2.6 KB

  1. id: search-api-index-form
  2. module: search_api
  3. label: 'Add or edit a Search API index'
  4. langcode: en
  5. routes:
  6. - route_name: entity.search_api_index.add_form
  7. - route_name: entity.search_api_index.edit_form
  8. dependencies:
  9. module:
  10. - search_api
  11. tips:
  12. search-api-index-form-introduction:
  13. id: search-api-index-form-introduction
  14. plugin: text
  15. label: Adding or editing an index
  16. body: This form can be used to edit an existing index or add a new index to your site. Indexes define a set of data that will be indexed and can then be searched.
  17. weight: 1
  18. search-api-index-form-name:
  19. id: search-api-index-form-name
  20. plugin: text
  21. label: Index name
  22. body: Enter a name to identify this index. For example, "Content index". This will only be displayed in the admin user interface.
  23. weight: 2
  24. attributes:
  25. data-id: edit-name
  26. search-api-index-form-datasources:
  27. id: search-api-index-form-datasources
  28. plugin: text
  29. label: Datasources
  30. body: Datasources define the types of items that will be indexed in this index. By default, all content entities (like content, comments and taxonomy terms) will be available here, but modules can also add their own.
  31. weight: 3
  32. attributes:
  33. data-id: edit-datasources
  34. search-api-index-form-tracker:
  35. id: search-api-index-form-tracker
  36. plugin: text
  37. label: Tracker
  38. body: An index's tracker is the system that keeps track of which items there are available for the index, and which of them still need to be indexed. Changing the tracker of an existing index will lead to reindexing of all items.
  39. weight: 4
  40. attributes:
  41. data-id: edit-tracker
  42. search-api-index-form-server:
  43. id: search-api-index-form-server
  44. plugin: text
  45. label: Server
  46. body: The search server that the index should use for indexing and searching. If no server is selected here, the index cannot be enabled. An index can only have one server, but a server can have any number of indexes.
  47. weight: 5
  48. attributes:
  49. data-id: edit-server
  50. search-api-index-form-description:
  51. id: search-api-index-form-description
  52. plugin: text
  53. label: Index description
  54. body: Optionally, enter a description to explain the function of the index in more detail. This will only be displayed in the admin user interface.
  55. weight: 6
  56. attributes:
  57. data-id: edit-description
  58. search-api-index-form-options:
  59. id: search-api-index-form-options
  60. plugin: text
  61. label: Advanced options
  62. body: These options allow more detailed configuration of index behavior, but can usually safely be ignored by inexperienced users.
  63. weight: 7
  64. attributes:
  65. data-id: edit-options