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Filter expression


Available variables

  • user.username username of the user
  • email of the user
  • user.fullName full name of the user
  • user.title title of the user
  • user.language language of the user
  • user.groups array of the groups the user is in
  • user.access an array which contains the permissions of the user

Available methods

  • user.authorize('example.permission') checks whether user has access to the given permission or not (take groups into account)


  • filter users by permissions

  • show users who are in the 'paid' group

    'paid' in user.groups
  • show users without groups

    count(user.groups) > 0
  • show users with access to 'admin.users'

    group.authorize('admin.users') and groups.users > 0
    * show users with gmail email provider
 matches '/'

    ## Groups
    ### Available variables
    * `group.groupname` name of the group
    * `group.readableName` readable name of the group
    * `group.description` description of the group
    * `group.icon` icon of the group
    * `group.access` an array which contains the permissions of the group
    ### Available methods
    * `group.authorize('example.permission')` checks whether group has access to the given permission or not
    ### Examples
    * filter groups by permissions


* show groups with more than 5 users

group.users > 5

* show empty groups

group.users == 0

* show groups with access to 'admin.users' and not empty

group.authorize('admin.users') and groups.users > 0

  • show groups which contains 'admin' in its description

    group.description matches '/admin/'