system.yaml 6.5 KB

  1. absolute_urls: false # Absolute or relative URLs for `base_url`
  2. timezone: '' # Valid values:
  3. default_locale: # Default locale (defaults to system)
  4. param_sep: ':' # Parameter separator, use ';' for Apache on windows
  5. wrapped_site: false # For themes/plugins to know if Grav is wrapped by another platform
  6. languages:
  7. supported: [] # List of languages supported. eg: [en, fr, de]
  8. include_default_lang: true # Include the default lang prefix in all URLs
  9. translations: true # Enable translations by default
  10. translations_fallback: true # Fallback through supported translations if active lang doesn't exist
  11. session_store_active: false # Store active language in session
  12. http_accept_language: false # Attempt to set the language based on http_accept_language header in the browser
  13. override_locale: false # Override the default or system locale with language specific one
  14. home:
  15. alias: '/home' # Default path for home, ie /
  16. pages:
  17. theme: antimatter # Default theme (defaults to "antimatter" theme)
  18. order:
  19. by: default # Order pages by "default", "alpha" or "date"
  20. dir: asc # Default ordering direction, "asc" or "desc"
  21. list:
  22. count: 20 # Default item count per page
  23. dateformat:
  24. default: # The default date format Grav expects in the `date: ` field
  25. short: 'jS M Y' # Short date format
  26. long: 'F jS \a\t g:ia' # Long date format
  27. publish_dates: true # automatically publish/unpublish based on dates
  28. process:
  29. markdown: true # Process Markdown
  30. twig: false # Process Twig
  31. events:
  32. page: true # Enable page level events
  33. twig: true # Enable twig level events
  34. markdown:
  35. extra: false # Enable support for Markdown Extra support (GFM by default)
  36. auto_line_breaks: false # Enable automatic line breaks
  37. auto_url_links: false # Enable automatic HTML links
  38. escape_markup: false # Escape markup tags into entities
  39. special_chars: # List of special characters to automatically convert to entities
  40. '>': 'gt'
  41. '<': 'lt'
  42. types: [txt,xml,html,json,rss,atom] # list of valid page types
  43. expires: 604800 # Page expires time in seconds (604800 seconds = 7 days)
  44. last_modified: false # Set the last modified date header based on file modifcation timestamp
  45. etag: false # Set the etag header tag
  46. vary_accept_encoding: false # Add `Vary: Accept-Encoding` header
  47. redirect_default_route: false # Automatically redirect to a page's default route
  48. redirect_default_code: 301 # Default code to use for redirects
  49. redirect_trailing_slash: true # Handle automatically or 301 redirect a trailing / URL
  50. ignore_files: [.DS_Store] # Files to ignore in Pages
  51. ignore_folders: [.git, .idea] # Folders to ignore in Pages
  52. ignore_hidden: true # Ignore all Hidden files and folders
  53. url_taxonomy_filters: true # Enable auto-magic URL-based taxonomy filters for page collections
  54. fallback_types: [png,jpg,jpeg,gif] # Allowed types of files found if accessed via Page route
  55. cache:
  56. enabled: true # Set to true to enable caching
  57. check:
  58. method: file # Method to check for updates in pages: file|folder|none
  59. driver: auto # One of: auto|file|apc|xcache|memcache|wincache
  60. prefix: 'g' # Cache prefix string (prevents cache conflicts)
  61. lifetime: 604800 # Lifetime of cached data in seconds (0 = infinite)
  62. gzip: false # GZip compress the page output
  63. twig:
  64. cache: true # Set to true to enable twig caching
  65. debug: false # Enable Twig debug
  66. auto_reload: true # Refresh cache on changes
  67. autoescape: false # Autoescape Twig vars
  68. undefined_functions: true # Allow undefined functions
  69. undefined_filters: true # Allow undefined filters
  70. assets: # Configuration for Assets Manager (JS, CSS)
  71. css_pipeline: false # The CSS pipeline is the unification of multiple CSS resources into one file
  72. css_minify: true # Minify the CSS during pipelining
  73. css_minify_windows: false # Minify Override for Windows platforms. False by default due to ThreadStackSize
  74. css_rewrite: true # Rewrite any CSS relative URLs during pipelining
  75. js_pipeline: false # The JS pipeline is the unification of multiple JS resources into one file
  76. js_minify: true # Minify the JS during pipelining
  77. enable_asset_timestamp: false # Enable asset timestamps
  78. collections:
  79. jquery: system://assets/jquery/jquery-2.1.4.min.js
  80. errors:
  81. display: false # Display full backtrace-style error page
  82. log: true # Log errors to /logs folder
  83. debugger:
  84. enabled: false # Enable Grav debugger and following settings
  85. shutdown:
  86. close_connection: true # Close the connection before calling onShutdown(). false for debugging
  87. images:
  88. default_image_quality: 85 # Default image quality to use when resampling images (85%)
  89. cache_all: false # Cache all image by default
  90. debug: false # Show an overlay over images indicating the pixel depth of the image when working with retina for example
  91. media:
  92. enable_media_timestamp: false # Enable media timetsamps
  93. upload_limit: 0 # Set maximum upload size in bytes (0 is unlimited)
  94. unsupported_inline_types: [] # Array of unsupported media file types to try to display inline
  95. session:
  96. enabled: true # Enable Session support
  97. timeout: 1800 # Timeout in seconds
  98. name: grav-site # Name prefix of the session cookie
  99. security:
  100. default_hash: $2y$10$kwsyMVwM8/7j0K/6LHT.g.Fs49xOCTp2b8hh/S5.dPJuJcJB6T.UK