# Grav Email Plugin The **email plugin** for [Grav](http://github.com/getgrav/grav) adds the ability to send email. This is particularly useful for the **admin** and **login** plugins. | IMPORTANT!!! This plugin is currently in development as is to be considered a **beta release**. As such, use this in a production environment **at your own risk!**. More features will be added in the future. # Installation The email plugin is easy to install with GPM. ``` $ bin/gpm install email ``` # Configuration Simply copy the `user/plugins/email/email.yaml` into `user/config/plugins/email.yaml` and make your modifications. ``` enabled: true from: '' to: '' mailer: engine: mail smtp: server: localhost port: 25 encryption: none user: '' password: '' sendmail: bin: '/usr/sbin/sendmail' ```