migrate_plus.migration.upgrade_d6_node_setting_sticky.yml 755 B

  1. uuid: 13e28e7a-d057-4ff1-96ef-1acecbace522
  2. langcode: fr
  3. status: true
  4. dependencies: { }
  5. id: upgrade_d6_node_setting_sticky
  6. class: Drupal\migrate\Plugin\Migration
  7. field_plugin_method: null
  8. cck_plugin_method: null
  9. migration_tags:
  10. - 'Drupal 6'
  11. migration_group: migrate_drupal_6
  12. label: 'Node type ''sticky'' setting'
  13. source:
  14. plugin: d6_node_type
  15. constants:
  16. entity_type: node
  17. field_name: sticky
  18. process:
  19. entity_type: constants/entity_type
  20. bundle: type
  21. field_name: constants/field_name
  22. label:
  23. plugin: default_value
  24. default_value: 'Sticky at the top of lists'
  25. default_value/0/value: options/sticky
  26. destination:
  27. plugin: 'entity:base_field_override'
  28. migration_dependencies:
  29. required:
  30. - upgrade_d6_node_type
  31. optional: { }