# Fizzy UI utils UI utility & helper functions Used in [Flickity](http://flickity.metafizzy.co), [Isotope](http://isotope.metafizzy.co), [Masonry](http://masonry.desandro.com), [Draggabilly](http://draggabilly.desandro.com) ## Install Bower: `bower install fizzy-ui-utils --save` npm: `npm install fizzy-ui-utils --save` ## API ``` js // fizzyUIUtils is the browser global var utils = fizzyUIUtils; // ---- ---- // utils.extend( a, b ) // extend object utils.modulo( num, div ) // num [modulo] div utils.makeArray( obj ) // make array from object utils.removeFrom( ary, obj ) // remove object from array utils.getParent( elem, selector ) // get parent element of an element, given a selector string utils.getQueryElement( elem ) // if elem is a string, use it as a selector and return element Class.prototype.handleEvent = utils.handleEvent; // enable Class.onclick when element.addEventListener( 'click', this, false ) utils.filterFindElements( elems, selector ) // iterate through elems, filter and find all elements that match selector utils.debounceMethod( Class, methodName, threhold ) // debounce a class method utils.docReady( callback ) // trigger callback on document ready utils.toDashed( str ) // 'camelCaseString' -> 'camel-case-string' utils.htmlInit( Class, namespace ) // on document ready, initialize Class on every element // that matches js-namespace // pass in JSON options from element's data-options-namespace attribute ``` --- [MIT license](http://desandro.mit-license.org/). Have at it. By [Metafizzy](http://metafizzy.co)