Backup and Migrate 7.x-3.6, 2018-12-15 -------------------------------------- #2293601 by KimNyholm, fastturtle: Errors shown because directory handles are not closed when no longer needed. #2937023 by DamienMcKenna: Add a test for the basic UI functionality. #2945704 by DamienMcKenna: Write tests for each backup filename option. #2939277 by DamienMcKenna, baronmunchowsen: File mode change on #2935403 by DamienMcKenna, jacob.embree: Improve coding standards compliance. #2962822 by laryn: Spelling mistake: "frequecy". #2917959 by DamienMcKenna: Updated backup_migrate_update_7305() to fix schema problems. #2996191 by mwnciau, DamienMcKenna: Special characters in database password causes PHP notifications. #2949211 by gturnbull, DamienMcKenna, Alex Bukach, Eli.Stone, joelpittet: Optional memory limit setting to work around out-of-memory errors during backups. #2494757 by pbuyle, DamienMcKenna, Ives, Calystod: Allow running a scheduled backup with Drush. #2404113 by DamienMcKenna, John Cook, danharper, salmino: Different host for AWS type server. #2829492 by axel.rutz, RickJ, DamienMcKenna, devad, Kris77, pietrocap, couturier: Big file backup breaks with "MySQL server has gone away". #3001702 by DamienMcKenna: Code cleanup on 7.x-3.x branch. #2831470 by snehal.addweb, bfodeke, jigish.addweb: Delete query in hook_uninstall() can potentially remove unintended variables. #3004759 by Manthan.addweb, echoz: Notice: Undefined index: exclude_filepaths... visiting Advanced Backup tab. #3013355 by jacob.embree: Syntax error in backup_migrate.js. #2415421 by ron_s, coredumperror, blake.thompson, John Bickar: Backup and Migrate module and private file system. #3002975 by DamienMcKenna: Improve logging around the cron and backup processes. #2747197 by RickJ: Network errors writing to Nodesquirrel handled badly. #3014594 by DamienMcKenna: backup_migrate_uninstall() doesn't delete all. variables; renamed "backup_migrate_backup_memory_limit" variable to "backup_migrate_memory_limit". #3014601 by DamienMcKenna: Re-enable all tests. #3014143 by DamienMcKenna: Add master switch to turn off hook_cron. #3014603 by DamienMcKenna: Add a CHANGELOG.txt file. #3014596 by DamienMcKenna: Require PHP 5.4. #2943719 by DamienMcKenna: Reduce memory usage during MySQL database generation. #2338841 by catch, dasha_v, DamienMcKenna: Incorrect translated string + menu_rebuild() performance issue. #1104012 by DamienMcKenna, axel.rutz, EmanueleQuinto, gisle, jacob.embree, Pere Orga, frenkx: On restore, provide option to drop all tables. #2891272 by DamienMcKenna, webservant316: phpsnif 7.1 says Method name \backup_migrate_destination_nodesquirrel::__xmlrpc\" is discouraged; PHP has reserved all method names with a double underscore prefix for future use. #3014597 by DamienMcKenna: Document the advanced backup options. #2382541 by sano, DamienMcKenna, couturier, dman, modulist: Updated instructions for installing the S3 library. #3016278 by DamienMcKenna: Some debug messages aren't hidden behind backup_migrate_verbose. #3016282 by DamienMcKenna: "Cannot add field backup_migrate_profiles.machine_name: field already exists" error. #3017042 by DamienMcKenna, freelylw, gisle: Settings form field dependency broken. #3018002 by DamienMcKenna: Improve the module's documentation. By DamienMcKenna: "server" not "sever" :-) #3018853 by RickJ: Temporary files not deleted. #2735337 by RickJ: Settings objects only offer Revert, not Delete. Backup and Migrate 7.x-3.5, 2018-02-05 -------------------------------------- #2941981 by DamienMcKenna, Rick J, camhoward: Backup files being overwritten because of a change to the append_timestamp setting. #2940451 by Darren Oh: Unlimited max_execution_time treated as 0 seconds. Backup and Migrate 7.x-3.4, 2018-01-24 -------------------------------------- By DamienMcKenna, pere-orga, ikit-claw, cashwilliams: Make all permissions restricted. #1058820 by kbasarab, sobi3ch, gbirch, avatxus: Add option to overwrite file. #2498191 by DamienMcKenna: Unable to backup to NodeSquirrel using PHP 5.6.9 (on Windows) due to changes in SSL validation rules. #2742855 by hanoii: Caching profile objects led to unwanted behaviors because of stale data. #2703351 by DamienMcKenna, ultrabob: Redundant methods in backup_migrate_location_remote. #2728345 by Rick J: Nodesquirrel destination class doesn't return its name. #2728331 by Rick J: Incorrect paging count in saved backup list. #2498179 by junaidpv: Use drupal_mail() for system notifications. #2920311 by DamienMcKenna: Check backup directory permissions / web accessibility. #2912459 by DamienMcKenna: Add an initial test. #2880434 by DamienMcKenna, benqwerty: Minor changes to drush help output. #2914644 by DamienMcKenna, jacob.embree: List all files which contain classes in the info file so other modules can use the classes. #2663928 by DamienMcKenna, fietserwin: public://languages should also be excluded by default. #2388347 by DamienMcKenna: Nodequirrel destination class doesn't define $errno, $errstr but assumes they're available. #2899586 by juankvillegas, DamienMcKenna: Ensure the page variable is numeric in backup_migrate_nodesquirrel_status_form(). Backup and Migrate 7.x-3.3, 2017-10-18 -------------------------------------- #2290707 by DamienMcKenna, mitsuroseba, Darren Oh: Exclude the data from the following tables - does not work. #2830554 by axel.rutz: Support Ultimate Cron. #2728349 by Rick J: Disabled schedules still run under Elysia cron. Backup and Migrate 7.x-3.2, 2017-09-27 -------------------------------------- #2702229 by DamienMcKenna: Automatically add all cache tables to the 'nodata' list, exclude simpletest tables. #2618516 by rocketeerbkw: Fatal error when restoring "Entire Site". #2839264 by wizonesolutions: Error: [] operator not supported for strings in backup_migrate_crud_ui_list_all(). #2633304 by adamelleston: 'clone' is a reserved keyword introduced in PHP version 5.0 and cannot be invoked as a function. #2547065 by snehi: Description for filesource location is inaccurate. #2672478 by serverofworld, lklimek: Wrong destination when running multiple schedules using the same profile. #1542274 by dale42, LGLC, AjitS: Restore fails with foreign key constraint error (due to incorrect comment detection). #2623598 by SylvainM, joelstein: Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP. #2513720 by rrfegade: Code Spell errors. By ronan: Cleaned up use of manage url generator. #2495681 by DamienMcKenna: Secure all endpoint connections to NodeSquirrel destination service. #2495677 by DamienMcKenna: Inconsistent use of https for hostname. #2277383 by hswong3i: Fix schema mismatch after upgrade 7.x-3.x. Backup and Migrate 7.x-3.1, 2015-05-11 -------------------------------------- By ronan: Added pantheon notice and free notice to NodeSquirrel page. #2347637: Add a Note to Backup doesn't work with Jquery > 1.7. By ronan: Set Nodesquirrel schedule to use smart delete by default. #2477503: Error returned, but exit status is 0. #2369461: Scheduled Backups stopped working after 7.x-3.0?. #2390057: Site doesn't come out of maintenance mode when backing up entire site. #2455265: Update Version Number in README.TXT. By ronan: Updated NS messaging slightly. #2393615: Compression not running (only when backing up entire site). #2324949: Update #7303 Failing. #2421183: Stream URI - Not ignored (Recognized?) during backups. #2378739: "Exclude the data from the following tables" not respected when "Use cli commands" is checked. #2307655 Fixed adding of full system path to site archive. #2290707 by marvoey Advanced Backup link on quick backup page goes to wrong place. #2290707 Exclude the data from the following tables - does not work. By ronan: Moved run time check before scheduled backup attempt to fix too- frequent schedule issue. #2280743: Files restore duplicating directory structure (sites/default/files/sites/default/files). #2276663 Permissions - Access backup files. #2283701 by alarcombe. Restore not possible from archive. #2286835 by Fernando Vesga. Advanced backup page link error. #2287157 by topsitemakers. Links to "Create new destination" and "Create new schedule" are invalid. #2287239 by topsitemakers. Minor typo in an error message. #2278865 by topsitemakers Undefined index: files in theme_backup_migrate_file_list. Backup and Migrate 7.x-3.0, 2014-05-27 -------------------------------------- By ronan: Fixed comment on install hook. #2266381 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in backup_migrate_schedules_cron() on line 48. #1001654 Fixed ctools exportables. By ronan: Added nodesquirrel scheduling back. Fixed issue with restore from previous radios. Added function to retrieve the most recent backup from the given destination. This may be used in a drush command. By ronan: Removed link to help text when help module is off. By ronan: Removed confusing 'Quick Schedule' tab. #2225335 Drush commands not working. By ronan: Increased machine_name length in ui for compatibility with migrated items. By ronan: Fixed a couple of php errors. By ronan: Minor wording tweaks. By ronan: Added better status for NodeSquirrel. By ronan: Removed dpm. By ronan: Added dependency to offline message on restore. By ronan: Removed stray console.log from the js. By ronan: Added most recent saved backups to the restore tab. By ronan: Ported MySQL views support. By ronan: Fixed some issues saving profiles. By ronan: Added a @TODO to remind me to fix saving on the advance backup page. #1974740 allow backup of codebase & files to skip unreadable files. By ronan: Merge branch 'refs/heads/NodeSquirrel-Language' into 7.x-3.x. By ronan: Fixed up some language and links to NodeSquirrel. By ronan: Cleaned up directory handling to support more directory structures. By ronan: Added some description language for NodeSquirrel. #2166813 Files backup fails when PEAR is not installed. #2155381 by JulienD Remove useless files[] directive from .info files. #1947206 by Les Lim. "No data" tables are exported even when they're in the "Exclude the following tables altogether" list. #2031393 A debugging function call left behind. #2031777 Wrong function signature on form callback. #2065573 wrong default file token. #2039951 settings page gone for schedules. #2009392 Settings don't save for file or entire site sources. #1998788 missing i in NodeSquirrel. By ronan: Moved NodeSquirrel tab to match the 2.x branch. By ronan: Some d7 style cleanup. By ronan: Fixed nodesquirrel destination with new id structure. By ronan: Added checkplain to description on listing. By ronan: Fixed an issue with multiselect js invading other pages. #1564408 Gzip backups are compressed twice when downloaded. #1991686 thx morningtime. Undefined property: backup_migrate_schedule::$last_run By ronan: Switch to hourly default to align with smart delete default. #839254 Switched to using drupal_reapath to allow for stream wrapper schemas. #839254 Checking absolute paths within the docroot. #839254 check for access restriction ignores custom destination path. #1503202 Suhosin refuses sending mail because of to many new lines in mail header (possible attacker). #1529174 Fatal Error when database name is longer than 21 characters. By ronan: Fixed 'Restore again' link. #1974720 error message on attempting to restore manual backup. #1974744 warning on creation of new settings profile. By ronan: Fixed inconsistent use of 'source' and 'destination'. By ronan: Changed destination_id to machine_name to fix issue with default file destinations. By ronan: Fixed error noise caused by ftp not connecting. By ronan: Fixed error on file delete form. By ronan: Fixed fatal error in metadata util when a backup fails. #1968210 error message on attempting backup of entire site. By ronan: Improved error reporting when a non-existant file (such as a broken symlink) cannot be backed up. #1968196 Error message on install in php 5.4. By ronan: Fixed checkboxes. By ronan: Fixed fatal error with token replace. By ronan: Created full upgrade path from 2.x. Fixed source settings. By ronan: Fixed db scheme issue. Fixed file source realpath issue. By ronan: Switched type to subtype for ctools compatibility. By ronan: Added machine_name js and ctools exportables. By ronan: Fixed source specific settings in backup. By ronan: Fixed issue with edit screen for source settings in profiles. By ronan: Fixed export. By ronan: Cleaned up more fatal errors. Better handling of translatable titles.