@@ -50,13 +50,18 @@ function materio_flag_menu() {
'page arguments' => array(3),
- $items['materioflag/createlist/%/%/%ctools_js'] = $base+array(
+ $items['materioflag/createlist/form/%'] = $base+array(
+ 'access arguments' => array('create flag lists'),
+ 'access callback' => 'user_access',
+ 'page callback' => 'materio_flag_createlist_form',
+ 'page arguments' => array(3),
+ );
+ $items['materioflag/createlist/%'] = $base+array(
'access arguments' => array('create flag lists'),
'access callback' => 'user_access',
'page callback' => 'materio_flag_createlist',
- 'page arguments' => array(2,3,4),
- 'delivery callback' => 'ajax_deliver',
- 'theme callback' => 'ajax_base_page_theme',
+ 'page arguments' => array(2, 3),
return $items;
@@ -241,35 +246,25 @@ function materio_flag_entity_view($entity, $type, $view_mode, $langcode) {
#create new list
- // $link = l(
- // t('New @name', array('@name' => variable_get('flag_lists_name', t('list')))),
- // 'flag-lists/add/' . $entity->type,// . '/js',
- // array(
- // 'query' => drupal_get_destination(),
- // 'attributes' => array(
- // 'class' => array('flag-lists-create'),
- // 'title' => t('create a new @name and use it.', array('@name'=>variable_get('flag_lists_name', t('list'))))
- // )
- // )
- // );
- _materio_flag_include_modal();
- $linktext = t('New @name', array('@name' => variable_get('flag_lists_name', t('list'))));
- $link = ctools_modal_text_button(
- $linktext,
- 'materioflag/createlist/'.$entity->type.'/'.$entity->nid.'/nojs',
- t('Create a new @name and use it.', array('@name'=>variable_get('flag_lists_name', t('list')))),
- 'ctools-modal-ctools-materio-flag-style'
+ $link = l(
+ t('New @name', array('@name' => variable_get('flag_lists_name', t('list')))),
+ 'flag-lists/add/' . $entity->type,
+ array(
+ // 'query' => drupal_get_destination(),
+ 'attributes' => array(
+ 'class' => array('flag-lists-create'),
+ 'title' => t('create a new @name and use it.', array('@name'=>variable_get('flag_lists_name', t('list'))))
+ )
+ )
$create = array(
'data' => $link,// . '<i class="icon-plus"></i>',
'class' => array('flag-lists-create'),
if( (!isset($items) || !count($items)) && !isset($create))
@@ -283,86 +278,16 @@ function materio_flag_entity_view($entity, $type, $view_mode, $langcode) {
$ops['create'] = $create;
+ drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_flag').'/js/materio_flag-ck.js');
$flaglists_links = theme('materio_flag_mylists_entity_links', $ops);
$entity->content['links']['flaglistslinks'] = array('#markup' => $flaglists_links,"#html"=>true);
- * Add css and javascript for modal dialog.
- */
-function _materio_flag_include_modal() {
- static $added = FALSE;
- if ($added == FALSE) {
- // Do not add css and scripts again.
- $added = TRUE;
- // Include the CTools tools that we need.
- ctools_include('modal');
- ctools_include('ajax');
- ctools_modal_add_js();
- // Create our own javascript that will be used to theme a modal.
- $materio_flag_style = array(
- 'ctools-materio-flag-style' => array(
- 'modalSize' => array(
- 'type' => 'fixed',
- 'width' => 400,
- 'height' => 160,
- 'contentRight' => 30,
- 'contentBottom' => 0,
- ),
- 'modalOptions' => array(
- 'opacity' => 0.8,
- 'background-color' => '#FFF',
- ),
- 'closeText' => '',
- 'throbber' => theme('image', array('path' => ctools_image_path('ajax-loader.gif', 'ajax_register'))),
- 'animation' => 'fadeIn',
- 'animationSpeed' => 'fast',
- ),
- );
- drupal_add_js($materio_flag_style, 'setting');
- // Add module css and js.
- //ctools_add_css('ajax-register', 'ajax_register');
- //ctools_add_js('ajax-register', 'ajax_register');
- }
- * Executes form.
- *
- * see _ajax_register_execute_form()
- */
-function _materio_flag_addlists_execute_form($form_state, $nid){
- $node = node_load($nid);
- // Include additional ajax commands.
- ctools_include('ajax');
- ctools_include('modal');
- $message = t('@node has been added to newly created @name @title. The current page will be reloaded.', array(
- '@node' => $node->title,
- '@name' => variable_get('flag_lists_name', 'list'),
- '@title' => $form_state['values']['title'])
- );
- $commands[] = ctools_modal_command_display(t('@title created', array('@title' => $form_state['values']['title'])), '<div>'.$message.'</div>'.theme('status_messages'));
- // $commands[] = ctools_ajax_command_reload();
- // dsm($form_state);
- return $commands;
* Implements hook_theme().