README.txt 745 B

  1. =============================
  2. Image Minification with Grunt
  3. =============================
  4. When running Grunt, save images to /images/source and compressed images will
  5. automatically be saved to /images/optimized.
  6. ===========================
  7. How to Use Grunt with Basic
  8. ===========================
  9. Grunt requires Node.JS to be installed on your machine. There are various
  10. package managers that can handle this for you.
  12. Once Node.JS is installed, go to basic/grunt and install your Grunt packages:
  13. npm install
  14. This will install the neccessary node_modules to run grunt. Once installed, run
  15. Grunt via the command line:
  16. grunt
  17. This will initialize Grunt and start watching changes to your SASS files. Voilà!