123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132 |
- <?php
- /**
- * The template file for displaying the comments and comment form for the
- * Twenty Twenty theme.
- *
- * @package WordPress
- * @subpackage Twenty_Twenty
- * @since Twenty Twenty 1.0
- */
- /*
- * If the current post is protected by a password and
- * the visitor has not yet entered the password we will
- * return early without loading the comments.
- */
- if ( post_password_required() ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( $comments ) {
- ?>
- <div class="comments" id="comments">
- <?php
- $comments_number = absint( get_comments_number() );
- ?>
- <div class="comments-header section-inner small max-percentage">
- <h2 class="comment-reply-title">
- <?php
- if ( ! have_comments() ) {
- _e( 'Leave a comment', 'twentytwenty' );
- } elseif ( '1' === $comments_number ) {
- /* translators: %s: Post title. */
- printf( _x( 'One reply on “%s”', 'comments title', 'twentytwenty' ), get_the_title() );
- } else {
- printf(
- /* translators: 1: Number of comments, 2: Post title. */
- _nx(
- '%1$s reply on “%2$s”',
- '%1$s replies on “%2$s”',
- $comments_number,
- 'comments title',
- 'twentytwenty'
- ),
- number_format_i18n( $comments_number ),
- get_the_title()
- );
- }
- ?>
- </h2><!-- .comments-title -->
- </div><!-- .comments-header -->
- <div class="comments-inner section-inner thin max-percentage">
- <?php
- wp_list_comments(
- array(
- 'walker' => new TwentyTwenty_Walker_Comment(),
- 'avatar_size' => 120,
- 'style' => 'div',
- )
- );
- $comment_pagination = paginate_comments_links(
- array(
- 'echo' => false,
- 'end_size' => 0,
- 'mid_size' => 0,
- 'next_text' => __( 'Newer Comments', 'twentytwenty' ) . ' <span aria-hidden="true">→</span>',
- 'prev_text' => '<span aria-hidden="true">←</span> ' . __( 'Older Comments', 'twentytwenty' ),
- )
- );
- if ( $comment_pagination ) {
- $pagination_classes = '';
- // If we're only showing the "Next" link, add a class indicating so.
- if ( false === strpos( $comment_pagination, 'prev page-numbers' ) ) {
- $pagination_classes = ' only-next';
- }
- ?>
- <nav class="comments-pagination pagination<?php echo $pagination_classes; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped -- static output ?>" aria-label="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Comments', 'twentytwenty' ); ?>">
- <?php echo wp_kses_post( $comment_pagination ); ?>
- </nav>
- <?php
- }
- ?>
- </div><!-- .comments-inner -->
- </div><!-- comments -->
- <?php
- }
- if ( comments_open() || pings_open() ) {
- if ( $comments ) {
- echo '<hr class="styled-separator is-style-wide" aria-hidden="true" />';
- }
- comment_form(
- array(
- 'class_form' => 'section-inner thin max-percentage',
- 'title_reply_before' => '<h2 id="reply-title" class="comment-reply-title">',
- 'title_reply_after' => '</h2>',
- )
- );
- } elseif ( is_single() ) {
- if ( $comments ) {
- echo '<hr class="styled-separator is-style-wide" aria-hidden="true" />';
- }
- ?>
- <div class="comment-respond" id="respond">
- <p class="comments-closed"><?php _e( 'Comments are closed.', 'twentytwenty' ); ?></p>
- </div><!-- #respond -->
- <?php
- }