get('expire'); \Drupal::database()->delete('honeypot_user') ->condition('timestamp', REQUEST_TIME - $expire_limit, '<') ->execute(); } /** * Implements hook_form_alter(). * * Add Honeypot features to forms enabled in the Honeypot admin interface. */ function honeypot_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) { // Don't use for maintenance mode forms (install, update, etc.). if (defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE')) { return; } // Add a tag to all forms, so that if they are cached and honeypot // configuration is changed, the cached forms are invalidated and honeypot // protection can be re-evaluated. $form['#cache']['tags'][] = 'config:honeypot.settings'; // Get list of unprotected forms and setting for whether to protect all forms. $unprotected_forms = \Drupal::config('honeypot.settings')->get('unprotected_forms'); $protect_all_forms = \Drupal::config('honeypot.settings')->get('protect_all_forms'); // If configured to protect all forms, add protection to every form. if ($protect_all_forms && !in_array($form_id, $unprotected_forms)) { // Don't protect system forms - only admins should have access, and system // forms may be programmatically submitted by drush and other modules. if (strpos($form_id, 'system_') === FALSE && strpos($form_id, 'search_') === FALSE && strpos($form_id, 'views_exposed_form_') === FALSE) { honeypot_add_form_protection($form, $form_state, ['honeypot', 'time_restriction']); } } // Otherwise add form protection to admin-configured forms. elseif ($forms_to_protect = honeypot_get_protected_forms()) { foreach ($forms_to_protect as $protect_form_id) { // For most forms, do a straight check on the form ID. if ($form_id == $protect_form_id) { honeypot_add_form_protection($form, $form_state, ['honeypot', 'time_restriction']); } } } } /** * Build an array of all the protected forms on the site, by form_id. */ function honeypot_get_protected_forms() { $forms = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__); // If the data isn't already in memory, get from cache or look it up fresh. if (!isset($forms)) { if ($cache = \Drupal::cache()->get('honeypot_protected_forms')) { $forms = $cache->data; } else { $form_settings = \Drupal::config('honeypot.settings')->get('form_settings'); if (!empty($form_settings)) { // Add each form that's enabled to the $forms array. foreach ($form_settings as $form_id => $enabled) { if ($enabled) { $forms[] = $form_id; } } } else { $forms = []; } // Save the cached data. \Drupal::cache()->set('honeypot_protected_forms', $forms); } } return $forms; } /** * Form builder function to add different types of protection to forms. * * @param array $options * Array of options to be added to form. Currently accepts 'honeypot' and * 'time_restriction'. */ function honeypot_add_form_protection(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, array $options = []) { $account = \Drupal::currentUser(); // Allow other modules to alter the protections applied to this form. \Drupal::moduleHandler()->alter('honeypot_form_protections', $options, $form); // Don't add any protections if the user can bypass the Honeypot. if ($account->hasPermission('bypass honeypot protection')) { return; } // Build the honeypot element. if (in_array('honeypot', $options)) { // Get the element name (default is generic 'url'). $honeypot_element = \Drupal::config('honeypot.settings')->get('element_name'); // Build the honeypot element. $honeypot_class = $honeypot_element . '-textfield'; $form[$honeypot_element] = [ '#theme_wrappers' => [ 'container' => [ '#id' => NULL, '#attributes' => [ 'class' => [ $honeypot_class, ], 'style' => [ 'display: none !important;', ], ], ], ], '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Leave this field blank'), '#size' => 20, '#weight' => 100, '#attributes' => ['autocomplete' => 'off'], '#element_validate' => ['_honeypot_honeypot_validate'], ]; } // Set the time restriction for this form (if it's not disabled). if (in_array('time_restriction', $options) && \Drupal::config('honeypot.settings')->get('time_limit') != 0) { // Set the current time in a hidden value to be checked later. $input = $form_state->getUserInput(); if (empty($input['honeypot_time'])) { $identifier = Crypt::randomBytesBase64(); \Drupal::service('keyvalue.expirable')->get('honeypot_time_restriction')->set($identifier, time(), 3600*24); } else { $identifier = $input['honeypot_time']; } $form['honeypot_time'] = [ '#type' => 'hidden', '#title' => t('Timestamp'), '#default_value' => $identifier, '#element_validate' => ['_honeypot_time_restriction_validate'], '#cache' => [ 'max-age' => 0, ], ]; // Disable page caching to make sure timestamp isn't cached. $account = \Drupal::currentUser(); if ($account->id() == 0) { // TODO D8 - Use DIC? See: // Should this now set 'omit_vary_cookie' instead? Drupal::service('page_cache_kill_switch')->trigger(); } } // Allow other modules to react to addition of form protection. if (!empty($options)) { \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invokeAll('honeypot_add_form_protection', [$options, $form]); } } /** * Validate honeypot field. */ function _honeypot_honeypot_validate($element, FormStateInterface $form_state) { // Get the honeypot field value. $honeypot_value = $element['#value']; // Make sure it's empty. if (!empty($honeypot_value)) { _honeypot_log($form_state->getValue('form_id'), 'honeypot'); $form_state->setErrorByName('', t('There was a problem with your form submission. Please refresh the page and try again.')); } } /** * Validate honeypot's time restriction field. */ function _honeypot_time_restriction_validate($element, FormStateInterface $form_state) { if ($form_state->isProgrammed()) { // Don't do anything if the form was submitted programmatically. return; } $triggering_element = $form_state->getTriggeringElement(); // Don't do anything if the triggering element is a preview button. if ($triggering_element['#value'] == t('Preview')) { return; } // Get the time value. $identifier = $form_state->getValue('honeypot_time', FALSE); $honeypot_time = \Drupal::service('keyvalue.expirable')->get('honeypot_time_restriction')->get($identifier, 0); // Get the honeypot_time_limit. $time_limit = honeypot_get_time_limit($form_state->getValues()); // Make sure current time - (time_limit + form time value) is greater than 0. // If not, throw an error. if (!$honeypot_time || REQUEST_TIME < ($honeypot_time + $time_limit)) { _honeypot_log($form_state->getValue('form_id'), 'honeypot_time'); $time_limit = honeypot_get_time_limit(); \Drupal::service('keyvalue.expirable')->get('honeypot_time_restriction')->set($identifier, REQUEST_TIME, 3600*24); $form_state->setErrorByName('', t('There was a problem with your form submission. Please wait @limit seconds and try again.', ['@limit' => $time_limit])); } } /** * Log blocked form submissions. * * @param string $form_id * Form ID for the form on which submission was blocked. * @param string $type * String indicating the reason the submission was blocked. Allowed values: * - honeypot: If honeypot field was filled in. * - honeypot_time: If form was completed before the configured time limit. */ function _honeypot_log($form_id, $type) { honeypot_log_failure($form_id, $type); if (\Drupal::config('honeypot.settings')->get('log')) { $variables = [ '%form' => $form_id, '@cause' => ($type == 'honeypot') ? t('submission of a value in the honeypot field') : t('submission of the form in less than minimum required time'), ]; \Drupal::logger('honeypot')->notice(t('Blocked submission of %form due to @cause.', $variables)); } } /** * Look up the time limit for the current user. * * @param array $form_values * Array of form values (optional). */ function honeypot_get_time_limit(array $form_values = []) { $account = \Drupal::currentUser(); $honeypot_time_limit = \Drupal::config('honeypot.settings')->get('time_limit'); // Only calculate time limit if honeypot_time_limit has a value > 0. if ($honeypot_time_limit) { $expire_time = \Drupal::config('honeypot.settings')->get('expire'); // Query the {honeypot_user} table to determine the number of failed // submissions for the current user. $uid = $account->id(); $query = \Drupal::database()->select('honeypot_user', 'hu') ->condition('uid', $uid) ->condition('timestamp', REQUEST_TIME - $expire_time, '>'); // For anonymous users, take the hostname into account. if ($uid === 0) { $hostname = \Drupal::request()->getClientIp(); $query->condition('hostname', $hostname); } $number = $query->countQuery()->execute()->fetchField(); // Don't add more than 30 days' worth of extra time. $honeypot_time_limit = (int) min($honeypot_time_limit + exp($number) - 1, 2592000); // TODO - Only accepts two args. $additions = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invokeAll('honeypot_time_limit', [ $honeypot_time_limit, $form_values, $number, ]); if (count($additions)) { $honeypot_time_limit += array_sum($additions); } } return $honeypot_time_limit; } /** * Log the failed submission with timestamp and hostname. * * @param string $form_id * Form ID for the rejected form submission. * @param string $type * String indicating the reason the submission was blocked. Allowed values: * - honeypot: If honeypot field was filled in. * - honeypot_time: If form was completed before the configured time limit. */ function honeypot_log_failure($form_id, $type) { $account = \Drupal::currentUser(); $uid = $account->id(); // Log failed submissions. \Drupal::database()->insert('honeypot_user') ->fields([ 'uid' => $uid, 'hostname' => Drupal::request()->getClientIp(), 'timestamp' => REQUEST_TIME, ]) ->execute(); // Allow other modules to react to honeypot rejections. // TODO - Only accepts two args. \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invokeAll('honeypot_reject', [$form_id, $uid, $type]); }