id = $id; foreach ($projects as $key => $project) { $url = _prod_monitor_update_build_fetch_url($project, $site_key, $core); $fetch_url_base = _prod_monitor_update_get_fetch_url_base($project); if (empty($fail[$fetch_url_base]) || count($fail[$fetch_url_base]) < $max_fetch_attempts) { $xml = drupal_http_request($url); if (isset($xml->data)) { $data = update_parse_xml($xml->data); $available[$data['short_name']] = $data; } else { // Connection likely broken; prepare to give up. $fail[$fetch_url_base][$key] = 1; } } else { // Didn't bother trying to fetch. $fail[$fetch_url_base][$key] = 1; } } if (!empty($available) && is_array($available)) { // Record the projects where we failed to fetch data. foreach ($fail as $fetch_url_base => $failures) { foreach ($failures as $key => $value) { $available[$key]['project_status'] = 'not-fetched'; } } $modules->available = serialize($available); watchdog('prod_monitor', 'Attempted to fetch information about all available new releases and updates for %link.', array('%link' => _prod_monitor_get_url($id)), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, l(t('view'), 'admin/reports/prod-monitor/site/'.$id.'/view/updates')); } else { watchdog('prod_monitor', 'Unable to fetch any information about available new releases and updates for %link.', array('%link' => _prod_monitor_get_url($id)), WATCHDOG_ERROR, l(t('view'), 'admin/reports/prod-monitor/site/'.$id.'/view/updates')); } // Whether this worked or not, we did just (try to) check for updates. $modules->lastupdate = time(); $result = drupal_write_record('prod_monitor_site_modules', $modules, array('id')); if (!$result) { watchdog('prod_monitor', 'Could not update module data for %link', array('%link' => _prod_monitor_get_url($id)), WATCHDOG_ERROR); } return $available; } /** * Taken from Core: modules/update/, line 266 and MODIFIED! * * This figures out the right URL to use, based on the project's .info file * and the global defaults. Appends optional query arguments when the site is * configured to report usage stats. * * @param $project * The array of project information from update_get_projects(). * @param $site_key * The anonymous site key hash (optional). * * @see update_fetch_data() * @see _update_process_fetch_task() * @see update_get_projects() */ function _prod_monitor_update_build_fetch_url($project, $site_key = '', $core) { $name = $project['name']; $url = _prod_monitor_update_get_fetch_url_base($project); $url .= '/'. $name .'/'. $core; // Only append a site_key and the version information if we have a site_key // in the first place, and if this is not a disabled module or theme. We do // not want to record usage statistics for disabled code. if (!empty($site_key) && (strpos($project['project_type'], 'disabled') === FALSE)) { $url .= (strpos($url, '?') === TRUE) ? '&' : '?'; $url .= 'site_key='; $url .= rawurlencode($site_key); if (!empty($project['info']['version'])) { $url .= '&version='; $url .= rawurlencode($project['info']['version']); } } return $url; } /** * Taken from Core: modules/update/, line 297 and MODIFIED! * * Return the base of the URL to fetch available update data for a project. * * @param $project * The array of project information from update_get_projects(). * @return * The base of the URL used for fetching available update data. This does * not include the path elements to specify a particular project, version, * site_key, etc. * * @see _update_build_fetch_url() */ function _prod_monitor_update_get_fetch_url_base($project) { return isset($project['info']['project status url']) ? $project['info']['project status url'] : UPDATE_DEFAULT_URL; } /** * Taken from Core: modules/update/, line 300 and MODIFIED! * * Calculate the current update status of all projects on the site. * * The results of this function are expensive to compute, especially on sites * with lots of modules or themes, since it involves a lot of comparisons and * other operations. Therefore, we cache the results into the {cache_update} * table using the 'update_project_data' cache ID. However, since this is not * the data about available updates fetched from the network, it is ok to * invalidate it somewhat quickly. If we keep this data for very long, site * administrators are more likely to see incorrect results if they upgrade to * a newer version of a module or theme but do not visit certain pages that * automatically clear this cache. * * @param array $available * Data about available project releases. * * @see update_get_available() * @see update_get_projects() * @see update_process_project_info() * @see update_project_cache() */ function _prod_monitor_calculate_project_data($id, $projects, $available) { module_load_include('inc', 'update', ''); update_process_project_info($projects); foreach ($projects as $project => $project_info) { if (isset($available[$project])) { update_calculate_project_update_status($project, $projects[$project], $available[$project]); } else { $projects[$project]['status'] = UPDATE_UNKNOWN; $projects[$project]['reason'] = t('No available releases found'); } } // Check if we need to flag a security update warning. // Prepare object to store generated data to DB. $modules = new stdClass(); $modules->id = $id; // Assume there are no updates. $modules->updates = 1; // Check final status of each project. foreach ($projects as $project => $project_info) { switch ($project_info['status']) { case UPDATE_NOT_SECURE: case UPDATE_NOT_SUPPORTED: case UPDATE_REVOKED: $modules->updates = 3; // Stop the foreach loop as well. break 2; case UPDATE_NOT_CURRENT: if ($modules->updates < 2) { $modules->updates = 2; } break; } } $result = drupal_write_record('prod_monitor_site_modules', $modules, array('id')); if (!$result) { watchdog('prod_monitor', 'Could not update module security status for %link', array('%link' => _prod_monitor_get_url($id)), WATCHDOG_ERROR); } return $projects; }