blueprintSchema) { $this->blueprintSchema = clone $this->blueprintSchema; } } public function setScope($scope) { $this->scope = $scope; } /** * Set default values for field types. * * @param array $types * @return $this */ public function setTypes(array $types) { $this->initInternals(); $this->blueprintSchema->setTypes($types); return $this; } /** * Get nested structure containing default values defined in the blueprints. * * Fields without default value are ignored in the list. * * @return array */ public function getDefaults() { $this->initInternals(); if (null === $this->defaults) { $this->defaults = $this->blueprintSchema->getDefaults(); } return $this->defaults; } /** * Initialize blueprints with its dynamic fields. * * @return $this */ public function init() { foreach ($this->dynamic as $key => $data) { // Locate field. $path = explode('/', $key); $current = &$this->items; foreach ($path as $field) { if (\is_object($current)) { // Handle objects. if (!isset($current->{$field})) { $current->{$field} = []; } $current = &$current->{$field}; } else { // Handle arrays and scalars. if (!\is_array($current)) { $current = [$field => []]; } elseif (!isset($current[$field])) { $current[$field] = []; } $current = &$current[$field]; } } // Set dynamic property. foreach ($data as $property => $call) { $action = $call['action']; $method = 'dynamic' . ucfirst($action); if (isset($this->handlers[$action])) { $callable = $this->handlers[$action]; $callable($current, $property, $call); } elseif (method_exists($this, $method)) { $this->{$method}($current, $property, $call); } } } return $this; } /** * Merge two arrays by using blueprints. * * @param array $data1 * @param array $data2 * @param string $name Optional * @param string $separator Optional * @return array */ public function mergeData(array $data1, array $data2, $name = null, $separator = '.') { $this->initInternals(); return $this->blueprintSchema->mergeData($data1, $data2, $name, $separator); } /** * Process data coming from a form. * * @param array $data * @param array $toggles * @return array */ public function processForm(array $data, array $toggles = []) { $this->initInternals(); return $this->blueprintSchema->processForm($data, $toggles); } /** * Return data fields that do not exist in blueprints. * * @param array $data * @param string $prefix * @return array */ public function extra(array $data, $prefix = '') { $this->initInternals(); return $this->blueprintSchema->extra($data, $prefix); } /** * Validate data against blueprints. * * @param array $data * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function validate(array $data) { $this->initInternals(); $this->blueprintSchema->validate($data); } /** * Filter data by using blueprints. * * @param array $data * @param bool $missingValuesAsNull * @param bool $keepEmptyValues * @return array */ public function filter(array $data, bool $missingValuesAsNull = false, bool $keepEmptyValues = false) { $this->initInternals(); return $this->blueprintSchema->filter($data, $missingValuesAsNull, $keepEmptyValues); } /** * Flatten data by using blueprints. * * @param array $data * @return array */ public function flattenData(array $data) { $this->initInternals(); return $this->blueprintSchema->flattenData($data); } /** * Return blueprint data schema. * * @return BlueprintSchema */ public function schema() { $this->initInternals(); return $this->blueprintSchema; } public function addDynamicHandler(string $name, callable $callable): void { $this->handlers[$name] = $callable; } /** * Initialize validator. */ protected function initInternals() { if (null === $this->blueprintSchema) { $types = Grav::instance()['plugins']->formFieldTypes; $this->blueprintSchema = new BlueprintSchema; if ($types) { $this->blueprintSchema->setTypes($types); } $this->blueprintSchema->embed('', $this->items); $this->blueprintSchema->init(); $this->defaults = null; } } /** * @param string $filename * @return string */ protected function loadFile($filename) { $file = CompiledYamlFile::instance($filename); $content = $file->content(); $file->free(); return $content; } /** * @param string|array $path * @param string $context * @return array */ protected function getFiles($path, $context = null) { /** @var UniformResourceLocator $locator */ $locator = Grav::instance()['locator']; if (\is_string($path) && !$locator->isStream($path)) { // Find path overrides. $paths = (array) ($this->overrides[$path] ?? null); // Add path pointing to default context. if ($context === null) { $context = $this->context; } if ($context && $context[\strlen($context)-1] !== '/') { $context .= '/'; } $path = $context . $path; if (!preg_match('/\.yaml$/', $path)) { $path .= '.yaml'; } $paths[] = $path; } else { $paths = (array) $path; } $files = []; foreach ($paths as $lookup) { if (\is_string($lookup) && strpos($lookup, '://')) { $files = array_merge($files, $locator->findResources($lookup)); } else { $files[] = $lookup; } } return array_values(array_unique($files)); } /** * @param array $field * @param string $property * @param array $call */ protected function dynamicData(array &$field, $property, array &$call) { $params = $call['params']; if (\is_array($params)) { $function = array_shift($params); } else { $function = $params; $params = []; } [$o, $f] = explode('::', $function, 2); $data = null; if (!$f) { if (\function_exists($o)) { $data = \call_user_func_array($o, $params); } } else { if (method_exists($o, $f)) { $data = \call_user_func_array([$o, $f], $params); } } // If function returns a value, if (null !== $data) { if (\is_array($data) && isset($field[$property]) && \is_array($field[$property])) { // Combine field and @data-field together. $field[$property] += $data; } else { // Or create/replace field with @data-field. $field[$property] = $data; } } } /** * @param array $field * @param string $property * @param array $call */ protected function dynamicConfig(array &$field, $property, array &$call) { $value = $call['params']; $default = $field[$property] ?? null; $config = Grav::instance()['config']->get($value, $default); if (null !== $config) { $field[$property] = $config; } } /** * @param array $field * @param string $property * @param array $call */ protected function dynamicSecurity(array &$field, $property, array &$call) { if ($property || !empty($field['validate']['ignore'])) { return; } $grav = Grav::instance(); $actions = (array)$call['params']; /** @var UserInterface|null $user */ $user = $grav['user'] ?? null; foreach ($actions as $action) { if (!$user || !$user->authorize($action)) { $this->addPropertyRecursive($field, 'validate', ['ignore' => true]); return; } } } /** * @param array $field * @param string $property * @param array $call */ protected function dynamicScope(array &$field, $property, array &$call) { if ($property && $property !== 'ignore') { return; } $scopes = (array)$call['params']; $matches = \in_array($this->scope, $scopes, true); if ($this->scope && $property !== 'ignore') { $matches = !$matches; } if ($matches) { $this->addPropertyRecursive($field, 'validate', ['ignore' => true]); return; } } protected function addPropertyRecursive(array &$field, $property, $value) { if (\is_array($value) && isset($field[$property]) && \is_array($field[$property])) { $field[$property] = array_merge_recursive($field[$property], $value); } else { $field[$property] = $value; } if (!empty($field['fields'])) { foreach ($field['fields'] as $key => &$child) { $this->addPropertyRecursive($child, $property, $value); } } } }