Browse Source

added mailing feature

Bachir Soussi Chiadmi 8 years ago

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * @file
+ *
+ */
+ * Implements hook_default_elysia_cron_rules().
+ */
+function mailing_default_elysia_cron_rules() {
+  $cron_rules = array();
+  $cron_rule = new stdClass;
+  $cron_rule->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default cron_rule disabled initially */
+  $cron_rule->api_version = 1;
+  $cron_rule->name = 'simplenews_cron';
+  $cron_rule->disable = NULL;
+  $cron_rule->rule = '* * * * *';
+  $cron_rule->weight = -11;
+  $cron_rule->context = 'mailing';
+  $cron_rules[''] = $cron_rule;
+  $cron_rule = new stdClass;
+  $cron_rule->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default cron_rule disabled initially */
+  $cron_rule->api_version = 1;
+  $cron_rule->name = 'simplenews_scheduler_cron';
+  $cron_rule->disable = NULL;
+  $cron_rule->rule = '* * * * *';
+  $cron_rule->weight = NULL;
+  $cron_rule->context = NULL;
+  $cron_rules[''] = $cron_rule;
+  return $cron_rules;

+ 42 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * @file
+ *
+ */
+ * Implements hook_field_default_field_bases().
+ */
+function mailing_field_default_field_bases() {
+  $field_bases = array();
+  // Exported field_base: 'field_simplenews_term'.
+  $field_bases['field_simplenews_term'] = array(
+    'active' => 1,
+    'cardinality' => 1,
+    'deleted' => 0,
+    'entity_types' => array(),
+    'field_name' => 'field_simplenews_term',
+    'indexes' => array(
+      'tid' => array(
+        0 => 'tid',
+      ),
+    ),
+    'locked' => 0,
+    'module' => 'taxonomy',
+    'settings' => array(
+      'allowed_values' => array(
+        0 => array(
+          'parent' => 0,
+          'vocabulary' => 'newsletter',
+        ),
+      ),
+      'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
+      'options_list_callback' => NULL,
+    ),
+    'translatable' => 0,
+    'type' => 'taxonomy_term_reference',
+  );
+  return $field_bases;

+ 295 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+ * @file
+ *
+ */
+ * Implements hook_field_default_field_instances().
+ */
+function mailing_field_default_field_instances() {
+  $field_instances = array();
+  // Exported field_instance: 'node-simplenews-body'.
+  $field_instances['node-simplenews-body'] = array(
+    'bundle' => 'simplenews',
+    'default_value' => array(
+      0 => array(
+        'summary' => '',
+        'value' => 'default',
+        'format' => 'mailhtml',
+      ),
+    ),
+    'deleted' => 0,
+    'description' => '',
+    'display' => array(
+      'bookmark' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'cardbig' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'cardfull' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'cardmedium' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'cardsmall' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'default' => array(
+        'label' => 'hidden',
+        'module' => 'text',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'text_default',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'homeblock' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'print' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'teaser' => array(
+        'label' => 'hidden',
+        'module' => 'text',
+        'settings' => array(
+          'trim_length' => 600,
+        ),
+        'type' => 'text_summary_or_trimmed',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+    ),
+    'entity_type' => 'node',
+    'field_name' => 'body',
+    'label' => 'Body',
+    'required' => 0,
+    'settings' => array(
+      'display_summary' => 1,
+      'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
+      'text_processing' => 1,
+      'user_register_form' => FALSE,
+    ),
+    'widget' => array(
+      'active' => 1,
+      'module' => 'text',
+      'settings' => array(
+        'rows' => 20,
+        'summary_rows' => 5,
+      ),
+      'type' => 'text_textarea_with_summary',
+      'weight' => 3,
+    ),
+  );
+  // Exported field_instance: 'node-simplenews-field_simplenews_term'.
+  $field_instances['node-simplenews-field_simplenews_term'] = array(
+    'bundle' => 'simplenews',
+    'default_value' => NULL,
+    'deleted' => 0,
+    'description' => '',
+    'display' => array(
+      'bookmark' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'cardbig' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'cardfull' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'cardmedium' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'cardsmall' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'default' => array(
+        'label' => 'hidden',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 3,
+      ),
+      'email_html' => array(
+        'label' => 'hidden',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'email_plain' => array(
+        'label' => 'hidden',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'email_textalt' => array(
+        'label' => 'hidden',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'homeblock' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'print' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'teaser' => array(
+        'label' => 'hidden',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 1,
+      ),
+    ),
+    'entity_type' => 'node',
+    'field_name' => 'field_simplenews_term',
+    'label' => 'Newsletter category',
+    'required' => TRUE,
+    'settings' => array(
+      'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
+      'user_register_form' => FALSE,
+    ),
+    'widget' => array(
+      'module' => 'options',
+      'settings' => array(),
+      'type' => 'options_buttons',
+      'weight' => 4,
+    ),
+  );
+  // Exported field_instance: 'node-simplenews-field_visible_sur_la_home'.
+  $field_instances['node-simplenews-field_visible_sur_la_home'] = array(
+    'bundle' => 'simplenews',
+    'default_value' => array(
+      0 => array(
+        'value' => 1,
+      ),
+    ),
+    'deleted' => 0,
+    'description' => '',
+    'display' => array(
+      'bookmark' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'cardbig' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'cardfull' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'cardmedium' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'cardsmall' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'default' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 4,
+      ),
+      'homeblock' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'print' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+      'teaser' => array(
+        'label' => 'above',
+        'settings' => array(),
+        'type' => 'hidden',
+        'weight' => 0,
+      ),
+    ),
+    'entity_type' => 'node',
+    'field_name' => 'field_visible_sur_la_home',
+    'label' => 'Visible sur la home',
+    'required' => 0,
+    'settings' => array(
+      'entity_translation_sync' => FALSE,
+      'user_register_form' => FALSE,
+    ),
+    'widget' => array(
+      'active' => 1,
+      'module' => 'options',
+      'settings' => array(
+        'display_label' => 1,
+      ),
+      'type' => 'options_onoff',
+      'weight' => 5,
+    ),
+  );
+  // Translatables
+  // Included for use with string extractors like potx.
+  t('Body');
+  t('Newsletter category');
+  t('Visible sur la home');
+  return $field_instances;

+ 188 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+ * @file
+ *
+ */
+ * Implements hook_filter_default_formats().
+ */
+function mailing_filter_default_formats() {
+  $formats = array();
+  // Exported format: mailhtml.
+  $formats['mailhtml'] = array(
+    'format' => 'mailhtml',
+    'name' => 'mailhtml',
+    'cache' => 1,
+    'status' => 1,
+    'weight' => -9,
+    'filters' => array(
+      'wysiwyg' => array(
+        'weight' => -46,
+        'status' => 1,
+        'settings' => array(
+          'valid_elements' => '@[class|style|title],
+table[width|cellpadding|cellspacing|border], tr[align|valign], td[align|valign|width], tbody, th[align|valign|width], thead, tfoot, colgroup, col,',
+          'allow_comments' => 0,
+          'nofollow_policy' => 'whitelist',
+          'nofollow_domains' => array(
+            0 => '',
+          ),
+          'style_color' => array(
+            'color' => 'color',
+            'background-color' => 'background-color',
+            'background' => 0,
+            'background-image' => 0,
+            'background-repeat' => 0,
+            'background-attachment' => 0,
+            'background-position' => 0,
+          ),
+          'style_font' => array(
+            'font' => 'font',
+            'font-family' => 'font-family',
+            'font-size' => 'font-size',
+            'font-size-adjust' => 0,
+            'font-stretch' => 0,
+            'font-style' => 0,
+            'font-variant' => 0,
+            'font-weight' => 0,
+          ),
+          'style_text' => array(
+            'text-align' => 'text-align',
+            'text-decoration' => 'text-decoration',
+            'text-indent' => 0,
+            'text-transform' => 0,
+            'letter-spacing' => 0,
+            'word-spacing' => 0,
+            'white-space' => 0,
+            'direction' => 0,
+            'unicode-bidi' => 0,
+          ),
+          'style_box' => array(
+            'margin' => 'margin',
+            'margin-top' => 'margin-top',
+            'margin-right' => 'margin-right',
+            'margin-bottom' => 'margin-bottom',
+            'margin-left' => 'margin-left',
+            'padding' => 'padding',
+            'padding-top' => 'padding-top',
+            'padding-right' => 'padding-right',
+            'padding-bottom' => 'padding-bottom',
+            'padding-left' => 'padding-left',
+          ),
+          'style_border-1' => array(
+            'border' => 'border',
+            'border-top' => 'border-top',
+            'border-right' => 'border-right',
+            'border-bottom' => 'border-bottom',
+            'border-left' => 'border-left',
+            'border-width' => 'border-width',
+            'border-top-width' => 'border-top-width',
+            'border-right-width' => 'border-right-width',
+            'border-bottom-width' => 'border-bottom-width',
+            'border-left-width' => 'border-left-width',
+          ),
+          'style_border-2' => array(
+            'border-color' => 'border-color',
+            'border-top-color' => 'border-top-color',
+            'border-right-color' => 'border-right-color',
+            'border-bottom-color' => 'border-bottom-color',
+            'border-left-color' => 'border-left-color',
+            'border-style' => 'border-style',
+            'border-top-style' => 'border-top-style',
+            'border-right-style' => 'border-right-style',
+            'border-bottom-style' => 'border-bottom-style',
+            'border-left-style' => 'border-left-style',
+          ),
+          'style_dimension' => array(
+            'height' => 'height',
+            'width' => 'width',
+            'line-height' => 0,
+            'max-height' => 0,
+            'max-width' => 0,
+            'min-height' => 0,
+            'min-width' => 0,
+          ),
+          'style_positioning' => array(
+            'bottom' => 0,
+            'clip' => 0,
+            'left' => 0,
+            'overflow' => 0,
+            'right' => 0,
+            'top' => 0,
+            'vertical-align' => 0,
+            'z-index' => 0,
+          ),
+          'style_layout' => array(
+            'clear' => 0,
+            'display' => 0,
+            'float' => 0,
+            'position' => 0,
+            'visibility' => 0,
+          ),
+          'style_list' => array(
+            'list-style' => 0,
+            'list-style-image' => 0,
+            'list-style-position' => 0,
+            'list-style-type' => 0,
+          ),
+          'style_table' => array(
+            'border-collapse' => 'border-collapse',
+            'border-spacing' => 'border-spacing',
+            'caption-side' => 'caption-side',
+            'empty-cells' => 'empty-cells',
+            'table-layout' => 'table-layout',
+          ),
+          'style_user' => array(
+            'cursor' => 0,
+            'outline' => 0,
+            'outline-width' => 0,
+            'outline-style' => 0,
+            'outline-color' => 0,
+            'zoom' => 0,
+          ),
+          'rule_valid_classes' => array(),
+          'rule_valid_ids' => array(),
+          'rule_style_urls' => array(),
+        ),
+      ),
+      'filter_autop' => array(
+        'weight' => -45,
+        'status' => 1,
+        'settings' => array(),
+      ),
+      'filter_htmlcorrector' => array(
+        'weight' => -44,
+        'status' => 1,
+        'settings' => array(),
+      ),
+      'video_filter' => array(
+        'weight' => -41,
+        'status' => 1,
+        'settings' => array(
+          'video_filter_width' => 400,
+          'video_filter_height' => 400,
+          'video_filter_autoplay' => 1,
+          'video_filter_related' => 0,
+          'video_filter_html5' => 1,
+        ),
+      ),
+      'pathologic' => array(
+        'weight' => -40,
+        'status' => 1,
+        'settings' => array(
+          'local_paths' => '',
+          'protocol_style' => 'full',
+        ),
+      ),
+    ),
+  );
+  return $formats;

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * @file
+ *
+ */
+ * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
+ */
+function mailing_ctools_plugin_api($module = NULL, $api = NULL) {
+  if ($module == "elysia_cron" && $api == "default_elysia_cron_rules") {
+    return array("version" => "1");
+  }
+  if ($module == "strongarm" && $api == "strongarm") {
+    return array("version" => "1");
+  }
+ * Implements hook_node_info().
+ */
+function mailing_node_info() {
+  $items = array(
+    'simplenews' => array(
+      'name' => t('Lettre d\'information Simplenews'),
+      'base' => 'node_content',
+      'description' => t('Une publication de lettre d\'information à envoyer aux adresses de courriel des abonnés.'),
+      'has_title' => '1',
+      'title_label' => t('Titre'),
+      'help' => '',
+    ),
+  );
+  drupal_alter('node_info', $items);
+  return $items;

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * @file
+ *
+ */
+ * Implements hook_metatag_export_default().
+ */
+function mailing_metatag_export_default() {
+  $config = array();
+  // Exported Metatag config instance: node:simplenews.
+  $config['node:simplenews'] = array(
+    'instance' => 'node:simplenews',
+    'config' => array(
+      'robots' => array(
+        'value' => array(
+          'index' => 'index',
+          'follow' => 0,
+          'noindex' => 0,
+          'nofollow' => 0,
+          'noarchive' => 0,
+          'nosnippet' => 0,
+          'noodp' => 0,
+          'noydir' => 0,
+          'noimageindex' => 0,
+          'notranslate' => 0,
+        ),
+      ),
+    ),
+  );
+  return $config;

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ * @file
+ *
+ */
+ * Implements hook_taxonomy_default_vocabularies().
+ */
+function mailing_taxonomy_default_vocabularies() {
+  return array(
+    'newsletter' => array(
+      'name' => 'Newsletter',
+      'machine_name' => 'newsletter',
+      'description' => 'Simplenews newsletter categories.',
+      'hierarchy' => 0,
+      'module' => 'simplenews',
+      'weight' => 0,
+    ),
+  );

+ 202 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+ * @file
+ *
+ */
+ * Implements hook_user_default_permissions().
+ */
+function mailing_user_default_permissions() {
+  $permissions = array();
+  // Exported permission: 'administer mailgun'.
+  $permissions['administer mailgun'] = array(
+    'name' => 'administer mailgun',
+    'roles' => array(
+      'root' => 'root',
+    ),
+    'module' => 'mailgun',
+  );
+  // Exported permission: 'administer newsletters'.
+  $permissions['administer newsletters'] = array(
+    'name' => 'administer newsletters',
+    'roles' => array(
+      'administrator' => 'administrator',
+      'root' => 'root',
+    ),
+    'module' => 'simplenews',
+  );
+  // Exported permission: 'administer simplenews settings'.
+  $permissions['administer simplenews settings'] = array(
+    'name' => 'administer simplenews settings',
+    'roles' => array(
+      'root' => 'root',
+    ),
+    'module' => 'simplenews',
+  );
+  // Exported permission: 'administer simplenews subscriptions'.
+  $permissions['administer simplenews subscriptions'] = array(
+    'name' => 'administer simplenews subscriptions',
+    'roles' => array(
+      'administrator' => 'administrator',
+      'root' => 'root',
+    ),
+    'module' => 'simplenews',
+  );
+  // Exported permission: 'create simplenews content'.
+  $permissions['create simplenews content'] = array(
+    'name' => 'create simplenews content',
+    'roles' => array(
+      'administrator' => 'administrator',
+      'root' => 'root',
+    ),
+    'module' => 'node',
+  );
+  // Exported permission: 'delete any simplenews content'.
+  $permissions['delete any simplenews content'] = array(
+    'name' => 'delete any simplenews content',
+    'roles' => array(
+      'administrator' => 'administrator',
+      'root' => 'root',
+    ),
+    'module' => 'node',
+  );
+  // Exported permission: 'delete own simplenews content'.
+  $permissions['delete own simplenews content'] = array(
+    'name' => 'delete own simplenews content',
+    'roles' => array(
+      'administrator' => 'administrator',
+      'root' => 'root',
+    ),
+    'module' => 'node',
+  );
+  // Exported permission: 'edit any simplenews content'.
+  $permissions['edit any simplenews content'] = array(
+    'name' => 'edit any simplenews content',
+    'roles' => array(
+      'administrator' => 'administrator',
+      'root' => 'root',
+    ),
+    'module' => 'node',
+  );
+  // Exported permission: 'edit own simplenews content'.
+  $permissions['edit own simplenews content'] = array(
+    'name' => 'edit own simplenews content',
+    'roles' => array(
+      'administrator' => 'administrator',
+      'root' => 'root',
+    ),
+    'module' => 'node',
+  );
+  // Exported permission: 'enter simplenews revision log entry'.
+  $permissions['enter simplenews revision log entry'] = array(
+    'name' => 'enter simplenews revision log entry',
+    'roles' => array(
+      'root' => 'root',
+    ),
+    'module' => 'override_node_options',
+  );
+  // Exported permission: 'override simplenews authored by option'.
+  $permissions['override simplenews authored by option'] = array(
+    'name' => 'override simplenews authored by option',
+    'roles' => array(
+      'root' => 'root',
+    ),
+    'module' => 'override_node_options',
+  );
+  // Exported permission: 'override simplenews authored on option'.
+  $permissions['override simplenews authored on option'] = array(
+    'name' => 'override simplenews authored on option',
+    'roles' => array(
+      'root' => 'root',
+    ),
+    'module' => 'override_node_options',
+  );
+  // Exported permission: 'override simplenews promote to front page option'.
+  $permissions['override simplenews promote to front page option'] = array(
+    'name' => 'override simplenews promote to front page option',
+    'roles' => array(
+      'root' => 'root',
+    ),
+    'module' => 'override_node_options',
+  );
+  // Exported permission: 'override simplenews published option'.
+  $permissions['override simplenews published option'] = array(
+    'name' => 'override simplenews published option',
+    'roles' => array(
+      'root' => 'root',
+    ),
+    'module' => 'override_node_options',
+  );
+  // Exported permission: 'override simplenews revision option'.
+  $permissions['override simplenews revision option'] = array(
+    'name' => 'override simplenews revision option',
+    'roles' => array(
+      'root' => 'root',
+    ),
+    'module' => 'override_node_options',
+  );
+  // Exported permission: 'override simplenews sticky option'.
+  $permissions['override simplenews sticky option'] = array(
+    'name' => 'override simplenews sticky option',
+    'roles' => array(
+      'root' => 'root',
+    ),
+    'module' => 'override_node_options',
+  );
+  // Exported permission: 'overview scheduled newsletters'.
+  $permissions['overview scheduled newsletters'] = array(
+    'name' => 'overview scheduled newsletters',
+    'roles' => array(
+      'administrator' => 'administrator',
+      'root' => 'root',
+    ),
+    'module' => 'simplenews_scheduler',
+  );
+  // Exported permission: 'send scheduled newsletters'.
+  $permissions['send scheduled newsletters'] = array(
+    'name' => 'send scheduled newsletters',
+    'roles' => array(
+      'administrator' => 'administrator',
+      'root' => 'root',
+    ),
+    'module' => 'simplenews_scheduler',
+  );
+  // Exported permission: 'show simplenews title'.
+  $permissions['show simplenews title'] = array(
+    'name' => 'show simplenews title',
+    'roles' => array(
+      'Adhérent' => 'Adhérent',
+      'Contact opérationnel' => 'Contact opérationnel',
+      'Premium' => 'Premium',
+      'Student' => 'Student',
+      'Unverified' => 'Unverified',
+      'Utilisateur' => 'Utilisateur',
+      'administrator' => 'administrator',
+      'anonymous user' => 'anonymous user',
+      'root' => 'root',
+    ),
+    'module' => 'materio_page_title',
+  );
+  return $permissions;

+ 79 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * @file
+ *
+ */
+ * Implements hook_wysiwyg_default_profiles().
+ */
+function mailing_wysiwyg_default_profiles() {
+  $profiles = array();
+  // Exported profile: mailhtml
+  $profiles['mailhtml'] = array(
+    'format' => 'mailhtml',
+    'editor' => 'tinymce',
+    'settings' => array(
+      'default' => 1,
+      'user_choose' => 0,
+      'show_toggle' => 1,
+      'theme' => 'advanced',
+      'language' => 'en',
+      'buttons' => array(
+        'default' => array(
+          'bold' => 1,
+          'italic' => 1,
+          'justifyleft' => 1,
+          'justifycenter' => 1,
+          'justifyfull' => 1,
+          'link' => 1,
+          'image' => 1,
+          'forecolor' => 1,
+        ),
+        'advimage' => array(
+          'advimage' => 1,
+        ),
+        'advlink' => array(
+          'advlink' => 1,
+        ),
+        'fullscreen' => array(
+          'fullscreen' => 1,
+        ),
+        'searchreplace' => array(
+          'search' => 1,
+          'replace' => 1,
+        ),
+        'style' => array(
+          'styleprops' => 1,
+        ),
+        'table' => array(
+          'tablecontrols' => 1,
+        ),
+        'imce' => array(
+          'imce' => 1,
+        ),
+        'video_filter' => array(
+          'video_filter' => 1,
+        ),
+      ),
+      'toolbar_loc' => 'top',
+      'toolbar_align' => 'left',
+      'path_loc' => 'bottom',
+      'resizing' => 1,
+      'verify_html' => 1,
+      'preformatted' => 0,
+      'convert_fonts_to_spans' => 1,
+      'remove_linebreaks' => 1,
+      'apply_source_formatting' => 0,
+      'paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste' => 0,
+      'block_formats' => 'p,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,span,div',
+      'css_setting' => 'self',
+      'css_path' => '%bsites/all/themes/gui/materiobasetheme/css/wysiwyg.css',
+      'css_classes' => 'Column break=columnbreak',
+      'buttonorder' => 'fullscreen,separator,bold,italic,forecolor,styleprops,separator,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyfull,separator,separator,link,advlink,separator,image,advimage,imce,separator,tablecontrols,separator,replace,search,video_filter',
+    ),
+  );
+  return $profiles;

+ 116 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+name = mailing
+core = 7.x
+package = Materio
+dependencies[] = ctools
+dependencies[] = elysia_cron
+dependencies[] = features
+dependencies[] = filter
+dependencies[] = mailgun
+dependencies[] = materio_content_types
+dependencies[] = materio_page_title
+dependencies[] = materio_subscriptions
+dependencies[] = metatag
+dependencies[] = node
+dependencies[] = options
+dependencies[] = override_node_options
+dependencies[] = pathologic
+dependencies[] = simplenews
+dependencies[] = simplenews_rules
+dependencies[] = simplenews_scheduler
+dependencies[] = strongarm
+dependencies[] = taxonomy
+dependencies[] = text
+dependencies[] = video_filter
+dependencies[] = webform_simplenews
+dependencies[] = wysiwyg
+dependencies[] = wysiwyg_filter
+features[ctools][] = elysia_cron:default_elysia_cron_rules:1
+features[ctools][] = strongarm:strongarm:1
+features[elysia_cron][] = simplenews_cron
+features[elysia_cron][] = simplenews_scheduler_cron
+features[features_api][] = api:2
+features[field_base][] = field_simplenews_term
+features[field_instance][] = node-simplenews-body
+features[field_instance][] = node-simplenews-field_simplenews_term
+features[field_instance][] = node-simplenews-field_visible_sur_la_home
+features[filter][] = mailhtml
+features[metatag][] = node:simplenews
+features[node][] = simplenews
+features[taxonomy][] = newsletter
+features[user_permission][] = administer mailgun
+features[user_permission][] = administer newsletters
+features[user_permission][] = administer simplenews settings
+features[user_permission][] = administer simplenews subscriptions
+features[user_permission][] = create simplenews content
+features[user_permission][] = delete any simplenews content
+features[user_permission][] = delete own simplenews content
+features[user_permission][] = edit any simplenews content
+features[user_permission][] = edit own simplenews content
+features[user_permission][] = enter simplenews revision log entry
+features[user_permission][] = override simplenews authored by option
+features[user_permission][] = override simplenews authored on option
+features[user_permission][] = override simplenews promote to front page option
+features[user_permission][] = override simplenews published option
+features[user_permission][] = override simplenews revision option
+features[user_permission][] = override simplenews sticky option
+features[user_permission][] = overview scheduled newsletters
+features[user_permission][] = send scheduled newsletters
+features[user_permission][] = show simplenews title
+features[variable][] = additional_settings__active_tab_simplenews
+features[variable][] = ant_pattern_simplenews
+features[variable][] = ant_php_simplenews
+features[variable][] = ant_simplenews
+features[variable][] = date_popup_authored_enabled_simplenews
+features[variable][] = date_popup_authored_format_simplenews
+features[variable][] = date_popup_authored_year_range_simplenews
+features[variable][] = diff_enable_revisions_page_node_simplenews
+features[variable][] = diff_show_preview_changes_node_simplenews
+features[variable][] = diff_view_mode_preview_node_simplenews
+features[variable][] = field_bundle_settings_node__simplenews
+features[variable][] = honeypot_form_simplenews_node_form
+features[variable][] = i18n_node_extended_simplenews
+features[variable][] = i18n_node_options_simplenews
+features[variable][] = language_content_type_simplenews
+features[variable][] = mailgun_api_key
+features[variable][] = mailgun_domain
+features[variable][] = mailgun_format
+features[variable][] = mailgun_log
+features[variable][] = mailgun_queue
+features[variable][] = mailgun_test
+features[variable][] = mailgun_tracking
+features[variable][] = mailgun_tracking_clicks
+features[variable][] = mailgun_tracking_opens
+features[variable][] = menu_options_simplenews
+features[variable][] = menu_parent_simplenews
+features[variable][] = node_options_simplenews
+features[variable][] = node_preview_simplenews
+features[variable][] = node_submitted_simplenews
+features[variable][] = pathauto_node_simplenews_pattern
+features[variable][] = pathauto_taxonomy_term_newsletter_pattern
+features[variable][] = simplenews_content_type_looping_embed_video
+features[variable][] = simplenews_content_type_materiau
+features[variable][] = simplenews_content_type_simplenews
+features[variable][] = simplenews_content_type_static_page_plaintext
+features[variable][] = simplenews_debug
+features[variable][] = simplenews_format
+features[variable][] = simplenews_from_address
+features[variable][] = simplenews_from_name
+features[variable][] = simplenews_last_cron
+features[variable][] = simplenews_last_sent
+features[variable][] = simplenews_priority
+features[variable][] = simplenews_private_key
+features[variable][] = simplenews_receipt
+features[variable][] = simplenews_send
+features[variable][] = simplenews_source_cache
+features[variable][] = simplenews_spool_expire
+features[variable][] = simplenews_test_address
+features[variable][] = simplenews_test_address_override
+features[variable][] = simplenews_throttle
+features[variable][] = simplenews_use_cron
+features[variable][] = simplenews_vid
+features[variable][] = unique_field_comp_simplenews
+features[variable][] = unique_field_fields_simplenews
+features[variable][] = unique_field_scope_simplenews
+features[variable][] = unique_field_show_matches_simplenews
+features[wysiwyg][] = mailhtml
+project path = sites/all/modules/features

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ * @file
+ * Code for the mailing feature.
+ */
+include_once '';

+ 505 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+ * @file
+ *
+ */
+ * Implements hook_strongarm().
+ */
+function mailing_strongarm() {
+  $export = array();
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'additional_settings__active_tab_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = 'edit-print';
+  $export['additional_settings__active_tab_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'ant_pattern_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = '';
+  $export['ant_pattern_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'ant_php_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = 0;
+  $export['ant_php_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'ant_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = '0';
+  $export['ant_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'date_popup_authored_enabled_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = 1;
+  $export['date_popup_authored_enabled_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'date_popup_authored_format_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = 'm/d/Y - H:i';
+  $export['date_popup_authored_format_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'date_popup_authored_year_range_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = '3';
+  $export['date_popup_authored_year_range_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'diff_enable_revisions_page_node_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = 1;
+  $export['diff_enable_revisions_page_node_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'diff_show_preview_changes_node_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = 1;
+  $export['diff_show_preview_changes_node_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'diff_view_mode_preview_node_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = 'full';
+  $export['diff_view_mode_preview_node_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'field_bundle_settings_node__simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = array(
+    'view_modes' => array(
+      'teaser' => array(
+        'custom_settings' => TRUE,
+      ),
+      'bookmark' => array(
+        'custom_settings' => TRUE,
+      ),
+      'cardsmall' => array(
+        'custom_settings' => TRUE,
+      ),
+      'cardmedium' => array(
+        'custom_settings' => TRUE,
+      ),
+      'cardbig' => array(
+        'custom_settings' => TRUE,
+      ),
+      'cardfull' => array(
+        'custom_settings' => TRUE,
+      ),
+      'print' => array(
+        'custom_settings' => TRUE,
+      ),
+      'full' => array(
+        'custom_settings' => FALSE,
+      ),
+      'rss' => array(
+        'custom_settings' => FALSE,
+      ),
+      'diff_standard' => array(
+        'custom_settings' => FALSE,
+      ),
+      'email_plain' => array(
+        'custom_settings' => FALSE,
+      ),
+      'email_html' => array(
+        'custom_settings' => FALSE,
+      ),
+      'email_textalt' => array(
+        'custom_settings' => FALSE,
+      ),
+      'token' => array(
+        'custom_settings' => FALSE,
+      ),
+      'homeblock' => array(
+        'custom_settings' => TRUE,
+      ),
+    ),
+    'extra_fields' => array(
+      'form' => array(
+        'metatags' => array(
+          'weight' => '6',
+        ),
+        'title' => array(
+          'weight' => '0',
+        ),
+        'path' => array(
+          'weight' => '2',
+        ),
+        'redirect' => array(
+          'weight' => '1',
+        ),
+        'workflow' => array(
+          'weight' => '7',
+        ),
+      ),
+      'display' => array(
+        'workflow_current_state' => array(
+          'default' => array(
+            'weight' => '1',
+            'visible' => FALSE,
+          ),
+          'teaser' => array(
+            'weight' => '-99',
+            'visible' => FALSE,
+          ),
+          'homeblock' => array(
+            'weight' => '-99',
+            'visible' => FALSE,
+          ),
+        ),
+        'workflow' => array(
+          'default' => array(
+            'weight' => '2',
+            'visible' => FALSE,
+          ),
+          'teaser' => array(
+            'weight' => '99',
+            'visible' => FALSE,
+          ),
+          'homeblock' => array(
+            'weight' => '99',
+            'visible' => FALSE,
+          ),
+        ),
+      ),
+    ),
+  );
+  $export['field_bundle_settings_node__simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'honeypot_form_simplenews_node_form';
+  $strongarm->value = 0;
+  $export['honeypot_form_simplenews_node_form'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'i18n_node_extended_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = 1;
+  $export['i18n_node_extended_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'i18n_node_options_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = array();
+  $export['i18n_node_options_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'language_content_type_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = '0';
+  $export['language_content_type_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'mailgun_api_key';
+  $strongarm->value = 'key-33300563658e8ae366a01cb603a9fef8';
+  $export['mailgun_api_key'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'mailgun_domain';
+  $strongarm->value = '';
+  $export['mailgun_domain'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'mailgun_format';
+  $strongarm->value = '_none';
+  $export['mailgun_format'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'mailgun_log';
+  $strongarm->value = 0;
+  $export['mailgun_log'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'mailgun_queue';
+  $strongarm->value = 1;
+  $export['mailgun_queue'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'mailgun_test';
+  $strongarm->value = 0;
+  $export['mailgun_test'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'mailgun_tracking';
+  $strongarm->value = 'default';
+  $export['mailgun_tracking'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'mailgun_tracking_clicks';
+  $strongarm->value = 'default';
+  $export['mailgun_tracking_clicks'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'mailgun_tracking_opens';
+  $strongarm->value = 'default';
+  $export['mailgun_tracking_opens'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'menu_options_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = array();
+  $export['menu_options_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'menu_parent_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = 'main-menu:0';
+  $export['menu_parent_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'node_options_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = array(
+    0 => 'status',
+  );
+  $export['node_options_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'node_preview_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = '1';
+  $export['node_preview_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'node_submitted_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = 0;
+  $export['node_submitted_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'pathauto_node_simplenews_pattern';
+  $strongarm->value = '[node:field-simplenews-term:name]/[node:title]';
+  $export['pathauto_node_simplenews_pattern'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'pathauto_taxonomy_term_newsletter_pattern';
+  $strongarm->value = '';
+  $export['pathauto_taxonomy_term_newsletter_pattern'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_content_type_looping_embed_video';
+  $strongarm->value = 0;
+  $export['simplenews_content_type_looping_embed_video'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_content_type_materiau';
+  $strongarm->value = 0;
+  $export['simplenews_content_type_materiau'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_content_type_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = 1;
+  $export['simplenews_content_type_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_content_type_static_page_plaintext';
+  $strongarm->value = 0;
+  $export['simplenews_content_type_static_page_plaintext'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_debug';
+  $strongarm->value = 0;
+  $export['simplenews_debug'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_format';
+  $strongarm->value = 'html';
+  $export['simplenews_format'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_from_address';
+  $strongarm->value = '';
+  $export['simplenews_from_address'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_from_name';
+  $strongarm->value = 'materiO’';
+  $export['simplenews_from_name'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_last_cron';
+  $strongarm->value = 1465539721;
+  $export['simplenews_last_cron'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_last_sent';
+  $strongarm->value = 37;
+  $export['simplenews_last_sent'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_priority';
+  $strongarm->value = '0';
+  $export['simplenews_priority'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_private_key';
+  $strongarm->value = 'f5df0e8c8856dd60b4572b439faa428a';
+  $export['simplenews_private_key'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_receipt';
+  $strongarm->value = 0;
+  $export['simplenews_receipt'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_send';
+  $strongarm->value = '1';
+  $export['simplenews_send'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_source_cache';
+  $strongarm->value = 'SimplenewsSourceCacheNone';
+  $export['simplenews_source_cache'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_spool_expire';
+  $strongarm->value = '1';
+  $export['simplenews_spool_expire'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_test_address';
+  $strongarm->value = '';
+  $export['simplenews_test_address'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_test_address_override';
+  $strongarm->value = 0;
+  $export['simplenews_test_address_override'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_throttle';
+  $strongarm->value = '50';
+  $export['simplenews_throttle'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_use_cron';
+  $strongarm->value = 1;
+  $export['simplenews_use_cron'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'simplenews_vid';
+  $strongarm->value = '18';
+  $export['simplenews_vid'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'unique_field_comp_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = 'each';
+  $export['unique_field_comp_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'unique_field_fields_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = array();
+  $export['unique_field_fields_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'unique_field_scope_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = 'type';
+  $export['unique_field_scope_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  $strongarm = new stdClass();
+  $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */
+  $strongarm->api_version = 1;
+  $strongarm->name = 'unique_field_show_matches_simplenews';
+  $strongarm->value = array();
+  $export['unique_field_show_matches_simplenews'] = $strongarm;
+  return $export;