Admin Toolbar 8.1.22, 2017-XX-XX
Changes since 8.1.21:

- #2929061 by romainj, dsnopek, adriancid: admin_toolbar_links_access_filter
  doesn't do anything unless admin_toolbar is enabled.
- #2928836 by eme: One extra pixel line under the admin toolbar.
- #2925501 by eme, adriancid, RumyanaRuseva: Menu does not take changes into
  account (caching issue).
- #2927914 by adriancid: Parameter comment indentation must be 3 spaces.
- #2927911 by adriancid: Remove unused variables.
- #2927905 by adriancid: All dependencies must be prefixed with the project 
- #2925327 by Berdir, adriancid: Better check for is-link-in-admin-menu for
  local task links.
- #2922046 by mikejw, adriancid, Berdir, BrianLewisDesign: Notice: Undefined
  index: entity.eform_type.collection in 
- #2925128 by adriancid: Create the module help page for the Admin Toolbar Links
  Access Filter submodule.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.21, 2017-11-20
Changes since 8.1.20:

- #2923580 by sylus, adriancid: Unsupported operand types in 
- #2731369 by stefan.r, DuneBL, Berdir, kbasarab, joachim, adriancid: Local 
  tasks don't show in the toolbar.
- #2920793 by adriancid: Change the user TAKTAK by matio89 in the CHANGELOG.txt
- #2873228 by smustgrave, adriancid, flocondetoile: Toolbar menu accessible and
  navigable with keyboard.
- #2919775 by adriancid: Create the CHANGELOG.txt file.
- #2919772 by adriancid: Use the README.txt template.
- #2919769 by adriancid: Use the README.txt template for the admin_toolbar_tools
- #2897309 by finne, adriancid, eme, rgpublic: admin_toolbar_tools module
  makes all pages uncacheable.
- #2913299 by esod, Chi, adriancid, hudri, eme: CSS Z-Index of toolbar is
- #2919390 by adriancid: Create the README.txt file for the admin toolbar links
  access filter submodule.
- #2919367 by adriancid: Fix coding standard format.
- #2919346 by adriancid: Don't show menu links that you don't have access
  permission for.
- #2917710: Create the .info.yml file for the admin_toolbar_links_access_filter
- #2916064 by adriancid, eme, finne: Use in links url parameter and
  not route_name.
- #2916040 by adriancid, finne, eme: Remove unused route admin_development.
- #2915778 by finne, adriancid: Remove the _csrf_token from routes that don't
  need it.
- #2909359 by adriancid, Musa.thomas: Add a menu link to clean the Views cache.
- #2910931 by adriancid: .info.yml files don't have the drupal version.
- #2759135 by Johnny vd Laar, miiimooo, romainj, chegor, adriancid, ckaotik,
  bdominguez, SpadXIII, mrtndlmt: Content type, Vocabularies and Menus names are
  not translated.
- #2909710 by adriancid, Musa.thomas: Fix coding standard format.
- #2910934 by adriancid, romainj: Error trying to clean the cache.
- #2910892 by adriancid: Delete the LICENSE.txt.
- #2909637 by bapi_22, Musa.thomas, adriancid: Avoid static call inside class
- #2909003 by eme: fix z-index for CKEditor.
- #2504449 by robin.ingelbrecht, rwam, eme: Un-hover delay.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.20, 2017-09-07
Changes since 8.1.19:

- #2887439 by romainj: Fix test.
- #2759135 by Johnny vd Laar, miiimooo, chegor, romainj: Content type, 
  Vocabularies and Menus names are not translated.
- #2894520 by romainj, bapi_22: Remove deprecated constant REQUEST_TIME from
  code base.
- #2883098 by romainj, Alka Kumari: Admin Toolbar Extra Tools module display
  theme machine names instead of labels.
- #2504449 by robin.ingelbrecht: Un-hover delay.
- #2838636 by ddrozdik, Fons Vandamme, kerby70, romainj: Issue with z-index of
  dropdown in horizontal tray.
- #2838636 by Fons Vandamme, ddrozdik, romainj: Issue with z-index of dropdown
  in horizontal tray.
- #2870404 by romainj: Add a link to the Webprofiler settings page.
- #2706643 by esod, romainj, Keenegan, DamienMcKenna: Use short array syntax.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.19, 2017-04-06
Changes since 8.1.18:

- #2706643 by esod, romainj, Keenegan, DamienMcKenna: Use short array syntax.
- #2781745 by minakshiPh, eelkeblok, romainj, akhilavnair_zyxware: Drupal coding
  standard issues found in most of the files.
- #2855720 by stefan.r, romainj: No logout link in admin toolbar anymore.
- #2841512 by Chi, romainj: User error: Redirects to external URLs are not
  allowed by default.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.18, 2016-12-01
Changes since 8.1.17:

- #2830677 by vaplas, romainj: z-index for sub menu.
- by romainj: Get rid of the Hello popup.
- #2805431 by marcusx: Accidentaly committed alert.
- #2630724 by squarecandy, romainj, reblutus, Hemangi Gokhale, jacoferg,
  Balu Ertl, Jeff Burnz, Don Greco: Consider changes to link title parameter to
  avoid tooltip visual conflict.
- #2518202 by james.williams, chegor, eme, romainj, DuneBL: Change default link
  to taxonomy.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.17, 2016-08-19
Changes since 8.1.16:

- #2779251 by romainj, DuneBL: Wrong integration of field_collection delete 
- #2776229 by Chi, romainj, mattlt: Chevron icons missing if Drupal is not in
  document root.
- by romainj: CSS coding standard cleaning.
- #2781059 by mstrelan, romainj: Why is CRON in all caps?
- #2778935 by akhilavnair_zyxware, rjarraud: As per Drupal Standards each line
  in documentation should not exceeds 80 characters.
- by romainj: Adds ending new line where required.
- #2776229 by Chi, rjarraud: Chevron icons missing if Drupal is not in document
- by eme: Commiting again #2707611.
- #2757687 by neerajsingh: Remove usages of \Drupal::url().
- #2707747 by Balu Ertl, nevergone, eme, esod: D8 logo not rendered with smooth

Admin Toolbar 8.1.16, 2016-07-28
Changes since 8.1.15:

- #2723209 by andrewmacpherson, colan, mattshoaf: Enabling admin_toolbar_tools
  causes Devel Settings to disappear from the main configuration page.
- #2759335 bycwells, jalpesh: fixes a mistaken link in hook_help().
- #2664564 by kolier, matio89, romainj and Michèle: auto-detect content entities
  with Field UI route.
- #2735257 by colan, romainj, Balu Ertl: respect of coding standards in the
  module README.txt file.
- #2735257 by colan, romainj, Balu Ertl: shortens the module README.txt
  description text.
- by romainj: Fixes a problem with the link to the Admin menu overview page.
- #2735257 by Balu Ertl, colan, romainj: improves Admin Toolbar Extra Tools
  description in the README.txt file.
- #2723381 by joachim, romainj: fieldable content entities are no more
- #2735257 by Balu Ertl, colan, romainj: added some description details in the
  README.txt files.
- by romainj: Menu link definitions updated.
- by romainj: Change routing permissions to follow Drupal default permissions
  for administration pages.
- by romainj: Fixes issue #2737027.
- by romainj: fixes issue #2701825.
- by romainj: Adds the menu name for each menu item in
  admin_toolbar_tools/ file.
- #2735153 by Kionn: InvalidArgumentException: Cannot redirect to an empty URL.
  в Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse->setTargetUrl().
- by matio89: correction InvalidArgumentException: Cannot redirect to an empty
  URL. в Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse->setTargetUrl().
- by romainj: Add a new Render Cache shortcut on the admin menu.
- by romainj: Fixes issue #2731663 by canceling the move of the Logout menu

Admin Toolbar 8.1.15, 2016-05-23
Changes since 8.1.14:

- by matio89: add RTL in admin.toolbar.css.
- by romainj: Changes Devel menu item titles.
- by romainj: Fixes issue #2713899.
- by romainj: Minor code/typo cleaning.
- #2707611 by Balu Ertl: Add fine shadow under dropdown menus.
- #2707789 by esod: Fix Automated Tests.
- by romainj: Code cleaning.
- by romainj: Replace the deprecated entityManager() by entityTypeManager()
- by romainj: Emptying menu cache with all link types.
- #2614962 by dbt102, seppelM, neha.gangwar, chegor: Correct text in
- by eme: Minor typo changes.
- by eme: Fix dependencies to core modules.
- by eme: Fix issue #2666964.
- by eme: Fix css background color level3.
- by eme: fix issue #2658896 and refactor and fix chevron-right.svg.
- by eme: fix Issue #2493037.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.14, 2016-02-08
Changes since 8.1.13:

- by matio89: Correction differents bugs(problem white page when installing a
  new module).
- #2643648 by Lord_of_Codes: Proposed README.txt file for Admin Toolbar.
- by matio89: resolving the dependecies problem(dependencies of others modules).
- by matio89: Correction route of entities.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.13, 2016-02-02
Changes since 8.1.12:

- by matio89: Admin toolbar is compatible with 8.0.2.
- by matio89: Commmit dev version compatible with drupal 8.0.2.
- by matio89: New version of admin toolbar compatible with 8.0.2.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.12, 2016-01-15
Changes since 8.1.11:

- by matio89: Correction AdminToolbaToolsAlterTest.
- #2493037 by mimran: Empty elements in #toolbar-bar.
- #2598136 by mimran, felribeiro: Menu items duplicated.
- #2635154 by Lukas von Blarer: Too general CSS selectors.
- by eme: Fix chevron right in local state.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.11, 2015-12-11
Changes since 8.1.10:

- #2620430 by Vagelis, NarendraR: Typo.
- #2632888 by JamesK: Add dependency on node module.
- by eme: Fix admin toolbar test.
- #2552081 by jonhattan, bruvers: chevron-right.svg not found.
- by Vagelis: Minor typos.
- by eme: Refactor basic tests.
- #2613378 by chegor: Add basic test.
- #2612694 by chegor: Add new view.
- #2627918 by joe_carvajal: Version in info.yml files does Update Manager try to
- by matio89: correction collapsible behaviour in vertical menu layout.
- #2582825 by Ben Coleman: Installing Admin Toolbar Tools loses anonymous user
  login link.
- by matio89: Correction the login link on the site when in a logged-out state.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.10, 2015-08-07
Changes since 8.1.9:

- #2546939 by jonhattan: Add dependency on toolbar module.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.9, 2015-07-22
Changes since 8.1.8:

- #2537016 by matio89: Removing dependance for user & system.
- #2533420 by Dave Reid, twistor: Chase HEAD changes in toolbar.
- #2537016 by twistor: Rewrite admin_toolbar_tools.module
- by matio89: Correction all bugs and add new security features.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.8, 2015-06-22
Changes since 8.1.7:

- correction not found route.
- #2493037 by bobrov1989: Empty elements in #toolbar-bar.
- by fethi: icones.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.7, 2015-06-22
Changes since 8.1.6:

- correction not found route.
- #2493037 by bobrov1989: Empty elements in #toolbar-bar.
- by fethi: icones.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.6, 2015-06-03
Changes since 8.1.5:

- by matio89: correction admin_toolbar.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.5, 2015-06-03
Changes since 8.1.4:

- by matio89: test if module update exist or no to display install and update
- by fethi: Change the colors used to match the Seven styleguide.
- by matio89: compatibility with Drupal 8 béta 11.
- by  fethi: Change the colors used to match the Seven styleguide.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.4, 2015-05-20
Changes since 8.1.3:

- by matio89: correction add/node.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.3, 2015-05-19
Changes since 8.1.2:

- by matio89: add new functionalities.
- by matio89: add administration devel link.
- by matio89: correction reload page.
- by matio89: correction redirect to the same page.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.2, 2015-05-19
Changes since 8.1.1:

- by matio89: add new functionalities.
- by matio89: add administration devel link.
- by matio89: correction reload page.
- by matio89: correction redirect to the same page.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.1, 2015-05-19
Changes since 8.1.0:

- by matio89: add new functionalities.

Admin Toolbar 8.1.0, 2015-05-07
- Initial release.