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first set of Maud corrections

Bachir Soussi Chiadmi il y a 10 ans
39 fichiers modifiés avec 9491 ajouts et 231 suppressions
  1. 7 0
  2. 1 1
  3. 68 1
  4. BIN
  5. 62 0
  6. BIN
  7. 1331 1
  8. BIN
  9. 1321 2
  10. 140 0
  11. BIN
  12. 125 0
  13. 215 0
  14. BIN
  15. 200 0
  16. 248 0
  17. BIN
  18. 233 0
  19. 155 0
  20. BIN
  21. 140 0
  22. 1934 0
  23. BIN
  24. 1920 0
  25. 134 0
  26. BIN
  27. 119 0
  28. 141 0
  29. BIN
  30. 126 0
  31. 2 1
  32. 50 0
  33. 40 0
  34. 196 0
  35. 1 0
  36. 301 140
  37. 87 16
  38. 1 0
  39. 193 69

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

+ 1 - 1

@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ function video_embed_field_field_presave($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instanc
     $items[$delta]['video_url'] = trim($item['video_url']);
     $items[$delta]['video_url'] = trim($item['video_url']);
     // Try to load thumbnail URL
     // Try to load thumbnail URL
-    $info = video_embed_field_thumbnail_url($item['video_url']);  
+    $info = video_embed_field_thumbnail_url($item['video_url']);
     if (isset($info['url']) && $info['url']) {
     if (isset($info['url']) && $info['url']) {
       $thumb_url = $info['url'];
       $thumb_url = $info['url'];
       $local_path = 'public://video_embed_field_thumbnails/' . $info['handler'] . '/' . $info['id'] . '.jpg';
       $local_path = 'public://video_embed_field_thumbnails/' . $info['handler'] . '/' . $info['id'] . '.jpg';

+ 68 - 1

@@ -30,4 +30,71 @@ function jeemod_entity_info_alter(&$entity_info) {
     'label' => t('chapter'),
     'label' => t('chapter'),
     'custom settings' => TRUE,
     'custom settings' => TRUE,
+ * Implements hook_video_embed_field_handlers_alter().
+ */
+function jeemod_video_embed_field_handlers_alter(&$handlers) {
+  $handlers['vimeo']['function'] = 'jeemod_handle_vimeo';
+ * Wrapper function to allow forcing API to be enabled for Vimeo videos.
+ */
+function jeemod_handle_vimeo($url, $settings) {
+  // dsm($settings, 'settings');
+  // dsm($url, 'url');
+  $settings['api'] = 1;
+  // $r = db_query("SELECT entity_id FROM {field_data_field_video} WHERE field_video_video_url = :url", array(
+  //   ':url' => $url
+  //   ));
+  // foreach($r as $result){
+  //   $id = $result->entity_id;
+  // }
+  // $id =
+  // $settings['player_id'] = "video".$id;
+  // return video_embed_field_handle_vimeo($url, $settings);
+  // needed to rewrite the whole output here
+  //
+  // Get ID of video from URL
+  $vid = _video_embed_field_get_vimeo_id($url);
+  if (!$vid) {
+    return array(
+      '#markup' => l($url, $url),
+    );
+  }
+  // Construct the embed code
+  $settings['portrait'] = 0;
+  $width = $settings['width'];
+  $height = $settings['height'];
+  unset($settings['width']);
+  unset($settings['height']);
+  unset($settings['color']);
+  unset($settings['portrait']);
+  unset($settings['title']);
+  unset($settings['byline']);
+  unset($settings['autoplay']);
+  unset($settings['loop']);
+  $settings['player_id'] = "video-".uniqid();
+  $settings_str = _video_embed_code_get_settings_str($settings);
+  return array(
+    '#markup' => '<iframe id="video'.$settings['player_id'].'" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" src="//' . $vid .
+                 '?' . $settings_str . '" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>',
+  );


+ 62 - 0

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Fichier diff supprimé car celui-ci est trop grand
+ 1331 - 1


Fichier diff supprimé car celui-ci est trop grand
+ 1321 - 2

+ 140 - 0

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+ 125 - 0

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+ 126 - 0

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+ 2 - 1

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+ 50 - 0

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+  "version": "0.9.3",
+  "homepage": "",
+  "authors": [
+    "Jeremy Rue <>"
+  ],
+  "description": "A jQuery plugin to easily control Vimeo videos through their API.",
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+    "dist/jquery.vimeo.api.min.js"
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+ 40 - 0

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+  "version": "0.9.2",
+  "homepage": "",
+  "authors": [
+    "Jeremy Rue <>"
+  ],
+  "description": "A jQuery plugin to easily control Vimeo videos through their API.",
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+ 196 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+ * Simple jQuery Vimeo API -- By Jeremy Rue
+ * 
+ * Description: A jQuery plugin to easily control Vimeo videos through their API.
+ * Author: Jeremy Rue, 
+ * License: MIT
+ * Version: 0.9.3
+ */
+;(function($, window) {
+    var vimeoJqueryAPI = {
+        //catches return messages when methods like getVolume are called. 
+        //counter is if multiple calls are made before one returns.
+        catchMethods : {methodreturn:[], count:0},
+        //This kicks things off on window message event
+        init : function(d){
+            var vimeoVideo,
+                vimeoAPIurl,
+                data;
+            //is this window message from vimeo?
+            if(!d.originalEvent.origin.match(/vimeo/g))
+                return;
+            //make sure data was sent
+            if(!("data" in d.originalEvent))
+                return;
+            //store data as JSON object
+            data = $.type( === "string" ? $.parseJSON( :;
+            //make sure data is not blank
+            if(!data)
+                return;
+            //get the id of this vimeo video, hopefully they set it. If not, use first one we find
+            vimeoVideo   = this.setPlayerID(data);
+            vimeoAPIurl  = this.setVimeoAPIurl(vimeoVideo);
+            //If this is an event message, like ready or paused
+            if(data.hasOwnProperty("event"))
+                this.handleEvent(data, vimeoVideo, vimeoAPIurl);
+            //IF this is a return event message, like getVolume or getCurrentTime
+            if(data.hasOwnProperty("method"))
+                this.handleMethod(data, vimeoVideo, vimeoAPIurl);
+        },
+        setPlayerID : function(d){
+            //if they set an player_id as a query string in the URL
+            if(d.hasOwnProperty("player_id")){
+                if($("#" + d.player_id).length){
+                    return $("#" + d.player_id);
+                } else {
+                    return $("iframe[src*=" + d.player_id + "]");
+                }
+            } else {
+                //No player_id. Use the first Vimeo video on the page, and hope they don't have multiples
+                return $("iframe[src*='vimeo']").eq(0);
+            }
+        },
+        setVimeoAPIurl : function(d){
+            //prepend vimeo url with proper protocol
+            if(d.attr('src').substr(0, 4) !== 'http'){
+                return window.location.protocol !== 'https:' ? 'http:'+d.attr('src').split('?')[0] : 'https:'+d.attr('src').split('?')[0];
+            } else {
+                return d.attr('src').split('?')[0];
+            }
+        },
+        handleMethod : function(d, vid, api){
+            //If the message is returned from a method call, store it for later.
+            this.catchMethods.methodreturn.push(d.value);
+        },
+        handleEvent : function(d, vid, api){
+            switch (d.event.toLowerCase()) {
+                case 'ready':
+                    //Go through all events attached to this element, and set an event listener
+                    for(var prop in $._data(vid[0], "events")){
+                        if(prop.match(/loadProgress|playProgress|play|pause|finish|seek|cuechange/)){
+                            vid[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify({method: 'addEventListener', value: prop}), api);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    //if methods are sent before video is ready, call them now
+                    if("vimeoAPICall")){
+                        var vdata ="vimeoAPICall");
+                        for(var i=0; i< vdata.length; i++){
+                            vid[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(vdata[i].message), vdata[i].api);
+                        }
+                        vid.removeData("vimeoAPICall");
+                    }
+                    //this video is ready
+          "vimeoReady", true);
+                    vid.triggerHandler("ready");
+                    break;
+                case 'seek':
+                    vid.triggerHandler("seek", []);
+                    break;
+                case 'loadprogress':
+                    vid.triggerHandler("loadProgress", []);
+                    break;
+                case 'playprogress':
+                    vid.triggerHandler("playProgress", []);
+                    break;
+                case 'pause':
+                    vid.triggerHandler("pause");
+                    break;
+                case 'finish':
+                    vid.triggerHandler("finish");
+                    break;
+                case 'play':
+                    vid.triggerHandler("play");
+                    break;
+                case 'cuechange':
+                    vid.triggerHandler("cuechange");
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    $(window).on("message", function(e){ vimeoJqueryAPI.init(e); });
+    /**
+     *  Vimeo jQuery method plugin
+     *
+     * @param element {jQuery Object} The element this was called on (verifies it's an iframe)
+     * @param option1 {string} The method to send to vimeo.
+     * @param option2 {string|function} If a string, it's the value (i.e. setVolume 2) otherwise, it's a callback function
+     */
+    $.vimeo = function(element, option1, option2) {
+        var message = {},
+            catchMethodLength = vimeoJqueryAPI.catchMethods.methodreturn.length;
+        if(typeof option1 === "string")  
+            message.method = option1;
+        if(typeof option2 !== undefined && typeof option2 !== "function") 
+            message.value  = option2;
+        //call method, but check if video was ready, otherwise cue it up with jQuery data to be called when video is ready
+        if(element.prop("tagName").toLowerCase() === 'iframe' && message.hasOwnProperty("method")){
+            if("vimeoReady")){
+                element[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(message), vimeoJqueryAPI.setVimeoAPIurl(element));
+            } else {
+                var _data ="vimeoAPICall") ?"vimeoAPICall") : [];
+                _data.push({message:message, api:vimeoJqueryAPI.setVimeoAPIurl(element)});
+      "vimeoAPICall", _data);
+            }
+        }
+        //If this method will return data, (starts with "get") then use callback once return message comes through
+        if((option1.toString().substr(0, 3) === "get" || option1.toString() === "paused") && typeof option2 === "function"){
+            (function(cml, func, i){
+                var interval = window.setInterval(function(){
+                    if(vimeoJqueryAPI.catchMethods.methodreturn.length != cml){
+                        window.clearInterval(interval);
+                        func(vimeoJqueryAPI.catchMethods.methodreturn[i]);
+                    }
+                }, 10);
+            })(catchMethodLength, option2, vimeoJqueryAPI.catchMethods.count);
+            vimeoJqueryAPI.catchMethods.count++;
+        } 
+        return element;
+    };
+    $.fn.vimeo = function(option1, option2) {
+            return $.vimeo(this, option1, option2);
+    };
+})(jQuery, window);

Fichier diff supprimé car celui-ci est trop grand
+ 1 - 0

+ 301 - 140

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   -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
           animation-fill-mode: forwards;
           animation-fill-mode: forwards;
-/* line 154, jee.scss */
+/* line 153, jee.scss */
 #header h2 a {
 #header h2 a {
   display: block;
   display: block;
   margin-top: -500%;
   margin-top: -500%;
-/* line 161, jee.scss */
+/* line 160, jee.scss */
 div.messages {
 div.messages {
   position: absolute;
   position: absolute;
   top: 20px;
   top: 20px;
@@ -3955,7 +3955,7 @@ div.messages {
   z-index: 1000;
   z-index: 1000;
-/* line 169, jee.scss */
+/* line 168, jee.scss */
 #main {
 #main {
   position: absolute;
   position: absolute;
   width: 100%;
   width: 100%;
@@ -3981,19 +3981,19 @@ div.messages {
   \____/_/   /_____/_/ |_/_____/_____/   \____/_/ /_/_/  |_/_/     /_/ /_____/_/ |_|/____/
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-/* line 174, jee.scss */
+/* line 173, jee.scss */
 #main > .region, #main > .region > .block-system, #main > .region > .block-system > .content {
 #main > .region, #main > .region > .block-system, #main > .region > .block-system > .content {
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   position: relative;
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   width: 100%;
   height: 100%;
   height: 100%;
   overflow: hidden;
   overflow: hidden;
-/* line 190, jee.scss */
+/* line 189, jee.scss */
 #main #node-2.node-teaser::after {
 #main #node-2.node-teaser::after {
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-sol.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-sol.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-sol.svg") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-sol.svg") no-repeat center center;
-/* line 191, jee.scss */
+/* line 190, jee.scss */
 #main #node-2.node-teaser, #main #node-2.node-teaser a {
 #main #node-2.node-teaser, #main #node-2.node-teaser a {
   color: #b24c14;
   color: #b24c14;
@@ -4002,147 +4002,196 @@ div.messages {
   color: #d85509;
   color: #d85509;
 /* line 193, jee.scss */
 /* line 193, jee.scss */
+#main #node-2.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/title-SOL.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/title-SOL.svg") no-repeat center center;
+  width: 170px;
+  height: 35px;
+/* line 195, jee.scss */
 #main #node-2.node-teaser .field-name-field-vignette {
 #main #node-2.node-teaser .field-name-field-vignette {
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/shadow-sol.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/shadow-sol.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/shadow-sol.svg") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/shadow-sol.svg") no-repeat center center;
-/* line 194, jee.scss */
+/* line 196, jee.scss */
 #main #node-2.node-teaser .line {
 #main #node-2.node-teaser .line {
   background-color: #ea5b0c;
   background-color: #ea5b0c;
-/* line 200, jee.scss */
+/* line 202, jee.scss */
 #main #node-3.node-teaser::after {
 #main #node-3.node-teaser::after {
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-dph.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-dph.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-dph.svg") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-dph.svg") no-repeat center center;
-/* line 201, jee.scss */
+/* line 203, jee.scss */
 #main #node-3.node-teaser, #main #node-3.node-teaser a {
 #main #node-3.node-teaser, #main #node-3.node-teaser a {
   color: #686b00;
   color: #686b00;
-/* line 202, jee.scss */
+/* line 205, jee.scss */
 #main #node-3.node-teaser h2.node-title, #main #node-3.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
 #main #node-3.node-teaser h2.node-title, #main #node-3.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
   color: #afaf00;
   color: #afaf00;
-/* line 203, jee.scss */
+/* line 206, jee.scss */
+#main #node-3.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/title-DPH.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/title-DPH.svg") no-repeat center center;
+  width: 180px;
+  height: 80px;
+/* line 208, jee.scss */
 #main #node-3.node-teaser .field-name-field-vignette {
 #main #node-3.node-teaser .field-name-field-vignette {
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/shadow-dph.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/shadow-dph.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/shadow-dph.svg") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/shadow-dph.svg") no-repeat center center;
-/* line 204, jee.scss */
+/* line 209, jee.scss */
 #main #node-3.node-teaser .line {
 #main #node-3.node-teaser .line {
   background-color: #cecd00;
   background-color: #cecd00;
-/* line 210, jee.scss */
+/* line 215, jee.scss */
 #main #node-4.node-teaser::after {
 #main #node-4.node-teaser::after {
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-sub.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-sub.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-sub.svg") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-sub.svg") no-repeat center center;
-/* line 211, jee.scss */
+/* line 216, jee.scss */
 #main #node-4.node-teaser, #main #node-4.node-teaser a {
 #main #node-4.node-teaser, #main #node-4.node-teaser a {
   color: #b71330;
   color: #b71330;
-/* line 212, jee.scss */
+/* line 218, jee.scss */
 #main #node-4.node-teaser h2.node-title, #main #node-4.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
 #main #node-4.node-teaser h2.node-title, #main #node-4.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
   color: #cd0734;
   color: #cd0734;
-/* line 213, jee.scss */
+/* line 219, jee.scss */
+#main #node-4.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/title-SUB.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/title-SUB.svg") no-repeat center center;
+  width: 200px;
+  height: 35px;
+/* line 221, jee.scss */
 #main #node-4.node-teaser .field-name-field-vignette {
 #main #node-4.node-teaser .field-name-field-vignette {
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/shadow-sub.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/shadow-sub.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/shadow-sub.svg") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/shadow-sub.svg") no-repeat center center;
-/* line 214, jee.scss */
+/* line 222, jee.scss */
 #main #node-4.node-teaser .line {
 #main #node-4.node-teaser .line {
   background-color: #de003a;
   background-color: #de003a;
-/* line 220, jee.scss */
+/* line 228, jee.scss */
 #main #node-5.node-teaser::after {
 #main #node-5.node-teaser::after {
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-bc.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-bc.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-bc.svg") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-bc.svg") no-repeat center center;
-/* line 221, jee.scss */
+/* line 229, jee.scss */
 #main #node-5.node-teaser, #main #node-5.node-teaser a {
 #main #node-5.node-teaser, #main #node-5.node-teaser a {
   color: #033d6f;
   color: #033d6f;
-/* line 222, jee.scss */
+/* line 231, jee.scss */
 #main #node-5.node-teaser h2.node-title, #main #node-5.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
 #main #node-5.node-teaser h2.node-title, #main #node-5.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
   color: #024b87;
   color: #024b87;
-/* line 223, jee.scss */
+/* line 232, jee.scss */
+#main #node-5.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/title-BC.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/title-BC.svg") no-repeat center center;
+  width: 120px;
+  height: 45px;
+/* line 234, jee.scss */
 #main #node-5.node-teaser .field-name-field-vignette {
 #main #node-5.node-teaser .field-name-field-vignette {
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/shadow-bc.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/shadow-bc.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/shadow-bc.svg") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/shadow-bc.svg") no-repeat center center;
-/* line 224, jee.scss */
+/* line 235, jee.scss */
 #main #node-5.node-teaser .line {
 #main #node-5.node-teaser .line {
   background-color: #0066b1;
   background-color: #0066b1;
-/* line 230, jee.scss */
+/* line 241, jee.scss */
 #main #node-6.node-teaser::after {
 #main #node-6.node-teaser::after {
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-opp.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-opp.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-opp.svg") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-opp.svg") no-repeat center center;
-/* line 231, jee.scss */
+/* line 242, jee.scss */
 #main #node-6.node-teaser, #main #node-6.node-teaser a {
 #main #node-6.node-teaser, #main #node-6.node-teaser a {
   color: #7f1965;
   color: #7f1965;
-/* line 232, jee.scss */
+/* line 244, jee.scss */
 #main #node-6.node-teaser h2.node-title, #main #node-6.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
 #main #node-6.node-teaser h2.node-title, #main #node-6.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
   color: #941b80;
   color: #941b80;
-/* line 233, jee.scss */
+/* line 245, jee.scss */
+#main #node-6.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/title-OPP.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/title-OPP.svg") no-repeat center center;
+  width: 245px;
+  height: 95px;
+/* line 247, jee.scss */
 #main #node-6.node-teaser .field-name-field-vignette {
 #main #node-6.node-teaser .field-name-field-vignette {
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/shadow-opp.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/shadow-opp.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/shadow-opp.svg") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/shadow-opp.svg") no-repeat center center;
-/* line 234, jee.scss */
+/* line 248, jee.scss */
 #main #node-6.node-teaser .line {
 #main #node-6.node-teaser .line {
   background-color: #af1380;
   background-color: #af1380;
-/* line 240, jee.scss */
+/* line 254, jee.scss */
 #main #node-7.node-teaser::after {
 #main #node-7.node-teaser::after {
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-dub.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-dub.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-dub.svg") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-dub.svg") no-repeat center center;
-/* line 241, jee.scss */
+/* line 255, jee.scss */
 #main #node-7.node-teaser, #main #node-7.node-teaser a {
 #main #node-7.node-teaser, #main #node-7.node-teaser a {
   color: #22742c;
   color: #22742c;
-/* line 242, jee.scss */
+/* line 257, jee.scss */
 #main #node-7.node-teaser h2.node-title, #main #node-7.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
 #main #node-7.node-teaser h2.node-title, #main #node-7.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
   color: #288d80;
   color: #288d80;
-/* line 243, jee.scss */
+/* line 258, jee.scss */
+#main #node-7.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/title-DUB.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/title-DUB.svg") no-repeat center center;
+  width: 195px;
+  height: 65px;
+/* line 260, jee.scss */
 #main #node-7.node-teaser .field-name-field-vignette {
 #main #node-7.node-teaser .field-name-field-vignette {
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/shadow-dub.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/shadow-dub.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/shadow-dub.svg") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/shadow-dub.svg") no-repeat center center;
-/* line 244, jee.scss */
+/* line 261, jee.scss */
 #main #node-7.node-teaser .line {
 #main #node-7.node-teaser .line {
   background-color: #62a530;
   background-color: #62a530;
-/* line 250, jee.scss */
+/* line 267, jee.scss */
 #main #node-8.node-teaser::after {
 #main #node-8.node-teaser::after {
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-juso.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-juso.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-juso.svg") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-juso.svg") no-repeat center center;
-/* line 251, jee.scss */
+/* line 268, jee.scss */
 #main #node-8.node-teaser, #main #node-8.node-teaser a {
 #main #node-8.node-teaser, #main #node-8.node-teaser a {
   color: #0b7f8a;
   color: #0b7f8a;
-/* line 252, jee.scss */
+/* line 270, jee.scss */
 #main #node-8.node-teaser h2.node-title, #main #node-8.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
 #main #node-8.node-teaser h2.node-title, #main #node-8.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
   color: #009aa8;
   color: #009aa8;
-/* line 253, jee.scss */
+/* line 271, jee.scss */
+#main #node-8.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/title-JUSO.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/title-JUSO.svg") no-repeat center center;
+  width: 200px;
+  height: 65px;
+/* line 273, jee.scss */
 #main #node-8.node-teaser .field-name-field-vignette {
 #main #node-8.node-teaser .field-name-field-vignette {
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/shadow-juso.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: transparent url("../assets/img/shadow-juso.png") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/shadow-juso.svg") no-repeat center center;
   background: none, url("../assets/img/shadow-juso.svg") no-repeat center center;
-/* line 254, jee.scss */
+/* line 274, jee.scss */
 #main #node-8.node-teaser .line {
 #main #node-8.node-teaser .line {
   background-color: #33b4b5;
   background-color: #33b4b5;
-/* line 265, jee.scss */
+/* line 285, jee.scss */
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser {
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser {
   z-index: 2;
   z-index: 2;
   position: absolute;
   position: absolute;
@@ -4194,8 +4243,8 @@ div.messages {
                                                     |_|                                                                      /_/
                                                     |_|                                                                      /_/
-/* line 288, jee.scss */
-#main .node-chapitre.node-teaser h2.node-title {
+/* line 308, jee.scss */
+#main .node-chapitre.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
   -webkit-transform: none;
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       -ms-transform: none;
           transform: none;
           transform: none;
@@ -4208,11 +4257,11 @@ div.messages {
           transition-property: transform;
           transition-property: transform;
   z-index: 5;
   z-index: 5;
-/* line 295, jee.scss */
+/* line 315, jee.scss */
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser > .content {
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser > .content {
   position: relative;
   position: relative;
-/* line 296, jee.scss */
+/* line 316, jee.scss */
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser .texts {
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser .texts {
   opacity: 0;
   opacity: 0;
   height: 1px;
   height: 1px;
@@ -4223,7 +4272,7 @@ div.messages {
           transition-property: opacity height;
           transition-property: opacity height;
   position: absolute;
   position: absolute;
-/* line 302, jee.scss */
+/* line 322, jee.scss */
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser .field-name-field-partie {
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser .field-name-field-partie {
   opacity: 0;
   opacity: 0;
   position: absolute;
   position: absolute;
@@ -4232,12 +4281,12 @@ div.messages {
   -webkit-transition-property: opacity -webkit-transform;
   -webkit-transition-property: opacity -webkit-transform;
           transition-property: opacity transform;
           transition-property: opacity transform;
-/* line 308, jee.scss */
+/* line 328, jee.scss */
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser .field-name-field-partie:nth-child(2) {
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser .field-name-field-partie:nth-child(2) {
   z-index: 2;
   z-index: 2;
   opacity: 1;
   opacity: 1;
-/* line 312, jee.scss */
+/* line 332, jee.scss */
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser .field-name-field-partie:nth-child(2) > .field-type-text {
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser .field-name-field-partie:nth-child(2) > .field-type-text {
   opacity: 0;
   opacity: 0;
   -webkit-transition: 1s ease-out 0.9s;
   -webkit-transition: 1s ease-out 0.9s;
@@ -4245,12 +4294,19 @@ div.messages {
   -webkit-transition-property: opacity;
   -webkit-transition-property: opacity;
           transition-property: opacity;
           transition-property: opacity;
-/* line 317, jee.scss */
+/* line 337, jee.scss */
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser .field-name-field-partie:nth-child(2) > .field-name-field-vignette {
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser .field-name-field-partie:nth-child(2) > .field-name-field-vignette {
   cursor: pointer;
   cursor: pointer;
   z-index: 2;
   z-index: 2;
+  -webkit-transform: scale(0.5);
+      -ms-transform: scale(0.5);
+          transform: scale(0.5);
+  -webkit-transition: 1s ease-out;
+          transition: 1s ease-out;
+  -webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform;
+          transition-property: transform;
-/* line 320, jee.scss */
+/* line 344, jee.scss */
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser:after {
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser:after {
   opacity: 0;
   opacity: 0;
   -webkit-transition: 2s ease-in;
   -webkit-transition: 2s ease-in;
@@ -4262,11 +4318,11 @@ div.messages {
   bottom: 2px;
   bottom: 2px;
   right: 2px;
   right: 2px;
-/* line 338, jee.scss */
+/* line 362, jee.scss */
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser.previewed {
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser.previewed {
   z-index: 100;
   z-index: 100;
-/* line 340, jee.scss */
+/* line 364, jee.scss */
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser.previewed:after {
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser.previewed:after {
   opacity: 1;
   opacity: 1;
   top: 2em;
   top: 2em;
@@ -4274,44 +4330,50 @@ div.messages {
   right: -12em;
   right: -12em;
   bottom: -30em;
   bottom: -30em;
-/* line 347, jee.scss */
-#main .node-chapitre.node-teaser.previewed h2.node-title {
+/* line 371, jee.scss */
+#main .node-chapitre.node-teaser.previewed h2.node-title a {
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           transform: scale(2, 2);
           transform: scale(2, 2);
-/* line 348, jee.scss */
+/* line 372, jee.scss */
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser.previewed .texts {
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser.previewed .texts {
   opacity: 1;
   opacity: 1;
   height: 8em;
   height: 8em;
-/* line 349, jee.scss */
+/* line 373, jee.scss */
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser.previewed .field-name-field-partie {
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser.previewed .field-name-field-partie {
   opacity: 1;
   opacity: 1;
   z-index: 0;
   z-index: 0;
-/* line 352, jee.scss */
+/* line 376, jee.scss */
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser.previewed .field-name-field-partie > .field {
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser.previewed .field-name-field-partie > .field {
   opacity: 1;
   opacity: 1;
   z-index: -1;
   z-index: -1;
   cursor: default;
   cursor: default;
-/* line 362, jee.scss */
+/* line 378, jee.scss */
+#main .node-chapitre.node-teaser.previewed .field-name-field-partie:nth-child(2) > .field-name-field-vignette {
+  -webkit-transform: scale(1.3);
+      -ms-transform: scale(1.3);
+          transform: scale(1.3);
+/* line 392, jee.scss */
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser.mitigated {
 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser.mitigated {
   opacity: 0.3;
   opacity: 0.3;
-/* line 373, jee.scss */
+/* line 403, jee.scss */
 .chapter-displayed #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser {
 .chapter-displayed #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser {
   opacity: 0.1;
   opacity: 0.1;
-/* line 385, jee.scss */
+/* line 415, jee.scss */
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   content: " ";
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-/* line 392, jee.scss */
+/* line 422, jee.scss */
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@@ -4322,30 +4384,36 @@ div.messages {
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-  /* line 392, jee.scss */
+  /* line 422, jee.scss */
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     font-size: 1.3em;
     font-size: 1.3em;
 @media only screen and (min-width: 90.063em) {
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-  /* line 392, jee.scss */
+  /* line 422, jee.scss */
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     font-size: 1.8em;
     font-size: 1.8em;
-/* line 412, jee.scss */
+/* line 436, jee.scss */
+#main .node-chapitre.node-teaser h2.node-title a {
+  display: block;
+  text-indent: -1000px;
+  overflow: hidden;
+/* line 447, jee.scss */
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-/* line 413, jee.scss */
+/* line 448, jee.scss */
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 #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser .field-name-field-comprendre h1, #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser .field-name-field-comprendre h2, #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser .field-name-field-comprendre h3, #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser .field-name-field-comprendre h4, #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser .field-name-field-comprendre h5, #main .node-chapitre.node-teaser .field-name-field-comprendre h6 {
   display: none !important;
   display: none !important;
-/* line 415, jee.scss */
+/* line 450, jee.scss */
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   margin: 0;
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-/* line 419, jee.scss */
+/* line 454, jee.scss */
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@@ -4354,11 +4422,11 @@ div.messages {
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-/* line 421, jee.scss */
+/* line 456, jee.scss */
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-/* line 423, jee.scss */
+/* line 458, jee.scss */
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   display: inline-block;
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@@ -4370,12 +4438,12 @@ div.messages {
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-/* line 436, jee.scss */
+/* line 471, jee.scss */
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-/* line 440, jee.scss */
+/* line 475, jee.scss */
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@@ -4386,28 +4454,28 @@ div.messages {
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-/* line 453, jee.scss */
+/* line 487, jee.scss */
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-/* line 454, jee.scss */
+/* line 488, jee.scss */
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-/* line 459, jee.scss */
+/* line 493, jee.scss */
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-/* line 464, jee.scss */
+/* line 498, jee.scss */
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-/* line 470, jee.scss */
+/* line 504, jee.scss */
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@@ -4419,7 +4487,7 @@ div.messages {
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-/* line 489, jee.scss */
+/* line 523, jee.scss */
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@@ -4432,11 +4500,6 @@ div.messages {
           transition: 2s ease-out;
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           transition-property: opacity;
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-/* line 498, jee.scss */
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-  opacity: 1;
-  z-index: 500;
    _____ _____ __    _____ _____ _____    _____ __ __    _____ _____ ____  _____
    _____ _____ __    _____ _____ _____    _____ __ __    _____ _____ ____  _____
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   |     |     |  |  |     | __  |   __|  | __  |  |  |  |   | |     |    \|   __|
@@ -4451,110 +4514,207 @@ div.messages {
-/* line 509, jee.scss */
-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-2 .field-type-text-long .field-label,
-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-2 h2.node-title,
-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-2 .field-name-field-dbatre li:before {
+/* line 532, jee.scss */
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+  opacity: 1;
+  z-index: 500;
+/* line 537, jee.scss */
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+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/home-btn.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/home-btn.svg") no-repeat center center;
+  position: absolute;
+  z-index: 100;
+  top: 20px;
+  left: 20px;
+  width: 25px;
+  height: 20px;
+  cursor: pointer;
+/* line 552, jee.scss */
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+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-sol.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-sol.svg") no-repeat center center;
+/* line 554, jee.scss */
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-2 .field-type-text-long .field-label,
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-/* line 516, jee.scss */
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-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-3 h2.node-title,
-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-3 .field-name-field-dbatre li:before {
+/* line 559, jee.scss */
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+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/title-SOL-blur.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/title-SOL-blur.svg") no-repeat center center;
+/* line 562, jee.scss */
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+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-dph.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-dph.svg") no-repeat center center;
+/* line 564, jee.scss */
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-3 .field-type-text-long .field-label,
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-3 h2.node-title,
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-3 .field-name-field-dbatre li:before {
   color: #cecd00;
   color: #cecd00;
-/* line 523, jee.scss */
-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-4 .field-type-text-long .field-label,
-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-4 h2.node-title,
-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-4 .field-name-field-dbatre li:before {
+/* line 569, jee.scss */
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-3 h2.node-title {
+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/title-DPH-blur.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/title-DPH-blur.svg") no-repeat center center;
+/* line 572, jee.scss */
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-4 {
+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-sub.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-sub.svg") no-repeat center center;
+/* line 574, jee.scss */
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-4 .field-type-text-long .field-label,
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-4 h2.node-title,
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-4 .field-name-field-dbatre li:before {
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   color: #de003a;
-/* line 530, jee.scss */
-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-5 .field-type-text-long .field-label,
-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-5 h2.node-title,
-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-5 .field-name-field-dbatre li:before {
+/* line 579, jee.scss */
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-4 h2.node-title {
+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/title-SUB-blur.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/title-SUB-blur.svg") no-repeat center center;
+/* line 582, jee.scss */
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+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-bc.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-bc.svg") no-repeat center center;
+/* line 584, jee.scss */
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-5 .field-type-text-long .field-label,
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-5 h2.node-title,
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-5 .field-name-field-dbatre li:before {
   color: #0066b1;
   color: #0066b1;
-/* line 537, jee.scss */
-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-6 .field-type-text-long .field-label,
-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-6 h2.node-title,
-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-6 .field-name-field-dbatre li:before {
+/* line 589, jee.scss */
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-5 h2.node-title {
+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/title-BC-blur.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/title-BC-blur.svg") no-repeat center center;
+/* line 592, jee.scss */
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-6 {
+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-opp.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-opp.svg") no-repeat center center;
+/* line 594, jee.scss */
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-6 .field-type-text-long .field-label,
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-6 h2.node-title,
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-6 .field-name-field-dbatre li:before {
   color: #af1380;
   color: #af1380;
-/* line 544, jee.scss */
-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-7 .field-type-text-long .field-label,
-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-7 h2.node-title,
-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-7 .field-name-field-dbatre li:before {
+/* line 599, jee.scss */
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-6 h2.node-title {
+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/title-OPP-blur.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/title-OPP-blur.svg") no-repeat center center;
+/* line 602, jee.scss */
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-7 {
+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-bub.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-bub.svg") no-repeat center center;
+/* line 604, jee.scss */
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-7 .field-type-text-long .field-label,
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-7 h2.node-title,
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-7 .field-name-field-dbatre li:before {
   color: #62a530;
   color: #62a530;
-/* line 551, jee.scss */
-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-8 .field-type-text-long .field-label,
-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-8 h2.node-title,
-#main #chapter-wrapper.visible #node-8 .field-name-field-dbatre li:before {
+/* line 609, jee.scss */
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-7 h2.node-title {
+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/title-DUB-blur.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/title-DUB-blur.svg") no-repeat center center;
+/* line 612, jee.scss */
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-8 {
+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/bgd-juso.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/bgd-juso.svg") no-repeat center center;
+/* line 614, jee.scss */
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-8 .field-type-text-long .field-label,
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-8 h2.node-title,
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-8 .field-name-field-dbatre li:before {
   color: #33b4b5;
   color: #33b4b5;
-/* line 567, jee.scss */
+/* line 619, jee.scss */
+#main #chapter-wrapper #node-8 h2.node-title {
+  background: transparent url("../assets/img/title-JUSO-blur.png") no-repeat center center;
+  background: none, url("../assets/img/title-JUSO-blur.svg") no-repeat center center;
+/* line 630, jee.scss */
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-/* line 570, jee.scss */
+/* line 633, jee.scss */
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-/* line 573, jee.scss */
+/* line 636, jee.scss */
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-  max-width: 8.5em;
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+  position: absolute;
+  display: block;
+  top: 0;
+  left: 0;
+  width: 100%;
+  height: 100%;
+  background-size: contain !important;
+  text-indent: -5000px;
+  z-index: -1;
+  opacity: 0.4;
-/* line 583, jee.scss */
+/* line 652, jee.scss */
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-/* line 587, jee.scss */
+/* line 656, jee.scss */
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+  cursor: move;
-/* line 592, jee.scss */
+/* line 661, jee.scss */
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-/* line 598, jee.scss */
+/* line 667, jee.scss */
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-/* line 601, jee.scss */
+/* line 670, jee.scss */
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-/* line 606, jee.scss */
+/* line 675, jee.scss */
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-/* line 608, jee.scss */
+/* line 677, jee.scss */
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-/* line 610, jee.scss */
+/* line 679, jee.scss */
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-/* line 615, jee.scss */
+/* line 684, jee.scss */
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   content: "?";
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@@ -4562,14 +4722,14 @@ div.messages {
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-/* line 626, jee.scss */
+/* line 695, jee.scss */
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-/* line 629, jee.scss */
+/* line 698, jee.scss */
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@@ -4577,12 +4737,12 @@ div.messages {
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-/* line 634, jee.scss */
+/* line 703, jee.scss */
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-/* line 637, jee.scss */
+/* line 706, jee.scss */
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@@ -4590,6 +4750,7 @@ div.messages {
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+  cursor: move;
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 /*  __________  ____  ________________
@@ -4598,13 +4759,13 @@ div.messages {
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-/* line 656, jee.scss */
+/* line 727, jee.scss */
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-/* line 659, jee.scss */
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@@ -4617,15 +4778,15 @@ div.messages {
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-/* line 671, jee.scss */
+/* line 742, jee.scss */
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-/* line 685, jee.scss */
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-/* line 689, jee.scss */
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-/* line 694, jee.scss */
+/* line 765, jee.scss */
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-/* line 708, jee.scss */
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-/* line 714, jee.scss */
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+ 87 - 16

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+ 1 - 0

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+ 193 - 69

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+      Chapter.prototype.initDrifiting = function(){
+        // an other option could be to drift the whole page with the same engine than draging
+        requestAnimationFrame(this.drift.bind(this));
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       Chapter.prototype.loadNode = function(e){
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-        this.$vids.css({
-          width:this.dimvideo.w*1.3,
+        this.$vids_container.css({
+          width:this.dimvideo.w*1.2,
-          marginLeft:(_container.w-this.dimvideo.w*1.3)/2
+          marginLeft:(_container.w-this.dimvideo.w*1.2)/2
         // create the slider with peppermint
         // create the slider with peppermint
-        $('.field-items', this.$vids).Peppermint();
+        this.$slider = $('.field-items', this.$vids_container).Peppermint({
+          onSlideChange:this.onSlideChange.bind(this)
+        });
       Chapter.prototype.redimVideo = function(i,e){
       Chapter.prototype.redimVideo = function(i,e){
@@ -655,10 +740,45 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
           .css({ width:this.dimvideo.w, height:this.dimvideo.h })
           .css({ width:this.dimvideo.w, height:this.dimvideo.h })
           .attr({ width:this.dimvideo.w, height:this.dimvideo.h })
           .attr({ width:this.dimvideo.w, height:this.dimvideo.h })
             // add some paading to parent for slider display
             // add some paading to parent for slider display
-            .parent().css({
+            .parent()
+              .css({
-              });
+              })
+              .on("click", this.onClickVid.bind(this));
+      };
+      Chapter.prototype.onClickVid = function(e){
+        e.stopPropagation();
+        e.preventDefault();
+        console.log('Chapter :: onClickVid '+this.nid, e);
+        var $vid = $('iframe', e.currentTarget);
+        $vid.vimeo('paused', function(data){
+          console.log('paused : ', data);
+          if(data){
+            $vid.vimeo('play');
+          }else{
+            $vid.vimeo('pause');
+          }
+        });
+        return false;
+      };
+      Chapter.prototype.onSlideChange = function(){
+        console.log('onSlideChange '+this.nid, this.$'Peppermint').getCurrentPos());
+        //stop current video playing
+        this.$vids.eq(this.cur_vid_playing).vimeo('pause');
+        // start new current video
+        this.cur_vid_playing = this.$'Peppermint').getCurrentPos();
+        this.$vids.eq(this.cur_vid_playing).vimeo('play');
       Node.initialized = true;
       Node.initialized = true;
@@ -708,56 +828,6 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
-    ____  __    __  _____________   _______
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-  / /_/ / /   / / / / / __ / //  |/ /\__ \
- / ____/ /___/ /_/ / /_/ // // /|  /___/ /
-/_/   /_____/\____/\____/___/_/ |_//____/
-// (function($) {
-//   $.fn.drags = function(opt) {
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-//     return $el.css('cursor', opt.cursor).on("mousedown", function(e) {
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     ____  __________  __  ___________________   ___    _   ________  ______  ______________  _   __   __________  ___    __  _________
     ____  __________  __  ___________________   ___    _   ________  ______  ______________  _   __   __________  ___    __  _________
    / __ \/ ____/ __ \/ / / / ____/ ___/_  __/  /   |  / | / /  _/  |/  /   |/_  __/  _/ __ \/ | / /  / ____/ __ \/   |  /  |/  / ____/
    / __ \/ ____/ __ \/ / / / ____/ ___/_  __/  /   |  / | / /  _/  |/  /   |/_  __/  _/ __ \/ | / /  / ____/ __ \/   |  /  |/  / ____/
@@ -792,8 +862,8 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
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+    ____      ____
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   / /_/ / / / / /  / ___/ ___/ ___/ _ \/ _ \/ __ \
  / __/ /_/ / / /  (__  ) /__/ /  /  __/  __/ / / /
  / __/ /_/ / / /  (__  ) /__/ /  /  __/  __/ / / /
@@ -817,6 +887,60 @@ function launchIntoFullscreen(element) {
+    ____  __    __  _____________   _______
+   / __ \/ /   / / / / ____/  _/ | / / ___/
+  / /_/ / /   / / / / / __ / //  |/ /\__ \
+ / ____/ /___/ /_/ / /_/ // // /|  /___/ /
+/_/   /_____/\____/\____/___/_/ |_//____/
+// (function($) {
+//   $.fn.drags = function(opt) {
+//     opt = $.extend({handle:"",cursor:"move"}, opt);
+//     if(opt.handle === "") {
+//       var $el = this;
+//     } else {
+//       var $el = this.find(opt.handle);
+//     }
+//     return $el.css('cursor', opt.cursor).on("mousedown", function(e) {
+//       if(opt.handle === "") {
+//         var $drag = $(this).addClass('draggable');
+//       } else {
+//         var $drag = $(this).addClass('active-handle').parent().addClass('draggable');
+//       }
+//       var z_idx = $drag.css('z-index'),
+//           drg_h = $drag.outerHeight(),
+//           drg_w = $drag.outerWidth(),
+//           pos_y = $drag.offset().top + drg_h - e.pageY,
+//           pos_x = $drag.offset().left + drg_w - e.pageX;
+//       $drag.css('z-index', 1000).parents().on("mousemove", function(e) {
+//         $('.draggable').offset({
+//             top:e.pageY + pos_y - drg_h,
+//             left:e.pageX + pos_x - drg_w
+//         }).on("mouseup", function() {
+//             $(this).removeClass('draggable').css('z-index', z_idx);
+//         });
+//       });
+//       e.preventDefault(); // disable selection
+//     }).on("mouseup", function() {
+//       if(opt.handle === "") {
+//         $(this).removeClass('draggable');
+//       } else {
+//         $(this).removeClass('active-handle').parent().removeClass('draggable');
+//       }
+//     });
+//   }
+// })(jQuery);
 // remove navbar
 // remove navbar
 // $(document).ready(function() {
 // $(document).ready(function() {

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