views-ui-build-group-filter-form.html.twig 1.6 KB

  1. {#
  2. /**
  3. * @file
  4. * Default theme implementation for Views UI build group filter form.
  5. *
  6. * Available variables:
  7. * - form: A render element representing the form. Contains the following:
  8. * - form_description: The exposed filter's description.
  9. * - expose_button: The button to toggle the expose filter form.
  10. * - group_button: Toggle options between single and grouped filters.
  11. * - label: A filter label input field.
  12. * - description: A filter description field.
  13. * - value: The filters available values.
  14. * - optional: A checkbox to require this filter or not.
  15. * - remember: A checkbox to remember selected filter value(s) (per user).
  16. * - widget: Radio Buttons to select the filter widget.
  17. * - add_group: A button to add another row to the table.
  18. * - more: A details element for additional field exposed filter fields.
  19. * - table: A rendered table element of the group filter form.
  20. *
  21. * @see template_preprocess_views_ui_build_group_filter_form()
  22. *
  23. * @ingroup themeable
  24. */
  25. #}
  26. {{ form.form_description }}
  27. {{ form.expose_button }}
  28. {{ form.group_button }}
  29. <div class="views-left-40">
  30. {{ form.optional }}
  31. {{ form.remember }}
  32. </div>
  33. <div class="views-right-60">
  34. {{ form.widget }}
  35. {{ form.label }}
  36. {{ form.description }}
  37. </div>
  38. {#
  39. Render the rest of the form elements excluding elements that are rendered
  40. elsewhere.
  41. #}
  42. {{ form|without(
  43. 'form_description',
  44. 'expose_button',
  45. 'group_button',
  46. 'optional',
  47. 'remember',
  48. 'widget',
  49. 'label',
  50. 'description',
  51. 'add_group',
  52. 'more'
  53. )
  54. }}
  55. {{ table }}
  56. {{ form.add_group }}
  57. {{ form.more }}