bin = $bin; $this->sitePrefix = $site_prefix; $this->checksumProvider = $checksum_provider; $this->binPrefix = $this->sitePrefix . '::' . $this->bin . '::'; } /** * Prepends the APCu user variable prefix for this bin to a cache item ID. * * @param string $cid * The cache item ID to prefix. * * @return string * The APCu key for the cache item ID. */ public function getApcuKey($cid) { return $this->binPrefix . $cid; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function get($cid, $allow_invalid = FALSE) { $cache = apcu_fetch($this->getApcuKey($cid)); return $this->prepareItem($cache, $allow_invalid); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getMultiple(&$cids, $allow_invalid = FALSE) { // Translate the requested cache item IDs to APCu keys. $map = []; foreach ($cids as $cid) { $map[$this->getApcuKey($cid)] = $cid; } $result = apcu_fetch(array_keys($map)); $cache = []; if ($result) { foreach ($result as $key => $item) { $item = $this->prepareItem($item, $allow_invalid); if ($item) { $cache[$map[$key]] = $item; } } } unset($result); $cids = array_diff($cids, array_keys($cache)); return $cache; } /** * Returns all cached items, optionally limited by a cache ID prefix. * * APCu is a memory cache, shared across all server processes. To prevent * cache item clashes with other applications/installations, every cache item * is prefixed with a unique string for this site. Therefore, functions like * apcu_clear_cache() cannot be used, and instead, a list of all cache items * belonging to this application need to be retrieved through this method * instead. * * @param string $prefix * (optional) A cache ID prefix to limit the result to. * * @return \APCUIterator * An APCUIterator containing matched items. */ protected function getAll($prefix = '') { return $this->getIterator('/^' . preg_quote($this->getApcuKey($prefix), '/') . '/'); } /** * Prepares a cached item. * * Checks that the item is either permanent or did not expire. * * @param \stdClass $cache * An item loaded from cache_get() or cache_get_multiple(). * @param bool $allow_invalid * If TRUE, a cache item may be returned even if it is expired or has been * invalidated. See ::get(). * * @return mixed * The cache item or FALSE if the item expired. */ protected function prepareItem($cache, $allow_invalid) { if (!isset($cache->data)) { return FALSE; } $cache->tags = $cache->tags ? explode(' ', $cache->tags) : []; // Check expire time. $cache->valid = $cache->expire == Cache::PERMANENT || $cache->expire >= REQUEST_TIME; // Check if invalidateTags() has been called with any of the entry's tags. if (!$this->checksumProvider->isValid($cache->checksum, $cache->tags)) { $cache->valid = FALSE; } if (!$allow_invalid && !$cache->valid) { return FALSE; } return $cache; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function set($cid, $data, $expire = CacheBackendInterface::CACHE_PERMANENT, array $tags = []) { assert(Inspector::assertAllStrings($tags), 'Cache tags must be strings.'); $tags = array_unique($tags); $cache = new \stdClass(); $cache->cid = $cid; $cache->created = round(microtime(TRUE), 3); $cache->expire = $expire; $cache->tags = implode(' ', $tags); $cache->checksum = $this->checksumProvider->getCurrentChecksum($tags); // APCu serializes/unserializes any structure itself. $cache->serialized = 0; $cache->data = $data; // Expiration is handled by our own prepareItem(), not APCu. apcu_store($this->getApcuKey($cid), $cache); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setMultiple(array $items = []) { foreach ($items as $cid => $item) { $this->set($cid, $item['data'], isset($item['expire']) ? $item['expire'] : CacheBackendInterface::CACHE_PERMANENT, isset($item['tags']) ? $item['tags'] : []); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function delete($cid) { apcu_delete($this->getApcuKey($cid)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function deleteMultiple(array $cids) { apcu_delete(array_map([$this, 'getApcuKey'], $cids)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function deleteAll() { apcu_delete($this->getIterator('/^' . preg_quote($this->binPrefix, '/') . '/')); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function garbageCollection() { // APCu performs garbage collection automatically. } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function removeBin() { apcu_delete($this->getIterator('/^' . preg_quote($this->binPrefix, '/') . '/')); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function invalidate($cid) { $this->invalidateMultiple([$cid]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function invalidateMultiple(array $cids) { foreach ($this->getMultiple($cids) as $cache) { $this->set($cache->cid, $cache, REQUEST_TIME - 1); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function invalidateAll() { foreach ($this->getAll() as $data) { $cid = str_replace($this->binPrefix, '', $data['key']); $this->set($cid, $data['value'], REQUEST_TIME - 1); } } /** * Instantiates and returns the APCUIterator class. * * @param mixed $search * A PCRE regular expression that matches against APC key names, either as a * string for a single regular expression, or as an array of regular * expressions. Or, optionally pass in NULL to skip the search. * @param int $format * The desired format, as configured with one or more of the APC_ITER_* * constants. * @param int $chunk_size * The chunk size. Must be a value greater than 0. The default value is 100. * @param int $list * The type to list. Either pass in APC_LIST_ACTIVE or APC_LIST_DELETED. * * @return \APCUIterator */ protected function getIterator($search = NULL, $format = APC_ITER_ALL, $chunk_size = 100, $list = APC_LIST_ACTIVE) { return new \APCUIterator($search, $format, $chunk_size, $list); } }