title: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACKUPS form: validation: loose fields: history_title: type: section title: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACKUPS_HISTORY underline: true history: type: backupshistory config_title: type: section title: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACKUPS_PURGE_CONFIG underline: true purge.trigger: type: select label: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACKUPS_STORAGE_PURGE_TRIGGER size: medium default: space options: space: Maximum Backup Space number: Maximum Number of Backups time: maximum Retention Time validate: required: true purge.max_backups_count: type: number label: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACKUPS_MAX_COUNT default: 25 size: x-small help: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACKUPS_MAX_COUNT validate: min: 0 type: number required: true message: Must be a number 0 or greater purge.max_backups_space: type: number label: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACKUPS_MAX_SPACE append: in GB size: x-small default: 5 validate: min: 1 type: number required: true message: Space must be 1GB or greater purge.max_backups_time: type: number label: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACKUPS_MAX_RETENTION_TIME append: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACKUPS_MAX_RETENTION_TIME_APPEND size: x-small default: 365 validate: min: 7 type: number required: true message: Rentenion days must be 7 or greater profiles_title: type: section title: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACKUPS_PROFILES underline: true profiles: type: list style: vertical label: classes: backups-list compact sort: false fields: .name: type: text label: PLUGIN_ADMIN.NAME placeholder: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACKUPS_PROFILE_NAME validate: max: 20 message: 'Name must be less than 20 characters' required: true .root: type: text label: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACKUPS_PROFILE_ROOT_FOLDER help: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACKUPS_PROFILE_ROOT_FOLDER_HELP placeholder: '/' default: '/' validate: required: true .exclude_paths: type: textarea label: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACKUPS_PROFILE_EXCLUDE_PATHS rows: 5 placeholder: "/backup\r/cache\r/images\r/logs\r/tmp" help: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACKUPS_PROFILE_EXCLUDE_PATHS_HELP .exclude_files: type: textarea label: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACKUPS_PROFILE_EXCLUDE_FILES rows: 5 placeholder: ".DS_Store\r.git\r.svn\r.hg\r.idea\r.vscode\rnode_modules" help: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACKUPS_PROFILE_EXCLUDE_FILES_HELP .schedule: type: toggle label: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACKUPS_PROFILE_SCHEDULE highlight: 1 default: 1 options: 1: PLUGIN_ADMIN.YES 0: PLUGIN_ADMIN.NO validate: type: bool .schedule_at: type: cron label: PLUGIN_ADMIN.BACKUPS_PROFILE_SCHEDULE_AT default: '* 3 * * *' validate: required: true