123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183 |
- <?php
- /**
- * @file
- * Install, update and uninstall functions for the taxonomy module.
- */
- use Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition;
- use Drupal\Core\Site\Settings;
- /**
- * Convert the custom taxonomy term hierarchy storage to a default storage.
- */
- function taxonomy_update_8501() {
- $definition_update_manager = \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager();
- /** @var \Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition $field_storage_definition */
- $field_storage_definition = $definition_update_manager->getFieldStorageDefinition('parent', 'taxonomy_term');
- $field_storage_definition->setCustomStorage(FALSE);
- $definition_update_manager->updateFieldStorageDefinition($field_storage_definition);
- }
- /**
- * Copy hierarchy from {taxonomy_term_hierarchy} to {taxonomy_term__parent}.
- */
- function taxonomy_update_8502(&$sandbox) {
- $database = \Drupal::database();
- if (!isset($sandbox['current'])) {
- // Set batch ops sandbox.
- $sandbox['current'] = 0;
- $sandbox['tid'] = -1;
- $sandbox['delta'] = 0;
- $sandbox['limit'] = Settings::get('entity_update_batch_size', 50);
- $sandbox['max'] = $database->select('taxonomy_term_hierarchy')
- ->countQuery()
- ->execute()
- ->fetchField();
- }
- // Save the hierarchy.
- $select = $database->select('taxonomy_term_hierarchy', 'h');
- $select->join('taxonomy_term_data', 'd', 'h.tid = d.tid');
- $hierarchy = $select
- ->fields('h', ['tid', 'parent'])
- ->fields('d', ['vid', 'langcode'])
- ->range($sandbox['current'], $sandbox['limit'])
- ->orderBy('tid', 'ASC')
- ->orderBy('parent', 'ASC')
- ->execute()
- ->fetchAll();
- // Restore data.
- $insert = $database->insert('taxonomy_term__parent')
- ->fields(['bundle', 'entity_id', 'revision_id', 'langcode', 'delta', 'parent_target_id']);
- foreach ($hierarchy as $row) {
- if ($row->tid !== $sandbox['tid']) {
- $sandbox['delta'] = 0;
- $sandbox['tid'] = $row->tid;
- }
- $insert->values([
- 'bundle' => $row->vid,
- 'entity_id' => $row->tid,
- 'revision_id' => $row->tid,
- 'langcode' => $row->langcode,
- 'delta' => $sandbox['delta'],
- 'parent_target_id' => $row->parent,
- ]);
- $sandbox['delta']++;
- $sandbox['current']++;
- }
- $insert->execute();
- $sandbox['#finished'] = empty($sandbox['max']) ? 1 : ($sandbox['current'] / $sandbox['max']);
- if ($sandbox['#finished'] >= 1) {
- // Update the entity type because the 'taxonomy_term_hierarchy' table is no
- // longer part of its shared tables schema.
- $definition_update_manager = \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager();
- $definition_update_manager->updateEntityType($definition_update_manager->getEntityType('taxonomy_term'));
- // \Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::onEntityTypeUpdate()
- // only deletes *known* entity tables (i.e. the base, data and revision
- // tables), so we have to drop it manually.
- $database->schema()->dropTable('taxonomy_term_hierarchy');
- return t('Taxonomy term hierarchy has been converted to default entity reference storage.');
- }
- }
- /**
- * Update views to use {taxonomy_term__parent} in relationships.
- */
- function taxonomy_update_8503() {
- $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();
- foreach ($config_factory->listAll('views.view.') as $id) {
- $view = $config_factory->getEditable($id);
- foreach (array_keys($view->get('display')) as $display_id) {
- $changed = FALSE;
- foreach (['relationships', 'filters', 'arguments'] as $handler_type) {
- $base_path = "display.$display_id.display_options.$handler_type";
- $handlers = $view->get($base_path);
- if (!$handlers) {
- continue;
- }
- foreach ($handlers as $handler_key => $handler_config) {
- $table_path = "$base_path.$handler_key.table";
- $field_path = "$base_path.$handler_key.field";
- $table = $view->get($table_path);
- $field = $view->get($field_path);
- if (($table && ($table === 'taxonomy_term_hierarchy')) && ($field && ($field === 'parent'))) {
- $view->set($table_path, 'taxonomy_term__parent');
- $view->set($field_path, 'parent_target_id');
- $changed = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($changed) {
- $view->save(TRUE);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Add the publishing status fields to taxonomy terms.
- */
- function taxonomy_update_8601() {
- $definition_update_manager = \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager();
- $entity_type = $definition_update_manager->getEntityType('taxonomy_term');
- // Bail out early if a field named 'status' is already installed.
- if ($definition_update_manager->getFieldStorageDefinition('status', 'taxonomy_term')) {
- $message = \Drupal::state()->get('taxonomy_update_8601_skip_message', t('The publishing status field has <strong>not</strong> been added to taxonomy terms. See <a href=":link">this page</a> for more information on how to install it.', [
- ':link' => 'https://www.drupal.org/node/2985366',
- ]));
- return $message;
- }
- // Add the 'published' entity key to the taxonomy_term entity type.
- $entity_keys = $entity_type->getKeys();
- $entity_keys['published'] = 'status';
- $entity_type->set('entity_keys', $entity_keys);
- $definition_update_manager->updateEntityType($entity_type);
- // Add the status field.
- $status = BaseFieldDefinition::create('boolean')
- ->setLabel(t('Publishing status'))
- ->setDescription(t('A boolean indicating the published state.'))
- ->setRevisionable(TRUE)
- ->setTranslatable(TRUE)
- ->setDefaultValue(TRUE);
- $has_content_translation_status_field = $definition_update_manager->getFieldStorageDefinition('content_translation_status', 'taxonomy_term');
- if ($has_content_translation_status_field) {
- $status->setInitialValueFromField('content_translation_status', TRUE);
- }
- else {
- $status->setInitialValue(TRUE);
- }
- $definition_update_manager->installFieldStorageDefinition('status', 'taxonomy_term', 'taxonomy_term', $status);
- // Uninstall the 'content_translation_status' field if needed.
- if ($has_content_translation_status_field) {
- $content_translation_status = $definition_update_manager->getFieldStorageDefinition('content_translation_status', 'taxonomy_term');
- $definition_update_manager->uninstallFieldStorageDefinition($content_translation_status);
- }
- return t('The publishing status field has been added to taxonomy terms.');
- }