Browse Source

added fr2en batch function

Bachir Soussi Chiadmi 8 years ago

+ 1157 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1157 @@
+wall to wall,wall to wall
+Sapindus Mukorossi,Sapindus Mukorossi
+trompe l'oeil,trompe l'oeil
+coffee grounds,marc de café
+Van der Waals,Van der Waals
+vers (lombric),vers (lombric)
+salle de bain,salle de bain
+slag cement,ciment de laitier
+cradle to cradle,cradle to cradle
+tetra pak,tetra pak
+tetra bick,tetra bick
+air conditioning,climatisation
+one-way vision,one-way vision
+spy mirror,miroir espion
+bois de bout,bois de bout
+mulberry tree,mûrier
+rayon X,rayon X
+yvon poulain,yvon poulain
+LCD,cristaux liquides
+banana tree,bananier
+chainmail,cotte de maille
+papier journal,papier journal
+Middle Ages,Moyen Age
+pomme de pin,pomme de pin
+Edouard François,Edouard François
+sans fil,sans fil
+lotus effect,effet lotus
+Ingo Maurer,Ingo Maurer
+toile d'araignée,toile d'araignée
+otis redding,otis redding
+tapis transporteur,tapis transporteur
+one way vision,one way vision
+West Indies,Antilles
+waterjet,jet d'eau
+burnt out,brulé
+box eggs,boite à oeufs
+pâte à modeler,pâte à modeler
+pain d'épices,pain d'épices
+dry dye,teinture à sec
+tapis cuisson,tapis cuisson
+Harry Potter,Harry Potter
+soft touch,soft touch
+zipper,fermeture Eclair
+Ring finger,bague
+sound shower,douche sonore
+amino acid,acide aminé
+enquiry form,formulaire
+icecream,crème glacée
+french fries,frittes
+fermeture Eclair,fermeture Eclair
+cristaux liquides,cristaux liquides
+cotte de maille,cotte de maille
+acide aminé,acide aminé
+jet d'eau,jet d'eau

+ 1157 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1157 @@
+wall to wall,wall to wall
+Sapindus Mukorossi,Sapindus Mukorossi
+trompe l'oeil,trompe l'oeil
+marc de café,coffee grounds
+Van der Waals,Van der Waals
+vers (lombric),vers (lombric)
+salle de bain,salle de bain
+ciment de laitier,slag cement
+cradle to cradle,cradle to cradle
+tetra pak,tetra pak
+tetra bick,tetra bick
+climatisation,air conditioning
+one-way vision,one-way vision
+miroir espion,spy mirror
+bois de bout,bois de bout
+mûrier,mulberry tree
+rayon X,rayon X
+yvon poulain,yvon poulain
+cristaux liquides,LCD
+bananier,banana tree
+cotte de maille,chainmail
+papier journal,papier journal
+Moyen Age,Middle Ages
+pomme de pin,pomme de pin
+Edouard François,Edouard François
+sans fil,sans fil
+effet lotus,lotus effect
+Ingo Maurer,Ingo Maurer
+toile d'araignée,toile d'araignée
+otis redding,otis redding
+tapis transporteur,tapis transporteur
+one way vision,one way vision
+Antilles,West Indies
+jet d'eau,waterjet
+brulé,burnt out
+boite à oeufs,box eggs
+pâte à modeler,pâte à modeler
+pain d'épices,pain d'épices
+teinture à sec,dry dye
+tapis cuisson,tapis cuisson
+Harry Potter,Harry Potter
+soft touch,soft touch
+fermeture Eclair,zipper
+bague,Ring finger
+douche sonore,sound shower
+acide aminé,amino acid
+formulaire,enquiry form
+crème glacée,icecream
+frittes,french fries
+fermeture Eclair,fermeture Eclair
+cristaux liquides,cristaux liquides
+cotte de maille,cotte de maille
+acide aminé,acide aminé
+jet d'eau,jet d'eau

+ 106 - 6

@@ -15,9 +15,13 @@ function materio_taxonomy_permission() {
 // }
 	$perms['access taxonomy terms page'] = array(
-    'title' => t('access taxonomy terms page'),
-    'description' => t(''),
-  );
+		'title' => t('access taxonomy terms page'),
+		'description' => t(''),
+	);
+	$perms['access fr2en materio'] = array(
+		'title' => t('access fr2en materio'),
+		'description' => t(''),
+	);
   return $perms;
@@ -28,8 +32,6 @@ function materio_taxonomy_menu_alter(&$items) {
   $items['taxonomy/term/%taxonomy_term/feed']['access arguments'] = array('access taxonomy terms page');
  * Implementation of hook_query_term_access_alter().
@@ -74,4 +76,102 @@ function materio_taxonomy_query_term_access_alter(QueryAlterableInterface $query
+ * Implements hook_menu().
+ */
+function materio_taxonomy_menu() {
+  $items['admin/taxonomy/fr2en'] = array(
+    'title' => 'fr2en taglibres',
+		'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
+    'page arguments' => array('materio_taxonomy_fr2en_form'),
+    'access arguments' => array('access fr2en materio'),
+  );
+  return $items;
+function materio_taxonomy_fr2en_form(){
+		$form['description'] = array(
+		 '#type' => 'markup',
+		 '#markup' => t('convert tag libres terms name frome french to english from csv file'),
+	 );
+	 $form['batch'] = array(
+		 '#type' => 'select',
+		 '#title' => 'Choose batch',
+		 '#options' => array(
+			 'fr2en' => t('fr2en'),
+			 'en2fr' => t('en2fr'),
+		 ),
+	 );
+	 $form['submit'] = array(
+		 '#type' => 'submit',
+		 '#value' => 'Go',
+	 );
+	 return $form;
+function materio_taxonomy_fr2en_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
+  $function = 'materio_taxonomy_fr2en';
+  // Reset counter for debug information.
+  $_SESSION['http_request_count'] = 0;
+  // Execute the function named batch_example_1 or batch_example_2.
+  $batch = $function($form_state['values']['batch']);
+  batch_set($batch);
+function materio_taxonomy_fr2en($op){
+	$file = drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_taxonomy')."/assets/taglibres_".$op.".csv";
+	$data = array();
+	if (($handle = fopen($file, "r")) !== FALSE) {
+		while (($line = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
+			$data[$line[0]] = $line[1];
+		}
+    fclose($handle);
+	}else{
+		drupal_set_message("fopen csv file failed");
+		return;
+	}
+	$tags = taxonomy_get_tree(4); // get term list from vocabulary
+	$operations = [];
+	foreach ($tags as $tid => $t) {
+		if($t->name){
+			if(isset($data[$t->name])){
+				$operations[] = array(
+					'materio_taxonomy_fr2en_batch',
+					array(
+						$data[$t->name],
+						$t
+					)
+				);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	$batch = array(
+		"operations" => $operations,
+		"finished" => "materio_taxonomy_fr2en_batch_finished"
+	);
+	return $batch;
+function materio_taxonomy_fr2en_batch($name, $t, &$context){
+	$oldname = $t->name;
+	$t->name = $name;
+	taxonomy_term_save($t);
+	$cont= array('term',$t->tid,'name');
+	i18n_string_textgroup('taxonomy')->update_translation($cont, 'fr', $oldname);
+	$context['message'][] = $oldname .' -> '. $name;
+	$_SESSION['http_request_count']++;
+function materio_taxonomy_fr2en_batch_finished($success, $results, $operations){
+	if($success){
+		drupal_set_message('All terms converted');
+	}