'rules'); return parent::create($values); } /** * Overridden. * @see DrupalDefaultEntityController::attachLoad() */ protected function attachLoad(&$queried_entities, $revision_id = FALSE) { // Retrieve stdClass records and turn them in rules objects stored in 'data' $ids = array_keys($queried_entities); $result = db_select('rules_tags') ->fields('rules_tags', array('id', 'tag')) ->condition('id', $ids, 'IN') ->execute(); foreach ($result as $row) { $tags[$row->id][] = $row->tag; } $result = db_select('rules_dependencies') ->fields('rules_dependencies', array('id', 'module')) ->condition('id', $ids, 'IN') ->execute(); foreach ($result as $row) { $modules[$row->id][] = $row->module; } $entities = array(); foreach ($queried_entities as $record) { $entity = $record->data; // Set the values of the other columns. foreach ($this->entityInfo['schema_fields_sql']['base table'] as $field) { $entity->$field = $record->$field; } unset($entity->data, $entity->plugin); // Add any tags or dependencies. $entity->dependencies = isset($modules[$entity->id]) ? $modules[$entity->id] : array(); $entity->tags = isset($tags[$entity->id]) ? $tags[$entity->id] : array(); $entities[$entity->id] = $entity; } $queried_entities = $entities; parent::attachLoad($queried_entities, $revision_id); } /** * Override to support having events and tags as conditions. * @see EntityAPIController::applyConditions($entities, $conditions) * @see rules_query_rules_config_load_multiple_alter() */ protected function applyConditions($entities, $conditions = array()) { if (isset($conditions['event']) || isset($conditions['plugin'])) { foreach ($entities as $key => $entity) { if (isset($conditions['event']) && (!($entity instanceof RulesTriggerableInterface) || !in_array($conditions['event'], $entity->events()))) { unset($entities[$key]); } if (isset($conditions['plugin']) && !is_array($conditions['plugin'])) { $conditions['plugin'] = array($conditions['plugin']); } if (isset($conditions['plugin']) && !in_array($entity->plugin(), $conditions['plugin'])) { unset($entities[$key]); } } unset($conditions['event'], $conditions['plugin']); } if (!empty($conditions['tags'])) { foreach ($entities as $key => $entity) { foreach ($conditions['tags'] as $tag) { if (in_array($tag, $entity->tags)) { continue 2; } } unset($entities[$key]); } unset($conditions['tags']); } return parent::applyConditions($entities, $conditions); } /** * Overridden to work with Rules' custom export format. * * @param $export * A serialized string in JSON format as produced by the * RulesPlugin::export() method, or the PHP export as usual PHP array. */ public function import($export, &$error_msg = '') { $export = is_array($export) ? $export : drupal_json_decode($export); if (!is_array($export)) { $error_msg = t('Unable to parse the pasted export.'); return FALSE; } // The key ist the configuration name and the value the actual export. list($name, $export) = each($export); if (!isset($export['PLUGIN'])) { $error_msg = t('Export misses plugin information.'); return FALSE; } // Create an empty configuration, re-set basic keys and import. $config = rules_plugin_factory($export['PLUGIN']); $config->name = $name; foreach (array('label', 'active', 'weight', 'tags', 'access_exposed', 'owner') as $key) { if (isset($export[strtoupper($key)])) { $config->$key = $export[strtoupper($key)]; } } if (!empty($export['REQUIRES'])) { foreach ($export['REQUIRES'] as $module) { if (!module_exists($module)) { $error_msg = t('Missing the required module %module.', array('%module' => $module)); return FALSE; } } $config->dependencies = $export['REQUIRES']; } $config->import($export); return $config; } public function save($rules_config, DatabaseTransaction $transaction = NULL) { $transaction = isset($transaction) ? $transaction : db_transaction(); // Load the stored entity, if any. if (!isset($rules_config->original) && $rules_config->{$this->idKey}) { $rules_config->original = entity_load_unchanged($this->entityType, $rules_config->{$this->idKey}); } $original = isset($rules_config->original) ? $rules_config->original : NULL; $return = parent::save($rules_config, $transaction); $this->storeTags($rules_config); if ($rules_config instanceof RulesTriggerableInterface) { $this->storeEvents($rules_config); } $this->storeDependencies($rules_config); // See if there are any events that have been removed. if ($original && $rules_config->plugin == 'reaction rule') { foreach (array_diff($original->events(), $rules_config->events()) as $event_name) { // Check if the event handler implements the event dispatcher interface. $handler = rules_get_event_handler($event_name, $rules_config->getEventSettings($event_name)); if (!$handler instanceof RulesEventDispatcherInterface) { continue; } // Only stop an event dispatcher if there are no rules for it left. if (!rules_config_load_multiple(FALSE, array('event' => $event_name, 'plugin' => 'reaction rule', 'active' => TRUE)) && $handler->isWatching()) { $handler->stopWatching(); } } } return $return; } /** * Save tagging information to the rules_tags table. */ protected function storeTags($rules_config) { db_delete('rules_tags') ->condition('id', $rules_config->id) ->execute(); if (!empty($rules_config->tags)) { foreach ($rules_config->tags as $tag) { db_insert('rules_tags') ->fields(array('id', 'tag'), array($rules_config->id, $tag)) ->execute(); } } } /** * Save event information to the rules_trigger table. */ protected function storeEvents(RulesTriggerableInterface $rules_config) { db_delete('rules_trigger') ->condition('id', $rules_config->id) ->execute(); foreach ($rules_config->events() as $event) { db_insert('rules_trigger') ->fields(array( 'id' => $rules_config->id, 'event' => $event, )) ->execute(); } } protected function storeDependencies($rules_config) { db_delete('rules_dependencies') ->condition('id', $rules_config->id) ->execute(); if (!empty($rules_config->dependencies)) { foreach ($rules_config->dependencies as $dependency) { db_insert('rules_dependencies') ->fields(array( 'id' => $rules_config->id, 'module' => $dependency, )) ->execute(); } } } /** * Overridden to support tags and events in $conditions. * @see EntityAPIControllerExportable::buildQuery() */ protected function buildQuery($ids, $conditions = array(), $revision_id = FALSE) { $query = parent::buildQuery($ids, $conditions, $revision_id); $query_conditions =& $query->conditions(); foreach ($query_conditions as &$condition) { // One entry in $query_conditions is a string with key '#conjunction'. // @see QueryConditionInterface::conditions(). if (is_array($condition)) { // Support using 'tags' => array('tag1', 'tag2') as condition. if ($condition['field'] == 'base.tags') { $query->join('rules_tags', 'rt', 'base.id = rt.id'); $condition['field'] = 'rt.tag'; } // Support using 'event' => $name as condition. if ($condition['field'] == 'base.event') { $query->join('rules_trigger', 'tr', "base.id = tr.id"); $condition['field'] = 'tr.event'; // Use like operator to support % wildcards also. $condition['operator'] = 'LIKE'; } } } return $query; } /** * Overridden to also delete tags and events. * @see EntityAPIControllerExportable::delete() */ public function delete($ids, DatabaseTransaction $transaction = NULL) { $transaction = isset($transaction) ? $transaction : db_transaction(); // Use entity-load as ids may be the names as well as the ids. $configs = $ids ? entity_load('rules_config', $ids) : array(); if ($configs) { foreach ($configs as $config) { db_delete('rules_trigger') ->condition('id', $config->id) ->execute(); db_delete('rules_tags') ->condition('id', $config->id) ->execute(); db_delete('rules_dependencies') ->condition('id', $config->id) ->execute(); } } $return = parent::delete($ids, $transaction); // Stop event dispatchers when deleting the last rule of an event set. $processed = array(); foreach ($configs as $config) { if ($config->getPluginName() != 'reaction rule') { continue; } foreach ($config->events() as $event_name) { // Only process each event once. if (!empty($processed[$event_name])) { continue; } $processed[$event_name] = TRUE; // Check if the event handler implements the event dispatcher interface. $handler = rules_get_event_handler($event_name, $config->getEventSettings($event_name)); if (!$handler instanceof RulesEventDispatcherInterface) { continue; } // Only stop an event dispatcher if there are no rules for it left. if ($handler->isWatching() && !rules_config_load_multiple(FALSE, array('event' => $event_name, 'plugin' => 'reaction rule', 'active' => TRUE))) { $handler->stopWatching(); } } } return $return; } } /** * The RulesExtendable uses the rules cache to setup the defined extenders * and overrides automatically. * As soon faces is used the faces information is autoloaded using setUp(). */ abstract class RulesExtendable extends FacesExtendable { /** * The name of the info definitions associated with info about this class. * This would be defined abstract, if possible. Common rules hooks with class * info are e.g. plugin_info and data_info. */ protected $hook; /** * The name of the item this class represents in the info hook. */ protected $itemName; protected $cache, $itemInfo = array(); public function __construct() { $this->setUp(); } protected function setUp() { // Keep a reference on the cache, so elements created during cache // rebuilding end up with a complete cache in the end too. $this->cache = &rules_get_cache(); if (isset($this->cache[$this->hook][$this->itemName])) { $this->itemInfo = &$this->cache[$this->hook][$this->itemName]; } // Set up the Faces Extenders if (!empty($this->itemInfo['faces_cache'])) { list($this->facesMethods, $this->facesIncludes, $this->faces) = $this->itemInfo['faces_cache']; } } /** * Force the object to be setUp, this executes setUp() if not done yet. */ public function forceSetUp() { if (!isset($this->cache) || (!empty($this->itemInfo['faces_cache']) && !$this->faces)) { $this->setUp(); } } /** * Magic method: Invoke the dynamically implemented methods. */ public function __call($name, $arguments = array()) { $this->forceSetUp(); return parent::__call($name, $arguments); } public function facesAs($interface = NULL) { $this->forceSetUp(); return parent::facesAs($interface); } /** * Allows items to add something to the rules cache. */ public function rebuildCache(&$itemInfo, &$cache) { // Speed up setting up items by caching the faces methods. if (!empty($itemInfo['extenders'])) { // Apply extenders and overrides. $itemInfo += array('overrides' => array()); foreach ($itemInfo['extenders'] as $face => $data) { $data += array('file' => array()); if (isset($data['class'])) { $this->extendByClass($face, $data['class'], $data['file']); } elseif (isset($data['methods'])) { $this->extend($face, $data['methods'], $data['file']); } } foreach ($itemInfo['overrides'] as $data) { $data += array('file' => array()); $this->override($data['methods'], $data['file']); } $itemInfo['faces_cache'] = array($this->facesMethods, $this->facesIncludes, $this->faces); // We don't need that any more. unset($itemInfo['extenders'], $itemInfo['overrides']); } } /** * Returns whether the a RuleExtendable supports the given interface. * * @param $itemInfo * The info about the item as specified in the hook. * @param $interface * The interface to check for. * @return * Whether it supports the given interface. */ public static function itemFacesAs(&$itemInfo, $interface) { return in_array($interface, class_implements($itemInfo['class'])) || isset($itemInfo['faces_cache'][2][$interface]); } } /** * Base class for rules plugins. * * We cannot inherit from EntityDB at the same time, so we implement our own * entity related methods. Any CRUD related actions performed on contained * plugins are applied and the root element representing the configuration is * saved. */ abstract class RulesPlugin extends RulesExtendable { /** * If this is a configuration saved to the db, the id of it. */ public $id = NULL; public $weight = 0; public $name = NULL; /** * An array of settings for this element. */ public $settings = array(); /** * Info about this element. Usage depends on the plugin. */ protected $info = array(); /** * The parent element, if any. * @var RulesContainerPlugin */ protected $parent = NULL; protected $cache = NULL, $hook = 'plugin_info'; /** * Identifies an element inside a configuration. */ protected $elementId = NULL; /** * Static cache for availableVariables(). */ protected $availableVariables; /** * Sets a new parent element. */ public function setParent(RulesContainerPlugin $parent) { if ($this->parent == $parent) { return; } if (isset($this->parent) && ($key = array_search($this, $this->parent->children)) !== FALSE) { // Remove element from any previous parent. unset($this->parent->children[$key]); $this->parent->resetInternalCache(); } // Make sure the interface matches the type of the container. if (($parent instanceof RulesActionContainer && $this instanceof RulesActionInterface) || ($parent instanceof RulesConditionContainer && $this instanceof RulesConditionInterface)) { $this->parent = $parent; $parent->children[] = $this; $this->parent->resetInternalCache(); } else { throw new RulesEvaluationException('The given container is incompatible with this element.', array(), $this, RulesLog::ERROR); } } /** * Gets the root element of the configuration. */ public function root() { $element = $this; while (!$element->isRoot()) { $element = $element->parent; } return $element; } /** * Returns whether the element is the root of the configuration. */ public function isRoot() { return empty($this->parent) || isset($this->name); } /** * Returns the element's parent. */ public function parentElement() { return $this->parent; } /** * Returns the element id, which identifies the element inside the config. */ public function elementId() { if (!isset($this->elementId)) { $this->elementMap()->index(); } return $this->elementId; } /** * Gets the element map helper object, which helps mapping elements to ids. * * @return RulesElementMap */ public function elementMap() { $config = $this->root(); if (empty($config->map)) { $config->map = new RulesElementMap($config); } return $config->map; } /** * Iterate over all elements nested below the current element. * * This helper can be used to recursively iterate over all elements of a * configuration. To iterate over the children only, just regulary iterate * over the object. * * @param $mode * (optional) The iteration mode used. See * RecursiveIteratorIterator::construct(). Defaults to SELF_FIRST. * * @return RecursiveIteratorIterator */ public function elements($mode = RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST) { return new RecursiveIteratorIterator($this, $mode); } /** * Do a deep clone. */ public function __clone() { // Make sure the element map is cleared. // @see self::elementMap() unset($this->map); } /** * Returns the depth of this element in the configuration. */ public function depth() { $element = $this; $i = 0; while (!empty($element->parent)) { $element = $element->parent; $i++; } return $i; } /** * Execute the configuration. * * @param ... * Arguments to pass to the configuration. */ public function execute() { return $this->executeByArgs(func_get_args()); } /** * Execute the configuration by passing arguments in a single array. */ abstract public function executeByArgs($args = array()); /** * Evaluate the element on a given rules evaluation state. */ abstract function evaluate(RulesState $state); protected static function compare(RulesPlugin $a, RulesPlugin $b) { if ($a->weight == $b->weight) { return 0; } return ($a->weight < $b->weight) ? -1 : 1; } /** * Returns info about parameters needed by the plugin. * * Note that not necessarily all parameters are needed when executing the * plugin, as values for the parameter might have been already configured via * the element settings. * * @see self::parameterInfo() */ public function pluginParameterInfo() { return isset($this->info['parameter']) ? $this->info['parameter'] : array(); } /** * Returns info about parameters needed for executing the configured plugin. * * @param $optional * Whether optional parameters should be included. * * @see self::pluginParameterInfo() */ public function parameterInfo($optional = FALSE) { // We have to filter out parameters that are already configured. foreach ($this->pluginParameterInfo() as $name => $info) { if (!isset($this->settings[$name . ':select']) && !isset($this->settings[$name]) && ($optional || (empty($info['optional']) && $info['type'] != 'hidden'))) { $vars[$name] = $info; } } return isset($vars) ? $vars : array(); } /** * Returns the about variables the plugin provides for later evaluated elements. * * Note that this method returns info about the provided variables as defined * by the plugin. Thus this resembles the original info, which may be * adapted via configuration. * * @see self::providesVariables() */ public function pluginProvidesVariables() { return isset($this->info['provides']) ? $this->info['provides'] : array(); } /** * Returns info about all variables provided for later evaluated elements. * * @see self::pluginProvidesVariables() */ public function providesVariables() { foreach ($this->pluginProvidesVariables() as $name => $info) { $info['source name'] = $name; $info['label'] = isset($this->settings[$name . ':label']) ? $this->settings[$name . ':label'] : $info['label']; if (isset($this->settings[$name . ':var'])) { $name = $this->settings[$name . ':var']; } $provides[$name] = $info; } return isset($provides) ? $provides : array(); } /** * Returns the info of the plugin. */ public function info() { return $this->info; } /** * When converted to a string, just use the export format. */ public function __toString() { return $this->isRoot() ? $this->export() : entity_var_json_export($this->export()); } /** * Gets variables to return once the configuration has been executed. */ protected function returnVariables(RulesState $state, $result = NULL) { $var_info = $this->providesVariables(); foreach ($var_info as $name => $info) { try { $vars[$name] = $this->getArgument($name, $info, $state); } catch (RulesEvaluationException $e) { // Ignore not existing variables. $vars[$name] = NULL; } $var_info[$name] += array('allow null' => TRUE); } return isset($vars) ? array_values(rules_unwrap_data($vars, $var_info)) : array(); } /** * Sets up the execution state for the given arguments. */ public function setUpState(array $args) { $state = new RulesState(); $vars = $this->setUpVariables(); // Fix numerically indexed args to start with 0. if (!isset($args[rules_array_key($vars)])) { $args = array_values($args); } $offset = 0; foreach (array_keys($vars) as $i => $name) { $info = $vars[$name]; if (!empty($info['handler']) || (isset($info['parameter']) && $info['parameter'] === FALSE)) { $state->addVariable($name, NULL, $info); // Count the variables that are not passed as parameters. $offset++; } // Support numerically indexed arrays as well as named parameter style. // The index is reduced to exclude non-parameter variables. elseif (isset($args[$i - $offset])) { $state->addVariable($name, $args[$i - $offset], $info); } elseif (isset($args[$name])) { $state->addVariable($name, $args[$name], $info); } elseif (empty($info['optional']) && $info['type'] != 'hidden') { throw new RulesEvaluationException('Argument %name is missing.', array('%name' => $name), $this, RulesLog::ERROR); } } return $state; } /** * Returns info about all variables that have to be setup in the state. */ protected function setUpVariables() { return $this->parameterInfo(TRUE); } /** * Returns info about variables available to be used as arguments for this element. * * As this is called very often, e.g. during integrity checks, we statically * cache the results. * * @see RulesPlugin::resetInternalCache() */ public function availableVariables() { if (!isset($this->availableVariables)) { $this->availableVariables = !$this->isRoot() ? $this->parent->stateVariables($this) : RulesState::defaultVariables(); } return $this->availableVariables; } /** * Returns asserted additions to the available variable info. Any returned * info is merged into the variable info, in case the execution flow passes * the element. * E.g. this is used to assert the content type of a node if the condition * is met, such that the per node type properties are available. */ protected function variableInfoAssertions() { return array(); } /** * Get the name of this plugin instance. The returned name should identify * the code which drives this plugin. */ public function getPluginName() { return $this->itemName; } /** * Calculates an array of required modules. * * You can use $this->dependencies to access dependencies for saved * configurations. */ public function dependencies() { $this->processSettings(); $modules = isset($this->itemInfo['module']) && $this->itemInfo['module'] != 'rules' ? array($this->itemInfo['module'] => 1) : array(); foreach ($this->pluginParameterInfo() as $name => $info) { if (isset($this->settings[$name . ':process']) && $this->settings[$name . ':process'] instanceof RulesDataProcessor) { $modules += array_flip($this->settings[$name . ':process']->dependencies()); } } return array_keys($modules); } /** * Whether the currently logged in user has access to all configured elements. * * Note that this only checks whether the current user has permission to all * configured elements, but not whether a user has access to configure Rule * configurations in general. Use rules_config_access() for that. * * Use this to determine access permissions for configuring or triggering the * execution of certain configurations independent of the Rules UI. * * @see rules_config_access() */ public function access() { $this->processSettings(); foreach ($this->pluginParameterInfo() as $name => $info) { if (isset($this->settings[$name . ':select']) && $wrapper = $this->applyDataSelector($this->settings[$name . ':select'])) { if ($wrapper->access('view') === FALSE) { return FALSE; } } // Incorporate access checks for data processors and input evaluators. if (isset($this->settings[$name . ':process']) && $this->settings[$name . ':process'] instanceof RulesDataProcessor && !$this->settings[$name . ':process']->editAccess()) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** * Processes the settings e.g. to prepare input evaluators. * * Usually settings get processed automatically, however if $this->settings * has been altered manually after element construction, it needs to be * invoked explicitly with $force set to TRUE. * */ public function processSettings($force = FALSE) { // Process if not done yet. if ($force || !empty($this->settings['#_needs_processing'])) { $var_info = $this->availableVariables(); foreach ($this->pluginParameterInfo() as $name => $info) { // Prepare input evaluators. if (isset($this->settings[$name])) { $this->settings[$name . ':process'] = $this->settings[$name]; RulesDataInputEvaluator::prepareSetting($this->settings[$name . ':process'], $info, $var_info); } // Prepare data processors. elseif (isset($this->settings[$name . ':select']) && !empty($this->settings[$name . ':process'])) { RulesDataProcessor::prepareSetting($this->settings[$name . ':process'], $info, $var_info); } // Clean up. if (empty($this->settings[$name . ':process'])) { unset($this->settings[$name . ':process']); } } unset($this->settings['#_needs_processing']); } } /** * Makes sure the plugin is configured right, e.g. all needed variables * are available in the element's scope and dependent modules are enabled. * * @return RulesPlugin * Returns $this to support chained usage. * * @throws RulesIntegrityException * In case of a failed integraty check, a RulesIntegrityException exception * is thrown. */ public function integrityCheck() { // First process the settings if not done yet. $this->processSettings(); // Check dependencies using the pre-calculated dependencies stored in // $this->dependencies. Fail back to calculation them on the fly, e.g. // during creation. $dependencies = empty($this->dependencies) ? $this->dependencies() : $this->dependencies; foreach ($dependencies as $module) { if (!module_exists($module)) { throw new RulesDependencyException(t('Missing required module %name.', array('%name' => $module))); } } // Check the parameter settings. $this->checkParameterSettings(); // Check variable names for provided variables to be valid. foreach ($this->pluginProvidesVariables() as $name => $info) { if (isset($this->settings[$name . ':var'])) { $this->checkVarName($this->settings[$name . ':var']); } } return $this; } protected function checkVarName($name) { if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z_]*$/', $name)) { throw new RulesIntegrityException(t('%plugin: The variable name %name contains not allowed characters.', array('%plugin' => $this->getPluginName(), '%name' => $name)), $this); } } /** * Checks whether parameters are correctly configured. */ protected function checkParameterSettings() { foreach ($this->pluginParameterInfo() as $name => $info) { if (isset($info['restriction']) && $info['restriction'] == 'selector' && isset($this->settings[$name])) { throw new RulesIntegrityException(t("The parameter %name may only be configured using a selector.", array('%name' => $name)), array($this, 'parameter', $name)); } elseif (isset($info['restriction']) && $info['restriction'] == 'input' && isset($this->settings[$name . ':select'])) { throw new RulesIntegrityException(t("The parameter %name may not be configured using a selector.", array('%name' => $name)), array($this, 'parameter', $name)); } elseif (!empty($this->settings[$name . ':select']) && !$this->applyDataSelector($this->settings[$name . ':select'])) { throw new RulesIntegrityException(t("Data selector %selector for parameter %name is invalid.", array('%selector' => $this->settings[$name . ':select'], '%name' => $name)), array($this, 'parameter', $name)); } elseif ($arg_info = $this->getArgumentInfo($name)) { // If we have enough metadata, check whether the types match. if (!RulesData::typesMatch($arg_info, $info)) { throw new RulesIntegrityException(t("The data type of the configured argument does not match the parameter's %name requirement.", array('%name' => $name)), array($this, 'parameter', $name)); } } elseif (!$this->isRoot() && !isset($this->settings[$name]) && empty($info['optional']) && $info['type'] != 'hidden') { throw new RulesIntegrityException(t('Missing configuration for parameter %name.', array('%name' => $name)), array($this, 'parameter', $name)); } //TODO: Make sure used values are allowed. (key/value pairs + allowed values) } } /** * Returns the argument as configured in the element settings for the * parameter $name described with $info. * * @param $name * The name of the parameter for which to get the argument. * @param $info * Info about the parameter. * @param RulesState $state * The current evaluation state. * @param $langcode * (optional) The language code used to get the argument value if the * argument value should be translated. By default (NULL) the current * interface language will be used. * * @return * The argument, possibly wrapped. * * @throws RulesEvaluationException * In case the argument cannot be retrieved an exception is thrown. */ protected function getArgument($name, $info, RulesState $state, $langcode = NULL) { // Only apply the langcode if the parameter has been marked translatable. if (empty($info['translatable'])) { $langcode = LANGUAGE_NONE; } elseif (!isset($langcode)) { $langcode = $GLOBALS['language']->language; } if (!empty($this->settings[$name . ':select'])) { $arg = $state->applyDataSelector($this->settings[$name . ':select'], $langcode); } elseif (isset($this->settings[$name])) { $arg = rules_wrap_data($this->settings[$name], $info); // We don't sanitize directly specified values. $skip_sanitize = TRUE; } elseif ($state->varinfo($name)) { $arg = $state->get($name); } elseif (empty($info['optional']) && $info['type'] != 'hidden') { throw new RulesEvaluationException('Required parameter %name is missing.', array('%name' => $name), $this, RulesLog::ERROR); } else { $arg = isset($info['default value']) ? $info['default value'] : NULL; $skip_sanitize = TRUE; $info['allow null'] = TRUE; } // Make sure the given value is set if required (default). if (!isset($arg) && empty($info['allow null'])) { throw new RulesEvaluationException('The provided argument for parameter %name is empty.', array('%name' => $name), $this); } // Support passing already sanitized values. if ($info['type'] == 'text' && !isset($skip_sanitize) && !empty($info['sanitize']) && !($arg instanceof EntityMetadataWrapper)) { $arg = check_plain((string) $arg); } // Apply any configured data processors. if (!empty($this->settings[$name . ':process'])) { // For processing, make sure the data is unwrapped now. $return = rules_unwrap_data(array($arg), array($info)); // @todo for Drupal 8: Refactor to add the name and language code as // separate parameter to process(). $info['#name'] = $name; $info['#langcode'] = $langcode; return isset($return[0]) ? $this->settings[$name . ':process']->process($return[0], $info, $state, $this) : NULL; } return $arg; } /** * Gets the right arguments for executing the element. * * @throws RulesEvaluationException * If case an argument cannot be retrieved an exception is thrown. */ protected function getExecutionArguments(RulesState $state) { $parameters = $this->pluginParameterInfo(); // If there is language parameter, get its value first so it can be used // for getting other translatable values. $langcode = NULL; if (isset($parameters['language'])) { $lang_arg = $this->getArgument('language', $parameters['language'], $state); $langcode = $lang_arg instanceof EntityMetadataWrapper ? $lang_arg->value() : $lang_arg; } // Now get all arguments. foreach ($parameters as $name => $info) { $args[$name] = $name == 'language' ? $lang_arg : $this->getArgument($name, $info, $state, $langcode); } // Append the settings and the execution state. Faces will append $this. $args['settings'] = $this->settings; $args['state'] = $state; // Make the wrapped variables for the arguments available in the state. $state->currentArguments = $args; return rules_unwrap_data($args, $parameters); } /** * Apply the given data selector by using the info about available variables. * Thus it doesn't require an actual evaluation state. * * @param $selector * The selector string, e.g. "node:author:mail". * * @return EntityMetadataWrapper * An empty wrapper for the given selector or FALSE if the selector couldn't * be applied. */ public function applyDataSelector($selector) { $parts = explode(':', str_replace('-', '_', $selector), 2); if (($vars = $this->availableVariables()) && isset($vars[$parts[0]]['type'])) { $wrapper = rules_wrap_data(NULL, $vars[$parts[0]], TRUE); if (count($parts) > 1 && $wrapper instanceof EntityMetadataWrapper) { try { foreach (explode(':', $parts[1]) as $name) { if ($wrapper instanceof EntityListWrapper || $wrapper instanceof EntityStructureWrapper) { $wrapper = $wrapper->get($name); } else { return FALSE; } } } // In case of an exception or we were unable to get a wrapper, return FALSE. catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) { return FALSE; } } } return isset($wrapper) ? $wrapper : FALSE; } /** * Returns info about the configured argument. * * @return * The determined info. If it's not known NULL is returned. */ public function getArgumentInfo($name) { $vars = $this->availableVariables(); if (!empty($this->settings[$name . ':select']) && !empty($vars[$this->settings[$name . ':select']])) { return $vars[$this->settings[$name . ':select']]; } elseif (!empty($this->settings[$name . ':select'])) { if ($wrapper = $this->applyDataSelector($this->settings[$name . ':select'])) { return $wrapper->info(); } return; } elseif (isset($this->settings[$name . ':type'])) { return array('type' => $this->settings[$name . ':type']); } elseif (!isset($this->settings[$name]) && isset($vars[$name])) { return $vars[$name]; } } /** * Saves the configuration to the database, regardless whether this is invoked * on the rules configuration or a contained rule element. */ public function save($name = NULL, $module = 'rules') { if (isset($this->parent)) { $this->parent->sortChildren(); return $this->parent->save($name, $module); } else { // Update the dirty flag before saving. // However, this operation depends on a fully built Rules-cache, so skip // it when entities in code are imported to the database. // @see _rules_rebuild_cache() if (empty($this->is_rebuild)) { rules_config_update_dirty_flag($this, FALSE); // In case the config is not dirty, pre-calculate the dependencies for // later checking. Note that this also triggers processing settings if // necessary. // @see rules_modules_enabled() if (empty($this->dirty)) { $this->dependencies = $this->dependencies(); } } $this->plugin = $this->itemName; $this->name = isset($name) ? $name : $this->name; // Module stores the module via which the rule is configured and is used // for generating machine names with the right prefix. However, for // default configurations 'module' points to the module providing the // default configuration, so the module via which the rules is configured // is stored in the "owner" property. // @todo: For Drupal 8 use "owner" for generating machine names also and // module only for the modules providing default configurations. $this->module = !isset($this->module) || $module != 'rules' ? $module : $this->module; if (!isset($this->owner)) { $this->owner = 'rules'; } $this->ensureNameExists(); $this->data = $this; $return = entity_get_controller('rules_config')->save($this); unset($this->data); // Care about clearing necessary caches. if (!empty($this->is_rebuild)) { rules_clear_cache(); } else { $plugin_info = $this->pluginInfo(); if (!empty($plugin_info['component'])) { // When component variables changes rebuild the complete cache so the // changes to the provided action/condition take affect. if (empty($this->original) || $this->componentVariables() != $this->original->componentVariables()) { rules_clear_cache(); } // Clear components cached for evaluation. cache_clear_all('comp_', 'cache_rules', TRUE); } elseif ($this->plugin == 'reaction rule') { // Clear event sets cached for evaluation. cache_clear_all('event_', 'cache_rules', TRUE); variable_del('rules_event_whitelist'); } drupal_static_reset('rules_get_cache'); drupal_static_reset('rules_config_update_dirty_flag'); } return $return; } } /** * Ensure the configuration has a name. If not, generate one. */ protected function ensureNameExists() { if (!isset($this->module)) { $this->module = 'rules'; } if (!isset($this->name)) { // Find a unique name for this configuration. $this->name = $this->module . '_'; for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) { // Alphanumeric name generation. $rnd = mt_rand(97, 122); $this->name .= chr($rnd); } } } public function __sleep() { // Keep the id always as we need it for the recursion prevention. $array = drupal_map_assoc(array('parent', 'id', 'elementId', 'weight', 'settings')); // Keep properties related to configurations if they are there. $info = entity_get_info('rules_config'); $fields = array_merge($info['schema_fields_sql']['base table'], array('recursion', 'tags')); foreach ($fields as $key) { if (isset($this->$key)) { $array[$key] = $key; } } return $array; } /** * Optimizes a rule configuration in order to speed up evaluation. * * Additional optimization methods may be inserted by an extender * implementing the RulesOptimizationInterface. By default, there is no * optimization extender. * * An optimization method may rearrange the internal structure of a * configuration in order to speed up the evaluation. As the configuration may * change optimized configurations should not be saved permanently, except * when saving it temporary, for later execution only. * * @see RulesOptimizationInterface */ public function optimize() { // Make sure settings are processed before configs are cached. $this->processSettings(); if ($this->facesAs('RulesOptimizationInterface')) { $this->__call('optimize'); } } /** * If invoked on a rules configuration it is deleted from database. If * invoked on a contained rule element, it's removed from the configuration. */ public function delete() { if (isset($this->parent)) { foreach ($this->parent->children as $key => $child) { if ($child === $this) { unset($this->parent->children[$key]); break; } } } elseif (isset($this->id)) { entity_get_controller('rules_config')->delete(array($this->name)); rules_clear_cache(); } } public function internalIdentifier() { return isset($this->id) ? $this->id : NULL; } /** * Returns the config name. */ public function identifier() { return isset($this->name) ? $this->name : NULL; } public function entityInfo() { return entity_get_info('rules_config'); } public function entityType() { return 'rules_config'; } /** * Checks if the configuration has a certain exportable status. * * @param $status * A status constant, i.e. one of ENTITY_CUSTOM, ENTITY_IN_CODE, * ENTITY_OVERRIDDEN or ENTITY_FIXED. * * @return * TRUE if the configuration has the status, else FALSE. * * @see entity_has_status() */ public function hasStatus($status) { return $this->isRoot() && isset($this->status) && ($this->status & $status) == $status; } /** * Remove circular object references so the PHP garbage collector does its * work. */ public function destroy() { parent::destroy(); $this->parent = NULL; } /** * Seamlessy invokes the method implemented via faces without having to think * about references. */ public function form(&$form, &$form_state, array $options = array()) { $this->__call('form', array(&$form, &$form_state, $options)); } public function form_validate($form, &$form_state) { $this->__call('form_validate', array($form, &$form_state)); } public function form_submit($form, &$form_state) { $this->__call('form_submit', array($form, &$form_state)); } /** * Returns the label of the element. */ public function label() { if (!empty($this->label) && $this->label != t('unlabeled')) { return $this->label; } $info = $this->info(); return isset($info['label']) ? $info['label'] : (!empty($this->name) ? $this->name : t('unlabeled')); } /** * Returns the name of the element's plugin. */ public function plugin() { return $this->itemName; } /** * Returns info about the element's plugin. */ public function pluginInfo() { $this->forceSetUp(); return $this->itemInfo; } /** * Applies the given export. */ public function import(array $export) { $this->importSettings($export[strtoupper($this->plugin())]); } protected function importSettings($export) { // Import parameter settings. $export += array('USING' => array(), 'PROVIDE' => array()); foreach ($export['USING'] as $name => $param_export) { $this->importParameterSetting($name, $param_export); } foreach ($export['PROVIDE'] as $name => $var_export) { // The key of $var_export is the variable name, the value the label. $this->settings[$name . ':var'] = rules_array_key($var_export); $this->settings[$name . ':label'] = reset($var_export); } } protected function importParameterSetting($name, $export) { if (is_array($export) && isset($export['select'])) { $this->settings[$name . ':select'] = $export['select']; if (count($export) > 1) { // Add in processor settings. unset($export['select']); $this->settings[$name . ':process'] = $export; } } // Convert back the [selector] strings being an array with one entry. elseif (is_array($export) && count($export) == 1 && isset($export[0])) { $this->settings[$name . ':select'] = $export[0]; } elseif (is_array($export) && isset($export['value'])) { $this->settings[$name] = $export['value']; } else { $this->settings[$name] = $export; } } /** * Exports a rule configuration. * * @param $prefix * An optional prefix for each line. * @param $php * Optional. Set to TRUE to format the export using PHP arrays. By default * JSON is used. * @return * The exported confiugration. * * @see rules_import() */ public function export($prefix = '', $php = FALSE) { $export = $this->exportToArray(); return $this->isRoot() ? $this->returnExport($export, $prefix, $php) : $export; } protected function exportToArray() { $export[strtoupper($this->plugin())] = $this->exportSettings(); return $export; } protected function exportSettings() { $export = array(); if (!$this->isRoot()) { foreach ($this->pluginParameterInfo() as $name => $info) { if (($return = $this->exportParameterSetting($name, $info)) !== NULL) { $export['USING'][$name] = $return; } } foreach ($this->providesVariables() as $name => $info) { if (!empty($info['source name'])) { $export['PROVIDE'][$info['source name']][$name] = $info['label']; } } } return $export; } protected function exportParameterSetting($name, $info) { if (isset($this->settings[$name]) && (empty($info['optional']) || !isset($info['default value']) || $this->settings[$name] != $info['default value'])) { // In case of an array-value wrap the value into another array, such that // the value cannot be confused with an exported data selector. return is_array($this->settings[$name]) ? array('value' => $this->settings[$name]) : $this->settings[$name]; } elseif (isset($this->settings[$name . ':select'])) { if (isset($this->settings[$name . ':process']) && $processor = $this->settings[$name . ':process']) { $export['select'] = $this->settings[$name . ':select']; $export += $processor instanceof RulesDataProcessor ? $processor->getChainSettings() : $processor; return $export; } // If there is no processor use a simple array to abbreviate this usual // case. In JSON this turns to a nice [selector] string. return array($this->settings[$name . ':select']); } } /** * Finalizies the configuration export by adding general attributes regarding * the configuration and returns it in the right format. */ protected function returnExport($export, $prefix = '', $php = FALSE) { $this->ensureNameExists(); if (!empty($this->label) && $this->label != t('unlabeled')) { $export_cfg[$this->name]['LABEL'] = $this->label; } $export_cfg[$this->name]['PLUGIN'] = $this->plugin(); if (!empty($this->weight)) { $export_cfg[$this->name]['WEIGHT'] = $this->weight; } if (isset($this->active) && !$this->active) { $export_cfg[$this->name]['ACTIVE'] = FALSE; } if (!empty($this->owner)) { $export_cfg[$this->name]['OWNER'] = $this->owner; } if (!empty($this->tags)) { $export_cfg[$this->name]['TAGS'] = $this->tags; } if ($modules = $this->dependencies()) { $export_cfg[$this->name]['REQUIRES'] = $modules; } if (!empty($this->access_exposed)) { $export_cfg[$this->name]['ACCESS_EXPOSED'] = $this->access_exposed; }; $export_cfg[$this->name] += $export; return $php ? entity_var_export($export_cfg, $prefix) : entity_var_json_export($export_cfg, $prefix); } /** * Resets any internal static caches. * * This function does not reset regular caches as retrieved via * rules_get_cache(). Usually, it's invoked automatically when a Rules * configuration is modified. * * Static caches are reset for the element and any elements down the tree. To * clear static caches of the whole configuration, invoke the function at the * root. * * @see RulesPlugin::availableVariables() */ public function resetInternalCache() { $this->availableVariables = NULL; } } /** * Defines a common base class for so called "Abstract Plugins" like actions. * Thus modules have to provide the concrete plugin implementation. */ abstract class RulesAbstractPlugin extends RulesPlugin { protected $elementName; protected $info = array('parameter' => array(), 'provides' => array()); protected $infoLoaded = FALSE; /** * @param $name * The plugin implementation's name. * @param $info * Further information provided about the plugin. Optional. * @throws RulesException * If validation of the passed settings fails RulesExceptions are thrown. */ function __construct($name = NULL, $settings = array()) { $this->elementName = $name; $this->settings = (array) $settings + array('#_needs_processing' => TRUE); $this->setUp(); } protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); if (isset($this->cache[$this->itemName . '_info'][$this->elementName])) { $this->info = $this->cache[$this->itemName . '_info'][$this->elementName]; // Remember that the info has been correctly setup. // @see self::forceSetup(). $this->infoLoaded = TRUE; // Register the defined class, if any. if (isset($this->info['class'])) { $this->faces['RulesPluginImplInterface'] = 'RulesPluginImplInterface'; $face_methods = get_class_methods('RulesPluginImplInterface'); $class_info = array(1 => $this->info['class']); foreach ($face_methods as $method) { $this->facesMethods[$method] = $class_info; } } // Add in per-plugin implementation callbacks if any. if (!empty($this->info['faces_cache'])) { foreach ($this->info['faces_cache'] as $face => $data) { list($methods, $file_names) = $data; foreach ($methods as $method => $callback) { $this->facesMethods[$method] = $callback; } foreach ((array) $file_names as $method => $name) { $this->facesIncludes[$method] = array('module' => $this->info['module'], 'name' => $name); } } // Invoke the info_alter callback, but only if it has been implemented. if ($this->facesMethods['info_alter'] != $this->itemInfo['faces_cache'][0]['info_alter']) { $this->__call('info_alter', array(&$this->info)); } } } elseif (!empty($this->itemInfo['faces_cache']) && function_exists($this->elementName)) { // We don't have any info, so just add the name as execution callback. $this->override(array('execute' => $this->elementName)); } } public function forceSetUp() { if (!isset($this->cache) || (!empty($this->itemInfo['faces_cache']) && !$this->faces)) { $this->setUp(); } // In case we have element specific information, which is not loaded yet, // do so now. This might happen if the element has been initially loaded // with an incomplete cache, i.e. during cache rebuilding. elseif (!$this->infoLoaded && isset($this->cache[$this->itemName . '_info'][$this->elementName])) { $this->setUp(); } } /** * Returns the label of the element. */ public function label() { $info = $this->info(); return isset($info['label']) ? $info['label'] : t('@plugin "@name"', array('@name' => $this->elementName, '@plugin' => $this->plugin())); } public function access() { $info = $this->info(); $this->loadBasicInclude(); if (!empty($info['access callback']) && !call_user_func($info['access callback'], $this->itemName, $this->getElementName())) { return FALSE; } return parent::access() && $this->__call('access'); } public function integrityCheck() { // Do the usual integrity check first so the implementation's validation // handler can rely on that already. parent::integrityCheck(); // Make sure the element is known. $this->forceSetUp(); if (!isset($this->cache[$this->itemName . '_info'][$this->elementName])) { throw new RulesIntegrityException(t('Unknown @plugin %name.', array('@plugin' => $this->plugin(), '%name' => $this->elementName))); } $this->validate(); return $this; } public function processSettings($force = FALSE) { // Process if not done yet. if ($force || !empty($this->settings['#_needs_processing'])) { $this->resetInternalCache(); // In case the element implements the info alteration callback, (re-)run // the alteration so that any settings depending info alterations are // applied. if ($this->facesMethods && $this->facesMethods['info_alter'] != $this->itemInfo['faces_cache'][0]['info_alter']) { $this->__call('info_alter', array(&$this->info)); } // First let the plugin implementation do processing, so data types of the // parameters are fixed when we process the settings. $this->process(); parent::processSettings($force); } } public function pluginParameterInfo() { // Ensure the info alter callback has been executed. $this->forceSetup(); return parent::pluginParameterInfo(); } public function pluginProvidesVariables() { // Ensure the info alter callback has been executed. $this->forceSetup(); return parent::pluginProvidesVariables(); } public function info() { // Ensure the info alter callback has been executed. $this->forceSetup(); return $this->info; } protected function variableInfoAssertions() { // Get the implementation's assertions and map them to the variable names. if ($assertions = $this->__call('assertions')) { foreach ($assertions as $param_name => $data) { $name = isset($this->settings[$param_name . ':select']) ? $this->settings[$param_name . ':select'] : $param_name; $return[$name] = $data; } return $return; } } public function import(array $export) { // The key is the element name and the value the actual export. $this->elementName = rules_array_key($export); $export = reset($export); // After setting the element name, setup the element again so the right // element info is loaded. $this->setUp(); if (!isset($export['USING']) && !isset($export['PROVIDES']) && !empty($export)) { // The export has been abbreviated to skip "USING". $export = array('USING' => $export); } $this->importSettings($export); } protected function exportToArray() { $export = $this->exportSettings(); if (!$this->providesVariables()) { // Abbreviate the export making "USING" implicit. $export = isset($export['USING']) ? $export['USING'] : array(); } return array($this->elementName => $export); } public function dependencies() { $modules = array_flip(parent::dependencies()); $modules += array_flip((array) $this->__call('dependencies')); return array_keys($modules + (!empty($this->info['module']) ? array($this->info['module'] => 1) : array())); } public function executeByArgs($args = array()) { $replacements = array('%label' => $this->label(), '@plugin' => $this->itemName); rules_log('Executing @plugin %label.', $replacements, RulesLog::INFO, $this, TRUE); $this->processSettings(); // If there is no element info, just pass through the passed arguments. // That way we support executing actions without any info at all. if ($this->info()) { $state = $this->setUpState($args); module_invoke_all('rules_config_execute', $this); $result = $this->evaluate($state); $return = $this->returnVariables($state, $result); } else { rules_log('Unable to execute @plugin %label.', $replacements, RulesLog::ERROR, $this); } $state->cleanUp(); rules_log('Finished executing of @plugin %label.', $replacements, RulesLog::INFO, $this, FALSE); return $return; } /** * Execute the configured execution callback and log that. */ abstract protected function executeCallback(array $args, RulesState $state = NULL); public function evaluate(RulesState $state) { $this->processSettings(); try { // Get vars as needed for execute and call it. return $this->executeCallback($this->getExecutionArguments($state), $state); } catch (RulesEvaluationException $e) { rules_log($e->msg, $e->args, $e->severity); rules_log('Unable to evaluate %name.', array('%name' => $this->getPluginName()), RulesLog::WARN, $this); } // Catch wrapper exceptions that might occur due to failures loading an // entity or similar. catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) { rules_log('Unable to get a data value. Error: !error', array('!error' => $e->getMessage()), RulesLog::WARN); rules_log('Unable to evaluate %name.', array('%name' => $this->getPluginName()), RulesLog::WARN, $this); } } public function __sleep() { return parent::__sleep() + array('elementName' => 'elementName'); } public function getPluginName() { return $this->itemName ." ". $this->elementName; } /** * Gets the name of the configured action or condition. */ public function getElementName() { return $this->elementName; } /** * Add in the data provided by the info hooks to the cache. */ public function rebuildCache(&$itemInfo, &$cache) { parent::rebuildCache($itemInfo, $cache); // Include all declared files so we can find all implementations. self::includeFiles(); // Get the plugin's own info data. $cache[$this->itemName .'_info'] = rules_fetch_data($this->itemName .'_info'); foreach ($cache[$this->itemName .'_info'] as $name => &$info) { $info += array( 'parameter' => isset($info['arguments']) ? $info['arguments'] : array(), 'provides' => isset($info['new variables']) ? $info['new variables'] : array(), 'base' => $name, 'callbacks' => array(), ); unset($info['arguments'], $info['new variables']); if (function_exists($info['base'])) { $info['callbacks'] += array('execute' => $info['base']); } // We do not need to build a faces cache for RulesPluginHandlerInterface, // which gets added in automatically as its a parent of // RulesPluginImplInterface. unset($this->faces['RulesPluginHandlerInterface']); // Build up the per plugin implementation faces cache. foreach ($this->faces as $interface) { $methods = $file_names = array(); $includes = self::getIncludeFiles($info['module']); foreach (get_class_methods($interface) as $method) { if (isset($info['callbacks'][$method]) && ($function = $info['callbacks'][$method])) { $methods[$method][0] = $function; $file_names[$method] = $this->getFileName($function, $includes); } // Note that this skips RulesPluginImplInterface, which is not // implemented by plugin handlers. elseif (isset($info['class']) && is_subclass_of($info['class'], $interface)) { $methods[$method][1] = $info['class']; } elseif (function_exists($function = $info['base'] . '_' . $method)) { $methods[$method][0] = $function; $file_names[$method] = $this->getFileName($function, $includes); } } // Cache only the plugin implementation specific callbacks. $info['faces_cache'][$interface] = array($methods, array_filter($file_names)); } // Filter out interfaces with no overriden methods. $info['faces_cache'] = rules_filter_array($info['faces_cache'], 0, TRUE); // We don't need that any more. unset($info['callbacks'], $info['base']); } } /** * Makes sure the providing modules' .rules.inc file is included as diverse * callbacks may reside in that file. */ protected function loadBasicInclude() { static $included = array(); if (isset($this->info['module']) && !isset($included[$this->info['module']])) { $module = $this->info['module']; module_load_include('inc', $module, $module . '.rules'); $included[$module] = TRUE; } } /** * Make sure all supported destinations are included. */ public static function includeFiles() { static $included; if (!isset($included)) { foreach (module_implements('rules_file_info') as $module) { // rules.inc are already included thanks to the rules_hook_info() group. foreach (self::getIncludeFiles($module, FALSE) as $name) { module_load_include('inc', $module, $name); } } $dirs = array(); foreach (module_implements('rules_directory') as $module) { // Include all files once, so the discovery can find them. $result = module_invoke($module, 'rules_directory'); if (!is_array($result)) { $result = array($module => $result); } $dirs += $result; } foreach ($dirs as $module => $directory) { foreach (glob(drupal_get_path('module', $module) . "/$directory/*.{inc,php}", GLOB_BRACE) as $filename) { include_once $filename; } } $included = TRUE; } } /** * Returns all include files for a module. If $all is set to FALSE the * $module.rules.inc file isn't added. */ protected static function getIncludeFiles($module, $all = TRUE) { $files = (array)module_invoke($module, 'rules_file_info'); // Automatically add "$module.rules_forms.inc" and "$module.rules.inc". $files[] = $module . '.rules_forms'; if ($all) { $files[] = $module . '.rules'; } return $files; } protected function getFileName($function, $includes) { $reflector = new ReflectionFunction($function); // On windows the path contains backslashes instead of slashes, fix that. $file = str_replace('\\', '/', $reflector->getFileName()); foreach ($includes as $include) { $pos = strpos($file, $include . '.inc'); // Test whether the file ends with the given filename.inc. if ($pos !== FALSE && strlen($file) - $pos == strlen($include) + 4) { return $include; } } } } /** * Interface for objects that can be used as action. */ interface RulesActionInterface { /** * @return As specified. * * @throws RulesEvaluationException * Throws an exception if not all necessary arguments have been provided. */ public function execute(); } /** * Interface for objects that can be used as condition. */ interface RulesConditionInterface { /** * @return Boolean. * * @throws RulesEvaluationException * Throws an exception if not all necessary arguments have been provided. */ public function execute(); /** * Negate the result. */ public function negate($negate = TRUE); /** * Returns whether the element is configured to negate the result. */ public function isNegated(); } interface RulesTriggerableInterface { /** * Returns the array of (configured) event names associated with this object. */ public function events(); /** * Removes an event from the rule configuration. * * @param $event * The name of the (configured) event to remove. * @return RulesTriggerableInterface * The object instance itself, to allow chaining. */ public function removeEvent($event_name); /** * Adds the specified event. * * @param string $event_name * The base name of the event to add. * @param array $settings * (optional) The event settings. If there are no event settings, pass an * empty array (default). * * @return RulesTriggerableInterface */ public function event($event_name, array $settings = array()); /** * Gets the event settings associated with the given (configured) event. * * @param $event_name * The (configured) event's name. * * @return array|null * The array of event settings, or NULL if there are no settings. */ public function getEventSettings($event_name); } /** * Provides the base interface for implementing abstract plugins via classes. */ interface RulesPluginHandlerInterface { /** * Validates $settings independent from a form submission. * * @throws RulesIntegrityException * In case of validation errors, RulesIntegrityExceptions are thrown. */ public function validate(); /** * Processes settings independent from a form submission. * * Processing results may be stored and accessed on execution time in $settings. */ public function process(); /** * Allows altering of the element's action/condition info. * * Note that this method is also invoked on evaluation time, thus any costly * operations should be avoided. * * @param $element_info * A reference on the element's info as returned by RulesPlugin::info(). */ public function info_alter(&$element_info); /** * Checks whether the user has access to configure this element. * * Note that this only covers access for already created elements. In order to * control access for creating or using elements specify an 'access callback' * in the element's info array. * * @see hook_rules_action_info() */ public function access(); /** * Returns an array of required modules. */ public function dependencies(); /** * Alter the generated configuration form of the element. * * Validation and processing of the settings should be untied from the form * and implemented in validate() and process() wherever it makes sense. * For the remaining cases where form tied validation and processing is needed * make use of the form API #element_validate and #value_callback properties. */ public function form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $options); /** * Optionally returns an array of info assertions for the specified * parameters. This allows conditions to assert additional metadata, such as * info about the fields of a bundle. * * @see RulesPlugin::variableInfoAssertions() */ public function assertions(); } /** * Interface for implementing conditions via classes. * * In addition to the interface an execute() and a static getInfo() method must * be implemented. The static getInfo() method has to return the info as * returned by hook_rules_condition_info() but including an additional 'name' * key, specifying the plugin name. * The execute method is the equivalent to the usual execution callback and * gets the parameters passed as specified in the info array. * * See RulesNodeConditionType for an example and rules_discover_plugins() * for information about class discovery. */ interface RulesConditionHandlerInterface extends RulesPluginHandlerInterface {} /** * Interface for implementing actions via classes. * * In addition to the interface an execute() and a static getInfo() method must * be implemented. The static getInfo() method has to return the info as * returned by hook_rules_action_info() but including an additional 'name' key, * specifying the plugin name. * The execute method is the equivalent to the usual execution callback and * gets the parameters passed as specified in the info array. * * See RulesNodeConditionType for an example and rules_discover_plugins() * for information about class discovery. */ interface RulesActionHandlerInterface extends RulesPluginHandlerInterface {} /** * * Provides the interface used for implementing an abstract plugin by using * the Faces extension mechanism. */ interface RulesPluginImplInterface extends RulesPluginHandlerInterface { /** * Execute the action or condition making use of the parameters as specified. */ public function execute(); } /** * Interface for optimizing evaluation. * * @see RulesContainerPlugin::optimize() */ interface RulesOptimizationInterface { /** * Optimizes a rule configuration in order to speed up evaluation. */ public function optimize(); } /** * Base class for implementing abstract plugins via classes. */ abstract class RulesPluginHandlerBase extends FacesExtender implements RulesPluginHandlerInterface { /** * @var RulesAbstractPlugin */ protected $element; /** * Overridden to provide $this->element to make the code more meaningful. */ public function __construct(FacesExtendable $object) { $this->object = $object; $this->element = $object; } /** * Implements RulesPluginImplInterface. */ public function access() { return TRUE; } public function validate() {} public function process() {} public function info_alter(&$element_info) {} public function dependencies() {} public function form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $options) {} public function assertions() {} } /** * Base class for implementing conditions via classes. */ abstract class RulesConditionHandlerBase extends RulesPluginHandlerBase implements RulesConditionHandlerInterface {} /** * Base class for implementing actions via classes. */ abstract class RulesActionHandlerBase extends RulesPluginHandlerBase implements RulesActionHandlerInterface {} /** * Class providing default implementations of the methods of the RulesPluginImplInterface. * * If a plugin implementation does not provide a function for a method, the * default method of this class will be invoked. * * @see RulesPluginImplInterface * @see RulesAbstractPlugin */ class RulesAbstractPluginDefaults extends RulesPluginHandlerBase implements RulesPluginImplInterface { public function execute() { throw new RulesEvaluationException($this->object->getPluginName() .": Execution implementation is missing.", array(), $this->object, RulesLog::ERROR); } } /** * A RecursiveIterator for rule elements. */ class RulesRecursiveElementIterator extends ArrayIterator implements RecursiveIterator { public function getChildren() { return $this->current()->getIterator(); } public function hasChildren() { return $this->current() instanceof IteratorAggregate; } } /** * Base class for ContainerPlugins like Rules, Logical Operations or Loops. */ abstract class RulesContainerPlugin extends RulesPlugin implements IteratorAggregate { protected $children = array(); public function __construct($variables = array()) { $this->setUp(); if (!empty($variables) && $this->isRoot()) { $this->info['variables'] = $variables; } } /** * Returns the specified variables, in case the plugin is used as component. */ public function &componentVariables() { if ($this->isRoot()) { $this->info += array('variables' => array()); return $this->info['variables']; } // We have to return a reference in any case. $return = NULL; return $return; } /** * Allow access to the children through the iterator. * * @return RulesRecursiveElementIterator */ public function getIterator() { return new RulesRecursiveElementIterator($this->children); } /** * @return RulesContainerPlugin */ public function integrityCheck() { if (!empty($this->info['variables']) && !$this->isRoot()) { throw new RulesIntegrityException(t('%plugin: Specifying state variables is not possible for child elements.', array('%plugin' => $this->getPluginName())), $this); } parent::integrityCheck(); foreach ($this->children as $child) { $child->integrityCheck(); } return $this; } public function dependencies() { $modules = array_flip(parent::dependencies()); foreach ($this->children as $child) { $modules += array_flip($child->dependencies()); } return array_keys($modules); } public function parameterInfo($optional = FALSE) { $params = parent::parameterInfo($optional); if (isset($this->info['variables'])) { foreach ($this->info['variables'] as $name => $var_info) { if (empty($var_info['handler']) && (!isset($var_info['parameter']) || $var_info['parameter'])) { $params[$name] = $var_info; // For lists allow empty variables by default. if (entity_property_list_extract_type($var_info['type'])) { $params[$name] += array('allow null' => TRUE); } } } } return $params; } public function availableVariables() { if (!isset($this->availableVariables)) { if ($this->isRoot()) { $this->availableVariables = RulesState::defaultVariables(); if (isset($this->info['variables'])) { $this->availableVariables += $this->info['variables']; } } else { $this->availableVariables = $this->parent->stateVariables($this); } } return $this->availableVariables; } /** * Returns info about variables available in the evaluation state for any * children elements or if given for a special child element. * * @param $element * The element for which the available state variables should be returned. * If NULL is given, the variables available before any children are invoked * are returned. If set to TRUE, the variables available after evaluating * all children will be returned. */ protected function stateVariables($element = NULL) { $vars = $this->availableVariables(); if (isset($element)) { // Add in variables provided by siblings executed before the element. foreach ($this->children as $child) { if ($child === $element) { break; } $vars += $child->providesVariables(); // Take variable info assertions into account. if ($assertions = $child->variableInfoAssertions()) { $vars = RulesData::addMetadataAssertions($vars, $assertions); } } } return $vars; } protected function variableInfoAssertions() { $assertions = array(); foreach ($this->children as $child) { if ($add = $child->variableInfoAssertions()) { $assertions = rules_update_array($assertions, $add); } } return $assertions; } protected function setUpVariables() { return isset($this->info['variables']) ? parent::parameterInfo(TRUE) + $this->info['variables'] : $this->parameterInfo(TRUE); } /** * Condition containers just return a boolean while action containers return * the configured provided variables as an array of variables. */ public function executeByArgs($args = array()) { $replacements = array('%label' => $this->label(), '@plugin' => $this->itemName); rules_log('Executing @plugin %label.', $replacements, RulesLog::INFO, $this, TRUE); $this->processSettings(); $state = $this->setUpState($args); // Handle recursion prevention. if ($state->isBlocked($this)) { return rules_log('Not evaluating @plugin %label to prevent recursion.', array('%label' => $this->label(), '@plugin' => $this->plugin()), RulesLog::INFO); } // Block the config to prevent any future recursion. $state->block($this); module_invoke_all('rules_config_execute', $this); $result = $this->evaluate($state); $return = $this->returnVariables($state, $result); $state->unblock($this); $state->cleanUp(); rules_log('Finished executing of @plugin %label.', $replacements, RulesLog::INFO, $this, FALSE); return $return; } public function access() { foreach ($this->children as $key => $child) { if (!$child->access()) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } public function destroy() { foreach ($this->children as $key => $child) { $child->destroy(); } parent::destroy(); } /** * By default we do a deep clone. */ public function __clone() { parent::__clone(); foreach ($this->children as $key => $child) { $this->children[$key] = clone $child; $this->children[$key]->parent = $this; } } /** * Override delete to keep the children alive, if possible. */ public function delete($keep_children = TRUE) { if (isset($this->parent) && $keep_children) { foreach ($this->children as $child) { $child->setParent($this->parent); } } parent::delete(); } public function __sleep() { return parent::__sleep() + array('children' => 'children', 'info' => 'info'); } /** * Sorts all child elements by their weight. * * @param $deep * If enabled a deep sort is performed, thus the whole element tree below * this element is sorted. */ public function sortChildren($deep = FALSE) { // Make sure the array order is kept in case two children have the same // weight by ensuring later childrens would have higher weights. foreach (array_values($this->children) as $i => $child) { $child->weight += $i / 1000; } usort($this->children, array('RulesPlugin', 'compare')); // Fix up the weights afterwards to be unique integers. foreach (array_values($this->children) as $i => $child) { $child->weight = $i; } if ($deep) { foreach (new ParentIterator($this->getIterator()) as $child) { $child->sortChildren(TRUE); } } $this->resetInternalCache(); } protected function exportChildren($key = NULL) { $key = isset($key) ? $key : strtoupper($this->plugin()); $export[$key] = array(); foreach ($this->children as $child) { $export[$key][] = $child->export(); } return $export; } /** * Determines whether the element should be exported in flat style. Flat style * means that the export keys are written directly into the export array, * whereas else the export is written into a sub-array. */ protected function exportFlat() { // By default we always use flat style for plugins without any parameters // or provided variables, as then only children have to be exported. E.g. // this applies to the OR and AND plugins. return $this->isRoot() || (!$this->pluginParameterInfo() && !$this->providesVariables()); } protected function exportToArray() { $export = array(); if (!empty($this->info['variables'])) { $export['USES VARIABLES'] = $this->info['variables']; } if ($this->exportFlat()) { $export += $this->exportSettings() + $this->exportChildren(); } else { $export[strtoupper($this->plugin())] = $this->exportSettings() + $this->exportChildren(); } return $export; } public function import(array $export) { if (!empty($export['USES VARIABLES'])) { $this->info['variables'] = $export['USES VARIABLES']; } // Care for exports having the export array nested in a sub-array. if (!$this->exportFlat()) { $export = reset($export); } $this->importSettings($export); $this->importChildren($export); } protected function importChildren($export, $key = NULL) { $key = isset($key) ? $key : strtoupper($this->plugin()); foreach ($export[$key] as $child_export) { $plugin = _rules_import_get_plugin(rules_array_key($child_export), $this instanceof RulesActionInterface ? 'action' : 'condition'); $child = rules_plugin_factory($plugin); $child->setParent($this); $child->import($child_export); } } public function resetInternalCache() { $this->availableVariables = NULL; foreach ($this->children as $child) { $child->resetInternalCache(); } } /** * Overrides optimize(). */ public function optimize() { parent::optimize(); // Now let the children optimize itself. foreach ($this as $element) { $element->optimize(); } } } /** * Base class for all action containers. */ abstract class RulesActionContainer extends RulesContainerPlugin implements RulesActionInterface { public function __construct($variables = array(), $providesVars = array()) { parent::__construct($variables); // The provided vars of a component are the names of variables, which should // be provided to the caller. See rule(). if ($providesVars) { $this->info['provides'] = $providesVars; } } /** * Add an action. Pass either an instance of the RulesActionInterface * or the arguments as needed by rules_action(). * * @return RulesActionContainer * Returns $this to support chained usage. */ public function action($name, $settings = array()) { $action = (is_object($name) && $name instanceof RulesActionInterface) ? $name : rules_action($name, $settings); $action->setParent($this); return $this; } /** * Evaluate, whereas by default new vars are visible in the parent's scope. */ public function evaluate(RulesState $state) { foreach ($this->children as $action) { $action->evaluate($state); } } public function pluginProvidesVariables() { return array(); } public function providesVariables() { $provides = parent::providesVariables(); if (isset($this->info['provides']) && $vars = $this->componentVariables()) { // Determine the full variable info for the provided variables. Note that // we only support providing variables list in the component vars. $provides += array_intersect_key($vars, array_flip($this->info['provides'])); } return $provides; } /** * Returns an array of variable names, which are provided by passing through * the provided variables of the children. */ public function &componentProvidesVariables() { $this->info += array('provides' => array()); return $this->info['provides']; } protected function exportToArray() { $export = parent::exportToArray(); if (!empty($this->info['provides'])) { $export['PROVIDES VARIABLES'] = $this->info['provides']; } return $export; } public function import(array $export) { parent::import($export); if (!empty($export['PROVIDES VARIABLES'])) { $this->info['provides'] = $export['PROVIDES VARIABLES']; } } } /** * Base class for all condition containers. */ abstract class RulesConditionContainer extends RulesContainerPlugin implements RulesConditionInterface { protected $negate = FALSE; /** * Add a condition. Pass either an instance of the RulesConditionInterface * or the arguments as needed by rules_condition(). * * @return RulesConditionContainer * Returns $this to support chained usage. */ public function condition($name, $settings = array()) { $condition = (is_object($name) && $name instanceof RulesConditionInterface) ? $name : rules_condition($name, $settings); $condition->setParent($this); return $this; } /** * Negate this condition. * * @return RulesConditionContainer */ public function negate($negate = TRUE) { $this->negate = (bool) $negate; return $this; } public function isNegated() { return $this->negate; } public function __sleep() { return parent::__sleep() + array('negate' => 'negate'); } /** * Just return the condition container's result. */ protected function returnVariables(RulesState $state, $result = NULL) { return $result; } protected function exportChildren($key = NULL) { $key = isset($key) ? $key : strtoupper($this->plugin()); return parent::exportChildren($this->negate ? 'NOT ' . $key : $key); } protected function importChildren($export, $key = NULL) { $key = isset($key) ? $key : strtoupper($this->plugin()); // Care for negated elements. if (!isset($export[$key]) && isset($export['NOT ' . $key])) { $this->negate = TRUE; $key = 'NOT ' . $key; } parent::importChildren($export, $key); } /** * Overridden to exclude variable assertions of negated conditions. */ protected function stateVariables($element = NULL) { $vars = $this->availableVariables(); if (isset($element)) { // Add in variables provided by siblings executed before the element. foreach ($this->children as $child) { if ($child === $element) { break; } $vars += $child->providesVariables(); // Take variable info assertions into account. if (!$this->negate && !$child->isNegated() && ($assertions = $child->variableInfoAssertions())) { $vars = RulesData::addMetadataAssertions($vars, $assertions); } } } return $vars; } } /** * The rules default logging class. */ class RulesLog { const INFO = 1; const WARN = 2; const ERROR = 3; static protected $logger; /** * @return RulesLog * Returns the rules logger instance. */ static function logger() { if (!isset(self::$logger)) { $class = __CLASS__; self::$logger = new $class(variable_get('rules_log_level', self::INFO)); } return self::$logger; } protected $log = array(); protected $logLevel, $line = 0; /** * This is a singleton. */ protected function __construct($logLevel = self::WARN) { $this->logLevel = $logLevel; } public function __clone() { throw new Exception("Cannot clone the logger."); } /** * Logs a log message. * * @see rules_log() */ public function log($msg, $args = array(), $logLevel = self::INFO, $scope = NULL, $path = NULL) { if ($logLevel >= $this->logLevel) { $this->log[] = array($msg, $args, $logLevel, microtime(TRUE), $scope, $path); } } /** * Checks the log and throws an exception if there were any problems. */ function checkLog($logLevel = self::WARN) { foreach ($this->log as $entry) { if ($entry[2] >= $logLevel) { throw new Exception($this->render()); } } } /** * Checks the log for (error) messages with a log level equal or higher than the given one. * * @return * Whether the an error has been logged. */ public function hasErrors($logLevel = self::WARN) { foreach ($this->log as $entry) { if ($entry[2] >= $logLevel) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * Gets an array of logged messages. */ public function get() { return $this->log; } /** * Renders the whole log. */ public function render() { $line = 0; $output = array(); while (isset($this->log[$line])) { $vars['head'] = t($this->log[$line][0], $this->log[$line][1]); $vars['log'] = $this->renderHelper($line); $output[] = theme('rules_debug_element', $vars); $line++; } return implode('', $output); } /** * Renders the log of one event invocation. */ protected function renderHelper(&$line = 0) { $startTime = isset($this->log[$line][3]) ? $this->log[$line][3] : 0; $output = array(); while ($line < count($this->log)) { if ($output && !empty($this->log[$line][4])) { // The next entry stems from another evaluated set, add in its log // messages here. $vars['head'] = t($this->log[$line][0], $this->log[$line][1]); if (isset($this->log[$line][5])) { $vars['link'] = '[' . l('edit', $this->log[$line][5]) . ']'; } $vars['log'] = $this->renderHelper($line); $output[] = theme('rules_debug_element', $vars); } else { $formatted_diff = round(($this->log[$line][3] - $startTime) * 1000, 3) .' ms'; $msg = $formatted_diff .' '. t($this->log[$line][0], $this->log[$line][1]); if ($this->log[$line][2] >= RulesLog::WARN) { $level = $this->log[$line][2] == RulesLog::WARN ? 'warn' : 'error'; $msg = ''. $msg .''; } if (isset($this->log[$line][5]) && !isset($this->log[$line][4])) { $msg .= ' [' . l('edit', $this->log[$line][5]) . ']'; } $output[] = $msg; if (isset($this->log[$line][4]) && !$this->log[$line][4]) { // This was the last log entry of this set. return theme('item_list', array('items' => $output)); } } $line++; } return theme('item_list', array('items' => $output)); } /** * Clears the logged messages. */ public function clear() { $this->log = array(); } } /** * A common exception for Rules. * * This class can be used to catch all exceptions thrown by Rules. */ abstract class RulesException extends Exception {} /** * An exception that is thrown during evaluation. * * Messages are prepared to be logged to the watchdog, thus not yet translated. * * @see watchdog() */ class RulesEvaluationException extends RulesException { public $msg, $args, $severity, $element, $keys = array(); /** * @param $msg * The exception message containing placeholder as t(). * @param $args * Replacement arguments such as for t(). * @param $element * The element of a configuration causing the exception or an array * consisting of the element and keys specifying a setting value causing * the exception. * @param $severity * The RulesLog severity. Defaults to RulesLog::WARN. */ function __construct($msg, array $args = array(), $element = NULL, $severity = RulesLog::WARN) { $this->element = is_array($element) ? array_shift($element) : $element; $this->keys = is_array($element) ? $element : array(); $this->msg = $msg; $this->args = $args; $this->severity = $severity; // If an error happened, run the integrity check on the rules configuration // and mark it as dirty if it the check fails. if ($severity == RulesLog::ERROR && isset($this->element)) { $rules_config = $this->element->root(); rules_config_update_dirty_flag($rules_config); // If we discovered a broken configuration, exclude it in future. if ($rules_config->dirty) { rules_clear_cache(); } } // @todo fix _drupal_decode_exception() to use __toString() and override it. $this->message = t($this->msg, $this->args); } } /** * An exception that is thrown for Rules configurations that fail the integrity check. * * @see RulesPlugin::integrityCheck() */ class RulesIntegrityException extends RulesException { public $msg, $element, $keys = array(); /** * @param string $msg * The exception message, already translated. * @param $element * The element of a configuration causing the exception or an array * consisting of the element and keys specifying a parameter or provided * variable causing the exception, e.g. * @code array($element, 'parameter', 'node') @endcode. */ function __construct($msg, $element = NULL) { $this->element = is_array($element) ? array_shift($element) : $element; $this->keys = is_array($element) ? $element : array(); parent::__construct($msg); } } /** * An exception that is thrown for missing module dependencies. */ class RulesDependencyException extends RulesIntegrityException {} /** * Determines the plugin to be used for importing a child element. * * @param $key * The key to look for, e.g. 'OR' or 'DO'. * @param $default * The default to return if no special plugin can be found. */ function _rules_import_get_plugin($key, $default = 'action') { $map = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__); if (!isset($map)) { $cache = rules_get_cache(); foreach ($cache['plugin_info'] as $name => $info) { if (!empty($info['embeddable'])) { $info += array('import keys' => array(strtoupper($name))); foreach ($info['import keys'] as $k) { $map[$k] = $name; } } } } // Cut of any leading NOT from the key. if (strpos($key, 'NOT ') === 0) { $key = substr($key, 4); } if (isset($map[$key])) { return $map[$key]; } return $default; }