/** * @file * Custom JS for the Backup and Migrate module. */ (function($) { 'use strict'; Drupal.behaviors.backupMigrate = { attach: function(context, settings) { if (Drupal.settings.backup_migrate !== undefined) { if (Drupal.settings.backup_migrate.dependents !== undefined) { var key; for (key in Drupal.settings.backup_migrate.dependents) { info = Drupal.settings.backup_migrate.dependents[key]; var dependent = $('#edit-' + info['dependent']); for (key in info['dependencies']) { $('[name="' + key + '"]').each(function() { var dependentval = info['dependencies'][key]; var dependency = $(this); (function(dependent, dependency) { var checkval = function(inval) { // Do loose comparisons to support things like "true", "1", // etc. if (dependency.attr('type') === 'radio') { var val = $('[name="' + dependency.attr('name') + '"]:checked').val(); return val == inval; } else if (dependency.attr('type') === 'checkbox') { return dependency.is(':checked') && inval == dependency.val(); } else { return dependency.val() == inval; } return false; }; if (!checkval(dependentval)) { // Hide doesn't work inside collapsed fieldsets. dependent.css('display', 'none'); } dependency.bind('load change click keypress focus', function() { if (checkval(dependentval)) { dependent.slideDown(); } else { dependent.slideUp(); } }).load(); })(dependent, dependency); }); } } for (key in Drupal.settings.backup_migrate.destination_selectors) { var info = Drupal.settings.backup_migrate.destination_selectors[key]; (function(info) { var selector = $('#' + info['destination_selector']); var copy = $('#' + info['copy']) var copy_selector = $('#' + info['copy_destination_selector']); var copy_selector_options = {}; // Store a copy of the secondary selector options. copy_selector.find('optgroup').each(function() { var label = $(this).attr('label'); copy_selector_options[label] = []; $(this).find('option').each(function() { copy_selector_options[label].push(this); }); $(this).remove(); }) // Assign an action to the main selector to modify the secondary // selector. selector.each(function() { $(this).bind('load change click keypress focus', function() { var group = $(this).find('option[value=' + $(this).val() + ']').parents('optgroup').attr('label'); if (group) { copy.parent().find('.backup-migrate-destination-copy-label').text(info['labels'][group]); copy_selector.empty(); for (var key in copy_selector_options) { if (key != group) { copy_selector.append(copy_selector_options[key]); } } } }).load(); }); })(info); } // Add the convert to checkboxes functionality to all multiselects. $('#backup-migrate-ui-manual-backup-form select[multiple], #backup-migrate-crud-edit-form select[multiple]').each(function() { var self = this; $(self).after( $('').append( $('' + Drupal.settings.backup_migrate.checkboxLinkText + '').click(function() { var $select = $(self); var $checkboxes = $('
').addClass('backup-migrate-tables-checkboxes'); $('option', $select).each(function(i) { $checkboxes.append( $('
').append( $('').prepend( $('') .bind('click change load', function() { if (this.checked) { $(this).parent().addClass('checked'); } else { $(this).parent().removeClass('checked'); } }).load() ) ) ); }); $select.parent().find('.backup-migrate-checkbox-link').remove(); $select.before($checkboxes); $select.hide(); }) ) ); }); } } } } })(jQuery);