view->date_info)) { $this->view->date_info = new stdClass(); } if (empty($this->view->date_info->date_fields)) { $this->view->date_info->date_fields = array(); } $this->view->date_info->date_fields = array_merge($this->view->date_info->date_fields, $this->options['date_fields']); } // Set default values for the date filter. function option_definition() { $options = parent::option_definition(); $options['date_fields'] = array('default' => array()); $options['date_method'] = array('default' => 'OR'); $options['date_group'] = array('default' => 'date'); return $options; } function op_between($field) { $this->date_combine_conditions('op_between'); } function op_simple($field) { $this->date_combine_conditions('op_simple'); } function op_contains($field) { $this->date_combine_conditions('op_contains'); } /** * Combines multiple date WHERE expressions into a single WHERE expression. * * @param string $function * The function name to use to add individual conditions. Either 'op_simple' * or 'op_between'. */ protected function date_combine_conditions($function) { $this->get_query_fields(); if (empty($this->query_fields)) { return; } // Create a custom filter group for the conditions. $this->query->set_where_group($this->options['date_method'], $this->options['date_group']); // Add each condition to the custom filter group. foreach ((array) $this->query_fields as $query_field) { $field = $query_field['field']; $this->date_handler = $query_field['date_handler']; // Respect relationships when determining the table alias. if ($field['table_name'] != $this->table || !empty($this->relationship)) { $this->related_table_alias = $this->query->ensure_table($field['table_name'], $this->relationship); } $table_alias = !empty($this->related_table_alias) ? $this->related_table_alias : $field['table_name']; $field_name = $table_alias . '.' . $field['field_name']; // Call the appropriate function, either 'op_between' or 'op_simple'. parent::$function($field_name); } // Gather all of the condition strings and their placeholders. $conditions = array(); $placeholders = array(); foreach ($this->query->where[$this->options['date_group']]['conditions'] as $condition) { $conditions[] = $condition['field']; $placeholders += $condition['value']; } // Remove the conditions from the custom filter group. unset($this->query->where[$this->options['date_group']]); // Combine all of the conditions into one string. $conditions = implode(' ' . $this->options['date_method'] . ' ', $conditions); // Add it to the filter group chosen in the Views UI. $this->query->add_where_expression($this->options['group'], $conditions, $placeholders); } function extra_options_form(&$form, &$form_state) { parent::extra_options_form($form, $form_state); $fields = date_views_fields($this->base_table); $options = array(); foreach ($fields['name'] as $name => $field) { $options[$name] = $field['label']; } $form['date_fields'] = array( '#title' => t('Date field(s)'), '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => $this->options['date_fields'], '#multiple' => FALSE, '#description' => t('Select date field(s) to filter.'), '#required' => TRUE, ); $form['date_method'] = array( '#title' => t('Method'), '#type' => 'radios', '#options' => array('OR' => t('OR'), 'AND' => t('AND')), '#default_value' => $this->options['date_method'], '#description' => t('Method of handling multiple date fields in the same query. Return items that have any matching date field (date = field_1 OR field_2), or only those with matches in all selected date fields (date = field_1 AND field_2).'), ); } function extra_options_validate($form, &$form_state) { $check_fields = array_filter($form_state['values']['options']['date_fields']); if (empty($check_fields)) { form_error($form['date_fields'], t('You must select at least one date field for this filter.')); } } function extra_options_submit($form, &$form_state) { $form_state['values']['options']['date_fields'] = array_filter($form_state['values']['options']['date_fields']); } // Update the summary values to provide // meaningful information for each option. function admin_summary() { if (empty($this->options['date_fields'])) { return t('Missing date fields!'); } $handler = $this->date_handler; $fields = date_views_fields($this->view->base_table); if (!empty($this->options['date_fields'])) { $output = array(); foreach ($this->options['date_fields'] as $field) { if (array_key_exists($field, $fields['name'])) { $output[] = $fields['name'][$field]['label']; } } } $field = implode(' ' . $this->options['date_method'] . ' ', $output); $output = "$field " . check_plain($this->operator) . ' '; $parts = $handler->date_parts(); $widget_options = $this->widget_options(); // If the filter is exposed, display the granularity. if ($this->options['exposed']) { return t('(@field) Exposed @widget @format', array('@field' => $field, '@format' => $parts[$handler->granularity], '@widget' => $widget_options[$this->options['form_type']])); } // If not exposed, display the value. if (in_array($this->operator, $this->operator_values(2))) { $min = check_plain(!empty($this->options['default_date']) ? $this->options['default_date'] : $this->options['value']['min']); $max = check_plain(!empty($this->options['default_to_date']) ? $this->options['default_to_date'] : $this->options['value']['max']); $output .= t('@min and @max', array('@min' => $min, '@max' => $max)); } else { $output .= check_plain(!empty($this->options['default_date']) ? $this->options['default_date'] : $this->options['value']['value']); } return $output; } function get_query_fields() { $fields = date_views_fields($this->base_table); $fields = $fields['name']; $this->query_fields = array(); foreach ((array) $this->options['date_fields'] as $delta => $name) { if (array_key_exists($name, $fields) && $field = $fields[$name]) { $date_handler = new date_sql_handler($field['sql_type'], date_default_timezone()); $date_handler->granularity = $this->options['granularity']; $date_handler->db_timezone = date_get_timezone_db($field['tz_handling']); $date_handler->local_timezone = date_get_timezone($field['tz_handling']); $this->query_fields[] = array('field' => $field, 'date_handler' => $date_handler); } } } }