep);
+      exit;
+    }
+  }
+  // get results
+  menu_set_active_item($path);
+  $return = menu_execute_active_handler($path, FALSE);
+  dsm($return, '$return');
+  if (is_int($return)) {
+    switch ($return) {
+      case MENU_NOT_FOUND :
+        drupal_add_http_header('Status', '404 Not Found');
+        break;
+      case MENU_ACCESS_DENIED :
+        drupal_add_http_header('Status', '403 Forbidden');
+        break;
+      case MENU_SITE_OFFLINE :
+        drupal_add_http_header('Status', '503 Service unavailable');
+        break;
+    }
+  } elseif (isset($return)) {
+    if (is_array($return)) {
+      $rendered = drupal_render($return);
+    }
+    $rep = array(
+      'rendered' => $rendered,
+      'path' => $path,
+      'title' => drupal_get_title(),
+    );
+    if ($debug) {
+      dsm($rep, 'rep');
+      return "debug display";
+    }else{
+      drupal_json_output($rep);
+    }
+  }

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+name = Materio Page Title
+description = "Provide a block with the current page title, and the ajax api to refresh it"
+; Core version (required)
+core = 7.x
+; Package name (see for a list of names)
+package = Materio
+; PHP version requirement (optional)
+; php = 5.2
+; Loadable code files
+files[] = materio_page_title.module
+; Module dependencies
+; dependencies[] = materio_search_api
+; Configuration page
+; configure = admin/config/materio_search_api_ajax
+; For further information about configuration options, see
+; -

+ 148 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+ * Implements hook_permission().
+ */
+function materio_page_title_permission() {
+  $perms = array();
+  $entity_infos = entity_get_info();
+  foreach ($entity_infos['node']['bundles'] as $bundle => $value) {
+    $perms['show '.$bundle.' title'] = array(
+      'title' => t('Show !bundle node title.', array('!bundle'=>$value['label'])),
+    );
+  }
+  return $perms;
+ * Implements hook_field_access().
+ */
+function materio_page_title_field_access($op, $field, $entity_type, $entity, $account) {
+  if($field['field_name'] == 'title_field' && $entity_type == 'node' && isset($entity->type)){
+    return user_access('show '.$entity->type.' title');
+  }
+  return TRUE;
+function materio_page_title_preprocess_html(&$vars){
+  // dsm($vars, '$vars');
+  // if (arg(0) == 'node' && $node = node_load(arg(1))) {
+  //   if(!user_access('show '.$node->type.' title')){
+  //     if($node->type == "materiau"){
+  //       $title = field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_nature_titre');
+  //       $vars['head_title_array']['title'] = $title[0]['safe_value'];
+  //     }else{
+  //       $vars['head_title_array']['title'] = 'restricted access';
+  //     }
+  //     $vars['head_title'] = implode(' | ', $vars['head_title_array']);
+  //     // dsm($vars, 'vars');
+  //   }
+  // }
+  $vars['head_title_array']['title'] = materio_page_title_get_title();
+  $vars['head_title'] = implode(' | ', $vars['head_title_array']);
+  $vars['head_array']['title'] = $vars['head_title'];
+ * Implements hook_block_info().
+ */
+function materio_page_title_block_info() {
+  // This example comes from node.module.
+  /*
+   *$blocks['syndicate'] = array(
+   *  'info' => t('Syndicate'),
+   *  'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE
+   *);
+   */
+  $blocks['materio_page_title'] = array(
+    'info' => t('Materio page title'),
+    'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE
+  );
+  return $blocks;
+ * Implements hook_block_view().
+ */
+function materio_page_title_block_view($delta = '') {
+  $block = array();
+  switch ($delta) {
+    case 'materio_page_title':
+      $block['subject'] = t('Page title');
+      $block['content'] = theme('materio_page_title', array('title' => materio_page_title_get_title()));
+      drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_page_title').'/js/materio_page_title.min.js');
+      break;
+  }
+  return $block;
+ * Implements hook_theme().
+ */
+function materio_page_title_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
+  return array(
+    'materio_page_title' => array(
+      'variables' => array('title' => NULL,),
+    ),
+  );
+function theme_materio_page_title($vars){
+	if($vars['title'])
+		return '<h1 id="materio-page-title" class="page-title">'.$vars['title'].'</h1>';
+	return;
+ * Implements hook_menu().
+ */
+// function materio_page_title_menu() {
+//   $items = array();
+//   $base = array(
+//     'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
+//     'file' => '',
+//   );
+//   $items['materio_page_title/refresh/block'] = $base+array(
+//     'title' => 'Materio page title refresh block',
+//     'page callback' => 'materio_page_title_refresh_block',
+//     'page arguments' => array(),
+//     'access callback' => TRUE,
+//   );
+//   return $items;
+// }
+* */
+function materio_page_title_get_title(){
+  if (arg(0) == 'node' && $node = node_load(arg(1))) {
+    if(!user_access('show '.$node->type.' title')){
+      if($node->type == "materiau"){
+        $title = field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_nature_titre');
+        return $title[0]['safe_value'];
+      }else{
+        return 'restricted access';
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return drupal_get_title();

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// function materio_page_title_refresh_block(){
+// 	$block = block_load('materio_page_title', 'materio_page_title');
+// 	$block_content = _block_render_blocks(array($block));
+// 	$build = _block_get_renderable_array($block_content);
+// 	$block_rendered = drupal_render($build);
+// 	$rep['block'] = $block_rendered;
+//  	drupal_json_output($rep);
+// }

+ 80 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+function materio_search_api_settings(){
+	$indexes = search_api_index_load_multiple(false);
+	// dsm($indexes, '$indexes');
+	foreach ($indexes as $machine_name => $index) {
+		if($index->status == 1)
+			$index_options[$index->machine_name] = $index->name;
+	}
+	$languages = locale_language_list();
+	// dsm($languages, 'languages');
+	foreach ($languages as $lcode => $name) {
+		$form['fulltextsearchindex_'.$lcode] = array(
+			'#type'=>'select',
+			'#options'=>$index_options,
+			'#default_value' => variable_get('fulltextsearchindex_'.$lcode, -1),
+			'#title' => t('Full text search api index for %lang contents.', array('%lang'=>$name)),
+		);
+		$form['taxonomysearchindex_'.$lcode] = array(
+			'#type'=>'select',
+			'#options'=>$index_options,
+			'#default_value' => variable_get('taxonomysearchindex_'.$lcode, -1),
+			'#title' => t('Taxonomy search api index for %lang contents.', array('%lang'=>$name)),
+		);
+		$form['brevessearchindex_'.$lcode] = array(
+			'#type'=>'select',
+			'#options'=>$index_options,
+			'#default_value' => variable_get('brevessearchindex_'.$lcode, -1),
+			'#title' => t('Breves search api index for %lang contents.', array('%lang'=>$name)),
+		);
+		$form['autocompletesearchindex_'.$lcode] = array(
+			'#type'=>'select',
+			'#options'=>$index_options,
+			'#default_value' => variable_get('autocompletesearchindex_'.$lcode, -1),
+			'#title' => t('Autocomplete search api index for %lang contents.', array('%lang'=>$name)),
+		);
+	}
+	// TODO:  select the activated viewmodes for change view mode and selected view mode
+	$entity_infos = entity_get_info();
+  // dsm($entity_infos, 'entity_infos');
+  foreach ($entity_infos['node']['view modes'] as $viewmode => $value) {
+  	$viewmode_options[$viewmode] = $value['label'];
+  }
+	$form['availableviewmodes'] = array(
+		'#type'=>'select',
+		'#options'=>$viewmode_options,
+		'#default_value' => variable_get('availableviewmodes', array()),
+		'#title' => t('Availble View modes'),
+		'#multiple' => true,
+	);
+	$form['defaultviewmode'] = array(
+		'#type'=>'select',
+		'#options'=>$viewmode_options,
+		'#default_value' => variable_get('defaultviewmode', 'full'),
+		'#title' => t('Defalut View mode'),
+	);
+	foreach (variable_get('availableviewmodes', array()) as $viewmode => $value) {
+		$form[$viewmode.'_limite'] = array(
+			'#type'=>'textfield',
+			'#size'=>5,
+			'#default_value' => variable_get($viewmode.'_limite', '10'),
+			'#title' => t('@vm limite', array('@vm'=>$viewmode)),
+		);
+	}
+	return system_settings_form($form);

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+name = Materio SearchApi
+description = "Materio Search Api module"
+; Core version (required)
+core = 7.x
+; Package name (see for a list of names)
+package = Materio
+; PHP version requirement (optional)
+; php = 5.2
+; Loadable code files
+;files[] =
+;files[] =
+files[] =
+files[] =
+files[] = materio_search_api.module
+; Module dependencies
+;dependencies[] = taxonomy
+dependencies[] = search_api
+dependencies[] = search_api_solr
+; Configuration page
+; configure = admin/config/materiobasemod
+; For further information about configuration options, see
+; -

+ 1046 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1046 @@
+ * @file
+ * This is the file description for Materiobasemod module.
+ *
+ * In this more verbose, multi-line description, you can specify what this
+ * file does exactly. Make sure to wrap your documentation in column 78 so
+ * that the file can be displayed nicely in default-sized consoles.
+ */
+// define(MATERIO_SEARCH_API_RESULTS_PATH, 'explore');
+ * Implements hook_permission().
+ */
+function materio_search_api_permission() {
+  return array(
+    'use materio search api' =>  array(
+      'title' => t('Use materio search api'),
+      'description' => t('Use materio search api.'),
+    ),
+    'use materio search api for breves' =>  array(
+      'title' => t('Use materio search api for breves'),
+      'description' => t('Use materio search api for breves.'),
+    ),
+    'use materio search api autocomplete' =>  array(
+      'title' => t('Use materio search api autocomplete'),
+      'description' => t('Use materio search api autocomplete.'),
+    ),
+    'use materio search api viewmode selection' =>  array(
+      'title' => t('Use materio search api viewmode selection'),
+      'description' => t('Use materio search api viewmode selection.'),
+    ),
+    'administer materio_search_api' => array(
+      'title' => t('administer Materio search api'),
+      'description' => t('Administer materio search api.'),
+    ),
+    'use materio search api filters' => array(
+      'title' => t('use Materio search api filters'),
+      'description' => t('Use materio search api filters.'),
+    ),
+  );
+ * Implements hook_menu().
+ */
+function materio_search_api_menu() {
+  $items = array();
+  $base = array(
+    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
+    'file' => '',
+  );
+  $items['admin/config/search/search_api/materiosearchapi'] = array(
+    'title' => 'Materio Search Api',
+    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
+    'page arguments' => array('materio_search_api_settings'),
+    'access arguments' => array('administer materio_search_api'),
+    'file' => '',
+    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
+  );
+  $items['materiosearchapi/autocomplete/dbselect'] = $base+array(
+    'access arguments' => array('use materio search api autocomplete'),
+    'page callback' => 'materio_search_api_autocomplete_dbselect',
+  );
+  $items['materiosearchapi/autocomplete/searchapi'] = $base+array(
+    'access arguments' => array('use materio search api autocomplete'),
+    'page callback' => 'materio_search_api_autocomplete_searchapi',
+  );
+  $items['explore'] = $base+array(
+    // 'access arguments' => array('use materio search api'),
+    'access callback' => 'materio_search_api_access_search',
+    'page callback' => 'materio_search_api_results_search',
+    'title' => t('Explore'),
+    //'page argument' => array(1,2,3),
+  );
+  $items['actuality'] = $base+array(
+    // 'access arguments' => array(),
+    'page callback' => 'materio_search_api_actuality',
+    // 'page argument' => array(),
+    'access callback' => TRUE,
+  );
+  $items['materiosearchapi/viewmode/change'] = $base+array(
+    'access arguments' => array('use materio search api viewmode selection'),
+    'page callback' => 'materio_search_api_viewmode_change',
+    'page argument' => array(3),
+  );
+  return $items;
+function materio_search_api_access_search(){
+  return true;
+  // return user_access('use materio search api for breves') || user_access('use materio search api');
+* - - - - - - - - - - - -  SOLR  - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ * Implements hook_search_api_data_type_info().
+ *
+ * Declare our new type to Search API so it can be selected for a field.
+ */
+function materio_search_api_search_api_data_type_info() {
+  return array(
+    'edge_n2_kw_text' => array(
+      'name' => t('Fulltext (partial matching)'),
+      'fallback' => 'text',
+      'prefix' => 'tem',
+      'always multiValued' => TRUE,
+    ),
+    'edge_n2_kw_mapped_text' => array(
+      'name' => t('Fulltext without accents (partial matching)'),
+      'fallback' => 'text',
+      'prefix' => 'temmap',
+      'always multiValued' => TRUE,
+    ),
+    // 'term_tid' => array(
+    //   'name' => t('Taxonomy term tid'),
+    //   'fallback' => 'integer',
+    //   'prefix' => 'im',
+    //   'always multiValued' => TRUE,
+    // ),
+  );
+ * Implements hook_search_api_solr_dynamic_field_info().
+ *
+ * Tell Search API Solr how to index our new data type.
+ */
+function materio_search_api_search_api_solr_dynamic_field_info() {
+  return array(
+    'edge_n2_kw_text' => array(
+      'prefix' => 'tem',
+      'always multiValued' => TRUE,
+    ),
+    'edge_n2_kw_mapped_text' => array(
+      'prefix' => 'temmap',
+      'always multiValued' => TRUE,
+    ),
+    // 'term_tid' => array(
+    //   'prefix' => 'im',
+    //   'always multiValued' => TRUE,
+    // ),
+  );
+ * hook_entity_property_info_alter().
+ *
+ * define own fields
+ * - main taxonomy terms, the purpose is to be able to attribute differente boost on serach api depending on term order
+ * - companies infos (address) : retrieve for materiau content type the companie info from the tode node
+ *
+ */
+function materio_search_api_entity_property_info_alter(&$info){
+  // dsm($info, 'hook_entity_property_info_alter | info');
+  // watchdog('materio solr', 'materio_search_api_entity_property_info_alter', array());
+  $node_props = &$info['node']['properties'];
+  for ($i=1; $i <= 5 ; $i++) {
+    $node_props['materio_search_api_onthologie_term_'.$i.'_text'] = array(
+      'type'=>'text',
+      'label'=> t('Main onthologie term '.$i. ' as text (+ synonyms)'),
+      'getter callback'=>'materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_'.$i.'_text',
+    );
+    $node_props['materio_search_api_onthologie_term_'.$i.'_tid'] = array(
+      'type'=>'text',
+      'label'=> t('Main onthologie term '.$i. ' as tid'),
+      'getter callback'=>'materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_'.$i.'_tid',
+    );
+  }
+  $node_props['materio_search_api_onthologie_term_others_text'] = array(
+    'type'=>'list<text>',
+    'label'=> t('Others onthologie terms as text (+ synonyms)'),
+    'getter callback'=>'materio_search_api_get_taxonomy_terms_others_text',
+  );
+  $node_props['materio_search_api_onthologie_term_others_tid'] = array(
+    'type'=>'list<text>',
+    'label'=> t('Others onthologie terms as tid'),
+    'getter callback'=>'materio_search_api_get_taxonomy_terms_others_tid',
+  );
+  $node_props['materio_search_api_taglibres_text'] = array(
+    'type'=>'list<text>',
+    'label'=> t('Tag libres terms as text (+ synonyms)'),
+    'getter callback'=>'materio_search_api_get_taglibres_terms_text',
+  );
+  $node_materiau_props = &$info['node']['bundles']['materiau']['properties'];
+  $node_materiau_props['materio_search_api_node_propertie_companie'] = array(
+    'type'=>'list<text>',
+    'label'=> t('Manufacturers and distributors companies localised (dont addresse)'),
+    'getter callback'=>'materio_search_api_get_node_propertie_companie',
+  );
+  $term_props = &$info['taxonomy_term']['properties'];
+  $term_props['materio_search_api_term_property_dup_name'] = array(
+    'label' => t("Term name field dup"),
+    'description' => t("Duplicate the term name field to apply different filter in solr (remove accents for instance)"),
+    'type' => 'text',
+    'getter callback' => 'materio_search_api_term_property_dup_name',
+  );
+* taxonomy propoerties as text + synonymes
+function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_1_text($item){
+  // dsm($item, 'item');
+  return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_text($item, "field_onthologie", 0);
+function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_2_text($item){
+  // dsm($item, 'item');
+  return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_text($item, "field_onthologie", 1);
+function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_3_text($item){
+  // dsm($item, 'item');
+  return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_text($item, "field_onthologie", 2);
+function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_4_text($item){
+  // dsm($item, 'item');
+  return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_text($item, "field_onthologie", 3);
+function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_5_text($item){
+  // dsm($item, 'item');
+  return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_text($item, "field_onthologie", 4);
+function materio_search_api_get_taxonomy_terms_others_text($item){
+  // dsm($item, 'item');
+  $delta = 5;
+  $terms = array();
+  while( isset($item->field_onthologie['und'][$delta]) ){
+    $terms[] = materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_text($item, "field_onthologie", $delta);
+    $delta++;
+  }
+  return $terms;
+function materio_search_api_get_taglibres_terms_text($item){
+  // dsm($item, 'item');
+  $delta = 0;
+  $terms = array();
+  while( isset($item->field_tags_libres['und'][$delta]) ){
+    $terms[] = materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_text($item, "field_tags_libres", $delta);
+    $delta++;
+  }
+  return $terms;
+function materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_text($item, $field_name, $delta){
+  // dsm($item, 'item');
+  // dsm($delta, 'delta');
+  if(isset($item->{$field_name}['und'][$delta])){
+    // print '** item **'."\n";
+    // print_r($item);
+    $term =  taxonomy_term_load($item->{$field_name}['und'][$delta]['tid']);
+    // use entity metadata wrappers as they are SMART
+    $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('taxonomy_term', $term);
+    // print '** wrapper **'."\n";
+    // print_r($wrapper);
+    // print "\n";
+    $keywords[] = $wrapper->language($item->language)->name_field->raw();
+    // print '** term_name **'."\n";
+    // print_r($term->name);
+    // print "\n";
+    // print_r($term_name);
+    // print "\n";
+    $synonymes = array();
+    foreach ($wrapper->language($item->language)->synonyms_synonym->value() as $index => $synonym) {
+      // print '** synonym **'."\n";
+      // print_r($synonym);
+      // print "\n";
+      $keywords[] = $synonym;
+    }
+    return implode(" ", $keywords);
+  }
+  return null;
+* taxonomy properties as tid
+function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_1_tid($item){
+  // dsm($item, 'item');
+  return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_tid($item, "field_onthologie", 0);
+function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_2_tid($item){
+  // dsm($item, 'item');
+  return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_tid($item, "field_onthologie", 1);
+function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_3_tid($item){
+  // dsm($item, 'item');
+  return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_tid($item, "field_onthologie", 2);
+function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_4_tid($item){
+  // dsm($item, 'item');
+  return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_tid($item, "field_onthologie", 3);
+function materio_search_api_get_onthologie_term_5_tid($item){
+  // dsm($item, 'item');
+  return materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_tid($item, "field_onthologie", 4);
+function materio_search_api_get_taxonomy_terms_others_tid($item){
+  // dsm($item, 'item');
+  $delta = 5;
+  $terms = array();
+  while( isset($item->field_onthologie['und'][$delta]) ){
+    $terms[] = materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_tid($item, "field_onthologie", $delta);
+    $delta++;
+  }
+  return $terms;
+function materio_search_api_get_taxo_term_field_tid($item, $field_name, $delta){
+  // dsm($item, 'item');
+  // dsm($delta, 'delta');
+  $tid = null;
+  if(isset($item->{$field_name}['und'][$delta]))
+    $tid = $item->{$field_name}['und'][$delta]['tid'];
+  // print 'tid = '.$tid."\n";
+  return $tid;
+function materio_search_api_get_node_propertie_companie($item){
+  // dsm($item, '$item');
+  $lang = "fr";//$item->language;
+  $languages = language_list();
+  global $language;
+  $language = $languages[$lang];
+  $cies = array();
+  $cie_fields = array("field_company_fab", "field_company_distrib");
+  foreach ($cie_fields as $cie_field_name) {
+    $delta = 0;
+    while( isset($item->{$cie_field_name}['und'][$delta]) ){
+      $tid = $item->{$cie_field_name}['und'][$delta]['tid'];
+      $cie_term =  taxonomy_term_load($tid);
+      if($cie_node = company_get_tode_node($cie_term)){
+        $cie_node->language = $lang;
+        $cie_view = node_view($cie_node, "full", $lang);
+        $cie_rendered = rip_tags(drupal_render($cie_view));
+        // dsm($cie_rendered, 'cie_rendered');
+        $cies[] = $cie_rendered;
+      }
+      $delta++;
+    }
+  }
+  return $cies;
+function company_get_tode_node($term){
+  if(module_exists('tode'))
+    if( $entitys = tode_get_nids_from_term($term))
+      if(isset($entitys['node']))
+        foreach ($entitys['node'] as $nid => $n)
+          return node_load($nid);
+  return false;
+function rip_tags($string) {
+  // ----- remove HTML TAGs -----
+  $string = preg_replace ('/<[^>]*>/', ' ', $string);
+  // ----- remove control characters -----
+  $string = str_replace("\r", '', $string);    // --- replace with empty space
+  $string = str_replace("\n", ' ', $string);   // --- replace with space
+  $string = str_replace("\t", ' ', $string);   // --- replace with space
+  // $string = str_replace("&nbsp;", ' ', $string);   // --- replace with space
+  // $string = str_replace("&#039;", '\'', $string);   // --- replace with space
+  // ----- remove multiple spaces -----
+  $string = trim(preg_replace('/ {2,}/', ' ', $string));
+  // ----- remove html entities
+  preg_match_all('/&[^;]+;/', $string, $entities);
+  foreach ($entities[0] as $entity) {
+    $string = str_replace($entity, mb_convert_encoding($entity, 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES'), $string);
+  }
+  return $string;
+function materio_search_api_term_property_dup_name($term){
+  $lang = $term->language;
+  return $term->name_field[$lang][0]['value'];
+ *  - - -- - - - - - -  blocks - - - - - - - - - - -
+ *
+ */
+ * Implements hook_block_info().
+ */
+function materio_search_api_block_info() {
+  $blocks['materio_search_api_search'] = array(
+    'info' => t('Materio search api search'),
+    'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE
+  );
+  $blocks['materio_search_api_viewmode'] = array(
+    'info' => t('Materio search api view mode selection'),
+    'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE
+  );
+  // $blocks['materio_search_api_filters'] = array(
+  //   'info' => t('Materio search api filters'),
+  //   'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE
+  // );
+  return $blocks;
+ * Implements hook_block_view().
+ */
+function materio_search_api_block_view($delta = '') {
+  // This example comes from node.module. Note that you can also return a
+  // renderable array rather than rendered HTML for 'content'.
+  $block = array();
+  switch ($delta) {
+    case 'materio_search_api_search':
+      if (user_access('use materio search api') || user_access('use materio search api for breves')) {
+        $block['subject'] = t('Search');
+        $block['content'] = theme('materio_search_api_search_block', array());
+      }
+      break;
+    case 'materio_search_api_viewmode':
+      // restrict display on node page for materiau and breve
+      $block_is_visible = true;
+      $q = parse_url($_GET['q']);
+      $parts = explode('/', $q['path']);
+      if($parts[0] == "node"){
+        $node = node_load($parts[1]);
+        $block_is_visible = in_array($node->type, array('materiau','breve')) ? true : false;
+      }
+      if (user_access('use materio search api viewmode selection') && $block_is_visible) {
+        $block['subject'] = t('View mode');
+        $block['content'] = theme('materio_search_api_select_viewmode_block', array());
+      }
+      break;
+    // case 'materio_search_api_filters':
+    //   if (user_access('use materio search api filters')) {
+    //     $block['subject'] = t('Filters');
+    //     $block['content'] = theme('materio_search_api_filters_block', array());
+    //   }
+    //   break;
+  }
+  return $block;
+ * Implements hook_entity_info_alter().
+ */
+function materio_search_api_entity_info_alter(&$entity_info) {
+  $entity_info['node']['view modes']['cardsmall'] = array(
+    'label' => t('Small cards'),
+    'custom settings' => TRUE,
+  );
+  $entity_info['node']['view modes']['cardmedium'] = array(
+    'label' => t('Medium cards'),
+    'custom settings' => TRUE,
+  );
+  $entity_info['node']['view modes']['cardbig'] = array(
+    'label' => t('Big cards'),
+    'custom settings' => TRUE,
+  );
+  $entity_info['node']['view modes']['cardfull'] = array(
+    'label' => t('Full cards'),
+    'custom settings' => TRUE,
+  );
+ * Implements hook_node_view_alter().
+ */
+function materio_search_api_node_view_alter(&$build) {
+  $node = $build['#node'];
+  if (arg(0) == 'node' && arg(1) == $node->nid) {
+    // dsm($build, 'build');
+    global $user;
+    $viewmode = isset($user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode']) ? $user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode'] : variable_get('defaultviewmode', 'full');
+    // dsm($viewmode, 'viewmode');
+    $node = $build['#node'];
+    if($build['#view_mode'] != $viewmode && $build['#view_mode'] != "bookmark" & in_array($node->type, array('breve', 'materiau'))){
+      $build = node_view($node, $viewmode);
+    }
+  }
+ * Implements hook_node_view().
+ */
+function materio_search_api_node_view($node, $view_mode, $langcode) {
+  if (in_array($view_mode, array('cardsmall','cardmedium', 'cardbig', 'cardfull'))) {
+    # PRINT 7.1
+    print_node_view($node, 'full');
+    print_pdf_node_view($node, 'full');
+    # PRINT 7.2-beta
+    //print_ui_node_view($node, 'full');
+    // dsm($node, 'node');
+  }
+ * materiobase_search_form()
+ */
+function materio_search_api_search_form($form, &$form_state){
+  //  dsm($form_state, 'form_state');
+  // dsm($form, 'form');
+  global $user;
+  $form = array();
+  $args = arg();
+  $path = array_shift($args);
+  // dsm($args, 'args');
+  if($args[0] == "advanced"){
+    $advanced = true;
+    array_shift($args);
+    // dsm($args, 'shifted arsg');
+    // foreach ($args as $arg) {
+    //   $typed[] = $arg;//(integer)$arg;
+    // }
+    $keys = implode(' +', $args);
+  }else{
+    $keys = implode('/', $args);
+  }
+  if(user_access('use materio search api autocomplete')){ // use materio search api autocomplete | use materio search api filters
+    $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
+    $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')
+      ->entityCondition('bundle', 'materiau')
+      ->propertyCondition('status', 1);
+    $count = $query->count()->execute();
+    $default_value = t("search among our !fiches cards", array("!fiches"=>$count));
+  }else{
+    $default_value = '';
+  }
+  $form['searchfield'] = array(
+    '#type' => 'textfield',
+    '#default_value' => $path == 'explore' ? $keys : $default_value, // TODO:  set the search page path global or a variable in settings
+    '#autocomplete_path' => 'materiosearchapi/autocomplete/searchapi',
+    //'#autocomplete_path' => 'materiosearchapi/autocomplete/dbselect',
+    '#size' => 30,
+    '#maxlength' => 1024,
+    '#attributes' => array("default"=>$default_value),
+  );
+  if(user_access('use materio search api filters')){
+    $index = search_api_index_load(variable_get('mainsearchindex', -1));
+    $indexed_bundles = $index->options['data_alter_callbacks']['search_api_alter_bundle_filter']['settings']['bundles'];
+    foreach ($indexed_bundles as $bundle) {
+      $bundles_options[$bundle] = $bundle;
+      $default_bundles[] = $bundle;
+    }
+    $user_bundles_filter = isset($user->data['materiosearchapi_bundlesfilter']) ? $user->data['materiosearchapi_bundlesfilter'] : $default_bundles;
+    $form['bundles_filter'] = array(
+      '#type'=>'checkboxes',
+      '#options' => $bundles_options,
+      '#default_value' => $user_bundles_filter,
+      // '#attributes' => array('class'=>array('btn-group')),
+    );
+  }
+  $form['create'] = array(
+    '#type' => 'image_button',
+    '#src' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api') . '/images/search.png',
+    '#value' => t('Search'),
+  );
+  return $form;
+function materio_search_api_search_form_validate($form, &$form_state){
+  // dsm($form, '$form');
+  // dsm($form_state, '$form_state');
+  // dsm(strlen($form_state['values']['searchfield']));
+  if (strlen(trim($form_state['values']['searchfield'])) <= 1) {
+    form_set_error('searchfield', 'Please enter at least 2 characters keyword.');
+  }
+function materio_search_api_search_form_submit($form, &$form_state){
+  // dsm($form_state, 'form_state');
+  global $user;
+  if(user_access('use materio search api filters')){
+    foreach($form_state['values']['bundles_filter'] as $bundle => $value)
+      if($value)
+        $bundles[] = $bundle;
+    # if no filter checked we checked them all by default
+    if(!isset($bundles))
+      foreach($form_state['values']['bundles_filter'] as $bundle => $value)
+          $bundles[] = $bundle;
+  }else{
+    # if user have no access to filters
+    $index = search_api_index_load(variable_get('mainsearchindex', -1));
+    $indexed_bundles = $index->options['data_alter_callbacks']['search_api_alter_bundle_filter']['settings']['bundles'];
+    foreach ($indexed_bundles as $bundle) {
+      $bundles[] = $bundle;
+    }
+  }
+  user_save($user, array("data"=>array('materiosearchapi_bundlesfilter' => $bundles)));
+  $form_state['redirect'] = 'explore/'.$form_state['values']['searchfield'];
+ * viewmode
+ */
+function _materio_search_api_change_viewmode($vm){
+  // dsm($vm, '_materio_search_api_change_viewmode');
+  global $user;
+  // dsm($user, 'user');
+  $entity_infos = entity_get_info();
+  // dsm($entity_infos, 'entity_infos');
+  if (in_array($vm, variable_get('availableviewmodes', array()))) {
+    user_save($user, array("data"=>array('materiosearchapi_viewmode' => $vm)));
+    $rep = array('statut'=>'saved');
+  }else{
+    $rep = array('statut'=>'viewmode not allowed');
+  }
+  return $rep;
+* - - - - - - - - - - - -  THEME  - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ * Implements hook_theme().
+ */
+function materio_search_api_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
+  return array(
+    'materio_search_api_search_block' => array(
+      'arguments' => array(),
+      'template' => 'materio-search-api-search-block',
+      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api').'/templates',
+    ),
+    'materio_search_api_select_viewmode_block' => array(
+      'arguments' => array(),
+      'template' => 'materio-search-api-select-viewmode-block',
+      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api').'/templates',
+    ),
+    // 'materio_search_api_filters_block' => array(
+    //   'arguments' => array(),
+    //   'template' => 'materio-search-api-filters-block',
+    //   'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api').'/templates',
+    // ),
+    'materio_search_api_results' => array(
+      'arguments' => array(),
+      'template' => 'materio-search-api-results',
+      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api').'/templates',
+      'variables' => array(
+        'index' => NULL,
+        'results' => array('result count' => 0),
+        'items' => array(),
+        'view_mode' => 'teaser',
+        'keys' => '',
+        // 'page_machine_name' => NULL,
+        'spellcheck' => NULL,
+        'pager' => NULL,
+      ),
+    ),
+    // 'materio_search_api_performance' => array(
+    //   'render element' => 'element',
+    // ),
+    'materio_search_api_actuality' => array(
+      'template' => 'materio-search-api-actuality',
+      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api').'/templates',
+      'arguments' => array(
+        'items' => array(),
+        'view_mode' => "teaser",
+        'pager' => NULL,
+        'count' => 0,
+      )
+    ),
+    'materio_search_api_advanced_search_block' => array(
+      'template' => 'materio-search-api-advanced-search-block',
+      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api').'/templates',
+      'arguments' => array(),
+    ),
+    'materio_search_api_form_element' => array(
+      'render element' => 'element',
+    ),
+  );
+ * Implements theme for rendering search-performance
+ */
+// function theme_materio_search_api_performance($variables) {
+//   $element = array_shift($variables);
+//   return $element['#markup'];
+// }
+ * template_preprocess_materiobase_search_block();
+ */
+function template_preprocess_materio_search_api_search_block(&$vars){
+  // dsm($vars, '$vars');
+  $vars['searchform'] = drupal_get_form("materio_search_api_search_form");
+function template_preprocess_materio_search_api_select_viewmode_block(&$vars){
+  global $user;
+  $active = isset($user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode']) ? $user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode'] : variable_get('defaultviewmode', 'full');
+  $availableviewmodes = variable_get('availableviewmodes', -1);
+  // dsm($availableviewmodes);
+  $entity_infos = entity_get_info();
+  // dsm($entity_infos, 'entity_infos');
+  $content = '<div class="btn-group btn-group-vertical">';
+  foreach ($entity_infos['node']['view modes'] as $viewmode => $value) {
+    if(in_array($viewmode, $availableviewmodes)){
+      $link = l(
+        '<i class="icon-materio-viewmode-'.$viewmode.($active == $viewmode ? " active" : '').'"></i><span class="inner">'.$value['label'].'</span>',
+        'materiosearchapi/viewmode/change/'.$viewmode,
+        array(
+          'query' => drupal_get_destination(),
+          'html' => true,
+          'attributes' => array(
+            'class' => array(
+              'viewmode-link',
+              'viewmode-'.$viewmode,
+              $active == $viewmode ? " active" : ''
+            ),
+            'rel' => $viewmode
+          )
+        )
+      );
+      $content .= $link;
+    }
+  }
+  $content .= '</div>';
+  $vars['content'] = $content;
+// function template_preprocess_materio_search_api_filters_block(&$vars){
+//   $index_machine_name = variable_get('mainsearchindex', -1);
+//   $index = search_api_index_load($index_machine_name);
+//   dsm($index, 'index');
+//   // $entity_infos = entity_get_info($index->item_type);
+//   // dsm($entity_infos, 'entity_infos');
+//   $indexed_bundles = $index->options['data_alter_callbacks']['search_api_alter_bundle_filter']['settings']['bundles'];
+//   dsm($indexed_bundles, 'indexed_bundles');
+//   $vars['content'] = drupal_get_form('materio_search_api_filters_form', $indexed_bundles);
+// }
+// function materio_search_api_filters_form($form, $form_state, $bundles){
+//   $form = array();
+//   dsm($bundles, 'bundles');
+//   foreach ($bundles as $bundle) {
+//     $form[$bundle . '_filter'] = array(
+//       '#type'=>'checkbox',
+//       '#default_value' => -1,
+//       '#title' => $bundle,
+//     );
+//   }
+//   return $form;
+// }
+ * Function for preprocessing the variables for the search_api_page_results
+ * template.
+ *
+ * @param array $variables
+ *   An associative array containing:
+ *   - $index: The index this search was executed on.
+ *   - $results: An array of search results, as returned by
+ *     SearchApiQueryInterface::execute().
+ *   - $keys: The keywords of the executed search.
+ *
+ * @see materio-search-api-results.tpl.php
+ */
+function template_preprocess_materio_search_api_results(array &$vars) {
+  // dsm($vars, 'vars');
+  $results = $vars['results'];
+  if(isset($results['result count'])){
+    $vars['result_count'] = $results['result count'];
+    $vars['sec'] = round($results['performance']['complete'], 3);
+    $vars['keywords'] = $vars['keys'];
+    if(isset($results['breves count'])){
+      // for free users
+      // dsm("free users");
+      $vars['perfascard'] = true;
+      $perfoutput = format_plural(
+        $results['breves count'],
+        'The search found 1 news ',
+        'The search found @count news '
+      );
+      $perfoutput .= format_plural(
+        $vars['result_count'] - $results['breves count'],
+        'with 1 associated matter.',
+        'with @count associated matters.'
+      );
+      $perfoutput .= '<br />';
+      $perfoutput .= format_plural(
+        $results['could results']['result count'],
+        ' You could have found 1 result with a ',
+        ' You could have found <strong>@count results</strong> with a '
+      );
+      $perfoutput .= l(t('full access to materiO\'.'), 'node/11187');
+      $perfoutput .= l(t('Pricing'), 'node/11187', array("attributes"=>array("class"=>array('button'))));
+      $vars['search_performance'] = $perfoutput;
+    }else{
+      // for members
+      $vars['perfascard'] = false;
+      // $vars['search_performance'] = format_plural(
+      //   // $results['result count'],
+      //   $vars['result_count'],
+      //   'The search found 1 result ',
+      //   'The search found @count results '
+      // )
+      $vars['search_performance'] = t('The search found @count result(s) with keywords @keys.', array(
+        "@count"=>$vars['result_count'],
+        "@keys"=>$vars['keywords'])
+      );
+      // TODO indicate how many materials and how many news
+      // $vars['search_performance'] = t('The search found @count result(s) with keywords @keys. @mat materials and @new news.', array(
+      //   "@count"=>$vars['result_count'],
+      //   "@keys"=>$vars['keywords'],
+      //   "@mat"=>4,
+      //   "@new"=>7)
+      // );
+    }
+  }else{
+    //for anonymous
+    $vars['perfascard'] = true;
+    $perfoutput = t('You can\'t access to the materiO\' search tool without an account.').'<br />';
+    $perfoutput .= format_plural(
+      $results['could results']['result count'],
+      ' You could have found 1 result with a ',
+      ' You could have found <strong>@count results</strong> with a '
+    );
+    $perfoutput .= l(t('full access to materiO\'.'), 'node/11187');
+    $perfoutput .= l(t('Pricing'), 'node/11187', array("attributes"=>array("class"=>array('button'))));
+    $vars['search_performance'] = $perfoutput;
+  }
+  //dsm($vars, '$vars');
+function template_preprocess_materio_search_api_actuality(&$vars){
+  // dsm($vars, 'template_preprocess_materio_search_api_actuality | vars');
+  // $vars['actualities_infos'] = t('Actualities by materiO\'');
+  $vars['actualities_infos'] = t('');
+function template_preprocess_materio_search_api_advanced_search_block(&$vars){
+  // dsm($vars, "vars");
+  $vars['searchform'] = drupal_get_form("materio_search_api_advanced_search_form");
+function theme_materio_search_api_form_element($variables) {
+  // dsm($variables, 'variables');
+  $element = &$variables['element'];
+  // This function is invoked as theme wrapper, but the rendered form element
+  // may not necessarily have been processed by form_builder().
+  $element += array(
+    '#title_display' => 'before',
+  );
+  // Add element #id for #type 'item'.
+  if (isset($element['#markup']) && !empty($element['#id'])) {
+    $attributes['id'] = $element['#id'];
+  }
+  // Add element's #type and #name as class to aid with JS/CSS selectors.
+  $attributes['class'] = array('form-item');
+  if (!empty($element['#type'])) {
+    $attributes['class'][] = 'form-type-' . strtr($element['#type'], '_', '-');
+  }
+  if (!empty($element['#name'])) {
+    $attributes['class'][] = 'form-item-' . strtr($element['#name'], array(' ' => '-', '_' => '-', '[' => '-', ']' => ''));
+  }
+  // Add a class for disabled elements to facilitate cross-browser styling.
+  if (!empty($element['#attributes']['disabled'])) {
+    $attributes['class'][] = 'form-disabled';
+  }
+  # adding element class to wrapper
+  foreach ($element['#attributes']['class'] as $value) {
+    $attributes['class'][] = $value;
+  }
+  foreach ($element['#attributes'] as $attr => $value) {
+    if(!in_array($attr, array('class', 'multiple', 'id', 'type', 'name'))){
+      $attributes[$attr] = $value;
+    }
+  }
+  $output = '<div' . drupal_attributes($attributes) . '>' . "\n";
+  // If #title is not set, we don't display any label or required marker.
+  if (!isset($element['#title'])) {
+    $element['#title_display'] = 'none';
+  }
+  $prefix = isset($element['#field_prefix']) ? '<span class="field-prefix">' . $element['#field_prefix'] . '</span> ' : '';
+  $suffix = isset($element['#field_suffix']) ? ' <span class="field-suffix">' . $element['#field_suffix'] . '</span>' : '';
+  switch ($element['#title_display']) {
+    case 'before':
+    case 'invisible':
+      $output .= ' ' . theme('form_element_label', $variables);
+      $output .= ' ' . $prefix . $element['#children'] . $suffix . "\n";
+      break;
+    case 'after':
+      $output .= ' ' . $prefix . $element['#children'] . $suffix;
+      $output .= ' ' . theme('form_element_label', $variables) . "\n";
+      break;
+    case 'none':
+    case 'attribute':
+      // Output no label and no required marker, only the children.
+      $output .= ' ' . $prefix . $element['#children'] . $suffix . "\n";
+      break;
+  }
+  if (!empty($element['#description'])) {
+    $output .= '<div class="description">' . $element['#description'] . "</div>\n";
+  }
+  $output .= "</div>\n";
+  return $output;
+* - - - - - - - - - - - -  SEARCH API PAGE  - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ * Implements hook_block_view_alter().
+ */
+function materio_search_api_block_view_alter(&$data, $block) {
+  // this alter prepopulate the search form provide by search_api_page
+  if ($block->module == 'search_api_page') {
+    $page = search_api_page_load($block->delta);
+    $item = menu_get_item();
+    if (isset($page->path) && $page->path == $item['path']) {
+      $keys = arg(count(arg(NULL, $page->path)));
+      if ($keys) {
+        $data['content']['keys_' . $page->id]['#default_value'] = $keys;
+        $data['content']['keys_' . $page->id]['#value'] = $keys;
+      }
+    }
+  }

+ 479 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+ * materiobase_search_autocomplete_dbselect()
+ *
+ * inspired by taxonomy_autocomplete()
+ *
+ * OBSOLETE : this fonction use a direct dbselect request to provide results forautocomplete
+ *
+ */
+function materio_search_api_autocomplete_dbselect($typed = ''){
+  // If the request has a '/' in the search text, then the menu system will have
+  // split it into multiple arguments, recover the intended $tags_typed.
+  $args = func_get_args();
+  $typed = implode('/', $args);
+  /*
+    TODO riche serach engine + \\ etc gmail like
+  */
+  if ($typed != '') {
+    // Part of the criteria for the query come from the field's own settings.
+    $vids = array();
+    $vocabularies = taxonomy_vocabulary_get_names();
+    foreach ($vocabularies as $voc) {
+      $vids[] = $voc->vid;
+    }
+    $query = db_select('taxonomy_term_data', 't');
+    $query->addTag('translatable');
+    $query->addTag('term_access');
+    // Select rows that match by term name.
+    $tags_return = $query
+      ->fields('t', array('tid', 'name'))
+      ->condition('t.vid', $vids)
+      ->condition('', '%' . db_like($typed) . '%', 'LIKE')
+      ->range(0, 10)
+      ->execute()
+      ->fetchAllKeyed();
+    $term_matches = array();
+    foreach ($tags_return as $tid => $name) {
+      $n = $name;
+      // Term names containing commas or quotes must be wrapped in quotes.
+      // if (strpos($name, ',') !== FALSE || strpos($name, '"') !== FALSE) {
+      //   $n = '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $name) . '"';
+      // }
+      $term_matches[$n] = check_plain($name);
+    }
+  }
+  drupal_json_output($term_matches);
+* materio_search_api_autocomplete_searchapi($typed = '')
+* GOOD one using searchapi (SOLR)
+function materio_search_api_autocomplete_searchapi($typed = ''){
+  // If the request has a '/' in the search text, then the menu system will have
+  // split it into multiple arguments, recover the intended $tags_typed.
+  $args = func_get_args();
+  $typed = implode('/', $args);
+  // dsm($typed, 'typed');
+  if ($typed != '') {
+    // search for patterns like key -another key +lastkey
+    // and provide auto completion for the last key
+    preg_match_all('/\s?[\+|-]?[^\s]+/', $typed, $adv_search_q);
+    // dsm($adv_search_q, "adv_search_q");
+    preg_match('/^(\+|-)?(.*)$/', trim(array_pop($adv_search_q[0])), $last);
+    // dsm($last, "last");
+    $tosearch = isset($last[2]) ? $last[2] : $typed;
+    // build the query
+    global $language;
+    $index_machine_name = variable_get('autocompletesearchindex_'.$language->language, -1);
+    $query = search_api_query($index_machine_name);
+    // $query_filter = $query->createFilter();
+    // $query_filter->condition('name', $tosearch);
+    // $query_filter->condition('type', 'article');
+    // $query->filter($query_filter);
+    $query->keys($tosearch);
+    $tags_return = $query->execute();
+    // dsm($tags_return, '$tags_return');
+    if($tags_return['result count']){
+      $term_matches = array();
+      $index = search_api_index_load($index_machine_name);
+      $delta = 0;
+      foreach ($index->loadItems(array_keys($tags_return['results'])) as $item) {
+        //dsm($item, '$item');
+        //$term_matches[$item->tid] = check_plain($item->name);
+        // $term_matches[check_plain($item->name)] = check_plain($item->name);
+        // TODO:  leave tags with nodes
+        $term_matches[trim(implode(' ', $adv_search_q[0]).' "'.$last[1].$item->name).'"'] = check_plain($item->name);
+        $delta++;
+        if($delta > 15)
+          break;
+      }
+      drupal_json_output($term_matches);
+    }else{
+      drupal_json_output(array());
+    }
+  }else{
+    return;
+  }
+  // dsm($term_matches, 'term_matches');
+  // return 'debug mode of materio_search_api_autocomplete_searchapi';
+* materio_search_api_results_search()
+function materio_search_api_results_search(){
+  //dsm("materio_search_api_results_search");
+  // retreive typed words separated by slashes as a sentence
+  $keys = func_get_args();
+  // dsm($args, 'args');
+  $typed = implode('/', $keys);
+  // remove query page params
+  preg_match_all('/\?page=([0-9]+)/', $typed, $pages);
+  //dsm($pages, '$pages');
+  if($pages[0]){
+    $typed = str_replace($pages[0][0], '', $typed);
+  }
+  // dsm($typed, 'typed');
+  if ($typed) {
+    global $language;
+    global $user;
+    # retrieve viewmode and then use it to define the query range
+    $viewmode = isset($user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode'])
+      ? $user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode']
+      : variable_get('defaultviewmode', 'full');
+    $limit = variable_get($viewmode.'_limite', '10');
+    $offset = pager_find_page() * $limit; //$page*$limit;//
+    # Normal search
+    if(user_access('use materio search api')){
+      // dsm('normal search');
+      $results = msa_solrquery_materiauxbreves($typed, $language, $user, $offset, $limit);
+    }
+    # only breves search (+ related materials)
+    else if(user_access('use materio search api for breves')){
+      // dsm('limited search');
+      $results = msa_solrquery_breves($typed, $language, $user, $offset, $limit);
+    }
+    // for all case
+    $ret['results']['#results'] = $results;
+    $ret['results']['#items'] = $results['items'];
+    $ret['results']['#index'] = $results['index'];
+    $ret['results']['#theme'] = 'materio_search_api_results';
+    $ret['results']['#keys'] = $typed;
+    $ret['results']['#view_mode'] = $viewmode;
+    // page title
+    $page_title = $typed;
+    drupal_set_title('<i class="icon-materio-search"></i>'.check_plain($page_title), PASS_THROUGH);
+    // render results
+    if(isset($results)){
+      // Load pager.
+      // if ($results['result count'] > $page->options['per_page']) {
+        pager_default_initialize($results['result count'], $limit);
+        $ret['results']['#pager'] = theme('pager');
+      // }
+      if (!empty($results['ignored'])) {
+        drupal_set_message(
+          t('The following search keys are too short or too common and were therefore ignored: "@list".',
+            array( '@list' => implode(t('", "'), $results['ignored']) ) ),
+         'warning'
+        );
+      }
+      if (!empty($results['warnings'])) {
+        foreach ($results['warnings'] as $warning) {
+          drupal_set_message($warning, 'warning');
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // dsm($ret, 'ret');
+  return $ret;
+function msa_solrquery_materiauxbreves($typed, $language, $user, $offset, $limit){
+  // dsm($offset, 'offset');
+  // dsm($limit, 'limit');
+  // -- communs --//
+  # define default bundle option (materiaux, breves)
+  $default_bundles = array();
+  if(isset($taxo_index->options['data_alter_callbacks']['search_api_alter_bundle_filter']['settings']['bundles'])){
+    $indexed_bundles = $taxo_index->options['data_alter_callbacks']['search_api_alter_bundle_filter']['settings']['bundles'];
+    foreach ($indexed_bundles as $bundle) { $default_bundles[] = $bundle; }
+  }
+  # choose solr query bundle option
+  $bundles_filter = isset($user->data['materiosearchapi_bundlesfilter'])
+    ? $user->data['materiosearchapi_bundlesfilter']
+    : $default_bundles;
+  # choose solr query options
+  $query_options = array('conjunction'=>'OR', 'parse mode'=>'direct');
+  // -- -- taxo search -- -- //
+  # define search api solr index
+  $taxo_index_machine_name = variable_get('taxonomysearchindex_'.$language->language, -1);
+  $taxo_index = search_api_index_load($taxo_index_machine_name);
+  #create the solr query for taxonomy search
+  $taxo_query = search_api_query($taxo_index_machine_name, $query_options)
+    ->keys($typed);
+  # apply bundle options to solr query if usefull
+  if(count($bundles_filter)){
+    $filter = $taxo_query->createFilter('OR');
+    foreach ($bundles_filter as $type)
+      $filter->condition('type', $type, '=');
+    $taxo_query->filter($filter);
+  }
+  // $query->setOption('search_api_bypass_access', true);
+  # add user access solr query option
+  $taxo_query->setOption('search_api_access_account', $user);
+  #execute first time to get the all items, to be able to filter the full text research
+  $taxo_total_results = $taxo_query->execute();
+  // dsm($taxo_total_results, "taxo total results");
+  #add range to retriev the real current results
+  $taxo_query->range($offset, $limit);
+  # execute solr query and record results
+  $taxo_results = $taxo_query->execute();
+  // dsm($taxo_results, "taxo results");
+  $taxo_items = $taxo_index->loadItems(array_keys($taxo_results['results']));
+  // dsm($taxo_items, 'taxo items');
+  $taxo_results['items'] = $taxo_items;
+  $taxo_results['index'] = $taxo_index;//search_api_index_load($index_machine_name);
+  // -- -- full text search -- -- //
+  #define search api solr index
+  $fulltxt_index_machine_name = variable_get('fulltextsearchindex_'.$language->language, -1);
+  $fulltxt_index = search_api_index_load($fulltxt_index_machine_name);
+  #then calculate the good offset and limit for the complementary search 
+  $fulltxt_offset = $offset - $taxo_results['result count'];
+  #create the solr query for taxonomy search
+  $fulltxt_query = search_api_query($fulltxt_index_machine_name, $query_options)
+    ->keys($typed)
+    ->range(($fulltxt_offset > 0 ? $fulltxt_offset : 0), $limit); // change offset to match with the first query (taxonomy)
+  # apply bundle options to solr query if usefull
+  if(count($bundles_filter)){
+    $filter = $fulltxt_query->createFilter('OR');
+    foreach ($bundles_filter as $type)
+      $filter->condition('type', $type, '=');
+    $fulltxt_query->filter($filter);
+  }
+  # filter to remove precedent search query
+  $nid_filter = $fulltxt_query->createFilter('AND');
+  foreach ($taxo_total_results['results'] as $nid => $item)
+    $nid_filter->condition('nid', $nid, '<>');
+  $fulltxt_query->filter($nid_filter);
+  # add user access solr query option
+  $fulltxt_query->setOption('search_api_access_account', $user);
+  # execute solr query and record results
+  $fulltxt_results = $fulltxt_query->execute();
+  // dsm($fulltxt_results, "fulltxt_results");
+  # add the full text result count to the taxo result to have the total of items
+  $taxo_results['result count'] += $fulltxt_results['result count'];
+  # if we are at the end of the first search results list
+  if($fulltxt_offset >= 0){
+    $fulltxt_items = $fulltxt_index->loadItems(array_keys($fulltxt_results['results']));
+    // dsm($fulltxt_items, 'full txt items');
+    $taxo_results['items'] += $fulltxt_items;
+  }
+  # TODO:  cache the results with cache graceful :
+  return $taxo_results;
+function msa_solrquery_breves($typed, $language, $user, $offset, $limit){
+  $index_machine_name = variable_get('brevessearchindex_'.$language->language, -1);
+  // dsm($index_machine_name, '$index_machine_name');
+  $index = search_api_index_load($index_machine_name);
+  # choose solr query options
+  $query_options = array('conjunction'=>'OR', 'parse mode'=>'direct');
+  #create the solr query
+  $query = search_api_query($index_machine_name, $query_options)
+    ->keys($typed)
+    ->range($offset, $limit);
+  // $query->setOption('search_api_bypass_access', true);
+  # add user access solr query option
+  $query->setOption('search_api_access_account', $user);
+  # execute solr query and record results
+  $results = $query->execute();
+  // dsm($results, 'results');
+  $results['index'] = $index;//search_api_index_load($index_machine_name);
+  #could
+  $could_index_machine_name = variable_get('fulltextsearchindex_'.$language->language, -1);
+  $could_index = search_api_index_load($could_index_machine_name);
+  # in case of free user search, run a real search to indicate how much items you could find
+  $could_query = search_api_query($could_index_machine_name, array('conjunction'=>'OR', 'parse mode'=>'direct'))
+  ->keys($typed);
+  $could_results = $could_query->execute();
+  // dsm($could_results, 'could_results');
+  $results['could results'] = $could_results;
+  # add items : breve + materials wich are in the could result
+  $items = array();
+  $breves = $index->loadItems(array_keys($results['results']));
+  foreach ($breves as $nid => $breve) {
+    if(!node_access('view', $breve))
+      continue;
+    $items[] = $breve;
+    $materiaux = field_get_items('node',$breve,'field_materiau_ref');
+    // dsm($materiaux, 'materiaux');
+    if($materiaux){
+      foreach ($materiaux as $value) {
+        if(!isset($could_results['results'][$value['target_id']]))
+          continue;
+        $materiau = node_load($value['target_id']);
+        if(node_access('view', $materiau))
+          $items[] = $materiau;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  $results['items'] = $items;
+  $results['breves count'] = $results['result count'];
+  $results['result count'] = count($items);
+  // dsm($results, "results");
+  # TODO:  cache the results with cache graceful :
+  return $results;  
+* materio_search_api_actuality()
+function materio_search_api_actuality(){
+  global $user;
+  if(isset($user->roles[1])){
+    $date_limit = strtotime('-6 month');
+    // dsm(date('d m y', $date_limit));
+  }
+  $viewmode = isset($user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode']) ? $user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode'] : variable_get('defaultviewmode', 'full');
+  $limit = 10;//variable_get($viewmode.'_limite', '10');
+  $offset = pager_find_page() * $limit;
+  // dsm($offset);
+  $query = new EntityFieldQuery;
+  $query
+    ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')
+    ->propertyCondition('status', 1)
+    ->entityCondition('bundle', array('breve'))
+    ->propertyOrderBy('created', 'DESC')
+    ->range($offset,$limit);
+  if(isset($user->roles[1])){
+    $query->propertyCondition('created', $date_limit, '>');
+  }
+  $result = $query->execute();
+  // dsm($result, '$result');
+  $count_query = new EntityFieldQuery;
+  $count_query
+    ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')
+    ->propertyCondition('status', 1)
+    ->entityCondition('bundle', array('breve'));
+  // dsm($count, 'count');
+  if(isset($user->roles[1])){
+    $count_query->propertyCondition('created', $date_limit, '>');
+  }
+  $count = $count_query->count()->execute();
+  pager_default_initialize($count, $limit);
+  $items = array();
+  if(isset($result['node'])){
+    foreach ($result['node'] as $nid => $n) {
+      $breve = node_load($nid);
+      if(!node_access('view', $breve))
+        continue;
+      $items[] = $breve;
+      $materiaux = field_get_items('node',$breve,'field_materiau_ref');
+      // dsm($materiaux, 'materiaux');
+      if($materiaux){
+        foreach ($materiaux as $value) {
+          $materiau = node_load($value['target_id']);
+          if(node_access('view', $materiau))
+            $items[] = $materiau;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // drupal_set_title(t('Actualities'));
+  drupal_set_title(t(''));
+  return theme('materio_search_api_actuality', array(
+    'items' => $items,
+    'view_mode' => $viewmode,
+    'count' => $count,
+    'pager' => theme('pager'),
+  ));
+function materio_search_api_viewmode_change($vm){
+  //dsm($vm, 'materio_search_api_viewmode_change');
+  $rep = _materio_search_api_change_viewmode($vm);
+  //return 'debug mode for materio_search_api_viewmode_change';
+  // drupal_json_output($rep);
+  drupal_goto();

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+name = Materio Search API Ajax
+description = "The description of this module"
+; Core version (required)
+core = 7.x
+; Package name (see for a list of names)
+package = Materio
+; PHP version requirement (optional)
+; php = 5.2
+; Loadable code files
+  files[] = materio_search_api_ajax.module
+; files[] =
+; files[] =
+; Module dependencies
+; dependencies[] = materio_search_api
+; dependencies[] = theirmodule (1.2)
+; dependencies[] = anothermodule (>=2.4)
+; dependencies[] = views (3.x)
+; Configuration page
+; configure = admin/config/materio_search_api_ajax
+; For further information about configuration options, see
+; -

+ 68 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * @file
+ * This is the file description for materio_search_api_ajax module.
+ *
+ * In this more verbose, multi-line description, you can specify what this
+ * file does exactly. Make sure to wrap your documentation in column 78 so
+ * that the file can be displayed nicely in default-sized consoles.
+ */
+ * Implements hook_init().
+ */
+function materio_search_api_ajax_init() {
+  if (module_exists('locale')) {
+    $languages = language_list('enabled');
+  }
+  drupal_add_js(array('materio_search_api_ajax' => array(
+    'module_path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api_ajax'),
+    // 'strings'=>array(
+    //   'sitetitle'=>,
+    //   'siteslogan'=>,
+    // ),
+    'languages' => isset($languages) ? $languages[1] : array(),
+  )), 'setting');
+  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api_ajax').'/js/materio_search_api_ajax.min.js');
+ * Implements hook_menu().
+ */
+function materio_search_api_ajax_menu() {
+  $items = array();
+  $base = array(
+    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
+    'file' => '',
+  );
+  $items['materio_search_api_ajax/search'] = $base+array(
+    'title' => 'Matrio base ajax',
+    'page callback' => 'materio_search_api_ajax_search',
+    'page arguments' => array(2),
+    'access callback' => TRUE,
+    'access arguments' => array('use materio search api'),
+  );
+  $items['materio_search_api_ajax/viewmode/change'] = $base+array(
+    'page callback' => 'materio_search_api_ajax_viewmode_change',
+    'page argument' => array(3),
+    'access arguments' => array('use materio search api viewmode selection'),
+  );
+  $items['materio_search_api_ajax/actuality'] = $base+array(
+    'page callback' => 'materio_search_api_ajax_actuality',
+    'access callback' => TRUE,
+    'page arguments' => array(2),
+  );
+  $items['materio_search_api_ajax/node'] = $base+array(
+    'page callback' => 'materio_search_api_ajax_node',
+    'access callback' => TRUE,
+    'page arguments' => array(2),
+  );
+  return $items;

+ 247 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+function materio_search_api_ajax_search($page = 0){
+  $debug = false;
+  global $user, $base_url;
+  // TODO:  set research path configurable
+  $search_path = "explore";
+  # execute search
+  $_GET['page'] = $page;
+  $keys = rawurldecode($_GET['keys']);
+  foreach(explode(' ', $keys) as $word){
+    $words[] = rawurlencode($word);
+  }
+  $keys_encoded = implode(' ', $words);
+  // dsm($words, 'words');
+  $path = $search_path . '/' . $keys;//. ($page ? '?page='.$page : '');
+  // check if request is ajax, if not rediret to search_api_page page with right keys
+  if (!$debug && (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) != 'xmlhttprequest')) {
+    drupal_goto($path, array(), 301);
+    exit ;
+  }
+  // TODO:  if no permission, redirect to home
+  # content type filter s
+  // $types = $_GET['types'];
+  if(isset($_GET['types'])){
+    # if user have access to filters;
+    foreach($_GET['types'] as $type => $value)
+      if($value == 'true')
+        $active_types[] = $type;
+    // if no filter checked we checked them all by default
+    if(!isset($active_types))
+      foreach($_GET['types'] as $type => $value)
+          $active_types[] = $type;
+  }else{
+    # if user have no access to filters
+    $index = search_api_index_load(variable_get('mainsearchindex', -1));
+    $indexed_bundles = $index->options['data_alter_callbacks']['search_api_alter_bundle_filter']['settings']['bundles'];
+    foreach ($indexed_bundles as $bundle) {
+      $active_types[] = $bundle;
+    }
+  }
+  user_save($user, array("data"=>array('materiosearchapi_bundlesfilter' => $active_types)));
+  # if we are not already on the search page then don't respond with search results but redirect to search page
+  if(isset($_GET['current_path'])){
+    // url() generates the prefix using hook_url_outbound_alter(). Instead of
+    // running the hook_url_outbound_alter() again here, extract the prefix
+    // from url().
+    url('', array('prefix' => &$prefix));
+    $cur_path = str_replace($base_url.base_path().$prefix, '', $_GET['current_path']);
+    // dsm($cur_path, 'cur_path');
+    $cur_is_search_path = strpos($cur_path, $search_path);
+    // dsm($matches, '$matches');
+    if($cur_is_search_path === false){
+      $rep = array(
+        "redirect" => $base_url.base_path().$prefix.$path,
+      );
+      drupal_json_output($rep);
+      exit;
+    }
+  }
+  // define mode (between full text or only term selected on autocompletion)
+  // TODO implement the new search mode (only term)
+  if(isset($_GET['searchmode'])){
+    $searchmode = $_GET['searchmode'];
+    user_save($user, array("data"=>array('materiosearchapi_searchmode' => $searchmode)));
+  }
+  // dsm($path, 'path');
+  // execute the searcj path and retrive results
+  menu_set_active_item($path);
+  $return = menu_execute_active_handler($path, FALSE);
+  //dsm($return, '$return');
+  if (is_int($return)) {
+    switch ($return) {
+      case MENU_NOT_FOUND :
+        drupal_add_http_header('Status', '404 Not Found');
+        break;
+      case MENU_ACCESS_DENIED :
+        drupal_add_http_header('Status', '403 Forbidden');
+        break;
+      case MENU_SITE_OFFLINE :
+        drupal_add_http_header('Status', '503 Service unavailable');
+        break;
+    }
+  } elseif (isset($return)) {
+    if (is_array($return)) {
+      $count = $return['results']['#results']['result count'];
+      $return = drupal_render($return);
+      // $return = theme($return['#theme'], $return);
+    }
+    $rep = array(
+      'path'=>$search_path.'/'.$keys_encoded,
+      'keys'=>$keys,
+      'keys_encoded'=>$keys_encoded,
+      'search_path'=>$search_path,
+      'returned'=>$return,
+      'active_types'=>$active_types,
+      'title' => drupal_get_title(),
+    );
+    if(isset($count))
+      $rep['count'] = $count;
+    if ($debug) {
+      //dsm($rep, 'rep');
+      return "debug display";
+    }else{
+      drupal_json_output($rep);
+    }
+  }
+function materio_search_api_ajax_viewmode_change($vm){
+  // dsm($vm);
+  // global $user;
+  // // dsm($user, 'user');
+  // $entity_infos = entity_get_info();
+  // // dsm($entity_infos, 'entity_infos');
+  // if (in_array($vm, variable_get('availableviewmodes', array()))) {
+  //   user_save($user, array("data"=>array('materiosearchapi_viewmode' => $vm)));
+  //   $rep = array('statut'=>'saved');
+  // }else{
+  //   $rep = array('statut'=>'viewmode not allowed');
+  // }
+  $_GET['page'] = 0;
+  $rep = _materio_search_api_change_viewmode($vm);
+  drupal_json_output($rep);
+function materio_search_api_ajax_actuality($page = 0){
+  $debug = false;
+  $_GET['page'] = $page;
+  $path = 'actuality';
+  // check if request is ajax, if not rediret to search_api_page page with right keys
+  if (!$debug && (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) != 'xmlhttprequest')) {
+    drupal_goto($path, array(), 301);
+    exit ;
+  }
+  // if(isset($_GET['current_path'])){
+  //   // dsm($_GET['current_path'], '$_GET[current_path]');
+  //   // url() generates the prefix using hook_url_outbound_alter(). Instead of
+  //   // running the hook_url_outbound_alter() again here, extract the prefix
+  //   // from url().
+  //   url('', array('prefix' => &$prefix));
+  //   $cur_path = str_replace($base_url.base_path().$prefix, '', $_GET['current_path']);
+  //   // dsm($cur_path, 'cur_path');
+  //   $cur_is_search_path = strpos($cur_path, $search_path);
+  //   // dsm($matches, '$matches');
+  //   if($cur_is_search_path === false){
+  //     $rep = array(
+  //       "redirect" => $base_url.base_path().$prefix.$path,
+  //     );
+  //     drupal_json_output($rep);
+  //     exit;
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // get results
+  menu_set_active_item($path);
+  $return = menu_execute_active_handler($path, FALSE);
+  //dsm($return, '$return');
+  if (is_int($return)) {
+    switch ($return) {
+      case MENU_NOT_FOUND :
+        drupal_add_http_header('Status', '404 Not Found');
+        break;
+      case MENU_ACCESS_DENIED :
+        drupal_add_http_header('Status', '403 Forbidden');
+        break;
+      case MENU_SITE_OFFLINE :
+        drupal_add_http_header('Status', '503 Service unavailable');
+        break;
+    }
+  } elseif (isset($return)) {
+    if (is_array($return)) {
+      $return = drupal_render($return);
+    }
+    $rep = array(
+      'path' => $path,
+      'returned'=>$return,
+      'title' => drupal_get_title(),
+    );
+    if ($debug) {
+      //dsm($rep, 'rep');
+      return "debug display";
+    }else{
+      drupal_json_output($rep);
+    }
+  }
+function materio_search_api_ajax_node($nid){
+  global $user;
+  $viewmode = isset($_GET['viewmode']) ? $_GET['viewmode'] : (isset($user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode']) ? $user->data['materiosearchapi_viewmode'] : variable_get('defaultviewmode', 'full'));
+  $rep = array(
+    "get" => $_GET,
+    "viewmode" => $viewmode
+  );
+  if($nodeview = node_view(node_load($nid),$viewmode)){
+    $rep = $rep+array(
+      'nid' => $nid,
+      'node' => drupal_render($nodeview),
+    );
+    drupal_json_output($rep);
+  }

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+name = Materio Taxonomy
+description = "The description of this module"
+; Core version (required)
+core = 7.x
+; Package name (see for a list of names)
+package = Materio
+; PHP version requirement (optional)
+; php = 5.2
+; Loadable code files
+ files[] = materio_taxonomy.module
+; files[] =
+; files[] =
+; Module dependencies
+dependencies[] = taxonomy
+; dependencies[] = theirmodule (1.2)
+; dependencies[] = anothermodule (>=2.4)
+; dependencies[] = views (3.x)
+; Configuration page
+; configure = admin/config/materio_search_api_ajax
+; For further information about configuration options, see
+; -

+ 77 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ * Implements hook_permission().
+ */
+function materio_taxonomy_permission() {
+	$perms = array();
+// foreach (taxonomy_get_vocabularies() as $voc) {
+// 	dsm($voc, '$voc');
+// 	// $perms['access taxonomy term page'] =>  array(
+//  //     'title' => t(''),
+//  //     'description' => t(''),
+//  //   );
+// }
+	$perms['access taxonomy terms page'] = array(
+    'title' => t('access taxonomy terms page'),
+    'description' => t(''),
+  );
+  return $perms;
+function materio_taxonomy_menu_alter(&$items) {
+  $items['taxonomy/term/%taxonomy_term']['access arguments'] = array('access taxonomy terms page');
+  $items['taxonomy/term/%taxonomy_term/view']['access arguments'] = array('access taxonomy terms page');
+  $items['taxonomy/term/%taxonomy_term/feed']['access arguments'] = array('access taxonomy terms page');
+ * Implementation of hook_query_term_access_alter().
+ *
+ * debug de i18n_select_query_term_access_alter()
+ * qui filtre les terms par language mm pour les vocabulaires en mode localized.
+ * utile pour la recherche avancée de materio_search_api materio_search_api_advanced_search_form()
+ *
+ */
+function materio_taxonomy_query_term_access_alter(QueryAlterableInterface $query) {
+  // dsm($query, 'materio taxo query');
+  $conditions =& $query->conditions();
+  # roll over condition first time to determine i18n_voc_mode
+  $i18n_voc_mode = 0;
+  foreach ($conditions as $condition) {
+    if (is_array($condition)) {
+      // dsm($condition, 'conditon '.$condition['field']);
+      if($condition['field'] == 't.vid'){
+        $vid = $condition['value'];
+        $i18n_voc_mode = i18n_taxonomy_vocabulary_mode($vid);
+        // dsm($i18n_voc_mode, 'i18n_voc_mode');
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # roll over conditions a second time to re-alter/fixe language selection
+  # i18n vocabulary mode is 1 for localized terms
+  if($i18n_voc_mode == 1){
+    foreach ($conditions as $index => $condition) {
+      if (is_array($condition)) {
+        // dsm($condition, 'conditon '.$condition['field']);
+        if($condition['field'] == 't.language' && $i18n_voc_mode == 1){
+          $l = array('und');
+          $ll = i18n_language_list();
+          // dsm($ll, 'list language');
+          foreach ($ll as $langcode => $langname) {
+            $l[] = $langcode;
+          }
+          $conditions[$index]['value'] = $l;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+name = Materio User
+description = "Materio user generalist module"
+; Core version (required)
+core = 7.x
+; Package name (see for a list of names)
+package = Materio
+; PHP version requirement (optional)
+; php = 5.2
+; Loadable code files
+files[] = materio_ctools_automodal.module
+; Module dependencies
+dependencies[] = user
+; Configuration page
+; configure = admin/config/materiobasemod
+; For further information about configuration options, see
+; -

+ 653 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
+ * Implements hook_init().
+ */
+function materio_user_init() {
+  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_user').'/js/materio_user.min.js');
+ * Implements hook_permission().
+ */
+function materio_user_permission() {
+  return array(
+    'view own user profile' =>  array(
+      'title' => t('view own user profile'),
+      'description' => t('view own user profile'),
+    ),
+    'access to online payment' =>  array(
+      'title' => t('access to online payment'),
+      'description' => t('Access to online payment'),
+    ),
+  );
+function materio_user_menu(){
+  $items = array();
+  $base = array(
+    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
+    'file' => '',
+  );
+  $items['materio_user/registerblock'] = $base+array(
+    'title' => 'Materio base user ajax',
+    'page callback' => 'materio_user_registerblock',
+    // 'page arguments' => array(),
+    'access callback' => TRUE,
+  );
+  $items['materio_user/loginandregisterblock'] = $base+array(
+    'title' => 'Materio base user ajax',
+    'page callback' => 'materio_user_loginandregisterblock',
+    // 'page arguments' => array(),
+    'access callback' => TRUE,
+  );
+  $items['materio_user/register/submit'] = $base+array(
+    'title' => 'Materio base user ajax',
+    'page callback' => 'materio_user_register_submit',
+    // 'page arguments' => array(),
+    'access callback' => TRUE,
+  );
+  $items['materio_user/login/submit'] = $base+array(
+    'title' => 'Materio base user ajax',
+    'page callback' => 'materio_user_login_submit',
+    // 'page arguments' => array(),
+    'access callback' => TRUE,
+  );
+  return $items;
+ * Implements hook_menu_alter().
+ */
+function materio_user_menu_alter(&$items) {
+  $items['user/%user']['access callback'] = 'user_access';
+  $items['user/%user']['access arguments'] = array('view own user profile');
+ * Implements hook_block_info().
+ */
+function materio_user_block_info() {
+  $blocks['user_createaccount'] = array(
+    'info' => t('Create an account block'),
+    'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE
+  );
+  $blocks['user_register'] = array(
+    'info' => t('Register block'),
+    'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE
+  );
+  $blocks['old_database_link'] = array(
+    'info' => t('Old data base link'),
+    'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE
+  );
+  $blocks['front_link'] = array(
+    'info' => t('Front page link'),
+    'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE
+  );
+  return $blocks;
+ * Implements hook_block_view().
+ */
+function materio_user_block_view($delta = '') {
+  global $user, $language;
+  $block = array();
+  switch ($delta) {
+    case 'user_createaccount':
+      if(isset($user->roles[1])){
+        $block['subject'] = '';
+        if (drupal_is_front_page()) {
+          $block['content'] .= '<h3>'. t('Create your materiO\' account') . '</h3>';
+          $block['content'] .= l(t('Join us'), 'node/11187', array("attributes"=>array("class"=>array("join"))));
+        }else{
+          $block['content'] .= '<h3>'. t('Create your materiO\' account') . '</h3>';
+          $block['content'] .= drupal_render(drupal_get_form('user_register_form'));
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    case 'user_register':
+      if(isset($user->roles[1])){
+        $block['subject'] = '';//drupal_is_front_page() ? t('Your projects will born from here') : t('Create your materiO\' account');
+        $block['content'] = '<h3>'. t('Login') . '</h3>';
+        $ulog_form = drupal_get_form('user_login');
+        $block['content'] .= drupal_render($ulog_form);
+        if (drupal_is_front_page()) {
+          $block['content'] .= '<h3>'. t('<span>or </span>create your materiO\' account') . '</h3>';
+          $block['content'] .= l(t('Join us'), 'node/11187', array("attributes"=>array("class"=>array("join"))));
+        }else{
+          $block['content'] .= '<h3>'. t('<span>or </span>create your materiO\' account') . '</h3>';
+          $block['content'] .= drupal_render(drupal_get_form('user_register_form'));
+        }
+        // $block['content'] .= l(t('Pricing'), 'node/11187', array('attributes' => array('class' => 'pricing'),));
+      }
+      break;
+    case 'old_database_link':
+      if( (isset($user->roles[6]) || isset($user->roles[8])) && $user->created < strtotime('01-12-2012') ){
+        // dsm($user, 'user');
+        $block['subject'] = '';
+        $path = '';
+        if($language->language == 'fr')
+          $path .= '/index_fr.html';
+        $block['content'] = l(t('Old database'), $path);
+      }
+      break;
+    case 'front_link':
+      $block['subject'] = '';
+      $block['content'] = l('<i class="icon-home"></i><span class="text">'.t('home').'</span>', '<front>', array('html'=>true));
+      break;
+  }
+  return $block;
+ * Implements hook_form_alter().
+ */
+function materio_user_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
+  // dsm($form_id);
+  if( $form_id == "user_register_form" && !user_access('administer users') ){
+    // dsm($form);
+    $form['account']['pass']['#type'] = 'password';
+    $form['account']['pass']['#title'] = t('Password');
+    $form['actions']['#type'] = "container";
+    $form['actions']['submit']['#value'] = t('Join');
+    // $form['termsofservices'] = array(
+    //   '#type' => 'checkbox',
+    //   '#title' => t('I accept') .' '. l(t('the materiO terms of services'), 'node/11183'),
+    //   '#required' => true,
+    // );
+    // $form['#submit'][] = "materio_user_user_register_form_submit";
+  }
+  if($form_id == "user_login" ){
+    // dsm($form);
+    $form['actions']['#type'] = "container";
+    // $form['actions']['submit']['#value'] = t('Join');
+    // if( $_GET['q'] == 'node/11187' ){
+    //   $form['#submit'][] = "materio_user_user_login_form_submit";
+    // }
+  }
+  #
+  if( $form_id == "webform_client_form_11186" ){
+    // dsm($form, '$form');
+    materio_user_webform_client_11186_form_alter($form, $form_state, $form_id);
+  }
+  if( $form_id == "uc_cart_checkout_form" ){
+    materio_user_uc_cart_checkout_form_alter($form, $form_state, $form_id);
+  }
+  // if( $form_id == "user_profile_form" ){
+  //   //dsm($form, '$form');
+  //   $form['account']['pass']['#type'] = "new_password_confirm";
+  // }
+// function materio_user_user_register_form_submit($form, &$form_state){
+  // dsm($form, 'form');
+  // dsm($form_state, 'form_state');
+  // dsm($_REQUEST, '$_REQUEST');
+  // dsm($_GET, '$_GET');
+  // unset($_REQUEST['destination'], $_REQUEST['edit']['destination']);
+  // $form_state['redirect'] = array(
+  //   'node/11187',
+  //   array(
+  //     'fragment' => $_GET['q'] == 'node/11187' ? 'content-bottom' : '', // if we register from the membership page, then go directly to the form
+  //   )
+  // );
+  // $frontlink = l('continue with basic', '<front>');
+  // // drupal_get_messages('status');
+  // drupal_set_message(t('Welcome, you just join materiO\'! now you can choose the membership that\'s right for you, or !link', array('!link'=>$frontlink)));
+// }
+// function materio_user_user_login_form_submit($form, &$form_state){
+//   unset($_REQUEST['destination'], $_REQUEST['edit']['destination']);
+//   $form_state['redirect'] = array(
+//     'node/11187',
+//     array(
+//       'fragment' => 'content-bottom', // if we login from the membership page, then go directly to the form
+//     )
+//   );
+// }
+* subscription webform (nid : 11186)
+# prefill the webform form with user profil values
+# add validate and submit functions
+function materio_user_webform_client_11186_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id){
+  // dsm($form_id, 'form_id');
+  // dsm($form, "form");
+  // dsm($form_state, "form_state");
+  $form['#validate'][] = "materio_user_webform_client_11186_validate";
+  $form['#submit'][] = "materio_user_webform_client_11186_submit";
+  # dont fill default values if form is been rebuilded (by address module)
+  if($form_state["rebuild"])
+    return;
+  global $user;
+  // dsm($user, 'user');
+  $member_profile = profile2_load_by_user($user, 'adherent');
+  // dsm($member_profile, "member_profile");
+  $columnright = &$form['submitted']['column_right'];
+  $columnright['me']['firstname']['#default_value'] = $member_profile->field_first_name['und'][0]['value'];
+  $columnright['me']['name']['#default_value'] = $member_profile->field_name['und'][0]['value'];
+  $columnright['company']['administrative_e_mail']['#default_value'] = $member_profile->field_administrative_email['und'][0]['value'];
+  $columnright['company']['s']['company']['#default_value'] = $member_profile->field_organization['und'][0]['value'];
+  $columnright['company']['s']['activity_sector']['#default_value'] = $member_profile->field_activity_sector['und'][0]['value'];
+  $columnright['company']['d']['vat_number_intra_ce']['#default_value'] = $member_profile->field_vat_number_intra_ce['und'][0]['value'];
+  $columnright['company']['d']['website']['#default_value'] = $member_profile->field_user_website['und'][0]['url'];
+  if( isset($member_profile->field_adresse['und'][0]) ){
+    $address = $member_profile->field_adresse['und'][0];
+    $formaddress = &$columnright['company']['location']['#address'];
+    $formaddress['country'] = $address['country'];
+    $formaddress['thoroughfare'] = $address['thoroughfare'];
+    $formaddress['premise'] = $address['premise'];
+    $formaddress['postal_code'] = $address['postal_code'];
+    $formaddress['locality'] = $address['locality'];
+  }
+  $columnright['company']['phone_number']['#default_value'] = $member_profile->field_private_phone['und'][0]["number"];
+function materio_user_webform_client_11186_validate($form, &$form_state){
+  // dsm($form, 'form');
+  // dsm($form_state, 'form_state');
+  # test if collaborators are filled in case of membership option is 3
+  $values = $form_state['values']['submitted'];
+  if ($values['column_left']['membership_options'] == 3) {
+    foreach ($values['column_right']['collaborators'] as $collab_key => $coll) {
+      foreach ($coll as $field_key => $field_value) {
+        $form_field = $form['submitted']['column_right']['collaborators'][$collab_key][$field_key];
+        if($field_value == ''){
+          $collab_label = $form['submitted']['column_right']['collaborators'][$collab_key]['#title'];
+          $field_label = $form_field['#title'];
+          $human_field_name =  $collab_label. " : " .$field_label;
+          form_error($form_field, t('You must provide a value for the !name field.', array('!name'=>$human_field_name)));
+        }
+        # validate the emails
+        # see!user!user.module/function/user_account_form_validate/7
+        if($form_field['#type'] == 'webform_email'){
+          // dsm($form_field, 'form_field');
+          $u = db_select('users')
+                    ->fields('users', array('uid'))
+                    // ->condition('uid', $account->uid, '<>')
+                    ->condition('mail', db_like($field_value), 'LIKE')
+                    ->range(0, 1)
+                    ->execute()->fetchField();
+          if ((bool) $u ) {
+            form_error($form_field, t('The e-mail address %email is already taken.', array('%email' => $field_value)));
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+#retreive from the web form info, record them into user profil
+function materio_user_webform_client_11186_submit(&$form, &$form_state){
+  // dsm($form, 'form');
+  // dsm($form_state, 'form_state');
+  $node = &$form['#node'];
+  // dsm($node, '$node');
+  $values = $form_state['values']['submitted_tree'];
+  // dsm($values, '$values');
+  $flat_values = array();
+  materio_user_flatenize_form_values($values, $flat_values);
+  // dsm($flat_values, 'flat_values');
+  # records values in member profile
+  materio_user_record_member_profile($flat_values);
+  # redirect membership form to checkout with good option selected
+  if(user_access('access to online payment')){
+    // forcer le vidage du panier
+    uc_cart_empty(uc_cart_get_id());
+    // fill the cart and redirect to checkout
+    // cf :
+    $subscription_level = $flat_values['membership_options'];
+    $form_state['redirect'] = array(
+      'cart/add/e-p11849_q1_a1o'.$subscription_level.'-membershipform',
+      array(
+        'query' => array(
+          'destination' => 'cart/checkout',
+        ),
+        // 'fragment' => 'baz',
+      ),
+    );
+    // TODO effacer le message de soumissions du formulaire -> pas moyen de overwriter le message de webform depuis ici, dommage
+    // $node->webform['confirmation'] = '';
+    # create collaborators users account incase of membership option is 3
+    # NO wait for checkout for that
+    //materio_user_create_collaborators_users();
+    // enregistrer le type d'adonnement chez les user
+  }
+function materio_user_record_member_profile($values) {
+  // dsm($values, 'values');
+  global $user;
+  // dsm($user, 'user');
+  $member_profile = profile2_load_by_user($user, 'adherent');
+  if (empty($member_profile)) {
+    $member_profile = profile2_create(array("type" => 'adherent', "uid" => $user->uid));
+  }
+  // dsm($member_profile, '$member_profile');
+  $correspondances = array(
+    "firstname"=>"field_first_name",
+    "name"=>"field_name",
+    "company"=>"field_organization",
+    "activity_sector"=>"field_activity_sector",
+    "website"=>"field_user_website",
+    "administrative_e_mail"=>"field_administrative_email",
+    "vat_number_intra_ce"=>"field_vat_number_intra_ce",
+    "location"=>"field_adresse",
+    "phone_number"=>"field_private_phone",
+  );
+  foreach ($correspondances as $form_field => $field_name) {
+    switch($form_field){
+      case "website":
+        $value = array("url" => $values[$form_field]);
+        break;
+      case "administrative_e_mail":
+        $value = array("email" => $values[$form_field]);
+        break;
+      case "location":
+        $value = unserialize($values[$form_field]);
+        // dsm($value, 'location value');
+        break;
+      case "phone_number":
+        $pn = $values[$form_field];
+        if(module_exists('cck_phone')){
+          preg_match('/^(\+[0-9]+)\s([0-9]+)$/', $pn, $matches);
+          // dsm($matches, "matches");
+          $ccs = cck_phone_countrycodes();
+          foreach ($ccs as $c => $vs) {
+            if($vs['code'] == $matches[1]){
+              $pn = "0".$matches[2];
+              $cc = $c;
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+          $value = array(
+            "number"=>$pn,
+            "country_codes"=>$cc,
+            "extension"=>"",
+          );
+        }else{
+          $value = array(
+            "number"=>$pn,
+            "country_codes"=>"",
+            "extension"=>"",
+          );
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        $value = array("value" => $values[$form_field]);
+        break;
+    }
+    $member_profile->{$field_name} = array(
+      "und"=>array( 0 => $value,)
+    );
+  }
+  // save the profile2 new contents
+  profile2_save($member_profile);
+  // Indicate success to the user.
+  // drupal_set_message(t('Your member profile has been created.'));
+function materio_user_flatenize_form_values($ar_src, &$flat_ar){
+  foreach ($ar_src as $key => $value) {
+    if(is_array($value)){
+      materio_user_flatenize_form_values($value, $flat_ar);
+    }else{
+      $flat_ar[$key] = $value;
+    }
+  }
+ * Implements hook_form_alter().
+ */
+function materio_user_uc_cart_checkout_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
+  // dsm($form_id, 'form_id');
+  // dsm($form, "form");
+  // dsm($form_state, "form_state");
+  // Load an order from the session, if available.
+  if (isset($_SESSION['cart_order'])) {
+    $order = uc_order_load($_SESSION['cart_order']);
+    if ($order) {
+      // dsm($order, 'order');
+      global $user;
+      // dsm($user, 'user');
+      $member_profile = profile2_load_by_user($user, 'adherent');
+      // dsm($member_profile, "member_profile");
+      $location = (object) $member_profile->field_adresse['und'][0];
+      # convert country code to UC country ID (pfff)
+      $countries = db_query("SELECT country_id, country_iso_code_2 FROM {uc_countries} WHERE version > :version", array(':version' => 0))->fetchAllKeyed();
+      foreach ($countries as $country_id => $country_code) {
+        if($location->country == $country_code){
+          $location->uc_country_id = $country_id;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      // dsm($location, "location");
+      // $phone_field = field_get_items('profile2', $member_profile, 'field_private_phone');
+      // $phone = $phone_field ? field_view_value('profile2', $member_profile, 'field_private_phone', $phone_field[0]) : "";
+      // dsm($phone, 'phone');
+      $phone_field = $member_profile->field_private_phone['und'][0];
+      if(module_exists('cck_phone')){
+        $cc = cck_phone_countrycodes($phone_field['country_codes']);
+        $phone = $cc['code'] .' '. $phone_field['number'];
+      }
+      $correspondances = array(
+        "billing_first_name" => $member_profile->field_first_name['und'][0]['value'],
+        "billing_last_name" => $member_profile->field_name['und'][0]['value'],
+        "billing_phone" => $phone,
+        "billing_company" => $member_profile->field_organization['und'][0]['value'],
+        "billing_street1" => $location->thoroughfare,
+        "billing_street2" => $location->premise,
+        "billing_city" => $location->locality,
+        // "billing_zone" => ,
+        "billing_postal_code" => $location->postal_code,
+        "billing_country" => $location->uc_country_id,
+      );
+      foreach ($correspondances as $order_field => $value) {
+        $order->{$order_field} = $value;
+      }
+      $form['panes']['billing']['address']['#default_value'] = $order;
+    }
+  }
+ * Implements hook_uc_order();
+ */
+function materio_user_order($op, $order, $arg2) {
+  // dsm($op, "matyerio_user_uc_order | op");
+  // dsm($order, "order");
+  // dsm($arg2, "arg2");
+  switch ($op) {
+    case 'save':
+      // Do something to save payment info!
+      break;
+  }
+# not used yet
+function materio_user_create_collaborators_users(){
+  /*
+  if ($values['membership_options'] == 3) {
+    $i = 1;
+    foreach ($values['collaborators'] as $collab_key => $coll) {
+      // foreach ($coll as $field_key => $field_value) {
+      //   if($field_value == ''){
+      //     $human_field_name = $form['submitted']['collaborators'][$coll_key]['#title'] . " : " . $form['submitted']['collaborators'][$coll_key][$field_key]['#title'];
+      //     $field_name = 'submitted][collaborators]['.$coll_key.']['.$field_key;
+      //     // dsm($field_name, 'field_name');
+      //     form_set_error($field_name, t('You must provide a value for the !name field.', array('!name'=>$human_field_name)));
+      //   }
+      // }
+      $userinfo = array(
+        'mail' => $coll['e_mail_collab_'.$i],
+        'name' => user_password(),
+        'pass' => user_password(), // Generate password
+        // 'init' => $data['components']['username']['value'],
+        'status' => 0,
+        'access' => REQUEST_TIME,
+        'memo' => 'from webform',
+      );
+      $account = drupal_anonymous_user();
+      $account->is_new = TRUE;
+      user_save($account, $userinfo);
+      // module_invoke_all('user_insert', $edit, $account);
+      $i++;
+    }
+  }
+  */
+ * Implements hook_help().
+function materio_user_help($path, $arg) {
+  // dsm($path, 'path');
+  // dsm($arg, 'arg');
+  switch ($path) {
+    case 'node/%':
+      if($arg[1] == 11187 ){
+        global $user;
+        // dsm($user, 'user');
+        if(isset($user->roles[1])){ // anonyme
+          $message = t('Please create first a free account and join materio or log in with your existing account,<br />then we\'ll provide you our membership form.', array());
+          $content = '<p>' . $message . '</p>';
+          return $content;
+        }else if(isset($user->roles[2])){ // authentificated user (not utilisateur)
+          $content = '<h2>' . t('Welcome, you just joined materiO\' !') . '</h2>';
+          $frontlink = l(t('continue with basic'), '<front>');
+          $message = t('Now you can choose the membership that\'s right for you, or !link', array('!link'=>$frontlink));
+          $content .= '<p>' . $message . '</p>';
+          return $content;
+        }
+      }
+  }
+ * Implements hook_block_view_alter().
+ */
+function materio_user_block_view_alter(&$data, $block) {
+  if( $block->module == "user" && $block->delta == 'login' && isset($data['subject']) ){
+    // dsm($block, 'block');
+    // dsm($data, 'data');
+    $data['subject'] = '<i class="icon-user"></i>' . '<span class="login">' . $data['subject'] . '</span>';
+  }
+ * Define constants
+ */
+define('MATERIO_USER_CONFIRMED_USER_ROLE', 'Utilisateur'); // add role name here
+ * Implement hook_user
+ */
+function _materio_user_user_update(&$edit, $account, $category){
+  // dsm($edit, 'edit');
+  // dsm($account, 'account');
+  // dsm($category, 'category');
+  // This is only fired when a user confirms their email address, logintoboggan style
+  if (isset($account->logintoboggan_email_validated) && $account->logintoboggan_email_validated == TRUE) {
+    $confirmed_rid = materio_user_get_role_by_name(MATERIO_USER_CONFIRMED_USER_ROLE);
+    $roles = $account->roles + array($confirmed_rid => MATERIO_USER_CONFIRMED_USER_ROLE);
+    // we have to do this to stop an infinite loop, and also to allow lower weighted modules to possibly do something here
+    $user = $account;
+    unset($user->logintoboggan_email_validated);
+    user_save($user, array('roles' => $roles));
+    drupal_go_to('user/'.$user->uid.'/edit');
+  }
+ * Returns a role ID based on role name
+ *
+ * @param $name
+ *  name of role to return
+ * @return
+ *  (int) Role ID
+ */
+function materio_user_get_role_by_name($name) {
+  return array_search($name, user_roles());

+ 58 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+function materio_user_registerblock(){
+  $return = array();
+  $block = block_load('materio_user','user_createaccount');
+  $return['block'] = drupal_render(_block_get_renderable_array(_block_render_blocks(array($block))));
+  drupal_json_output($return);
+function materio_user_loginandregisterblock(){
+  $return = array();
+  $block = block_load('materio_user','user_register');
+  $return['block'] = drupal_render(_block_get_renderable_array(_block_render_blocks(array($block))));
+  drupal_json_output($return);
+function materio_user_register_submit(){
+  $return = array();
+  $return['POST'] = $_POST;
+  $form_state = array( "values"=>$_POST);
+  drupal_form_submit($_POST['form_id'], $form_state);
+  // $return['form_state'] = $form_state;
+  $return['errors'] = form_get_errors();
+  if($return['errors']){
+    unset ($_SESSION['messages']['error']);
+  }else{
+    $messages = drupal_get_messages('status');
+    // $return['messages'] = $messages;
+    drupal_set_message(t("Congratulations, you juste created your free materiO' account, welcome !"), 'status');
+    foreach ($messages['status'] as $msg) {
+      drupal_set_message($msg, 'status');
+    }
+  }
+  // after registration user is automaticly logged in, thank's to login tobogan module
+  drupal_json_output($return);
+function materio_user_login_submit(){
+  $return = array();
+  $return['POST'] = $_POST;
+  $form_state = array("values"=>$_POST);
+  drupal_form_submit($_POST['form_id'], $form_state);
+  $return['errors'] = form_get_errors();
+  if($return['errors'])
+    unset ($_SESSION['messages']['error']);
+  // if user-login form succed we retreive the user uid on $form_state, then we can effectively loggin the user
+  if($uid = $form_state['uid'])
+    user_login_submit(array(), $form_state);
+  drupal_json_output($return);

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+name = Materio User Rules
+description = "Materio user rules generalist module"
+; Core version (required)
+core = 7.x
+; Package name (see for a list of names)
+package = Materio
+; PHP version requirement (optional)
+; php = 5.2
+; Loadable code files
+; Module dependencies
+dependencies[] = user
+dependencies[] = logintoboggan
+dependencies[] = simplenews
+dependencies[] = rules
+; Configuration page
+; configure = admin/config/materiobasemod
+; For further information about configuration options, see
+; -

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * Implement hook_user()
+ *
+ */
+function materio_user_rules_user_update(&$edit, $account) {
+  if (!empty($account->logintoboggan_email_validated)) {
+    if($subscriber = simplenews_subscriber_load_by_mail($account->mail)){
+      foreach($subscriber->newsletter_subscription as $tid => $subscription){
+        $term = taxonomy_term_load($tid);
+        $subscriptions_text_array[] = $term->name;
+        $subscriptions_tids[] = $tid;
+      }
+      $subscriptions_text = implode(', ', $subscriptions_text_array);
+      $args = array(
+        'account' => $account,
+        'subscriptions_list' => $subscriptions_tids,
+        'subscriptions_text' => $subscriptions_text,
+      );
+      rules_invoke_event_by_args('materio_logintoboggan_validated', $args);
+    }
+  }
+ * Implements hook_simplenews_unsubscribe_user().
+ */
+function materio_user_rules_simplenews_subscribe_user($subscriber, $subscription) {
+  if (!empty($subscriber->logintoboggan_email_validated)) {
+    $args = array(
+      'mail' => $subscriber->mail,
+      'tid' => $subscription->tid,
+    );
+    // rules_invoke_event_by_args('simplenews_rules_event_subscribe', $args);
+  }

+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Implement hook_rules_event_info().
+ * @ingroup rules
+ */
+function materio_user_rules_rules_event_info() {
+  return array(
+    'materio_logintoboggan_validated' => array(
+      'label' => t("a user is validated and subcribed to newsletter on registration."),
+      'group' => 'Materio',
+      'variables' => array(
+        'account' => array(
+          'type' => 'user',
+          'label' => t("The validated user's account"),
+        ),
+        'subscriptions_list' => array(
+          'type' => 'list',
+          'label' => t("The Simplenews info from the account validated as a list of tid for looping"),
+        ),
+        'subscriptions_text' => array(
+          'type' => 'text',
+          'label' => t("The Simplenews info from the account validated as a single text"),
+        ),
+      ),
+    ),
+  );

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+$entity_view = entity_view('node', $items, 'teaser');
+print render($entity_view);

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<section id="didactique-page">
+	<?php print render(entity_view('node', $items, 'full')); ?>

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<section class="bookmarks">
+  <?php $entity_view = entity_view('node', $bookmarks, $viewmode); ?>
+  <?php print render($entity_view); ?>

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<div class="mylists">
+	<?php foreach ($lists as $name => $list): ?>
+		<section class="flag-list <?php print $list['list']->name; ?>">
+			<?php //dsm($list, 'list');?>
+			<h2 class="listname">
+				<span class="listname">
+					<?php print $list['list']->title.' ('.count($list['content']).')'; ?>
+				</span>
+				<a class="open-list" href="<?php print $list['list']->path; ?>">
+					<?php //print t('open this @name', array('@name'=>variable_get('flag_lists_name', 'list'))) ;?>
+					<i class="icon-resize-full"></i>
+				</a>
+			</h2>
+			<?php $content = $list['content']; ?>
+			<?php $entity_view = entity_view('node', $content, $viewmode); ?>
+			<div class="flaged <?php print $list['list']->name; ?>">	<?php print render($entity_view); ?> </div>
+		</section>	
+	<?php endforeach; ?>

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?php //dsm($variables, '$variables'); ?>
+<div class="materio-flags-list <?php print ' view-mode-' . $variables['view_mode'];?>" fid="<?php print $variables['fid']; ?>">
+    <div class="flaglist-items">
+    	<p class="flaglist-infos"><?php print $list_count; ?></p>
+      <?php print render(entity_view('node', $items, $variables['view_mode'])); ?>
+    </div>
+    <?php print $pager; ?>

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<section class="mylists">
+	<ul>
+		<?php if($flags): ?>
+			<?php foreach ($flags as $name => $flag): ?>
+			<?php //dsm($flag, 'flag') ;?>
+				<li class="flaglist <?php print $flag->name; ?>">
+					<?php print l($flag->title . '<span class="count">('.count($flag->flaged_content).')</span>', 'lists/'.$flag->fid, array('html'=>true,'attributes'=>array('class'=>array('open-list', $flag->name)))); ?>
+					<?php if(flag_lists_is_owner('edit', $flag->fid)): ?>
+						<?php 
+						print l('<i class="icon-wrench"></i>', 
+							'flags/lists/edit/'.$flag->fid, 
+							array(
+								'html'=>true,
+								'attributes'=>array('class'=>array('edit-list', $flag->name)),
+							)
+						); 
+						?>
+					<?php endif; ?>
+				</li>
+			<?php endforeach; ?>
+		<?php else: ?>
+			<?php 
+				#create new list
+		    $create_link = l(
+		      '<i class="icon-plus"></i>&nbsp;<span>' . t('New @name', array('@name' => t(variable_get('flag_lists_name', 'list')))) . '</span>', 
+		      'flag-lists/add/materiau',
+		      array(
+		        'attributes' => array(
+		          'class' => array('flag-lists-create'),
+		          'title' => t('create a new @name.', array('@name'=>t(variable_get('flag_lists_name', 'list')))),
+		        ),
+		        'html' => TRUE,
+		      )
+		    );
+			?>
+			<li class="flag-lists-create"><?php print $create_link; ?>	</li>
+		<?php endif; ?>
+	</ul>

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<section class="materiobase-actuality">
+	<?php if($count): ?>
+		<p class="actualities-infos"><?php print $actualities_infos; ?></p>
+		<div class="actuality-items">
+			<?php $entity_view = entity_view('node', $items, $view_mode); ?>
+			<?php print render($entity_view); ?>
+		</div>
+		<div class="pager">
+			<?php print $pager; ?>
+		</div>
+	<?php else : ?>
+		<div class="actuality-no-items">
+			<h2><?php print t('There is now actuality for now.');?></h2>
+		</div>
+	<?php endif ;?>

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+print render($content);

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * @file
+ * Default theme implementation for displaying search results.
+ *
+ * This template collects each invocation of theme_search_result(). This and
+ * the child template are dependent to one another sharing the markup for
+ * definition lists.
+ *
+ * Note that modules and themes may implement their own search type and theme
+ * function completely bypassing this template.
+ *
+ * Available variables:
+ * - $result_count: Number of results.
+ * - $spellcheck: Possible spelling suggestions from Search spellcheck module.
+ * - $search_results: All results rendered as list items in a single HTML string.
+ * - $items: All results as it is rendered through search-result.tpl.php.
+ * - $search_performance: The number of results and how long the query took.
+ * - $sec: The number of seconds it took to run the query.
+ * - $pager: Row of control buttons for navigating between pages of results.
+ * - $index:
+ * - $keys: The keywords of the executed search.
+ * - $page_machine_name: Machine name of the current Search API Page.
+ *
+ * View Mode is set in the Search page settings. If you select
+ * "Themed as search results", then the child template will be used for
+ * theming the individual result. Any other view mode will bypass the
+ * child template.
+ *
+ * @see template_preprocess_search_api_page_results()
+ */
+<?php //dsm($index, 'index'); ?>
+<?php //dsm($search_performance, 'search_performance'); ?>
+<?php //dsm($result_count, 'result_count'); ?>
+<?php //if (!empty($result_count)) : ?>
+  <div class="materiobase-results <?php print ' view-mode-' . $variables['view_mode'];?>">
+    <?php //if ($result_count) : ?>
+      <?php if(!$perfascard): ?>
+        <p class="search-performance"><?php print render($search_performance); ?></P>
+      <?php endif; ?>
+      <?php //print render($spellcheck); ?>
+      <div class="search-results">
+        <?php if($perfascard): ?>
+          <article class="search-performance <?php print ' view-mode-' . $variables['view_mode'];?>">
+            <div class="inner">
+              <p><?php print render($search_performance); ?></P>
+            </div>
+          </article>
+        <?php endif; ?>
+        <?php //dsm($items, '$items'); ?>
+        <?php
+        // TODO: use cache system to gain in speed, view
+        ?>
+        <?php if ($result_count) : ?>
+          <?php print render(entity_view($index->item_type, $items, $variables['view_mode'])); ?>
+        <?php endif; ?>
+      </div>
+      <?php print $pager; ?>
+    <?php //else : ?>
+      <!-- <p class="search-noresults"><?php print t('Your search yielded no results.');?></p> -->
+    <?php //endif; ?>
+  </div>
+<?php //endif; ?>

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<div class="inner">
+  <?php print render($searchform); ?>

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+print $content;

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 65 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+<table style="margin: 0; border-collapse: collapse;" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <td style="color: #444444; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; background-color: #ffffff; padding:0 0 5px 0;" align="left">
+        <table style="margin: 0; border-collapse: collapse;" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+          <tbody>
+            <tr>
+              <td style="color: #444444; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; background-color: #ffffff; padding: 0;" align="left">
+                <img src="/sites/default/files/uploaderuneimage.png" width="600" height="400">
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+          </tbody>
+        </table>
+        <table style="margin: 0 0 0 10px; border-collapse: collapse; color: #444444; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; background-color: #ffffff;">
+          <tbody>
+            <tr>
+              <td style="vertical-align: top; padding: 5px 0;" width="580">
+                <table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 565px; color: #444444; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; background-color: #ffffff;" width="565" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+                  <tbody>
+                    <tr>
+                      <td style="padding: 5px 0 5px 5px; line-height: normal; color: #444444; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; background-color: #ffffff;">
+                        <p style="color: #444444; text-align: left; ;margin: 0 0 10px; line-height: 1.3em;">
+                          <span style="color: #444444; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">
+                            <strong>
+                              ZE DAILY MATERIO'
+                            </strong>
+                          </span>
+                        </p>
+                        <p style="color: #444444; ;margin: 0 0 10px; line-height: 1.3em;">
+                          <strong>
+                            le titre en fr
+                          </strong>
+                          <br>
+                          Toute une série de matières recyclées sous vos pieds, car ces tapis sont tissés avec des chambres à air usagées, des papiers de bonbons minutieusement filés, de vieux journaux et magazines tressés ou d'autres matières recyclées surprenantes. Certains tapis de cette gamme peuvent même aller à l'extérieur.
+                        </p>
+                        <div>
+                          &nbsp;
+                        </div>
+                        <p style="color: #444444; ;margin: 0 0 10px; line-height: 1.3em;">
+                          <span style="color: #696969;">
+                            <em>
+                              <strong>
+                                The english title&nbsp;
+                              </strong>
+                            </em>
+                          </span>
+                          <br>
+                          <span style="color: #808080;">
+                            <em>
+                              A wide range of beautiful carpets made out of surprising recycled materials: recycled candy wrappers, recycled tires and bike tubes, different recycled fibers and recycled newspaper! Some of them can even be used outside.
+                            </em>
+                          </span>
+                        </p>
+                      </td>
+                    </tr>
+                  </tbody>
+                </table>
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+          </tbody>
+        </table>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>

+ 65 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+<table style="margin: 0; border-collapse: collapse;" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <td style="color: #444444; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; background-color: #ffffff; padding:0 0 5px 0;" align="left">
+        <table style="margin: 0; border-collapse: collapse;" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+          <tbody>
+            <tr>
+              <td style="color: #444444; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; background-color: #ffffff; padding: 0;" align="left">
+                <img src="/sites/default/files/uploaderuneimage.png" width="600" height="400">
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+          </tbody>
+        </table>
+        <table style="margin: 0 0 0 10px; border-collapse: collapse; color: #444444; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; background-color: #ffffff;">
+          <tbody>
+            <tr>
+              <td style="vertical-align: top; padding: 5px 0;" width="580">
+                <table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 565px; color: #444444; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; background-color: #ffffff;" width="565" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+                  <tbody>
+                    <tr>
+                      <td style="padding: 5px 0 5px 5px; line-height: normal; color: #444444; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; background-color: #ffffff;">
+                        <p style="color: #444444; text-align: left; ;margin: 0 0 10px; line-height: 1.3em;">
+                          <span style="color: #444444; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">
+                            <strong>
+                              ZE DAILY MATERIO'
+                            </strong>
+                          </span>
+                        </p>
+                        <p style="color: #444444; ;margin: 0 0 10px; line-height: 1.3em;">
+                          <strong>
+                            le titre en fr
+                          </strong>
+                          <br>
+                          Toute une série de matières recyclées sous vos pieds, car ces tapis sont tissés avec des chambres à air usagées, des papiers de bonbons minutieusement filés, de vieux journaux et magazines tressés ou d'autres matières recyclées surprenantes. Certains tapis de cette gamme peuvent même aller à l'extérieur.
+                        </p>
+                        <div>
+                          &nbsp;
+                        </div>
+                        <p style="color: #444444; ;margin: 0 0 10px; line-height: 1.3em;">
+                          <span style="color: #696969;">
+                            <em>
+                              <strong>
+                                The english title&nbsp;
+                              </strong>
+                            </em>
+                          </span>
+                          <br>
+                          <span style="color: #808080;">
+                            <em>
+                              A wide range of beautiful carpets made out of surprising recycled materials: recycled candy wrappers, recycled tires and bike tubes, different recycled fibers and recycled newspaper! Some of them can even be used outside.
+                            </em>
+                          </span>
+                        </p>
+                      </td>
+                    </tr>
+                  </tbody>
+                </table>
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+          </tbody>
+        </table>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff