$tab-label-height:3.5em; .tab-bar { @include clearfix; background: $accent-bg; margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; font-family: $font-family-header; li { display: block; float: left; height: $tab-label-height; &.active { span, a { background: $content-bg; color: $content-fg; } } @include breakpoint(mobile-only) { width: 100%; span, a { width: 100%; text-align: center; } } } span, a { @extend .default-animation; display: inline-block; padding: 0 4rem; line-height: $tab-label-height; color: lighten($accent-bg,65%); &:hover { color: $white; background: darken($accent-bg,10%); } } } /* used for wrapper animation after the load of the page */ @include keyframes(show) { from { opacity:0; } to { opacity:1; } } .form-tabs { background: $accent-bg; font-family: $font-family-header; margin-top: -4rem; @include breakpoint(mobile-only){ padding-top: 4rem; } > input[type=radio] { display:none; &:checked{ + label { background: $content-bg; color: $content-fg; } } } > label { @extend .default-animation; display:inline-block; cursor:pointer; color: lighten($accent-bg,65%); height: $tab-label-height; text-align:center; line-height: $tab-label-height; padding: 0 2rem; @include breakpoint(mobile-only){ width: 100%; } &:last-of-type { border-bottom:none; } &:hover { color: $white; background: lighten($accent-bg,3%); } } } .tab-body { position:absolute; top:-9999px; opacity:0; width: 100%; } .tab-body-wrapper { padding-top: $tab-label-height; background: $content-bg; } #tab1:checked ~ .tab-body-wrapper #tab-body-1, #tab2:checked ~ .tab-body-wrapper #tab-body-2, #tab3:checked ~ .tab-body-wrapper #tab-body-3, #tab4:checked ~ .tab-body-wrapper #tab-body-4, #tab5:checked ~ .tab-body-wrapper #tab-body-5, #tab6:checked ~ .tab-body-wrapper #tab-body-6, #tab7:checked ~ .tab-body-wrapper #tab-body-7, #tab8:checked ~ .tab-body-wrapper #tab-body-8, #tab9:checked ~ .tab-body-wrapper #tab-body-9, #tab10:checked ~ .tab-body-wrapper #tab-body-10 { position:relative; top:0px; opacity: 1; }