formBuilder = $formBuilder; $this->sapi_index_id = "collection"; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) { return new static( $container->get('form_builder') ); } private function getSearchForm(){ $this->form = $this->formBuilder->getForm('Drupal\edlp_search\Form\EdlpSearchForm'); } private function buildRenderable(){ $this->getSearchForm(); $this->renderable = array( "#theme" => "edlp_search_search_form", '#form' => $this->form ); } /** * Searchform. * * @return string * Return Hello string. */ public function searchForm() { $this->buildRenderable(); return $this->renderable; } /** * searchFormJson */ public function searchFormJson(){ $this->buildRenderable(); $rendered = \Drupal::service('renderer')->render($this->renderable); $data = [ 'rendered' => $rendered, 'title' => 'Search', ]; // translations links $route_name = 'edlp_search.edlp_search_controller_searchForm'; $links = \Drupal::languageManager()->getLanguageSwitchLinks(LanguageInterface::TYPE_URL, Url::fromRoute($route_name)); if (isset($links->links)) { $translations_build = [ '#theme' => 'links__language_block', '#links' => $links->links, '#attributes' => ['class' => ["language-switcher-{$links->method_id}",],], '#set_active_class' => TRUE, ]; $translations_rendered = \Drupal::service('renderer')->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($translations_build) {return \Drupal::service('renderer')->render($translations_build);}); $data['translations_links'] = $translations_rendered; } // TODO: make respponse cachable $response = new JsonResponse(); $response->setData($data); return $response; } public function autocomplete(Request $request){ // TODO: get field_name parameter $this->request = $request; $this->getRequestAutocompleteArgs(); // run a search on selected field and get the fields unique values $this->autocompleteQuery(); $response = new JsonResponse($this->matches); return $response; // return array( // "#markup" => "autocomplete" // ); } /** * autocompleteQuery */ private function autocompleteQuery(){ // TODO: get the sapi index id with settings /* @var $sapi_index \Drupal\search_api\IndexInterface */ $sapi_index = Index::load($this->sapi_index_id); // dpm($sapi_index); // Create the query. $query = $sapi_index->query(); $query->setSearchID('edlp_search:autocomplete'); $parse_mode = \Drupal::getContainer() ->get('plugin.manager.search_api.parse_mode') ->createInstance('direct'); $query->setParseMode($parse_mode); $current_langcode = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->getId(); $query->setLanguages(array($current_langcode)); // $query->range(0, 20); // workflow $wf_condition_group = $query->createConditionGroup('OR'); $wf_condition_group->addCondition('field_workflow', 'corpus_documents_publie', "="); // TODO: add condition with the other workflow field $query->addConditionGroup($wf_condition_group); // Search for keys. if (!empty($this->keys)) { // && strlen($this->keys) > 2 // dpm($this->keys); $query->keys($this->keys); } // else{ // $this->matches = []; // return; // } if(null !== $this->field_synonyms){ // select the taxo field AND the synonym field in which search will be performed $query->setFulltextFields(array($this->field_name, $this->field_synonyms)); }else{ // OR select the unique taxo field in which search will be performed $query->setFulltextFields(array($this->field_name)); } $result = $query->execute(); $items = $result->getResultItems(); // dpm($items); $this->matches = []; foreach ($items as $item) { // get the field from item try { /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity */ $fields = $item->getField($this->field_name)->getValues(); }catch (SearchApiException $e) { // if error on getinfg the field, skip item continue; } // if no fields returned, skip item if (!$fields) { continue; } // dpm($fields); // get field content $field_text = $fields[0]->getText(); // $entity_id = $fields[0]->get('tid'); // if content already in matches, skip item if( in_array($field_text, $this->matches) ){ continue; } // add the item to the return list // $matches_names = $field_text . '('.$entity_id.')'; $this->matches[] = $field_text; // do not return more than 14 items if(count($this->matches) > 14){ break; } } // dpm($this->matches); } /** * getRequestArgs */ private function getRequestAutocompleteArgs(){ // args are provided by form definition with autocomplete_route_parameters // dpm($this->request); $this->field_name = $this->request->query->get('field_name'); // if($this->request->query->get('field_synonyms')){ $this->field_synonyms = $this->request->query->get('field_synonyms'); // } // if($this->request->query->get('node_type')){ // $this->node_type = $this->request->query->get('node_type'); // } $this->keys = $this->request->query->get('q'); } /** * searchResults */ public function searchResults(Request $request) { $this->request = $request; $this->getRequestSearchArgs(); return $this->getrenderable(); } /** * searchResultsJson */ public function searchResultsJson(Request $request){ $this->request = $request; $this->getRequestSearchArgs(); $renderable = $this->getrenderable(); $rendered = \Drupal::service('renderer')->render($renderable); // build an array of results's nids $results_nids = []; foreach ($this->items as $item) { $results_nids[] = $item->id(); } $response = new JsonResponse(); $response->setData([ 'keys'=>$this->keys, 'entries' => $this->entries, 'entry_names' => $this->entry_names, 'langues' => $this->langues, 'genres' => $this->genres, 'rendered'=> $rendered, 'results_nids'=>$results_nids, ]); return $response; } /** * getRenderable */ private function getRenderable(){ $this->query(); $build = array( '#theme' => 'edlp_search_results', '#items' => $this->items ); if(!count($this->items)){ $build['#no_results_found'] = array( '#markup' => t('Your search yielded no results.') ); // $build['#search_help'] = array( // '#markup' => $this->t('