grav = $grav; $this->view = $view; $this->task = $task ? $task : 'display'; $this->post = $this->getPost($post); $this->route = $route; $this->admin = $this->grav['admin']; } /** * Performs a task. * * @return bool True if the action was performed successfully. */ public function execute() { $success = false; $method = 'task' . ucfirst($this->task); if (method_exists($this, $method)) { try { $success = call_user_func(array($this, $method)); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { $success = true; $this->admin->setMessage($e->getMessage(), 'error'); } // Grab redirect parameter. $redirect = isset($this->post['_redirect']) ? $this->post['_redirect'] : null; unset($this->post['_redirect']); // Redirect if requested. if ($redirect) { $this->setRedirect($redirect); } } return $success; } /** * Redirect to the route stored in $this->redirect */ public function redirect() { if (!$this->redirect) { return; } $base = $this->admin->base; $this->redirect = '/' . ltrim($this->redirect, '/'); $multilang = $this->isMultilang(); $redirect = ''; if ($multilang) { // if base path does not already contain the lang code, add it $langPrefix = '/' . $this->grav['session']->admin_lang; if (!Utils::startsWith($base, $langPrefix . '/')) { $base = $langPrefix . $base; } // now the first 4 chars of base contain the lang code. // if redirect path already contains the lang code, and is != than the base lang code, then use redirect path as-is if (Utils::pathPrefixedByLangCode($base) && Utils::pathPrefixedByLangCode($this->redirect) && substr($base, 0, 4) != substr($this->redirect, 0, 4)) { $redirect = $this->redirect; } else { if (!Utils::startsWith($this->redirect, $base)) { $this->redirect = $base . $this->redirect; } } } else { if (!Utils::startsWith($this->redirect, $base)) { $this->redirect = $base . $this->redirect; } } if (!$redirect) { $redirect = $this->redirect; } $this->grav->redirect($redirect, $this->redirectCode); } /** * Return true if multilang is active * * @return bool True if multilang is active */ protected function isMultilang() { return count($this->grav['config']->get('system.languages.supported', [])) > 1; } /** * Handle login. * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ protected function taskLogin() { if ($this->admin->authenticate($this->post)) { // should never reach here, redirects first } else { $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.LOGIN_FAILED'), 'error'); } return true; } /** * Handle logout. * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ protected function taskLogout() { $this->admin->session()->invalidate()->start(); $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.LOGGED_OUT'), 'info'); $this->setRedirect('/logout'); return true; } /** * Handle logout. * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ protected function taskKeepAlive() { exit(); } /** * Handle the email password recovery procedure. * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ protected function taskForgot() { $param_sep = $this->grav['config']->get('system.param_sep', ':'); $data = $this->post; $username = isset($data['username']) ? $data['username'] : ''; $user = !empty($username) ? User::load($username) : null; if (!isset($this->grav['Email'])) { $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.FORGOT_EMAIL_NOT_CONFIGURED'), 'error'); $this->setRedirect('/'); return true; } if (!$user || !$user->exists()) { $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate(['PLUGIN_ADMIN.FORGOT_USERNAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST', $username]), 'error'); $this->setRedirect('/forgot'); return true; } if (empty($user->email)) { $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate(['PLUGIN_ADMIN.FORGOT_CANNOT_RESET_EMAIL_NO_EMAIL', $username]), 'error'); $this->setRedirect('/forgot'); return true; } $token = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); $expire = time() + 604800; // next week $user->reset = $token . '::' . $expire; $user->save(); $author = $this->grav['config']->get('', ''); $fullname = $user->fullname ?: $username; $reset_link = rtrim($this->grav['uri']->rootUrl(true), '/') . '/' . trim($this->admin->base, '/') . '/reset/task' . $param_sep . 'reset/user'. $param_sep . $username . '/token' . $param_sep . $token; $sitename = $this->grav['config']->get('site.title', 'Website'); $from = $this->grav['config']->get('', ''); $to = $user->email; $subject = $this->admin->translate(['PLUGIN_ADMIN.FORGOT_EMAIL_SUBJECT', $sitename]); $content = $this->admin->translate(['PLUGIN_ADMIN.FORGOT_EMAIL_BODY', $fullname, $reset_link, $author, $sitename]); $body = $this->grav['twig']->processTemplate('email/base.html.twig', ['content' => $content]); $message = $this->grav['Email']->message($subject, $body, 'text/html') ->setFrom($from) ->setTo($to); $sent = $this->grav['Email']->send($message); if ($sent < 1) { $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.FORGOT_FAILED_TO_EMAIL'), 'error'); } else { $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate(['PLUGIN_ADMIN.FORGOT_INSTRUCTIONS_SENT_VIA_EMAIL', $to]), 'info'); } $this->setRedirect('/'); return true; } /** * Handle the reset password action. * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ public function taskReset() { $data = $this->post; if (isset($data['password'])) { $username = isset($data['username']) ? $data['username'] : null; $user = !empty($username) ? User::load($username) : null; $password = isset($data['password']) ? $data['password'] : null; $token = isset($data['token']) ? $data['token'] : null; if (!empty($user) && $user->exists() && !empty($user->reset)) { list($good_token, $expire) = explode('::', $user->reset); if ($good_token === $token) { if (time() > $expire) { $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.RESET_LINK_EXPIRED'), 'error'); $this->setRedirect('/forgot'); return true; } unset($user->hashed_password); unset($user->reset); $user->password = $password; $user->validate(); $user->filter(); $user->save(); $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.RESET_PASSWORD_RESET'), 'info'); $this->setRedirect('/'); return true; } } $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.RESET_INVALID_LINK'), 'error'); $this->setRedirect('/forgot'); return true; } else { $user = $this->grav['uri']->param('user'); $token = $this->grav['uri']->param('token'); if (empty($user) || empty($token)) { $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.RESET_INVALID_LINK'), 'error'); $this->setRedirect('/forgot'); return true; } $this->admin->forgot = [ 'username' => $user, 'token' => $token ]; } return true; } /** * Clear the cache. * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ protected function taskClearCache() { if (!$this->authorizeTask('clear cache', ['admin.cache', 'admin.super'])) { return; } // get optional cleartype param $clear_type = $this->grav['uri']->param('cleartype'); if ($clear_type) { $clear = $clear_type; } else { $clear = 'standard'; } $results = Cache::clearCache($clear); if (count($results) > 0) { $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'success', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.CACHE_CLEARED') . '
' . $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.METHOD') . ': ' . $clear . '']; } else { $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.ERROR_CLEARING_CACHE')]; } return true; } /** * Handle the backup action * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ protected function taskBackup() { $param_sep = $this->grav['config']->get('system.param_sep', ':'); if (!$this->authorizeTask('backup', ['admin.maintenance', 'admin.super'])) { return; } $download = $this->grav['uri']->param('download'); if ($download) { Utils::download(base64_decode(urldecode($download)), true); } $log = JsonFile::instance($this->grav['locator']->findResource("log://backup.log", true, true)); try { $backup = ZipBackup::backup(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->admin->json_response = [ 'status' => 'error', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.AN_ERROR_OCCURRED') . '. '. $e->getMessage() ]; return true; } $download = urlencode(base64_encode($backup)); $url = rtrim($this->grav['uri']->rootUrl(true), '/') . '/' . trim($this->admin->base, '/') . '/task' . $param_sep . 'backup/download' . $param_sep . $download; $log->content([ 'time' => time(), 'location' => $backup ]); $log->save(); $this->admin->json_response = [ 'status' => 'success', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.YOUR_BACKUP_IS_READY_FOR_DOWNLOAD') . '. ' . $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.DOWNLOAD_BACKUP') .'', 'toastr' => [ 'timeOut' => 0, 'closeButton' => true ] ]; return true; } /** * Handles filtering the page by modular/visible/routable in the pages list. */ protected function taskFilterPages() { if (!$this->authorizeTask('filter pages', ['admin.pages', 'admin.super'])) { return; } $data = $this->post; $flags = !empty($data['flags']) ? array_map('strtolower', explode(',', $data['flags'])) : []; $queries = !empty($data['query']) ? explode(',', $data['query']) : []; /** @var Collection $collection */ $collection = $this->grav['pages']->all(); if (count($flags)) { // Filter by state $pageStates = array('modular', 'nonmodular', 'visible', 'nonvisible', 'routable', 'nonroutable', 'published', 'nonpublished'); if (count(array_intersect($pageStates, $flags)) > 0) { if (in_array('modular', $flags)) $collection = $collection->modular(); if (in_array('nonmodular', $flags)) $collection = $collection->nonModular(); if (in_array('visible', $flags)) $collection = $collection->visible(); if (in_array('nonvisible', $flags)) $collection = $collection->nonVisible(); if (in_array('routable', $flags)) $collection = $collection->routable(); if (in_array('nonroutable', $flags)) $collection = $collection->nonRoutable(); if (in_array('published', $flags)) $collection = $collection->published(); if (in_array('nonpublished', $flags)) $collection = $collection->nonPublished(); } foreach ($pageStates as $pageState) { if (($pageState = array_search($pageState, $flags)) !== false) { unset($flags[$pageState]); } } // Filter by page type if (count($flags)) { $types = $flags; $collection = $collection->ofOneOfTheseTypes($types); } } if (!empty($queries)) { foreach ($collection as $page) { foreach ($queries as $query) { $query = trim($query); // $page->content(); if (stripos($page->getRawContent(), $query) === false && stripos($page->title(), $query) === false) { $collection->remove($page); } } } } $results = []; foreach ($collection as $path => $page) { $results[] = $page->route(); } $this->admin->json_response = [ 'status' => 'success', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.PAGES_FILTERED'), 'results' => $results ]; $this->admin->collection = $collection; } /** * Determines the file types allowed to be uploaded * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ protected function taskListmedia() { if (!$this->authorizeTask('list media', ['admin.pages', 'admin.super'])) { return; } $page = $this->admin->page(true); if (!$page) { $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.NO_PAGE_FOUND')]; return false; } $media_list = array(); foreach ($page->media()->all() as $name => $media) { $media_list[$name] = ['url' => $media->cropZoom(150, 100)->url(), 'size' => $media->get('size')]; } $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'ok', 'results' => $media_list]; return true; } /** * Handles adding a media file to a page */ protected function taskAddmedia() { if (!$this->authorizeTask('add media', ['admin.pages', 'admin.super'])) { return; } $page = $this->admin->page(true); /** @var Config $config */ $config = $this->grav['config']; if (!isset($_FILES['file']['error']) || is_array($_FILES['file']['error'])) { $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.INVALID_PARAMETERS')]; return; } // Check $_FILES['file']['error'] value. switch ($_FILES['file']['error']) { case UPLOAD_ERR_OK: break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.NO_FILES_SENT')]; return; case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.EXCEEDED_FILESIZE_LIMIT')]; return; default: $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.UNKNOWN_ERRORS')]; return; } $grav_limit = $config->get('', 0); // You should also check filesize here. if ($grav_limit > 0 && $_FILES['file']['size'] > $grav_limit) { $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.EXCEEDED_GRAV_FILESIZE_LIMIT')]; return; } // Check extension $fileParts = pathinfo($_FILES['file']['name']); $fileExt = strtolower($fileParts['extension']); // If not a supported type, return if (!$config->get("media.{$fileExt}")) { $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.UNSUPPORTED_FILE_TYPE') . ': '.$fileExt]; return; } // Upload it if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], sprintf('%s/%s', $page->path(), $_FILES['file']['name']))) { $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.FAILED_TO_MOVE_UPLOADED_FILE')]; return; } $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'success', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.FILE_UPLOADED_SUCCESSFULLY')]; return; } /** * Handles deleting a media file from a page * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ protected function taskDelmedia() { if (!$this->authorizeTask('delete media', ['admin.pages', 'admin.super'])) { return; } $page = $this->admin->page(true); if (!$page) { $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.NO_PAGE_FOUND')]; return false; } $filename = !empty($this->post['filename']) ? $this->post['filename'] : null; if ($filename) { $targetPath = $page->path().'/'.$filename; if (file_exists($targetPath)) { if (unlink($targetPath)) { $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'success', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.FILE_DELETED') . ': '.$filename]; } else { $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.FILE_COULD_NOT_BE_DELETED') . ': '.$filename]; } } else { //Try with responsive images @1x, @2x, @3x $ext = pathinfo($targetPath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $filename = $page->path() . '/'. basename($targetPath, ".$ext"); $responsiveTargetPath = $filename . '@1x.' . $ext; $deletedResponsiveImage = false; if (file_exists($responsiveTargetPath) && unlink($responsiveTargetPath)) { $deletedResponsiveImage = true; } $responsiveTargetPath = $filename . '@2x.' . $ext; if (file_exists($responsiveTargetPath) && unlink($responsiveTargetPath)) { $deletedResponsiveImage = true; } $responsiveTargetPath = $filename . '@3x.' . $ext; if (file_exists($responsiveTargetPath) && unlink($responsiveTargetPath)) { $deletedResponsiveImage = true; } if ($deletedResponsiveImage) { $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'success', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.FILE_DELETED') . ': '.$filename]; } else { $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.FILE_NOT_FOUND') . ': '.$filename]; } } } else { $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.NO_FILE_FOUND')]; } return true; } /** * Process the page Markdown */ protected function taskProcessMarkdown() { // if (!$this->authorizeTask('process markdown', ['admin.pages', 'admin.super'])) { // return; // } try { $page = $this->admin->page(true); if (!$page) { $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.NO_PAGE_FOUND')]; return false; } $this->preparePage($page, true); $page->header(); // Add theme template paths to Twig loader $template_paths = $this->grav['locator']->findResources('theme://templates'); $loader_chain = $this->grav['twig']->twig->getLoader()->addLoader(new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem($template_paths)); $html = $page->content(); $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'success', 'message' => $html]; return true; } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $e->getMessage()]; return false; } } /** * Enable a plugin. * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ public function taskEnable() { if (!$this->authorizeTask('enable plugin', ['admin.plugins', 'admin.super'])) { return; } if ($this->view != 'plugins') { return false; } // Filter value and save it. $this->post = array('enabled' => 1, '_redirect' => 'plugins'); $obj = $this->prepareData(); $obj->save(); $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.SUCCESSFULLY_ENABLED_PLUGIN'), 'info'); return true; } /** * Disable a plugin. * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ public function taskDisable() { if (!$this->authorizeTask('disable plugin', ['admin.plugins', 'admin.super'])) { return; } if ($this->view != 'plugins') { return false; } // Filter value and save it. $this->post = array('enabled' => 0, '_redirect' => 'plugins'); $obj = $this->prepareData(); $obj->save(); $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.SUCCESSFULLY_DISABLED_PLUGIN'), 'info'); return true; } /** * Set the default theme. * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ public function taskActivate() { if (!$this->authorizeTask('activate theme', ['admin.themes', 'admin.super'])) { return; } if ($this->view != 'themes') { return false; } $this->post = array('_redirect' => 'themes'); // Make sure theme exists (throws exception) $name = $this->route; $this->grav['themes']->get($name); // Store system configuration. $system = $this->admin->data('system'); $system->set('pages.theme', $name); $system->save(); // Force configuration reload and save. /** @var Config $config */ $config = $this->grav['config']; $config->reload()->save(); $config->set('system.pages.theme', $name); $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.SUCCESSFULLY_CHANGED_THEME'), 'info'); return true; } /** * Handles installing plugins and themes * * @return bool True is the action was performed */ public function taskInstall() { $type = $this->view === 'plugins' ? 'plugins' : 'themes'; if (!$this->authorizeTask('install ' . $type, ['admin.' . $type, 'admin.super'])) { return; } require_once __DIR__ . '/gpm.php'; $package = $this->route; $result = \Grav\Plugin\Admin\Gpm::install($package, ['theme' => ($type == 'themes')]); if ($result) { $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.INSTALLATION_SUCCESSFUL'), 'info'); } else { $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.INSTALLATION_FAILED'), 'error'); } $this->post = array('_redirect' => $this->view . '/' . $this->route); return true; } /** * Handles updating Grav * * @return bool True is the action was performed */ public function taskUpdategrav() { require_once __DIR__ . '/gpm.php'; if (!$this->authorizeTask('install grav', ['admin.super'])) { return; } $result = \Grav\Plugin\Admin\Gpm::selfupgrade(); if ($result) { $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'success', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.GRAV_WAS_SUCCESSFULLY_UPDATED_TO') . ' ']; } else { $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.GRAV_UPDATE_FAILED') . '
' . Installer::lastErrorMsg()]; } return true; } /** * Handles updating plugins and themes * * @return bool True is the action was performed */ public function taskUpdate() { require_once __DIR__ . '/gpm.php'; $package = $this->route; $permissions = []; $type = $this->view === 'plugins' ? 'plugins' : 'themes'; // Update multi mode if (!$package) { $package = []; if ($this->view === 'plugins' || $this->view === 'update') { $package = $this->admin->gpm()->getUpdatablePlugins(); $permissions['plugins'] = ['admin.super', 'admin.plugins']; } if ($this->view === 'themes' || $this->view === 'update') { $package = array_merge($package, $this->admin->gpm()->getUpdatableThemes()); $permissions['themes'] = ['admin.super', 'admin.themes']; } } foreach ($permissions as $type => $p) { if (!$this->authorizeTask('update ' . $type , $p)) { return; } } $result = \Grav\Plugin\Admin\Gpm::update($package, ['theme' => ($type == 'themes')]); if ($this->view === 'update') { if ($result) { $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'success', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.EVERYTHING_UPDATED')]; } else { $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'error', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.UPDATES_FAILED')]; } } else { if ($result) { $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.INSTALLATION_SUCCESSFUL'), 'info'); } else { $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.INSTALLATION_FAILED'), 'error'); } $this->post = array('_redirect' => $this->view . '/' . $this->route); } return true; } /** * Handles uninstalling plugins and themes * * @return bool True is the action was performed */ public function taskUninstall() { $type = $this->view === 'plugins' ? 'plugins' : 'themes'; if (!$this->authorizeTask('uninstall ' . $type, ['admin.' . $type, 'admin.super'])) { return; } require_once __DIR__ . '/gpm.php'; $package = $this->route; $result = \Grav\Plugin\Admin\Gpm::uninstall($package, []); if ($result) { $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.UNINSTALL_SUCCESSFUL'), 'info'); } else { $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.UNINSTALL_FAILED'), 'error'); } $this->post = array('_redirect' => $this->view); return true; } /** * Handles form and saves the input data if its valid. * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ public function taskSave() { if (!$this->authorizeTask('save', $this->dataPermissions())) { return; } $reorder = false; $data = $this->post; // Special handler for pages data. if ($this->view == 'pages') { /** @var Page\Pages $pages */ $pages = $this->grav['pages']; // Find new parent page in order to build the path. $route = !isset($data['route']) ? dirname($this->admin->route) : $data['route']; $parent = $route && $route != '/' ? $pages->dispatch($route, true) : $pages->root(); $obj = $this->admin->page(true); $original_slug = $obj->slug(); $original_order = intval(trim($obj->order(), '.')); // Change parent if needed and initialize move (might be needed also on ordering/folder change). $obj = $obj->move($parent); $this->preparePage($obj, false, $obj->language()); // Reset slug and route. For now we do not support slug twig variable on save. $obj->slug($original_slug); $obj->validate(); $obj->filter(); // rename folder based on visible if ($original_order == 1000) { // increment order to force reshuffle $obj->order($original_order + 1); } // add or remove numeric prefix based on ordering value if (isset($data['ordering'])) { if ($data['ordering'] && !$obj->order()) { $obj->order(1001); } elseif (!$data['ordering'] && $obj->order()) { $obj->folder($obj->slug()); } } } else { // Handle standard data types. $obj = $this->prepareData(); $obj->validate(); $obj->filter(); } if ($obj) { $obj->save(true); $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED'), 'info'); } if ($this->view != 'pages') { // Force configuration reload. /** @var Config $config */ $config = $this->grav['config']; $config->reload(); if ($this->view === 'users') { $this->grav['user']->merge(User::load($this->admin->route)->toArray()); } } // Always redirect if a page route was changed, to refresh it if ($obj instanceof Page\Page) { if (method_exists($obj, 'unsetRouteSlug')) { $obj->unsetRouteSlug(); } $multilang = $this->isMultilang(); if ($multilang) { if (!$obj->language()) { $obj->language($this->grav['session']->admin_lang); } } $admin_route = $this->grav['config']->get('plugins.admin.route'); $redirect_url = '/' . ($multilang ? ($obj->language()) : '') . $admin_route . '/' . $this->view . $obj->route(); $this->setRedirect($redirect_url); } return true; } /** * Continue to the new page. * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ public function taskContinue() { if ($this->view == 'users') { $this->setRedirect("{$this->view}/{$this->post['username']}"); return true; } if ($this->view != 'pages') { return false; } $data = $this->post; $route = $data['route'] != '/' ? $data['route'] : ''; $folder = ltrim($data['folder'], '_'); if (!empty($data['modular'])) { $folder = '_' . $folder; } $path = $route . '/' . $folder; $this->admin->session()->{$path} = $data; // Store the name and route of a page, to be used prefilled defaults of the form in the future $this->admin->session()->lastPageName = $data['name']; $this->admin->session()->lastPageRoute = $data['route']; $this->setRedirect("{$this->view}/". ltrim($path, '/')); return true; } /** * Save page as a new copy. * * @return bool True if the action was performed. * @throws \RuntimeException */ protected function taskCopy() { if (!$this->authorizeTask('copy page', ['admin.pages', 'admin.super'])) { return; } // Only applies to pages. if ($this->view != 'pages') { return false; } try { /** @var Page\Pages $pages */ $pages = $this->grav['pages']; $data = $this->post; // And then get the current page. $page = $this->admin->page(true); // Find new parent page in order to build the path. $parent = $page->parent() ?: $pages->root(); // Make a copy of the current page and fill the updated information into it. $page = $page->copy($parent); $this->preparePage($page); // Make sure the header is loaded in case content was set through raw() (expert mode) $page->header(); // Deal with folder naming conflicts, but limit number of searches to 99. $break = 99; while ($break > 0 && file_exists($page->filePath())) { $break--; $match = preg_split('/-(\d+)$/', $page->path(), 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $page->path($match[0] . '-' . (isset($match[1]) ? (int) $match[1] + 1 : 2)); // Reset slug and route. For now we do not support slug twig variable on save. $page->slug(''); } $page->save(); // Enqueue message and redirect to new location. $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.SUCCESSFULLY_COPIED'), 'info'); $parent_route = $parent->route() ? '/' . ltrim($parent->route(), '/') : ''; $this->setRedirect($this->view . $parent_route . '/'. $page->slug()); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \RuntimeException('Copying page failed on error: ' . $e->getMessage()); } return true; } /** * Reorder pages. * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ protected function taskReorder() { if (!$this->authorizeTask('reorder pages', ['admin.pages', 'admin.super'])) { return; } // Only applies to pages. if ($this->view != 'pages') { return false; } $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.REORDERING_WAS_SUCCESSFUL'), 'info'); return true; } /** * Delete page. * * @return bool True if the action was performed. * @throws \RuntimeException */ protected function taskDelete() { if (!$this->authorizeTask('delete page', ['admin.pages', 'admin.super'])) { return; } // Only applies to pages. if ($this->view != 'pages') { return false; } /** @var Uri $uri */ $uri = $this->grav['uri']; try { $page = $this->admin->page(); if (count($page->translatedLanguages()) > 1) { $page->file()->delete(); } else { Folder::delete($page->path()); } $results = Cache::clearCache('standard'); // Set redirect to either referrer or pages list. $redirect = 'pages'; $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.SUCCESSFULLY_DELETED'), 'info'); $this->setRedirect($redirect); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \RuntimeException('Deleting page failed on error: ' . $e->getMessage()); } return true; } /** * Switch the content language. Optionally redirect to a different page. * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ protected function taskSwitchlanguage() { $data = $this->post; if (isset($data['lang'])) { $language = $data['lang']; } else { $language = $this->grav['uri']->param('lang'); } if (isset($data['redirect'])) { $redirect = 'pages/' . $data['redirect']; } else { $redirect = 'pages'; } if ($language) { $this->grav['session']->admin_lang = $language ?: 'en'; } $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.SUCCESSFULLY_SWITCHED_LANGUAGE'), 'info'); $admin_route = $this->grav['config']->get('plugins.admin.route'); $this->setRedirect('/' . $language . $admin_route . '/' . $redirect); } /** * Save the current page in a different language. Automatically switches to that language. * * @return bool True if the action was performed. */ protected function taskSaveas() { if (!$this->authorizeTask('save', $this->dataPermissions())) { return; } // $reorder = false; $data = $this->post; $language = $data['lang']; if ($language) { $this->grav['session']->admin_lang = $language ?: 'en'; } // /** @var Page\Pages $pages */ $pages = $this->grav['pages']; $uri = $this->grav['uri']; $obj = $this->admin->page($uri->route()); $this->preparePage($obj, false, $language); $file = $obj->file(); if ($file) { $filename = substr($obj->name(), 0, -(strlen('.' . $language . '.md'))); if (substr($filename, -3, 1) == '.') { if (substr($filename, -2) == substr($language, 0, 2)) { $filename = str_replace(substr($filename, -2), $language, $filename); } } elseif (substr($filename, -6, 1) == '.') { if (substr($filename, -5) == substr($language, 0, 5)) { $filename = str_replace(substr($filename, -5), $language, $filename); } } else { $filename .= '.' . $language; } $path = $obj->path() . DS . $filename . '.md'; $aFile = File::instance($path); $aFile->save(); $aPage = new Page\Page(); $aPage->init(new \SplFileInfo($path), $language .'.md'); $aPage->header($obj->header()); $aPage->rawMarkdown($obj->rawMarkdown()); $aPage->validate(); $aPage->filter(); $aPage->save(); } $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.SUCCESSFULLY_SWITCHED_LANGUAGE'), 'info'); $this->setRedirect('/' . $language . $uri->route()); return true; } /** * Prepare and return POST data. * * @param array $post * @return array */ protected function &getPost($post) { unset($post['task']); // Decode JSON encoded fields and merge them to data. if (isset($post['_json'])) { $post = array_merge_recursive($post, $this->jsonDecode($post['_json'])); unset($post['_json']); } return $post; } /** * Recursively JSON decode data. * * @param array $data * @return array */ protected function jsonDecode(array $data) { foreach ($data as &$value) { if (is_array($value)) { $value = $this->jsonDecode($value); } else { $value = json_decode($value, true); } } return $data; } /** * Sets the page redirect. * * @param string $path The path to redirect to * @param int $code The HTTP redirect code */ protected function setRedirect($path, $code = 303) { $this->redirect = $path; $this->code = $code; } /** * Gets the configuration data for a given view & post * * @return object */ protected function prepareData() { $type = trim("{$this->view}/{$this->admin->route}", '/'); $data = $this->admin->data($type, $this->post); return $data; } /** * Gets the permissions needed to access a given view * * @return array An array of permissions */ protected function dataPermissions() { $type = $this->view; $permissions = ['admin.super']; switch ($type) { case 'configuration': case 'system': $permissions[] = 'admin.configuration'; break; case 'settings': case 'site': $permissions[] = 'admin.settings'; break; case 'plugins': $permissions[] = 'admin.plugins'; break; case 'themes': $permissions[] = 'admin.themes'; break; case 'users': $permissions[] = 'admin.users'; break; case 'pages': $permissions[] = 'admin.pages'; break; } return $permissions; } /** * Prepare a page to be stored: update its folder, name, template, header and content * * @param \Grav\Common\Page\Page $page * @param bool $clean_header */ protected function preparePage(\Grav\Common\Page\Page $page, $clean_header = false, $language = null) { $input = $this->post; if (isset($input['order'])) { $order = max(0, (int) isset($input['order']) ? $input['order'] : $page->value('order')); $ordering = $order ? sprintf('%02d.', $order) : ''; $slug = empty($input['folder']) ? $page->value('folder') : (string) $input['folder']; $page->folder($ordering . $slug); } if (isset($input['name']) && !empty($input['name'])) { $type = (string) strtolower($input['name']); $name = preg_replace('|.*/|', '', $type); if ($language) { $name .= '.' . $language; } else { $language = $this->grav['language']; if ($language->enabled()) { $name .= '.' . $language->getLanguage(); } } $name .= '.md'; $page->name($name); $page->template($type); } // Special case for Expert mode: build the raw, unset content if (isset($input['frontmatter']) && isset($input['content'])) { $page->raw("---\n" . (string) $input['frontmatter'] . "\n---\n" . (string) $input['content']); unset($input['content']); } if (isset($input['header'])) { $header = $input['header']; foreach($header as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'metadata') { foreach ($header['metadata'] as $key2 => $value2) { if (isset($input['toggleable_header']['metadata'][$key2]) && !$input['toggleable_header']['metadata'][$key2]) { $header['metadata'][$key2] = ''; } } } elseif ($key == 'taxonomy') { foreach ($header[$key] as $taxkey => $taxonomy) { if (is_array($taxonomy) && count($taxonomy) == 1 && trim($taxonomy[0]) == '') { unset($header[$key][$taxkey]); } } } else { if (isset($input['toggleable_header'][$key]) && !$input['toggleable_header'][$key]) { $header[$key] = null; } } } if ($clean_header) { $header = Utils::arrayFilterRecursive($header, function($k, $v) { return !(is_null($v) || $v === ''); }); } $page->header((object) $header); $page->frontmatter(Yaml::dump((array) $page->header())); } // Fill content last because it also renders the output. if (isset($input['content'])) { $page->rawMarkdown((string) $input['content']); } } /** * Checks if the user is allowed to perform the given task with its associated permissions * * @param string $task The task to execute * @param array $permissions The permissions given * @return bool True if authorized. False if not. */ protected function authorizeTask($task = '', $permissions = []) { if (!$this->admin->authorize($permissions)) { if ($this->grav['uri']->extension() === 'json') $this->admin->json_response = ['status' => 'unauthorized', 'message' => $this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS_FOR_TASK') . ' ' . $task . '.']; else $this->admin->setMessage($this->admin->translate('PLUGIN_ADMIN.INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS_FOR_TASK') . ' ' . $task . '.', 'error'); return false; } return true; } }