4.1 KB

  1. id: search-api-index
  2. module: search_api
  3. label: Information about an index
  4. langcode: en
  5. routes:
  6. - route_name: entity.search_api_index.canonical
  7. dependencies:
  8. module:
  9. - search_api
  10. tips:
  11. search-api-index-introduction:
  12. id: search-api-index-introduction
  13. plugin: text
  14. label: Information about an index
  15. body: This page shows a summary of a search index and its status.
  16. weight: 1
  17. search-api-index-index-status:
  18. id: search-api-index-index-status
  19. plugin: text
  20. label: Index status
  21. body: This gives a summary about how many items are known for this index, and how many have been indexed in their latest version. Items that are not indexed yet cannot be found by searches.
  22. weight: 2
  23. attributes:
  24. data-class: search-api-index-status
  25. search-api-index-status:
  26. id: search-api-index-status
  27. plugin: text
  28. label: Status
  29. body: Shows whether the index is currently enabled or disabled.
  30. weight: 3
  31. attributes:
  32. data-class: search-api-index-summary--status
  33. search-api-index-datasources:
  34. id: search-api-index-datasources
  35. plugin: text
  36. label: Datasources
  37. body: Lists all datasources that are enabled for this index.
  38. weight: 4
  39. attributes:
  40. data-class: search-api-index-summary--datasource
  41. search-api-index-tracker:
  42. id: search-api-index-tracker
  43. plugin: text
  44. label: Tracker
  45. body: The tracker used by the index. Only one ("Default") is available by default.
  46. weight: 5
  47. attributes:
  48. data-class: search-api-index-summary--tracker
  49. search-api-index-server:
  50. id: search-api-index-server
  51. plugin: text
  52. label: Server
  53. body: If the index is attached to a server, this server is listed here.
  54. weight: 6
  55. attributes:
  56. data-class: search-api-index-summary--server
  57. search-api-index-server-index-status:
  58. id: search-api-index-server-index-status
  59. plugin: text
  60. label: Server index status
  61. body: For enabled indexes, the number of items that can actually be retrieved from the server is listed here. For reasons why this number might differ from the number under "Index status", <a href="">see the module's documentation</a>.
  62. weight: 7
  63. attributes:
  64. data-class: search-api-index-summary--server-index-status
  65. search-api-index-cron-batch-size:
  66. id: search-api-index-cron-batch-size
  67. plugin: text
  68. label: Cron batch size
  69. body: The number of items that will be indexed at once during cron runs.
  70. weight: 8
  71. attributes:
  72. data-class: search-api-index-summary--cron-batch-size
  73. search-api-index-index-now:
  74. id: search-api-index-remove
  75. plugin: text
  76. label: Start indexing now
  77. body: The "Start indexing now" form allows indexing items manually right away, with a batch process. Otherwise, items are only indexed during cron runs. The form might be disabled if indexing is currently not possible for some reason, or not necessary.
  78. weight: 9
  79. attributes:
  80. data-id: edit-index
  81. search-api-index-tracking:
  82. id: search-api-index-tracking
  83. plugin: text
  84. label: Track items for index
  85. body: In certain situations, the index's tracker doesn't have the latest state of the items available for indexing. This will be automatically rectified during cron runs, but can also be manually triggered here, with the "Track now" button.
  86. weight: 10
  87. attributes:
  88. data-id: edit-tracking
  89. search-api-index-reindex:
  90. id: search-api-index-reindex
  91. plugin: text
  92. label: Queue all items for reindexing
  93. body: This will queue all items on this index for reindexing. Previously indexed data will remain on the search server, so searches on this index will continue to yield results.
  94. weight: 11
  95. attributes:
  96. data-id: edit-reindex
  97. search-api-index-clear:
  98. id: search-api-index-clear
  99. plugin: text
  100. label: Clear all indexed data
  101. body: This will remove all indexed content for this index from the search server and queue it for reindexing. Searches on this index will not return any results until items are reindexed.
  102. weight: 12
  103. attributes:
  104. data-id: edit-clear