grunt-svg2png ============= Grunt plugin to rasterize SVG to PNG images using PhantomJS ## Getting Started This plugin requires [Grunt]( `~0.4.1` ````javascript // Gruntfile.js configuration grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-svg2png'); grunt.initConfig({ svg2png: { all: { // specify files in array format with multiple src-dest mapping files: [ // rasterize all SVG files in "img" and its subdirectories to "img/png" { cwd: 'img/', src: ['**/*.svg'], dest: 'img/png/' } ] } } }); ```` This task works well between [SVGO Grunt]( and [Grunt ImageOptim](! ## Updates **2014-06-23** pulled in [path fix]( and option for [use case without terminal]( You may need to update your `files` config to include `cwd` and `dest` options. * * * Created by [David Bushell]( | [@dbushell]( Copyright © 2013 David Bushell | MIT license