grav = $cache = Grav::instance(); /* * Organization */ $this->org = new Organization(); $this->org->url = (string)$this->grav['config']->get(''); $this->org->id = $this->org->url . '#organization'; $this->org->name = $this->grav['config']->get(''); // Org SameAs $sameAs = array(); foreach ($this->otherPresence as $platform) { $key = '' . $platform; if ($this->grav['config']->get($key)) { $sameAs[] = $this->grav['config']->get($key); } } $key = 'plugins.aura.' . 'org-twitter-user'; if ($this->grav['config']->get($key)) { $sameAs[] = '' . $this->grav['config']->get($key); } if (!empty($sameAs)) { $this->org->sameAs = $sameAs; } // Org Logo if ($this->grav['config']->get('')) { $imageArray = $this->grav['config']->get(''); $firstImage = reset($imageArray); $imagePath = ROOT_DIR . $firstImage['path']; if (file_exists($imagePath)) { $size = getimagesize($imagePath); $this->org->logo = new Image(); $this->org->logo->url = $this->grav['base_url_absolute'] . '/' . $firstImage['path']; $this->org->logo->id = $this->org->url . '#logo'; $this->org->logo->width = $size[0]; $this->org->logo->height = $size[1]; $this->org->logo->caption = $this->org->name; $this->org->logo->type = $size['mime']; } } /* * Website */ $this->website = new WebSite; $this->website->url = $this->grav['base_url_absolute']; $this->website->id = $this->website->url . '#website'; $this->website->name = $this->grav['config']->get('site.title'); /* * Webpage */ $this->webpage = new WebPage; $this->webpage->url = $page->url(true); $this->webpage->id = $this->webpage->url . '#webpage'; $this->webpage->title = $page->title() . ' | ' . $this->grav['config']->get('site.title'); $header = $page->header(); if ((isset($header->aura['description'])) && ($header->aura['description'] != '')) { $this->webpage->description = (string)$header->aura['description']; } if ((isset($header->language)) and ($header->language != '')) { $this->webpage->language = $header->language; } else { $this->webpage->language = $this->grav['language']->getActive(); if (!$this->webpage->language) { $this->webpage->language = $this->grav['config']->get('site.default_lang'); } } $datePublishedRaw = time(); if ($page->publishDate()) { $datePublishedRaw = $page->publishDate(); } else if ($page->date()) { $datePublishedRaw = $page->date(); } else if ($page->modified()) { $datePublishedRaw = $page->modified(); } $dateModifiedRaw = $page->modified() ? $page->modified() : time(); $this->webpage->datePublished = date("c", $datePublishedRaw); $this->webpage->dateModified = date("c", $dateModifiedRaw); // Webpage Image $filename = false; if ((isset($header->aura['image'])) && ($header->aura['image'] != '')) { $filename = $header->aura['image']; } else if (isset($header->media_order) && ($header->media_order != '')) { $images = explode(',', $header->media_order); if ((is_array($images)) && (!empty($images))) { $filename = $images[0]; } } if ($filename) { $imagePath = $page->path() . '/' . $filename; if (file_exists($imagePath)) { $size = getimagesize($imagePath); $this->webpage->image = new Image(); $this->webpage->image->url = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($page->urlExtension()) . '$/u', '', $page->url(true)) . '/' . $filename; $this->webpage->image->id = $this->webpage->url . '#primaryimage'; $this->webpage->image->width = $size[0]; $this->webpage->image->height = $size[1]; $this->webpage->image->caption = $this->webpage->title; $this->webpage->image->type = $size['mime']; } } if ((isset($header->aura['pagetype'])) && ($header->aura['pagetype'] != '')) { $this->webpage->type = $header->aura['pagetype']; } // Author if (($this->grav['config']->get('plugins.aura-authors.enabled')) && isset($page->header()->aura['author'])) { $authors = $this->grav['config']->get('plugins.aura-authors.authors'); $key = array_search($page->header()->aura['author'], array_column($authors, 'label')); if ($key !== false) { $author = $authors[$key]; $this->person = new Person(); $this->person->id = $this->org->url . '#person/' . $author['label']; $this->person->name = $author['name']; $this->person->description = $author['description']; // Person SameAs $sameAs = array(); foreach ($this->otherPresence as $platform) { $key = 'person-' . $platform; if (isset($author[$key]) && $author[$key] != '') { $sameAs[] = $author[$key]; } } $key = 'person-twitter-user'; if (isset($author[$key]) && $author[$key] != '') { $this->person->twitterUser = $author[$key]; $sameAs[] = '' . $author[$key]; } if (!empty($sameAs)) { $this->person->sameAs = $sameAs; } // Person Image if ((isset($author['image'])) && (!empty($author['image']))) { $firstImage = reset($author['image']); $imagePath = ROOT_DIR . $firstImage['path']; if (file_exists($imagePath)) { $size = getimagesize($imagePath); $this->person->image = new Image(); $this->person->image->url = $this->grav['base_url_absolute'] . '/' . $firstImage['path']; $this->person->image->id = $this->org->url . '#personimage/' . $author['label']; $this->person->image->width = $size[0]; $this->person->image->height = $size[1]; $this->person->image->caption = $author['name']; $this->person->image->type = $size['mime']; } } } } } public function generateOpenGraphMeta() { $data = array( 'og:url' => $this->webpage->url, 'og:type' => $this->webpage->type, 'og:title' => $this->webpage->title, ); if ($this->webpage->description) { $data['og:description'] = $this->webpage->description; } if ($this->webpage->image) { $data['og:image'] = $this->webpage->image->url; $data['og:image:type'] = $this->webpage->image->type; $data['og:image:width'] = $this->webpage->image->width; $data['og:image:height'] = $this->webpage->image->height; } if ($this->grav['config']->get('')) { $data['fb:app_id'] = $this->grav['config']->get(''); } if ($this->person) { $data['og:author'] = $this->person->name; } else { $data['og:author'] = $this->org->name; } foreach ($data as $property => $content) { $this->webpage->metadata[$property] = array( 'property' => $property, 'content' => htmlentities($content), ); } } public function generateTwitterMeta() { $data = array( 'twitter:card' => 'summary_large_image', 'twitter:title' => $this->webpage->title, ); if ($this->webpage->description) { $data['twitter:description'] = $this->webpage->description; } if ($this->grav['config']->get('')) { $data['twitter:site'] = '@' . $this->grav['config']->get(''); } if ($this->person && $this->person->twitterUser) { $data['twitter:creator'] = '@' . $this->person->twitterUser; } else { if ($this->grav['config']->get('')) { $data['twitter:creator'] = '@' . $this->grav['config']->get(''); } } if ($this->webpage->image) { $data['twitter:image'] = $this->webpage->image->url; } foreach ($data as $name => $content) { $this->webpage->metadata[$name] = array( 'name' => $name, 'content' => htmlentities($content), ); } } public function generateLinkedInMeta() { $data = array( 'article:published_time' => $this->webpage->datePublished, 'article:modified_time' => $this->webpage->dateModified, ); if ($this->person) { $data['article:author'] = $this->person->name; } else { $data['article:author'] = $this->org->name; } foreach ($data as $property => $content) { $this->webpage->metadata[$property] = array( 'property' => $property, 'content' => htmlentities($content), ); } } public function generateStructuredData() { $organization = array( '@type' => 'Organization', '@id' => $this->org->id, 'name' => $this->org->name, 'url' => $this->org->url, ); $website = array( '@type' => 'WebSite', '@id' => $this->website->id, 'url' => $this->website->url, 'name' => $this->website->name, 'publisher' => array( '@id' => $this->org->id, ), ); $webpage = array( '@type' => 'WebPage', '@id' => $this->webpage->id, 'url' => $this->webpage->url, 'inLanguage' => $this->webpage->language, 'name' => $this->webpage->title, 'isPartOf' => array( '@id' => $this->website->id, ), 'datePublished' => $this->webpage->datePublished, 'dateModified' => $this->webpage->dateModified, ); // Add Organization sameAs (if defined) if ($this->org->sameAs) { $organization['sameAs'] = $this->org->sameAs; } // Add logo (if defined) if ($this->org->logo) { $organization['logo'] = array( '@type' => 'ImageObject', '@id' => $this->org->logo->id, 'url' => $this->org->logo->url, 'width' => $this->org->logo->width, 'height' => $this->org->logo->height, 'caption' => $this->org->logo->caption, ); $organization['image'] = array( '@id' => $this->org->logo->id, ); } // Add page description (if defined) if ($this->webpage->description) { $webpage['description'] = $this->webpage->description; } // Add page image (if defined) if ($this->webpage->image) { $webpageImage = array( '@type' => 'ImageObject', '@id' => $this->webpage->image->id, 'url' => $this->webpage->image->url, 'width' => $this->webpage->image->width, 'height' => $this->webpage->image->height, 'caption' => $this->webpage->image->caption, ); $webpage['primaryImageOfPage'] = array( '@id' => $this->webpage->image->id, ); } // Additional based on page type i.e. article if ($this->webpage->type == 'article') { $article = array( '@type' => 'Article', '@id' => $this->webpage->url . '#article', 'isPartOf' => array( '@id' => $this->webpage->id, ), 'headline' => $this->webpage->title, 'datePublished' => $this->webpage->datePublished, 'dateModified' => $this->webpage->dateModified, 'mainEntityOfPage' => array( '@id' => $this->webpage->id, ), 'publisher' => array( '@id' => $this->org->id, ), ); // Add Image if ($this->webpage->image) { $article['image'] = array( '@id' => $this->webpage->image->id, ); } // Add Author if ($this->person) { // Use Person (if defined) $person = array( '@type' => 'Person', '@id' => $this->person->id, 'name' => $this->person->name, ); // Add Person description (if defined) if ($this->person->description) { $person['description'] = $this->person->description; } // Add Person sameAs (if defined) if ($this->person->sameAs) { $person['sameAs'] = $this->person->sameAs; } // Add Person image (if defined) if ($this->person->image) { $person['image'] = array( '@type' => 'ImageObject', '@id' => $this->person->image->id, 'url' => $this->person->image->url, 'width' => $this->person->image->width, 'height' => $this->person->image->height, 'caption' => $this->person->image->caption, ); } $article['author'] = array( '@id' => $this->person->id, ); } else { // Use Organization $article['author'] = array( '@id' => $this->org->id, ); } } // Build the empty structured data block $data = array( '@context' => '', '@graph' => array(), ); // Add the elements in order $data['@graph'][] = $organization; $data['@graph'][] = $website; if (isset($webpageImage)) { $data['@graph'][] = $webpageImage; } $data['@graph'][] = $webpage; if (isset($article)) { $data['@graph'][] = $article; } if (isset($person)) { $data['@graph'][] = $person; } return json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); } }