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- user.page:
- title: 'My account'
- weight: -10
- route_name: user.page
- menu_name: account
- user.logout:
- weight: 10
- menu_name: account
- class: Drupal\user\Plugin\Menu\LoginLogoutMenuLink
- entity.user.collection:
- title: People
- route_name: entity.user.collection
- description: 'Manage user accounts, roles, and permissions.'
- parent: system.admin
- weight: 4
- user.admin_index:
- title: People
- route_name: user.admin_index
- parent: system.admin_config
- description: 'Configure user accounts.'
- position: left
- weight: -20
- entity.user.admin_form:
- title: 'Account settings'
- parent: user.admin_index
- description: 'Configure default user account settings, including fields, registration requirements, and email messages.'
- weight: -10
- route_name: entity.user.admin_form