Browse Source

created advanced search form

Bachir Soussi Chiadmi 10 years ago
1 changed files with 247 additions and 5 deletions
  1. 247 5

+ 247 - 5

@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ function materio_search_api_block_info() {
     'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE
-  $blocks['materio_search_api_advanced_search'] = array(
+  $blocks['materio_sa_adv_search'] = array(
     'info' => t('Materio search api advanced search'),
     'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ function materio_search_api_block_view($delta = '') {
     //     $block['content'] = theme('materio_search_api_filters_block', array());
     //   }
     //   break;
-    case 'materio_search_api_advanced_search':
+    case 'materio_sa_adv_search':
       if(user_access('use materio search api advanced search')){
         $block['subject'] = t('Advanced Search');
         $block['content'] = theme('materio_search_api_advanced_search_block', array());
@@ -597,9 +597,174 @@ function materio_search_api_search_form_submit($form, &$form_state){
- * viewmode
+ * materiobase_search_form()
+function materio_search_api_advanced_search_form($form, &$form_state){
+  //  dsm($form_state, 'form_state');
+  // dsm($form, 'form');
+  // global $user;
+  $form = array();
+  $vocabularies = variable_get('advancedsearchvocs', array());
+  foreach ($vocabularies as $vid) {
+    $voc = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vid);
+    // dsm($voc, 'voc');
+    // $form['voc-'.$vid] = array(
+    //   '#type' => 'fieldset',
+    //   '#title' => $voc->name,
+    //   '#tree' => true,
+    // );
+    $tree = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, 0, 1);
+    // dsm($tree, 'tree');
+    # don't know how to add parent term condition
+    // $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
+    // $result = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'taxonomy_term')
+    //   ->propertyCondition('vid', $vid)
+    //   // ->propertyCondition('parent', 0)
+    //   // ->fieldCondition('field_used_on_advanced_search', 'value', 0, "!=")
+    //   ->propertyOrderBy('weight')
+    //   ->execute();
+    // dsm($result, 'result');
+    // if (!empty($result['taxonomy_term'])) {
+    // }
+    foreach ($tree as $term) {
+      $term = taxonomy_term_load($term->tid);
+      // dsm($term, "term");
+      if($term->field_used_on_advanced_search['und'][0]['value'] == 0){
+       continue;
+      }
+      $children = taxonomy_get_children($term->tid, $vid);
+      // dsm($children, "children");
+      $form['tree-'.$term->tid] = array(
+        '#type' => 'fieldset',
+        // '#title' => $term->name,
+        '#attributes' => array("class"=>array("treelevel1")),
+        '#tree' => true,
+      );
+      $form['tree-'.$term->tid]['children'] = array(
+        '#type' => 'select',
+        '#title' => $term->name,
+        '#attributes' => array(
+          "class"=>array("treelevel1"),
+          "title"=>"-Please select-",
+        ), //, "form-control"
+        '#theme_wrappers' => array('materio_search_api_form_element'),
+        '#empty_option' => '-Please select-',
+        '#empty_value' => 1,
+      );
+      $options = array();
+      foreach ($children as $tid => $child) {
+        // $child = taxonomy_term_load($child->tid);
+        // if($child->field_used_on_advanced_search['und'][0]['value'] == 0){
+        //  continue;
+        // }
+        $children2 = taxonomy_get_children($child->tid, $vid);
+        // dsm($children2, "children2");
+        if(count($children2))
+          $options[$tid] = $child->name;
+        $options2 = [];
+        foreach ($children2 as $tid2 => $child2) {
+          // $child2 = taxonomy_term_load($child2->tid);
+          // if($child2->field_used_on_advanced_search['und'][0]['value'] == 0){
+          //  continue;
+          // }
+          $options2[$tid2] = $child2->name;
+        }
+        if(count($options2))
+          $form['tree-'.$term->tid]['tid-'.$child->tid] = array(
+            '#type' => 'select',
+            '#title' => $child->name,
+            '#multiple' => true,
+            '#attributes' => array(
+              "class" => array("treelevel2", $child->tid), // , "form-control"
+              "title" => "-Please select-",
+            ),
+            '#theme_wrappers' => array('materio_search_api_form_element'),
+            '#empty_option' => '-Please select-',
+            '#empty_value' => 1,
+            '#options' => $options2,
+          );
+        // $form['tree-'.$term->tid]['child-'.$tid] = array(
+        //   '#type' => 'checkbox',
+        //   '#title' => $child->name,
+        //   // '#options' => $options,
+        // );
+      }
+      $form['tree-'.$term->tid]['children']['#options'] = $options;
+      // break;
+    }
+  }
+  $form['show'] = array(
+    '#type' => 'submit',//'image_button',
+    // '#src' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api') . '/images/search.png',
+    '#value' => t('Find'),
+    '#attributes' => array("class"=>array("btn","btn-lg")),
+    '#prefix' => '<div class="submits">',
+    '#suffix' => '</div>',
+  );
+  return $form;
+function materio_search_api_advanced_search_form_validate($form, &$form_state){
+  // dsm($form, '$form');
+  // dsm($form_state, '$form_state');
+  // dsm(strlen($form_state['values']['searchfield']));
+  // if (strlen(trim($form_state['values']['searchfield'])) <= 1) {
+  //   form_set_error('searchfield', 'Please enter at least 2 characters keyword.');
+  // }
+function materio_search_api_advanced_search_form_submit($form, &$form_state){
+  // dsm($form_state, 'form_state');
+  // global $user;
+  // if(user_access('use materio search api filters')){
+  //   foreach($form_state['values']['bundles_filter'] as $bundle => $value)
+  //     if($value)
+  //       $bundles[] = $bundle;
+  //   # if no filter checked we checked them all by default
+  //   if(!isset($bundles))
+  //     foreach($form_state['values']['bundles_filter'] as $bundle => $value)
+  //         $bundles[] = $bundle;
+  // }else{
+  //   # if user have no access to filters
+  //   $index = search_api_index_load(variable_get('mainsearchindex', -1));
+  //   $indexed_bundles = $index->options['data_alter_callbacks']['search_api_alter_bundle_filter']['settings']['bundles'];
+  //   foreach ($indexed_bundles as $bundle) {
+  //     $bundles[] = $bundle;
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // user_save($user, array("data"=>array('materiosearchapi_bundlesfilter' => $bundles)));
+  // $form_state['redirect'] = 'explore/'.$form_state['values']['searchfield'];
+ * viewmode
+ */
 function _materio_search_api_change_viewmode($vm){
   // dsm($vm, '_materio_search_api_change_viewmode');
@@ -675,7 +840,10 @@ function materio_search_api_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
       'template' => 'materio-search-api-advanced-search-block',
       'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'materio_search_api').'/templates',
       'arguments' => array(),
-    )
+    ),
+    'materio_search_api_form_element' => array(
+      'render element' => 'element',
+    ),
@@ -869,11 +1037,85 @@ function template_preprocess_materio_search_api_actuality(&$vars){
 function template_preprocess_materio_search_api_advanced_search_block(&$vars){
-  dsm($vars, "vars");
+  // dsm($vars, "vars");
   $vars['searchform'] = drupal_get_form("materio_search_api_advanced_search_form");
+function theme_materio_search_api_form_element($variables) {
+  // dsm($variables, 'variables');
+  $element = &$variables['element'];
+  // This function is invoked as theme wrapper, but the rendered form element
+  // may not necessarily have been processed by form_builder().
+  $element += array(
+    '#title_display' => 'before',
+  );
+  // Add element #id for #type 'item'.
+  if (isset($element['#markup']) && !empty($element['#id'])) {
+    $attributes['id'] = $element['#id'];
+  }
+  // Add element's #type and #name as class to aid with JS/CSS selectors.
+  $attributes['class'] = array('form-item');
+  if (!empty($element['#type'])) {
+    $attributes['class'][] = 'form-type-' . strtr($element['#type'], '_', '-');
+  }
+  if (!empty($element['#name'])) {
+    $attributes['class'][] = 'form-item-' . strtr($element['#name'], array(' ' => '-', '_' => '-', '[' => '-', ']' => ''));
+  }
+  // Add a class for disabled elements to facilitate cross-browser styling.
+  if (!empty($element['#attributes']['disabled'])) {
+    $attributes['class'][] = 'form-disabled';
+  }
+  # adding element class to wrapper
+  foreach ($element['#attributes']['class'] as $value) {
+    $attributes['class'][] = $value;
+  }
+  $output = '<div' . drupal_attributes($attributes) . '>' . "\n";
+  // If #title is not set, we don't display any label or required marker.
+  if (!isset($element['#title'])) {
+    $element['#title_display'] = 'none';
+  }
+  $prefix = isset($element['#field_prefix']) ? '<span class="field-prefix">' . $element['#field_prefix'] . '</span> ' : '';
+  $suffix = isset($element['#field_suffix']) ? ' <span class="field-suffix">' . $element['#field_suffix'] . '</span>' : '';
+  switch ($element['#title_display']) {
+    case 'before':
+    case 'invisible':
+      $output .= ' ' . theme('form_element_label', $variables);
+      $output .= ' ' . $prefix . $element['#children'] . $suffix . "\n";
+      break;
+    case 'after':
+      $output .= ' ' . $prefix . $element['#children'] . $suffix;
+      $output .= ' ' . theme('form_element_label', $variables) . "\n";
+      break;
+    case 'none':
+    case 'attribute':
+      // Output no label and no required marker, only the children.
+      $output .= ' ' . $prefix . $element['#children'] . $suffix . "\n";
+      break;
+  }
+  if (!empty($element['#description'])) {
+    $output .= '<div class="description">' . $element['#description'] . "</div>\n";
+  }
+  $output .= "</div>\n";
+  return $output;
 * - - - - - - - - - - - -  SEARCH API PAGE  - - - - - - - - - - - -