decoratedFormState = $parent_form_state; $this->parentForm = $parent_form; $this->subform = $subform; } /** * Creates a new instance for a subform. * * @param mixed[] $subform * The subform for which to create a form state. * @param mixed[] $parent_form * The subform's parent form. * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $parent_form_state * The parent form state. * * @return static */ public static function createForSubform(array &$subform, array &$parent_form, FormStateInterface $parent_form_state) { return new static($subform, $parent_form, $parent_form_state); } /** * Gets the subform's parents relative to its parent form. * * @param string $property * The property name (#parents or #array_parents). * * @return mixed * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * Thrown when the requested property does not exist. * @throws \UnexpectedValueException * Thrown when the subform is not contained by the given parent form. */ protected function getParents($property) { foreach ([$this->subform, $this->parentForm] as $form) { if (!isset($form[$property]) || !is_array($form[$property])) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('The subform and parent form must contain the %s property, which must be an array. Try calling this method from a #process callback instead.', $property)); } } $relative_subform_parents = $this->subform[$property]; // Remove all of the subform's parents that are also the parent form's // parents, so we are left with the parents relative to the parent form. foreach ($this->parentForm[$property] as $parent_form_parent) { if ($parent_form_parent !== $relative_subform_parents[0]) { // The parent form's parents are the subform's parents as well. If we // find no match, that means the given subform is not contained by the // given parent form. throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The subform is not contained by the given parent form.'); } array_shift($relative_subform_parents); } return $relative_subform_parents; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function &getValues() { $exists = NULL; $values = &NestedArray::getValue(parent::getValues(), $this->getParents('#parents'), $exists); if (!$exists) { $values = []; } elseif (!is_array($values)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The form state values do not belong to the subform.'); } return $values; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getCompleteFormState() { return $this->decoratedFormState instanceof SubformStateInterface ? $this->decoratedFormState->getCompleteFormState() : $this->decoratedFormState; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setLimitValidationErrors($limit_validation_errors) { if (is_array($limit_validation_errors)) { $limit_validation_errors = array_merge($this->getParents('#parents'), $limit_validation_errors); } return parent::setLimitValidationErrors($limit_validation_errors); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getLimitValidationErrors() { $limit_validation_errors = parent::getLimitValidationErrors(); if (is_array($limit_validation_errors)) { return array_slice($limit_validation_errors, count($this->getParents('#parents'))); } return $limit_validation_errors; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setErrorByName($name, $message = '') { $parents = $this->subform['#array_parents']; $parents[] = $name; $name = implode('][', $parents); parent::setErrorByName($name, $message); return $this; } }