
added settings for advanced search vocabulary choice and hidden terms

Bachir Soussi Chiadmi 6 年之前

+ 75 - 1

@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ function materio_search_api_settings(){
 	$languages = locale_language_list();
 	// dsm($languages, 'languages');
+	$form = array();
+	// Solr indexes by language
 	foreach ($languages as $lcode => $name) {
 		$form['fulltextsearchindex_'.$lcode] = array(
@@ -44,6 +48,7 @@ function materio_search_api_settings(){
+	// view modes
 	// TODO:  select the activated viewmodes for change view mode and selected view mode
 	$entity_infos = entity_get_info();
   // dsm($entity_infos, 'entity_infos');
@@ -66,7 +71,7 @@ function materio_search_api_settings(){
 		'#title' => t('Defalut View mode'),
+	// limits by view mode
 	foreach (variable_get('availableviewmodes', array()) as $viewmode => $value) {
 		$form[$viewmode.'_limite'] = array(
@@ -76,5 +81,74 @@ function materio_search_api_settings(){
+	// advanced search vocabulary
+	$vocs = taxonomy_get_vocabularies();
+	// dsm($vocs, 'vocs');
+	$vocs_options = array();
+	foreach ($vocs as $vid => $voc) {
+		$vocs_options[$vid] = $voc->name;
+	}
+	$form['msa-advancedsearchvocabulary'] = array(
+		'#type' => 'select',
+		'#options' => $vocs_options,
+		'#default' => variable_get('msa-advancedsearchvocabulary', null),
+		'#title' => t('advanced search vocabulary'),
+		'#description' => 'Choose which vocabulary will be used for advanced search form',
+	);
+	// advanced search hide some taxonomy terms
+	if($vid = variable_get('msa-advancedsearchvocabulary', null)){
+		$tree = msa_taxonomy_get_nested_tree(taxonomy_get_tree($vid));
+		// dsm($tree, "tree");
+		$tree_options = array();
+		msa_get_nested_tree_options($tree, $tree_options);
+		// dsm($tree_options, 'tree_options');
+		$form['msa-hiddentaxoterms'] = array(
+			'#type' => 'select',
+			'#options' => $tree_options,
+			'#default_value' => variable_get('msa-hiddentaxoterms', array()),
+			'#multiple' => TRUE,
+			'#title' => t('Hidden taxonomy terms'),
+			'#description' => t('Select terms which will be hidden from advanced search form')
+		);
+	}
 	return system_settings_form($form);
+function msa_taxonomy_get_nested_tree($terms = array(), $max_depth = NULL, $parent = 0, $parents_index = array(), $depth = 0) {
+	  if (is_int($terms)) {
+			$terms = taxonomy_get_tree($terms);
+	  }
+	  foreach($terms as $term) {
+			foreach($term->parents as $term_parent) {
+			  if ($term_parent == $parent) {
+				$return[$term->tid] = $term;
+			  }
+			  else {
+				$parents_index[$term_parent][$term->tid] = $term;
+			  }
+			}
+	  }
+	  foreach($return as &$term) {
+			if (isset($parents_index[$term->tid]) && (is_null($max_depth) || $depth < $max_depth)) {
+			  $term->children = msa_taxonomy_get_nested_tree($parents_index[$term->tid], $max_depth, $term->tid, $parents_index, $depth + 1);
+			}
+	  }
+	  return $return;
+	}
+function msa_get_nested_tree_options($tree, &$options, $prefix = ""){
+	foreach ($tree as $tid => $term) {
+		$options[$tid] = $prefix . $term->name;
+		if(isset($term->children)){
+			msa_get_nested_tree_options($term->children, $options, $prefix."$term->name - ");
+		}
+	}

+ 264 - 257

@@ -751,291 +751,303 @@ function materio_search_api_advanced_search_form($form, &$form_state){
   // $form = array();
   // TODO: get vid from settings
-  $vid = 15; // onthologie
-  $voc = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vid);
-  $voc_machinename = $voc->machine_name;
-  // dsm($voc, "voc");
+  $vid = variable_get('msa-advancedsearchvocabulary', null);
+  if($vid){
-  $values = isset($form_state['values']) ? $form_state['values'] : null;
-  // dsm($values, "values");
+    $voc = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vid);
+    $voc_machinename = $voc->machine_name;
+    // dsm($voc, "voc");
-  $args = arg();
-  // dsm($args, 'args');
+    $hidden_terms = variable_get('msa-hiddentaxoterms', array());
+    // dsm($hidden_terms, 'hidden_terms');
-  // get the first elemt of url args
-  $path = array_shift($args);
-  if (isset($args[0]) && $args[0] == "filters") {
-    $path .= '/'.array_shift($args);
-  }
-  // get the keywords from args and reconstruct the filter lines with default values
-  $args_values = array();
-  if($path == 'explore/filters' && $args[0] !== "ajax"){
-    $keywords = explode("+", $args[0]);
-    // TODO: what if a keyword contains a +
-    // dsm($keywords, 'keywords');
-    foreach ($keywords as $key => $value) {
-      $name = str_replace('"', '', $value);
-      //Get the term
-      $terms = taxonomy_get_term_by_name($name, $voc_machinename);
-      $term = array_shift($terms);
-      // dsm($term, $term->tid.' : '.$term->name);
-      // get parents
-      if(isset($term->tid)){
-        $parents = taxonomy_get_parents_all($term->tid);
-        // dsm($parents, 'parents');
-        // build default values
-        for ($p=count($parents)-1; $p >=0 ; $p--) {
-          $args_values[$key][] = $parents[$p]->tid;
+    $values = isset($form_state['values']) ? $form_state['values'] : null;
+    // dsm($values, "values");
+    $args = arg();
+    // dsm($args, 'args');
+    // get the first elemt of url args
+    $path = array_shift($args);
+    if (isset($args[0]) && $args[0] == "filters") {
+      $path .= '/'.array_shift($args);
+    }
+    // get the keywords from args and reconstruct the filter lines with default values
+    $args_values = array();
+    if($path == 'explore/filters' && $args[0] !== "ajax"){
+      $keywords = explode("+", $args[0]);
+      // TODO: what if a keyword contains a +
+      // dsm($keywords, 'keywords');
+      foreach ($keywords as $key => $value) {
+        $name = str_replace('"', '', $value);
+        //Get the term
+        $terms = taxonomy_get_term_by_name($name, $voc_machinename);
+        $term = array_shift($terms);
+        // dsm($term, $term->tid.' : '.$term->name);
+        // get parents
+        if(isset($term->tid)){
+          $parents = taxonomy_get_parents_all($term->tid);
+          // dsm($parents, 'parents');
+          // build default values
+          for ($p=count($parents)-1; $p >=0 ; $p--) {
+            $args_values[$key][] = $parents[$p]->tid;
+          }
-  }
-  // dsm($args_values, 'args_values');
-  // TODO: show result count live
-  // TODO: filter next select form item
-  // define number of lines,
-  // 1 by default
-  // or from url arguments
-  // or let it as it is if already chanched by ajax
-  if(!isset($form_state['filterlines'])){
-    if(count($args_values)){
-      $form_state['filterlines'] = count($args_values);
-    }else{
-      $form_state['filterlines'] = 1;
+    // dsm($args_values, 'args_values');
+    // TODO: show result count live
+    // TODO: filter next select form item
+    // define number of lines,
+    // 1 by default
+    // or from url arguments
+    // or let it as it is if already chanched by ajax
+    if(!isset($form_state['filterlines'])){
+      if(count($args_values)){
+        $form_state['filterlines'] = count($args_values);
+      }else{
+        $form_state['filterlines'] = 1;
+      }
-  }
-  // dsm($form_state['filterlines'], "form_state['filterlines']");
+    // dsm($form_state['filterlines'], "form_state['filterlines']");
-  // filters form container
-  $form['filters'] = array(
-    '#type' => 'container',
-    '#prefix' => '<div id="advancedsearch-filters">',
-    '#suffix' => '</div>',
-  );
+    // filters form container
+    $form['filters'] = array(
+      '#type' => 'container',
+      '#prefix' => '<div id="advancedsearch-filters">',
+      '#suffix' => '</div>',
+    );
-  $trigger = FALSE;
-  if (!empty($form_state['triggering_element']['#name'])) {
-    $trigger = $form_state['triggering_element'];
-  }
+    $trigger = FALSE;
+    if (!empty($form_state['triggering_element']['#name'])) {
+      $trigger = $form_state['triggering_element'];
+    }
-  $rmline = false;
-  if ($trigger) {
-    // dsm($form_state['triggering_element'], $form_state['triggering_element']['#name']);
-    // dsm($values, 'form state values');
+    $rmline = false;
+    if ($trigger) {
+      // dsm($form_state['triggering_element'], $form_state['triggering_element']['#name']);
+      // dsm($values, 'form state values');
-    // add a line if needed
-    if($trigger['#name'] == 'addfilters'){
-      $form_state['filterlines'] = $form_state['filterlines']+1;
+      // add a line if needed
+      if($trigger['#name'] == 'addfilters'){
+        $form_state['filterlines'] = $form_state['filterlines']+1;
+      }
+      // remove a line if needed
+      if(strpos($trigger['#name'], 'rm-filter-') === 0){
+        // $form_state['filterlines'] = $form_state['filterlines']+1;
+        $rmline = $trigger['#return_value'];
+        // dsm($rmline, "rmline");
+      }
-    // remove a line if needed
-    if(strpos($trigger['#name'], 'rm-filter-') === 0){
-      // $form_state['filterlines'] = $form_state['filterlines']+1;
-      $rmline = $trigger['#return_value'];
-      // dsm($rmline, "rmline");
+    // build first level taxonomy tree and select options
+    $taxotree = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, 0, 1, false);
+    foreach ($taxotree as $index => $term) {
+      // TODO: get translated tag name
+      if(!in_array($term->tid, $hidden_terms)){
+        $level_0_ops[$term->tid] = t($term->name);
+      }
-  }
-  // build first level taxonomy tree and select options
-  $taxotree = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, 0, 1, false);
-  foreach ($taxotree as $index => $term) {
-    // TODO: get translated tag name
-    $level_0_ops[$term->tid] = t($term->name);
-  }
+    // build filters lines (ajax enabled)
+    for ($l=0; $l < $form_state['filterlines']; $l++) {
-  // build filters lines (ajax enabled)
-  for ($l=0; $l < $form_state['filterlines']; $l++) {
+      // if rmline this line,
+      // continue the loop without creating the line
+      if($l === $rmline){
+        continue;
+      }
+      // if we are after the removed line,
+      // create a second counter ($ll) to keep a continuous order for form items
+      // and keep the current counter ($l) to retrieve de current values
+      // if before removed line or no removed line at all, $l = $ll
+      if($rmline !== false && $l >= $rmline){
+        $ll = $l-1;
+      }else{
+        $ll = $l;
+      }
+      // dsm("l : ".$l." | ll : ".$ll);
-    // if rmline this line,
-    // continue the loop without creating the line
-    if($l === $rmline){
-      continue;
-    }
-    // if we are after the removed line,
-    // create a second counter ($ll) to keep a continuous order for form items
-    // and keep the current counter ($l) to retrieve de current values
-    // if before removed line or no removed line at all, $l = $ll
-    if($rmline !== false && $l >= $rmline){
-      $ll = $l-1;
-    }else{
-      $ll = $l;
-    }
-    // dsm("l : ".$l." | ll : ".$ll);
+      $form['filters']['filterline-'.$ll] = array(
+        '#type' => 'container',
+        '#attributes' => array(
+          'class' => array("filter-line")
+        )
+      );
-    $form['filters']['filterline-'.$ll] = array(
-      '#type' => 'container',
-      '#attributes' => array(
-        'class' => array("filter-line")
-      )
-    );
+      // get the default value
+      // from from_state values if ajax
+      // or from url args
+      // or 0
+      $default0 = null;
+      if(isset($values['filter-'.$l.'-0']) && $values['filter-'.$l.'-0']){
+        $default0 = $values['filter-'.$l.'-0'];
+      }elseif(isset($args_values[$l][0])){
+        $default0 =  $args_values[$l][0];
+      }
+      // dsm($default0, "default 0");
+      // form select element for first level
+      $form['filters']['filterline-'.$ll]['filter-'.$ll.'-0'] = array(
+        '#type' => 'select',
+        '#options' => $level_0_ops,
+        '#name' => 'filter-'.$ll.'-0',
+        '#empty_option' => t("Choose a filter"),
+        // '#empty_values' => 0,
+        '#default_value' => $default0,
+        '#ajax' => array(
+          'callback' => 'materio_search_api_advanced_search_select_callback',
+          'wrapper' => 'advancedsearch-filters',
+        ),
+      );
+      // without this line, form api will mess with default values
+      $form_state["input"]['filter-'.$ll.'-0'] = $default0;
+      // add level 1 filter if level 0 chosen
+      if($default0){
+          // build second level taxonomy tree and select options
+          $taxotree1 = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, $default0, 1, false);
+          $level_1_ops = array();
+          foreach ($taxotree1 as $index => $term) {
+            // TODO: get translated tag name
+            $level_1_ops[$term->tid] = t($term->name);
+          }
+          // get the default value
+          // from from_state values if ajax
+          // or from url args
+          // or 0
+          $default1 = null;
+          if(isset($values['filter-'.$l.'-1']) && $values['filter-'.$l.'-1']){
+            $default1 = $values['filter-'.$l.'-1'];
+          }elseif(isset($args_values[$l][1])){
+            $default1 = $args_values[$l][1];
+          }
+          // dsm($default1, "default 1");
+          // form select element for second level
+          $form['filters']['filterline-'.$ll]['filter-'.$ll.'-1'] = array(
+            '#type' => 'select',
+            '#options' => $level_1_ops,
+            '#name' => 'filter-'.$ll.'-1',
+            '#empty_option' => t("Choose a filter"),
+            // '#empty_values' => 0,
+            '#default_value' => $default1,
+            '#ajax' => array(
+              'callback' => 'materio_search_api_advanced_search_select_callback',
+              'wrapper' => 'advancedsearch-filters',
+            ),
+          );
+          // without this line, form api will mess with default values
+          $form_state["input"]['filter-'.$ll.'-1'] = $default1;
+          // add level 2 filter if level 1 chosen
+          if($default1){
+              // build second level taxonomy tree and select options
+              $taxotree2 = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, $default1, 1, false);
+              if(count($taxotree2)){
+                // $default2 = isset($args_values[$l][2]) ? $args_values[$l][2] : 0;
+                $default2 = null;
+                if(isset($values['filter-'.$l.'-2']) && $values['filter-'.$l.'-2']){
+                  $default2 = $values['filter-'.$l.'-2'];
+                }elseif(isset($args_values[$l][2])){
+                  $default2 =  $args_values[$l][2];
+                }
+                // dsm($default2, "default 2");
+                $level_2_ops = array();
+                foreach ($taxotree2 as $index => $term) {
+                  // TODO: get translated tag name
+                  $level_2_ops[$term->tid] = t($term->name);
+                }
+                // form select element for third level
+                $form['filters']['filterline-'.$ll]['filter-'.$ll.'-2'] = array(
+                  '#type' => 'select',
+                  '#options' => $level_2_ops,
+                  '#name' => 'filter-'.$ll.'-2',
+                  '#empty_option' => t("Choose a filter"),
+                  // '#empty_values' => 0,
+                  '#default_value' => $default2,
+                );
+                // without this line, form api will mess with default values
+                $form_state["input"]['filter-'.$ll.'-2'] = $default2;
+              }
+          }
+      }
-    // get the default value
-    // from from_state values if ajax
-    // or from url args
-    // or 0
-    $default0 = null;
-    if(isset($values['filter-'.$l.'-0']) && $values['filter-'.$l.'-0']){
-      $default0 = $values['filter-'.$l.'-0'];
-    }elseif(isset($args_values[$l][0])){
-      $default0 =  $args_values[$l][0];
-    }
-    // dsm($default0, "default 0");
-    // form select element for first level
-    $form['filters']['filterline-'.$ll]['filter-'.$ll.'-0'] = array(
-      '#type' => 'select',
-      '#options' => $level_0_ops,
-      '#name' => 'filter-'.$ll.'-0',
-      '#empty_option' => t("Choose a filter"),
-      // '#empty_values' => 0,
-      '#default_value' => $default0,
-      '#ajax' => array(
-        'callback' => 'materio_search_api_advanced_search_select_callback',
-        'wrapper' => 'advancedsearch-filters',
-      ),
-    );
-    // without this line, form api will mess with default values
-    $form_state["input"]['filter-'.$ll.'-0'] = $default0;
-    // add level 1 filter if level 0 chosen
-    if($default0){
-        // build second level taxonomy tree and select options
-        $taxotree1 = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, $default0, 1, false);
-        $level_1_ops = array();
-        foreach ($taxotree1 as $index => $term) {
-          // TODO: get translated tag name
-          $level_1_ops[$term->tid] = t($term->name);
-        }
+      // add remove the line button
+      $form['filters']['filterline-'.$ll]['rm-filter-'.$ll] = array(
+        '#type' => 'image_button',
+        '#src' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api') . '/images/rmfilter.png',
+        '#title' => t('Remove this filter line'),
+        '#name' => 'rm-filter-'.$ll,
+        '#return_value' => $ll,
+        '#executes_submit_callback' => false,
+        '#ajax' => array(
+          'callback' => 'materio_search_api_advanced_search_rmline_callback',
+          'wrapper' => 'advancedsearch-filters',
+          // 'trigger_as' => array("name"=>"rmfilters".$l),
+        ),
+        "#attributes" => array('class'=>array('rm-btn')),
+      );
-        // get the default value
-        // from from_state values if ajax
-        // or from url args
-        // or 0
-        $default1 = null;
-        if(isset($values['filter-'.$l.'-1']) && $values['filter-'.$l.'-1']){
-          $default1 = $values['filter-'.$l.'-1'];
-        }elseif(isset($args_values[$l][1])){
-          $default1 = $args_values[$l][1];
-        }
-        // dsm($default1, "default 1");
-        // form select element for second level
-        $form['filters']['filterline-'.$ll]['filter-'.$ll.'-1'] = array(
-          '#type' => 'select',
-          '#options' => $level_1_ops,
-          '#name' => 'filter-'.$ll.'-1',
-          '#empty_option' => t("Choose a filter"),
-          // '#empty_values' => 0,
-          '#default_value' => $default1,
-          '#ajax' => array(
-            'callback' => 'materio_search_api_advanced_search_select_callback',
-            'wrapper' => 'advancedsearch-filters',
-          ),
-        );
-        // without this line, form api will mess with default values
-        $form_state["input"]['filter-'.$ll.'-1'] = $default1;
-        // add level 2 filter if level 1 chosen
-        if($default1){
-            // build second level taxonomy tree and select options
-            $taxotree2 = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, $default1, 1, false);
-            if(count($taxotree2)){
-              // $default2 = isset($args_values[$l][2]) ? $args_values[$l][2] : 0;
-              $default2 = null;
-              if(isset($values['filter-'.$l.'-2']) && $values['filter-'.$l.'-2']){
-                $default2 = $values['filter-'.$l.'-2'];
-              }elseif(isset($args_values[$l][2])){
-                $default2 =  $args_values[$l][2];
-              }
-              // dsm($default2, "default 2");
+    } // end of lines loop
-              $level_2_ops = array();
-              foreach ($taxotree2 as $index => $term) {
-                // TODO: get translated tag name
-                $level_2_ops[$term->tid] = t($term->name);
-              }
-              // form select element for third level
-              $form['filters']['filterline-'.$ll]['filter-'.$ll.'-2'] = array(
-                '#type' => 'select',
-                '#options' => $level_2_ops,
-                '#name' => 'filter-'.$ll.'-2',
-                '#empty_option' => t("Choose a filter"),
-                // '#empty_values' => 0,
-                '#default_value' => $default2,
-              );
-              // without this line, form api will mess with default values
-              $form_state["input"]['filter-'.$ll.'-2'] = $default2;
-            }
-        }
+    if($rmline !== false){
+      $form_state['filterlines'] = $form_state['filterlines']-1;
-    // add remove the line button
-    $form['filters']['filterline-'.$ll]['rm-filter-'.$ll] = array(
+    // button to add a new line of criterias
+    $form['filters']['addfilters'] = array(
       '#type' => 'image_button',
-      '#src' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api') . '/images/rmfilter.png',
-      '#title' => t('Remove this filter line'),
-      '#name' => 'rm-filter-'.$ll,
-      '#return_value' => $ll,
-      '#executes_submit_callback' => false,
+      '#src' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api') . '/images/addfilter.png',
+      '#title' => t('Add a filter line'),
+      '#name' => "addfilters",
+      '#return_value' => "add",
       '#ajax' => array(
-        'callback' => 'materio_search_api_advanced_search_rmline_callback',
+        'callback' => 'materio_search_api_advanced_search_addfilter_callback',
         'wrapper' => 'advancedsearch-filters',
-        // 'trigger_as' => array("name"=>"rmfilters".$l),
-      "#attributes" => array('class'=>array('rm-btn')),
+      '#executes_submit_callback' => false,
+      '#attributes' => array(
+        'class'=>array('add-filter')
+      ),
-  } // end of lines loop
-  if($rmline !== false){
-    $form_state['filterlines'] = $form_state['filterlines']-1;
-  }
+    // buttons form container
+    $form['rightcol'] = array(
+      '#type' => 'container',
+    );
+    // add a back to search/base home bouton if on explore/foo
+    if ($path == 'explore' || $path == 'explore/filters' || $path == 'bookmarks' || $path == 'lists' ) {
+      $link = l('<i class="fi-home"></i>', base_path().'actuality', array(
+        'html'=>true,
+        'attributes'=>array('class'=>'back-search-home')
+      ));
+      $form['rightcol']['actu'] = array(
+        '#type' => 'markup',
+        '#markup' => $link,
+      );
+    }
-  // button to add a new line of criterias
-  $form['filters']['addfilters'] = array(
-    '#type' => 'image_button',
-    '#src' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api') . '/images/addfilter.png',
-    '#title' => t('Add a filter line'),
-    '#name' => "addfilters",
-    '#return_value' => "add",
-    '#ajax' => array(
-      'callback' => 'materio_search_api_advanced_search_addfilter_callback',
-      'wrapper' => 'advancedsearch-filters',
-    ),
-    '#executes_submit_callback' => false,
-    '#attributes' => array(
-      'class'=>array('add-filter')
-    ),
-  );
+    // submit the search
+    $form['rightcol']['search'] = array(
+      '#type' => 'image_button',
+      '#src' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api') . '/images/search.png',
+      '#title' => t('Search'),
+      '#name' => "search",
+      '#return_value' => "search",
+    );
-  // buttons form container
-  $form['rightcol'] = array(
-    '#type' => 'container',
-  );
-  // add a back to search/base home bouton if on explore/foo
-  if ($path == 'explore' || $path == 'explore/filters' || $path == 'bookmarks' || $path == 'lists' ) {
-    $link = l('<i class="fi-home"></i>', base_path().'actuality', array(
-      'html'=>true,
-      'attributes'=>array('class'=>'back-search-home')
-    ));
-    $form['rightcol']['actu'] = array(
-      '#type' => 'markup',
-      '#markup' => $link,
+  }else{
+    $form['novoc'] = array(
+      '#markup' => "Please choose a vocabulary to search from in materio search api settings"
-  // submit the search
-  $form['rightcol']['search'] = array(
-    '#type' => 'image_button',
-    '#src' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api') . '/images/search.png',
-    '#title' => t('Search'),
-    '#name' => "search",
-    '#return_value' => "search",
-  );
   // dsm($form, 'form');
   return $form;
@@ -1391,11 +1403,6 @@ function template_preprocess_materio_search_api_actuality(&$vars){
   // $vars['actualities_infos'] = t('Actualities by materiO\'');
   $vars['actualities_infos'] = t('');
-// function template_preprocess_materio_search_api_advanced_search_block(&$vars){
-//   // dsm($vars, "vars");
-//   $vars['searchform'] = drupal_get_form("materio_search_api_advanced_search_form");
-// }
 function theme_materio_search_api_form_element($variables) {
   // dsm($variables, 'variables');