Library.vue 4.2 KB

  1. <template>
  2. <div class="library">
  3. <!-- BACKGROUND (mode) -->
  4. <component :is="mode" @open="openText" />
  5. <!-- FOREGROUND (texts) -->
  6. <div v-if="parents.length" class="main-texts-container">
  7. <section
  8. v-for="(parent, i) in parents" :key=""
  9. class="main-text-container text-break"
  10. :style="`--n: ${i};`"
  11. >
  12. <text-card
  13. :id=""
  14. :children="parent.children"
  15. :class="{ 'text-blur': i !== parents.length - 1 }"
  16. class="text-card"
  17. @open="openText" @close="closeText"
  18. @click.native="onMainTextClick(i)"
  19. />
  20. <section class="sub-texts-container">
  21. <text-card
  22. v-for="(id, j) in parent.children" :key="id"
  23. :id="id"
  24. class="text-card text-break"
  25. :class="{ 'text-blur': i !== parents.length - 1 || j !== parent.children.length - 1 }"
  26. :style="`--n: ${j};`"
  27. @close="closeText(, $event)"
  28. @click.native="onSubTextClick(i, j)"
  29. />
  30. </section>
  31. </section>
  32. </div>
  33. </div>
  34. </template>
  35. <script>
  36. import { CardList, CardMap, TreeMap } from './library'
  37. import TextCard from '@/components/text/TextCard'
  38. export default {
  39. name: 'Library',
  40. components: {
  41. CardList,
  42. CardMap,
  43. TreeMap,
  44. TextCard
  45. },
  46. props: {
  47. mode: { type: String, required: true },
  48. texts: { type: Array, required: true }
  49. },
  50. computed: {
  51. parents () {
  52. return => {
  53. const [id, ...children] = text
  54. return { id, children }
  55. })
  56. }
  57. },
  58. methods: {
  59. openText (id, childId) {
  60. const parent = this.parents.find(p => === id)
  61. if (parent && (childId === undefined || parent.children.includes(childId))) return
  62. if (!parent) {
  63. this.parents.push({ id, children: childId ? [childId] : [] })
  64. } else if (childId) {
  65. parent.children.push(childId)
  66. }
  67. this.updateQuery(this.parents)
  68. },
  69. closeText (id, childId) {
  70. const parent = this.parents.find(p => === id)
  71. if (!childId) {
  72. this.updateQuery(this.parents.filter(p => p !== parent))
  73. } else {
  74. parent.children = parent.children.filter(childId_ => childId_ !== childId)
  75. this.updateQuery(this.parents)
  76. }
  77. },
  78. updateQuery (parents) {
  79. // Update the route's query (will not reload the page) and let vue determine what changed.
  80. this.$router.push({
  81. query: {
  82. mode: this.mode,
  83. texts: => [, ...parent.children])
  84. }
  85. })
  86. },
  87. onMainTextClick (mainTextIndex) {
  88. if (mainTextIndex === this.texts.length - 1) return
  89. this.parents.push(this.parents.splice(mainTextIndex, 1)[0])
  90. this.updateQuery(this.parents)
  91. },
  92. onSubTextClick (mainTextIndex, subTextIndex) {
  93. // FIXME clean this
  94. const children = this.parents[mainTextIndex].children
  95. let needUpdate = false
  96. if (subTextIndex !== children.length - 1) {
  97. children.push(children.splice(subTextIndex, 1)[0])
  98. needUpdate = true
  99. }
  100. if (mainTextIndex !== this.texts.length - 1) {
  101. this.parents.push(this.parents.splice(mainTextIndex, 1)[0])
  102. needUpdate = true
  103. }
  104. if (needUpdate) {
  105. this.updateQuery(this.parents)
  106. }
  107. }
  108. }
  109. }
  110. </script>
  111. <style lang="scss" scoped>
  112. .library {
  113. height: 100%;
  114. width: 100%;
  115. overflow: hidden;
  116. }
  117. .main-texts-container {
  118. position: relative;
  119. top: -100%;
  120. height: 100%;
  121. pointer-events: none;
  122. }
  123. .main-text-container {
  124. display: flex;
  125. width: 100%;
  126. > * {
  127. flex-basis: 50%;
  128. }
  129. // &:not(:last-of-type) .sub-texts-container {
  130. // background-color: rgba($white, .5);
  131. // }
  132. }
  133. .sub-texts-container {
  134. position: relative;
  135. height: 100%;
  136. }
  137. .text-card {
  138. pointer-events: auto;
  139. width: 100%;
  140. }
  141. .text-break {
  142. position: absolute;
  143. height: calc(100% - (var(--n) * #{$text-card-header-height}));
  144. top: calc(var(--n) * #{$text-card-header-height});
  145. z-index: var(--n);
  146. }
  147. .text-blur::before {
  148. content: '';
  149. pointer-events: none;
  150. position: absolute;
  151. z-index: 1;
  152. display: block;
  153. width: 100%;
  154. height: 100%;
  155. background-color: rgba($white, .5);
  156. }
  157. </style>