features.coffee 655 B

  1. feature = undefined
  2. supported = []
  3. unsupported = []
  4. phantom.injectJs "modernizr.js"
  5. console.log "Detected features (using Modernizr " + Modernizr._version + "):"
  6. for feature of Modernizr
  7. if Modernizr.hasOwnProperty(feature)
  8. if feature[0] isnt "_" and typeof Modernizr[feature] isnt "function" and feature isnt "input" and feature isnt "inputtypes"
  9. if Modernizr[feature]
  10. supported.push feature
  11. else
  12. unsupported.push feature
  13. console.log ""
  14. console.log "Supported:"
  15. supported.forEach (e) ->
  16. console.log " " + e
  17. console.log ""
  18. console.log "Not supported:"
  19. unsupported.forEach (e) ->
  20. console.log " " + e
  21. phantom.exit()