571 B

  1. name: Classy
  2. type: theme
  3. description: 'A base theme with sensible default CSS classes added. Learn how to use Classy as a base theme in the <a href="">Drupal 8 Theming Guide</a>.'
  4. package: Core
  5. version: VERSION
  6. core: 8.x
  7. hidden: true
  8. libraries:
  9. - classy/base
  10. - classy/messages
  11. - core/normalize
  12. libraries-extend:
  13. user/drupal.user:
  14. - classy/user
  15. core/drupal.dropbutton:
  16. - classy/dropbutton
  17. core/drupal.dialog:
  18. - classy/dialog
  19. file/drupal.file:
  20. - classy/file
  21. core/drupal.progress:
  22. - classy/progress