1. Search API 1.7 (2018-02-23):
  2. ----------------------------
  3. - #2922525 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Changed "Index items immediately" to
  4. delay indexing until the end of the page request.
  5. - #2930720 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a UI for rebuilding the tracking
  6. table for an index.
  7. - #2912246 by drunken monkey: Fixed inconsistent array indices in query
  8. languages.
  9. - #2939405 by bserem, borisson_, drunken monkey, yoroy: Improved UI text on
  10. what is included in the index.
  11. - #2943705 by kevin.dutra, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed performance
  12. problems with LIFO tracker.
  13. - #2942846 by idebr, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added empty/not empty operators
  14. to Views fulltext field filters.
  15. - #2940255 by drunken monkey: Updated the DB autocomplete implementation to the
  16. stable API version.
  17. - #2938646 by drunken monkey, Johnny vd Laar: Fixed item-boosts in database
  18. backend.
  19. - #2939085 by mattgill, drunken monkey: Fixed fatal error in Views when trying
  20. to set keywords conjunction on aborted query.
  21. - #2933811 by drunken monkey: Fixed coding standards in new Drush code.
  22. - #2932347 by drunken monkey, ghaya: Fixed case insensitive matching for
  23. highlighting non-ASCII text.
  24. - #2938288 by drunken monkey: Fixed problems with PHP 7.2.
  25. - #2934321 by Graber, drunken monkey: Fixed Views total for views with pager
  26. offset.
  27. - #2932347 by drunken monkey, ghaya: Fixed case insensitive matching for
  28. highlighting non-ASCII text.
  29. - #2933309 by drunken monkey, mkalkbrenner: Made some helper methods in the
  30. CommandHelper class public.
  31. - #2928279 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a test for the default tracker
  32. plugin.
  33. Search API 1.6 (2017-12-24):
  34. ----------------------------
  35. - #2669962 by kevin.dutra, drunken monkey, kristofferwiklund, borisson_: Added
  36. option to change the order in which items are indexed.
  37. - #2917399 by drunken monkey, andypost, borisson_, zenimagine: Fixed definition
  38. of Views taxonomy term plugins.
  39. - #2922874 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed DBMS compatibility handling when
  40. a non-default database is used with the Database backend.
  41. - #2923910 by George Bills, drunken monkey, eft, borisson_, robin.ingelbrecht:
  42. Fixed handling of array-valued Views fulltext filter input.
  43. - #2914478 by borisson_, mpp, drunken monkey, pfrenssen, claudiu.cristea,
  44. kevin.dutra, SylvainM, jhedstrom, bircher: Added integration with Drush 9.
  45. - #2926733 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed indexing of leading/trailing
  46. whitespace in fulltext tokens on database backend.
  47. - #2922024 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed Stemmer incorrectly processing
  48. non-English searches.
  49. - #2931730 by drunken monkey: Adapted tests to changes in drupal_set_message().
  50. - #2929739 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Improved adherence to coding standards.
  51. - #2927748 by mkalkbrenner, mstiem, drunken monkey: Fixed Views field handler
  52. for multiple processor-defined fields returned by the server.
  53. - #2928944 by drunken monkey: Removed assert() calls with string parameters.
  54. - #2923976 by Martijn Houtman, drunken monkey: Fixed facets with random sorting
  55. on Database backend.
  56. - #2921582 by chr.fritsch, drunken monkey: Fixed saving of "database_text" form
  57. field for Database servers.
  58. - #2919884 by samuel.mortenson, borisson_, drunken monkey: Improved performance
  59. for saving an index's reindexing state.
  60. - #2855254 by dev.patrick, drunken monkey, borisson_: Removed the remaining
  61. @codingStandardsIgnoreFile directive.
  62. - #2916754 by chr.fritsch, borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed failure to detect
  63. whether a view is executed in the current request.
  64. - #2910638 by drunken monkey, borisson_, phillipHG: Fixed handling of
  65. entity-valued processor properties.
  66. - #2917036 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed illegal return values in
  67. Database::getAutocompleteSuggestions().
  68. - #2916225 by tilenav, borisson_, drunken monkey: Replaced manual config
  69. setting with installConfig() in our Kernel tests.
  70. - #2917779 by mkalkbrenner, edurenye, drunken monkey: Fixed fatal errors in
  71. views on PHP 5.
  72. - #2905562 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Increased the minimum Core version to
  73. 8.4.
  74. - #2905562 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Increased the minimum Core version to
  75. 8.4.
  76. - #2916208 by drunken monkey: Fixed AJAX display of plugin forms.
  77. - #2278433 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added option to Views field handlers
  78. to use highlighted fields data.
  79. - #2278433 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added option to Views field handlers
  80. to use highlighted fields data.
  81. Search API 1.5 (2017-10-14):
  82. ----------------------------
  83. - #2913688 by kevin.dutra, borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed display plugin for
  84. Views pages with contextual filters.
  85. - #2911734 by drunken monkey, borisson_, mkalkbrenner: Fixed Views display of
  86. fields returned from the backend.
  87. - #2910918 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed error in fields configuration
  88. form.
  89. - #2650986 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed various problems with Views
  90. field handling.
  91. - #2907518 by drunken monkey, jrockowitz, borisson_: Fixed index
  92. creation/update via CLI on large sites.
  93. - #2908440 by claudiu.cristea: Fixed UnsavedIndexConfiguration documentation.
  94. - #2899678 by drunken monkey, Graber, borisson_: Added support for VBO.
  95. - #2909153 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed fatal error for test fails under
  96. certain conditions.
  97. - #2907756 by drunken monkey, bojanz: Fixed "Entity status" processor to
  98. support other publishable entity types.
  99. - #2904377 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added Autocomplete tests for the DB
  100. backend.
  101. - #2907943 by drunken monkey: Fixed warnings on PHP 5.
  102. - #2906099 by drunken monkey: Fixed use of field's underlying property label in
  104. - #2896073 by drunken monkey, New Zeal: Fixed warnings when indexing empty text
  105. fields.
  106. - #2898082 by drunken monkey: Re-organized our test class namespaces.
  107. - #2907334 by drunken monkey: Fixed some more Drupal coding standards
  108. violations.
  109. - #2903407 by drunken monkey, alan-ps: Added #optional to form containers where
  110. appropriate.
  111. Search API 1.4 (2017-09-07):
  112. ----------------------------
  113. - #2905117 by drunken monkey: Fixed problems with multi-valued
  114. processor-generated fields on Solr.
  115. - #2884034 by drunken monkey: Fixed highlighting for processed keywords.
  116. - #2902947 by drunken monkey: Fixed "Thousands marker" setting for Views fields.
  117. - #2902907 by drunken monkey, juagarc4: Fixed indexing of multibyte text on
  118. MySQL.
  119. - #2903805 by drunken monkey: Disabled fields processors for hidden fields.
  120. - #2903014 by drunken monkey: Fixed "Enable for all fields" processor option.
  121. - #2904976 by drunken monkey: Fixed the current test fails.
  122. - #2902810 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Made query serialization in tests
  123. safer.
  124. - #2903834 by drunken monkey: Adapted to latest changes in Autocomplete module.
  125. - #2903633 by drunken monkey: Fixed current test fails.
  126. - #2899920 by kfritsche: Fixed stored value of boolean Views filters.
  127. - #2896312 by kerasai, drunken monkey: Fixed problems with Views options list
  128. filter.
  129. - #2896878 by drunken monkey: Fixed test fails due to latest Core changes.
  130. - #2665476 by ericgsmith, drunken monkey: Fixed paging in cached views.
  131. Search API 1.3 (2017-07-19):
  132. ----------------------------
  133. - #2888584 by drunken monkey: Fixed index description for "cron batch size" of
  134. -1.
  135. - #2895142 by drunken monkey: Made our test classes more useful for other
  136. modules.
  137. - #2851436 by Erik Frèrejean, andywhale, beltofte, drunken monkey: Added a
  138. "Type-specific boosting" processor.
  139. - #2889426 by cspitzlay, drunken monkey: Fixed test fails on Drupal 8.3.
  140. - #2891387 by drunken monkey: Fixed some new code style issues.
  141. - #2891246 by drunken monkey: Fixed error detection in plugin helper.
  142. - #2884451 by drunken monkey: Fixed missing primary key for denormalized index
  143. tables in DB backend.
  144. - #2886978 by drunken monkey: Fixed tracking of entities in disabled languages.
  145. Search API 1.2 (2017-06-25):
  146. ----------------------------
  147. - #2881198 by jzavrl, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added property paths to "Add
  148. fields" form.
  149. - #2883475 by Matthijs, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added support for "Language
  150. not applicable".
  151. - #2883807 by LammensJ, drunken monkey: Fixed warning in Views UI for
  152. contextual filters.
  153. - #2880239 by acbramley, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed logic for multiple
  154. sorts on the same field.
  155. - #2889426 by drunken monkey: Fixed test fails for latest Core changes.
  156. - #2884720 by blake.thompson: Added a display plugin for the Views Embed
  157. display type.
  158. - #2882347 by mkalkbrenner: Fixed forms to not have unserializable properties.
  159. - #2676468 by acbramley, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed stale cache in search
  160. view with tag-based caching.
  161. - #2876398 by drunken monkey: Fixed operator description of Views "Fulltext
  162. search" filter.
  163. - #2881945 by drunken monkey: Removed unnecessary check in
  164. AddURL::addFieldValues().
  165. - #2886981 by drunken monkey: Fixed test fails for latest Core changes.
  166. - #2880026 by Anton4yk, drunken monkey: Fixed bugs in entity datasource's item
  167. discovery code for edge cases.
  168. - #2881631 by jzavrl, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added alphabetic sort for
  169. properties in "Add fields" form.
  170. - #2867809 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added an option to enable a processor
  171. for all compatible fields.
  172. - #2878974 by acbramley: Added the date Views argument plugin.
  173. - #2840274 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Updated the Core dependency to 8.3.
  174. - #2874895 by harsha012, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed OOP code to use the
  175. t() method instead of the global t() function.
  176. - #2624876 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a query option for "properties
  177. to retrieve".
  178. - #2682949 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Adapted to changes in the Autocomplete
  179. module.
  180. Search API 1.1 (2017-05-10):
  181. ----------------------------
  182. - #2858303 by beluoctavian, drunken monkey: Fixed "is empty" Views filters for
  183. taxonomy term references.
  184. - #2873246 by drunken monkey: Fixed a second error for cached aborted search
  185. queries in Views.
  186. - #2862289 by hoebekewim, drunken monkey: Fixed oversized column for fulltext
  187. fields in denormalized index table.
  188. - #2859683 by drunken monkey: Added a note to fields processors explaining that
  189. per-field keywords processing isn't supported.
  190. - #2871497 by drunken monkey: Fixed validation of "Whitespace characters"
  191. setting for the Tokenizer processor.
  192. - #2868704 by drunken monkey: Fixed old removed fields being present on query
  193. object.
  194. - #2863955 by alan-ps, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed unsupported processors
  195. remaining enabled.
  196. - #2870988 by sahilsharma011, c.nish2k3, kala4ek: Removed translations from all
  197. tests.
  198. - #2871030 by drunken monkey: Fixed error for cached aborted search queries in
  200. - #2230935 by shkiper, drunken monkey: Added the "search-api-server-clear"
  201. Drush command.
  202. Search API 1.0 (2017-04-26):
  203. ----------------------------
  204. - #2871145 by opdavies, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed link to for
  205. PCRE reference.
  206. - #2543472 by drunken monkey: Fixed indexing of multiple indexes via Drush.
  207. - #2871549 by drunken monkey: Added note about backwards compatibility to
  208. README.txt.
  209. Search API 1.0, RC 4 (2017-04-21):
  210. ----------------------------------
  211. - #2869121 by drunken monkey: Fixed fatal error when required fulltext filter is
  212. in exposed form block.
  213. Search API 1.0, RC 3 (2017-04-20):
  214. ----------------------------------
  215. - #2869121 by drunken monkey, Wim Leers, wouter.adem, borisson_: Added improved
  216. "Required" handling for the Views "Fulltext search" filter.
  217. - #2870782 by drunken monkey: Fixed the tests for Drupal 8.2.
  218. - #2868851 by acbramley, drunken monkey: Fixed wrong interface used for loggers.
  219. - #2868427 by dbjpanda, drunken monkey: Fixed use of d.o URL alias in
  220. README.txt.
  221. Search API 1.0, RC 2 (2017-04-10):
  222. ----------------------------------
  223. - #2846932 by drunken monkey, killua99, borisson_: Fixed error when changing
  224. boost values with a Postgres database backend.
  225. - #2866454 by phenaproxima, drunken monkey: Fixed problems in update 8103.
  226. - #2844945 by drunken monkey: Fixed uncaught exception when adding too many
  227. fields.
  228. Search API 1.0, RC 1 (2017-04-09):
  229. ----------------------------------
  230. - #2776659 by drunken monkey, drholera: Removed the deprecated Utility methods.
  231. - #2268809 by drunken monkey: Converted all arrays in the code to use the short
  232. syntax.
  233. - #2863736 by fran seva, drunken monkey: Added a setDataDefinition() method to
  234. the Field class.
  235. - #2867118 by drunken monkey: Fixed reported coding standards problems.
  236. - #2839932 by drunken monkey, borisson_, bmcclure, jacktonkin: Fixed Views
  237. problems with "Rendered item" fields.
  238. - #2765317 by vasike: Added a "Last" aggregation for aggregated fields.
  239. - #2861657 by drunken monkey: Removed remaining usages of "e.g.".
  240. Search API 1.0, Beta 5 (2017-04-02):
  241. ------------------------------------
  242. - #2842029 by vasike, drunken monkey: Added a "plugin helper" service for
  243. creating index plugins.
  244. - #2863253 by drunken monkey: Added hook infos for all our hooks.
  245. - #2856050 by StryKaizer, drunken monkey, marthinal, borisson_: Added getPath()
  246. to display plugins and deprecated getUrl().
  247. - #2856003 by borisson_, drunken monkey: Added "index" and "path" to search
  248. display annotation definition.
  249. - #2842557 by StryKaizer, Boobaa, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed "is rendered
  250. on current page" checks for Views displays with contextual filters.
  251. - #2855157 by dbjpanda: Fixed a small CSS error.
  252. - #2842007 by shashank.mundhra: Fixed DB comment of search_api_item.status
  253. column.
  254. - #2682369 by Alumei, drunken monkey, swentel, Crell, stBorchert, prics,
  255. borisson_: Fixed problems with overridden config entities.
  256. - #2645882 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed "items could not be indexed"
  257. message for "Index now".
  258. - #2641388 by mallezie, drunken monkey, borisson_, janusman: Added various UX
  259. improvements for the "Fields" tab.
  260. - #2861587 by alexpott: Fixed the DB/Defaults integration tests.
  261. - #2855758 by StryKaizer, drunken monkey: Fixed "is rendered" checks for Views
  262. block displays.
  263. - #2855444 by drunken monkey: Added language-specific test for the "Rendered
  264. item" processor.
  265. - #2794295 by isramv, drunken monkey, alan-ps: Fixed default index indexing term
  266. names instead of IDs.
  267. - #2343161 by alan-ps, drunken monkey: Added per-datasource indexing stats.
  268. - #2857017 by shkiper: Fixed copy-paste errors in js/index-active-formatters.js.
  269. - #2311039 by drunken monkey: Fixed missing dependency injection for all form
  270. and plugin classes.
  271. - #2745655 by drunken monkey: Added test for (NOT) NULL conditions on fulltext
  272. fields in DB backend.
  273. - #2574889 by drunken monkey, ChristianAdamski: Added Tour module integration.
  274. - #2814925 by kducharm, drunken monkey, Cyberwolf: Fixed indexing of computed
  275. fields.
  276. - #2852807 by alan-ps: Fixed CheckStyle warnings in this project.
  277. - #2659868 by borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed CacheabilityTest to make sure it
  278. displays the rendered entities.
  279. - #2853049 by Blanca.Esqueda: Fixed config schema error for Views date filters.
  280. - #2847810 by JayKandari: Added Stemmer to ProcessorIntegrationTest.
  281. - #2753667 by pfrenssen, drunken monkey, borisson_, idimopoulos, sandervd,
  282. sardara: Improved Views cache plugins and their cache metadata.
  283. - #2843854 by becw, drunken monkey: Fixed date filters in search views.
  284. - #2753763 by drholera, drunken monkey: Added a logging trait which can also
  285. log exceptions.
  286. - #2850025 by alan-ps: Added a "label_collection" property for our entity types.
  287. - #2851533 by drunken monkey: Adapted the tests to the latest Core changes.
  288. - #2491175 by drunken monkey, ptmkenny: Added a new "Entity status" processor
  289. to replace "Node status".
  290. - #2681273 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added plugin descriptions consistently
  291. to the UI.
  292. - #2642792 by drunken monkey: Fixed and expanded the RenderedItemTest.
  293. - #2844527 by ayalon, drunken monkey: Added some contextual filters for Views.
  294. - #2847307 by JayKandari, drunken monkey: Removed "Display" suffix from our
  295. search display plugins.
  296. - #2849507 by drunken monkey: Fixed test fails on Drupal 8.4.
  297. - #2846255 by drunken monkey: Fixed displayed order of processors in UI.
  298. - #2656916 by drunken monkey: Removed unused field dependency calculation
  299. method.
  300. - #2844192 by BR0kEN, drunken monkey: Fixed failure in DB backend when setting
  301. field boost from 0 to other value.
  302. - #2847588 by Nick_vh, drunken monkey: Improved the description of the
  303. search_api_views_taxonomy module.
  304. - #2843632 by beram, drunken monkey: Fixed "contains any" for Views fulltext
  305. contextual filter.
  306. - #2842971 by jespermb, borisson_: Fixed wrong URL for block search displays.
  307. - #2842546 by alan-ps: Fixed Drush commands for enabling and disabling indexes.
  308. - #2840675 by nicrodgers, drunken monkey: Added support for Views filters with
  309. option lists.
  310. - #2841550 by drunken monkey: Fixed execution of pending tasks.
  311. - #2841827 by umed91, drunken monkey: Fixed some code style issues.
  312. - #2682615 by drunken monkey: Added tests for object serialization and cloning.
  313. - #2794879 by drunken monkey: Added property paths to the "Fields" tab.
  314. - #2840261 by alan-ps: Fixed usage of outdated hash functions.
  315. Search API 1.0, Beta 4 (2016-10-24):
  316. ------------------------------------
  317. - #2839981 by borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed search ID for non-page views.
  318. - #2834350 by alan-ps: Fixed missing field restriction in DB backend
  319. autocomplete code.
  320. - #2809469 by StryKaizer, borisson_, drunken monkey, pfrenssen: Fixed
  321. incompatible cache modes used for Search API views.
  322. - #2839142 by borisson_, drunken monkey: Added new test for Defaults module
  323. index creation.
  324. - #2831436 by borisson_, drunken monkey: Added dependency information to
  325. display plugins.
  326. - #2836994 by dermario: Fixed order of facets in DB backend unreliable.
  327. - #2839445 by borisson_: Fixed test failure in for some Core versions.
  328. - #2833229 by timcosgrove: Removed array type hinting for batch contexts.
  329. - #2656052 by drunken monkey: Removed the "plugin_id"/"settings" sub-level of
  330. index plugin settings.
  331. - #2837099 by drunken monkey: Fixed the tests in latest Drupal 8.3 dev version.
  332. - #2709351 by drunken monkey: Fixed invalid processor configurations when field
  333. configuration changes.
  334. - #2829351 by SchnWalter, drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed
  335. $entity->search_api_skip_tracking for nodes.
  336. - #2827961 by drunken monkey, Steven Jones: Fixed problems with giant scores in
  337. DB backend.
  338. - #2823985 by felribeiro, dermario, borisson_: Added an integration test for
  339. the "Role filter" processor.
  340. - #2832015 by mkalkbrenner: Removed translations from functional tests.
  341. - #2828184 by ekes: Fixed bug in Stemmer config form validation.
  342. - #2828848 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey, borisson_: Prepared IntegrationTest
  343. to be executed with different backends.
  344. - #2828148 by ekes, borisson_, drunken monkey: Fixed problem when stemming
  345. multiple words at once.
  346. - #2826822 by drunken monkey: Fixed use of illegal typed data type "text".
  347. - #2826308 by drunken monkey, mkalkbrenner: Fixed unwanted filter in Views
  348. tests.
  349. - #2734897 by niko-, drunken monkey: Added tests for preIndexSave()
  350. implementations.
  351. - #2650364 by drunken monkey: Added a "skip access checks" option to the Views
  352. relationship plugin.
  353. - #2826160 by keboca, drunken monkey: Fixed config form of "Role filter"
  354. processor to be more robust.
  355. - #2753815 by niko-, drunken monkey, itsekhmistro, borisson_: Ported Simpletest
  356. web tests to BrowserTestBase tests.
  357. - #2358065 by tstoeckler: Added the option for highlighting of partial matches
  358. to the processor.
  359. - #2470837 by sinn, drunken monkey: Added documentation on why to disable Core
  360. Search.
  361. - #2767609 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Added backend tests for empty value
  362. conditions.
  363. - #2789431 by phenaproxima, drunken monkey: Added possibility to display
  364. processor-generated fields in Views.
  365. - #2822553 by niko-: Removed a test assertion that failed when run via GUI.
  366. - #2821445 by drunken monkey: Fixed warning in HTML filter for non-HTML fields.
  367. - #2733185 by sinn, drunken monkey: Added documentation and tests for tracker
  368. and display plugin alter hooks.
  369. - #2824326 by Jo Fitzgerald: Fixed generated autocomplete suggestions of the DB
  370. backend.
  371. - #2824932 by mkalkbrenner: Fixed incorrect indexing call in backend tests.
  372. - #2821498 by stBorchert: Increased our required minimum Core version to 8.2.
  373. - #2816979 by drunken monkey: Added click-sorting for indexed fields in Views.
  374. - #2779159 by mark_fullmer, drunken monkey, borisson_: Added a Stemmer
  375. processor.
  376. - #2799497 by drunken monkey: Added a getter for the Views query's "where"
  377. property.
  378. - #2574583 by drunken monkey: Fixed loading of entities from excluded bundles.
  379. - #2795861 by sinn: Removed some deprecated methods.
  380. - #2748323 by sinn: Fixed comment reference to removed method
  381. alterPropertyDefinitions().
  382. - #2809753 by drunken monkey: Fixed issues with multiple OR facets.
  383. - #2821955 by mkalkbrenner: Adapted processor test base for use with other
  384. backends.
  385. - #2819637 by alan-ps: Renamed use of the DB layer rollback() method to
  386. rollBack().
  387. Search API 1.0, Beta 3 (2016-10-24):
  388. ------------------------------------
  389. - #2625152 by jhedstrom, drunken monkey, borisson_, mpp, stijn.blomme,
  390. Rodlangh: Added an "Index hierarchy" processor.
  391. - #2818621 by alan-ps: Fixed overly accurate index status percentage.
  392. - #2792277 by drunken monkey: Fixed issues during config syncing of our
  393. entities.
  394. - #2813525 by drunken monkey, alan-ps: Fixed incorrect indexing of
  395. nodes/comments with excluded bundle.
  396. - #2803701 by drunken monkey, rbayliss: Fixed strict warnings from
  397. UnsavedConfigurationFormTrait.
  398. - #2711017 by drunken monkey: Adapted Core's UncacheableDependencyTrait.
  399. - #2690229 by drunken monkey: Adapted Core's SubformState solution.
  400. - #2575641 by rbayliss, dazz, drunken monkey: Fixed behavior of "Save and edit"
  401. button for indexes.
  402. - #2769021 by drunken monkey: Added the generated Search API query to the Views
  403. preview.
  404. - #2817341 by mkalkbrenner, drunken monkey: Added PluginDependencyTrait to
  405. ConfigurablePluginBase.
  406. - #2809211 by cristiroma: Fixed size of text fields on "Fields" tab.
  407. - #2684465 by Dropa, david.gil, drunken monkey: Fixed indexing of
  408. non-translated entity references.
  409. - #2695627 by dermario, drunken monkey: Added support for (NOT) IN and (NOT)
  410. BETWEEN operators to Views.
  411. - #2782577 by drunken monkey, zuhair_ak: Fixed extraction of configurable
  412. properties in processors.
  413. Search API 1.0, Beta 2 (2016-09-28):
  414. ------------------------------------
  415. - #2798643 by drunken monkey, Berdir: Fixed handling of enforced dependencies
  416. for search indexes.
  417. - #2799475 by borisson_, drunken monkey: Added support for Views block and REST
  418. displays in the Views search display deriver.
  419. - #2763161 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed cache issues with Views search
  420. display plugins.
  421. - #2800011 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed display of hidden properties
  422. when adding fields.
  423. - #2794093 by drunken monkey, borisson_, kamalrajsahu21: Fixed the processor
  424. reordering CSS.
  425. - #2640982 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed "unsaved changes" code in the
  426. Fields UI.
  427. - #2727697 by drunken monkey, borisson_: Fixed serialization of modified
  428. indexes.
  429. - #2747767 by joachim: Changed the "Aggregation type" form element to radios.
  430. - #2565621 by LKS90, drunken monkey: Added a test for the database defaults
  431. submodule.
  432. - #2684465 by drunken monkey, marthinal: Fixed indexing of related entities on
  433. multilingual sites.
  434. - #2566241 by drunken monkey: Fixed index tracker select default value.
  435. - #2555177 by drunken monkey: Fixed empty bundle selects in datasource config
  436. forms.
  437. Search API 1.0, Beta 1 (2016-09-05):
  438. ------------------------------------
  439. First Beta release of the project's Drupal 8 version. The API can be considered
  440. mostly stable and an upgrade path will be provided for all data structure
  441. changes from this point forward.