1.7 KB

  1. id: search-api-index-processors
  2. module: search_api
  3. label: Processors used for this index
  4. langcode: en
  5. routes:
  6. - route_name: entity.search_api_index.processors
  7. dependencies:
  8. module:
  9. - search_api
  10. tips:
  11. search-api-index-processors-introduction:
  12. id: search-api-index-processors-introduction
  13. plugin: text
  14. label: Processors used for this index
  15. body: Processors customize different aspects of an index's functionality. They can keep items from being indexed, change how certain fields are indexed and influence searches.
  16. weight: 1
  17. search-api-index-processors-enable:
  18. id: search-api-index-processors-enable
  19. plugin: text
  20. label: Enable processors
  21. body: "This lists all processors available for this index and lets you choose the ones that should be active. (Note: Some processors cannot be disabled.)"
  22. weight: 2
  23. attributes:
  24. data-id: edit-status
  25. search-api-index-processors-weights:
  26. id: search-api-index-processors-weights
  27. plugin: text
  28. label: Processor order
  29. body: This shows you which enabled processors will be active in the different parts of the indexing/searching workflow, and lets you re-arrange them. This should usually not be necessary, and only be used by advanced users as some processors will lead to unexpected results when used in the wrong order.
  30. weight: 3
  31. attributes:
  32. data-id: edit-weights
  33. search-api-index-processors-settings:
  34. id: search-api-index-processors-settings
  35. plugin: text
  36. label: Processor settings
  37. body: Some processors have additional configuration available, which you are able to change here.
  38. weight: 4
  39. attributes:
  40. data-class: form-type-vertical-tabs