_grid-settings.sass 761 B

  1. // Bourbon grid display. Set to "true" to turn on.
  2. // $visual-grid: false
  3. // $visual-grid-color: #EEEEEE
  4. // $visual-grid-index: back
  5. // $visual-grid-opacity: 0.4
  6. // Set to false if you'd like to remove the responsiveness
  7. $responsive: true
  8. // Neat Overrides
  9. $column: 60px
  10. $gutter: 20px
  11. $grid-columns: 4
  12. // We set the max width of the page.
  13. $font-size: 16px
  14. $max-width: 1200px
  15. // Breakpoints
  16. $small-screen: 320px
  17. $medium-screen: 720px
  18. $large-screen: 960px
  19. // Define your mobile first breakpoints using min-width
  20. $small-screen-up: new-breakpoint(min-width #{$small-screen/$font-size}em 4)
  21. $medium-screen-up: new-breakpoint(min-width #{$medium-screen/$font-size}em 8)
  22. $large-screen-up: new-breakpoint(min-width #{$large-screen/$font-size}em 12)