# HTML2PRINT with gitbook content management ## Book src bin/sync.sh will pull books from git repositories listed in the the script source are in the directory book-src ## Building bin/build.py will read the book sources and convert them to html files using pandoc (pypandoc) ## Automation gulp is watching assets files to convert scss to css and then rebuild html pages gulp is also runing once on launch a webserver accessible a localhost:8000 and the bin/sync script ## use - sync : configure the git repository url of md book in bin/sync - run gulp from terminal - configure book's main properties in assets/css/setup.scss and assets/js/setup.js - access to your book at localhost:8000 from a css-region-compatible webbrowser - start to design your book with assets/css/styles.css - it's also possible to add any dynamic javascript formatting with assets/js/script.js