migrate_plus.migration.d6_edlp_entrees.yml 758 B

  1. id: d6_edlp_entrees
  2. label: Edlp Drupal 6 entrees
  3. migration_tags:
  4. - Drupal 6
  5. migration_group: d6_edlp
  6. source:
  7. plugin: d6_edlp_taxonomy_term_entree
  8. bundle: 2
  9. process:
  10. name: name
  11. # get the node type entrée from source and add it to description field
  12. description/value:
  13. -
  14. plugin: get
  15. source: description
  16. -
  17. plugin: skip_on_empty
  18. method: row
  19. description/format:
  20. plugin: default_value
  21. default_value: wysiwyg
  22. # get the node type page:notice from source and add it to notice field
  23. field_notice/value: notice
  24. field_notice/format:
  25. plugin: default_value
  26. default_value: wysiwyg
  27. vid:
  28. plugin: default_value
  29. default_value: entrees
  30. weight: weight
  31. destination:
  32. plugin: entity:taxonomy_term