/** * @file * A Backbone View that decorates the in-place edited element. */ (function ($, Backbone, Drupal) { 'use strict'; Drupal.quickedit.FieldDecorationView = Backbone.View.extend(/** @lends Drupal.quickedit.FieldDecorationView# */{ /** * @type {null} */ _widthAttributeIsEmpty: null, /** * @type {object} */ events: { 'mouseenter.quickedit': 'onMouseEnter', 'mouseleave.quickedit': 'onMouseLeave', 'click': 'onClick', 'tabIn.quickedit': 'onMouseEnter', 'tabOut.quickedit': 'onMouseLeave' }, /** * @constructs * * @augments Backbone.View * * @param {object} options * An object with the following keys: * @param {Drupal.quickedit.EditorView} options.editorView * The editor object view. */ initialize: function (options) { this.editorView = options.editorView; this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:state', this.stateChange); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:isChanged change:inTempStore', this.renderChanged); }, /** * @inheritdoc */ remove: function () { // The el property is the field, which should not be removed. Remove the // pointer to it, then call Backbone.View.prototype.remove(). this.setElement(); Backbone.View.prototype.remove.call(this); }, /** * Determines the actions to take given a change of state. * * @param {Drupal.quickedit.FieldModel} model * The `FieldModel` model. * @param {string} state * The state of the associated field. One of * {@link Drupal.quickedit.FieldModel.states}. */ stateChange: function (model, state) { var from = model.previous('state'); var to = state; switch (to) { case 'inactive': this.undecorate(); break; case 'candidate': this.decorate(); if (from !== 'inactive') { this.stopHighlight(); if (from !== 'highlighted') { this.model.set('isChanged', false); this.stopEdit(); } } this._unpad(); break; case 'highlighted': this.startHighlight(); break; case 'activating': // NOTE: this state is not used by every editor! It's only used by // those that need to interact with the server. this.prepareEdit(); break; case 'active': if (from !== 'activating') { this.prepareEdit(); } if (this.editorView.getQuickEditUISettings().padding) { this._pad(); } break; case 'changed': this.model.set('isChanged', true); break; case 'saving': break; case 'saved': break; case 'invalid': break; } }, /** * Adds a class to the edited element that indicates whether the field has * been changed by the user (i.e. locally) or the field has already been * changed and stored before by the user (i.e. remotely, stored in * PrivateTempStore). */ renderChanged: function () { this.$el.toggleClass('quickedit-changed', this.model.get('isChanged') || this.model.get('inTempStore')); }, /** * Starts hover; transitions to 'highlight' state. * * @param {jQuery.Event} event * The mouse event. */ onMouseEnter: function (event) { var that = this; that.model.set('state', 'highlighted'); event.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Stops hover; transitions to 'candidate' state. * * @param {jQuery.Event} event * The mouse event. */ onMouseLeave: function (event) { var that = this; that.model.set('state', 'candidate', {reason: 'mouseleave'}); event.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Transition to 'activating' stage. * * @param {jQuery.Event} event * The click event. */ onClick: function (event) { this.model.set('state', 'activating'); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Adds classes used to indicate an elements editable state. */ decorate: function () { this.$el.addClass('quickedit-candidate quickedit-editable'); }, /** * Removes classes used to indicate an elements editable state. */ undecorate: function () { this.$el.removeClass('quickedit-candidate quickedit-editable quickedit-highlighted quickedit-editing'); }, /** * Adds that class that indicates that an element is highlighted. */ startHighlight: function () { // Animations. var that = this; // Use a timeout to grab the next available animation frame. that.$el.addClass('quickedit-highlighted'); }, /** * Removes the class that indicates that an element is highlighted. */ stopHighlight: function () { this.$el.removeClass('quickedit-highlighted'); }, /** * Removes the class that indicates that an element as editable. */ prepareEdit: function () { this.$el.addClass('quickedit-editing'); // Allow the field to be styled differently while editing in a pop-up // in-place editor. if (this.editorView.getQuickEditUISettings().popup) { this.$el.addClass('quickedit-editor-is-popup'); } }, /** * Removes the class that indicates that an element is being edited. * * Reapplies the class that indicates that a candidate editable element is * again available to be edited. */ stopEdit: function () { this.$el.removeClass('quickedit-highlighted quickedit-editing'); // Done editing in a pop-up in-place editor; remove the class. if (this.editorView.getQuickEditUISettings().popup) { this.$el.removeClass('quickedit-editor-is-popup'); } // Make the other editors show up again. $('.quickedit-candidate').addClass('quickedit-editable'); }, /** * Adds padding around the editable element to make it pop visually. */ _pad: function () { // Early return if the element has already been padded. if (this.$el.data('quickedit-padded')) { return; } var self = this; // Add 5px padding for readability. This means we'll freeze the current // width and *then* add 5px padding, hence ensuring the padding is added // "on the outside". // 1) Freeze the width (if it's not already set); don't use animations. if (this.$el[0].style.width === '') { this._widthAttributeIsEmpty = true; this.$el .addClass('quickedit-animate-disable-width') .css('width', this.$el.width()); } // 2) Add padding; use animations. var posProp = this._getPositionProperties(this.$el); setTimeout(function () { // Re-enable width animations (padding changes affect width too!). self.$el.removeClass('quickedit-animate-disable-width'); // Pad the editable. self.$el .css({ 'position': 'relative', 'top': posProp.top - 5 + 'px', 'left': posProp.left - 5 + 'px', 'padding-top': posProp['padding-top'] + 5 + 'px', 'padding-left': posProp['padding-left'] + 5 + 'px', 'padding-right': posProp['padding-right'] + 5 + 'px', 'padding-bottom': posProp['padding-bottom'] + 5 + 'px', 'margin-bottom': posProp['margin-bottom'] - 10 + 'px' }) .data('quickedit-padded', true); }, 0); }, /** * Removes the padding around the element being edited when editing ceases. */ _unpad: function () { // Early return if the element has not been padded. if (!this.$el.data('quickedit-padded')) { return; } var self = this; // 1) Set the empty width again. if (this._widthAttributeIsEmpty) { this.$el .addClass('quickedit-animate-disable-width') .css('width', ''); } // 2) Remove padding; use animations (these will run simultaneously with) // the fading out of the toolbar as its gets removed). var posProp = this._getPositionProperties(this.$el); setTimeout(function () { // Re-enable width animations (padding changes affect width too!). self.$el.removeClass('quickedit-animate-disable-width'); // Unpad the editable. self.$el .css({ 'position': 'relative', 'top': posProp.top + 5 + 'px', 'left': posProp.left + 5 + 'px', 'padding-top': posProp['padding-top'] - 5 + 'px', 'padding-left': posProp['padding-left'] - 5 + 'px', 'padding-right': posProp['padding-right'] - 5 + 'px', 'padding-bottom': posProp['padding-bottom'] - 5 + 'px', 'margin-bottom': posProp['margin-bottom'] + 10 + 'px' }); }, 0); // Remove the marker that indicates that this field has padding. This is // done outside the timed out function above so that we don't get numerous // queued functions that will remove padding before the data marker has // been removed. this.$el.removeData('quickedit-padded'); }, /** * Gets the top and left properties of an element. * * Convert extraneous values and information into numbers ready for * subtraction. * * @param {jQuery} $e * The element to get position properties from. * * @return {object} * An object containing css values for the needed properties. */ _getPositionProperties: function ($e) { var p; var r = {}; var props = [ 'top', 'left', 'bottom', 'right', 'padding-top', 'padding-left', 'padding-right', 'padding-bottom', 'margin-bottom' ]; var propCount = props.length; for (var i = 0; i < propCount; i++) { p = props[i]; r[p] = parseInt(this._replaceBlankPosition($e.css(p)), 10); } return r; }, /** * Replaces blank or 'auto' CSS `position: ` values with "0px". * * @param {string} [pos] * The value for a CSS position declaration. * * @return {string} * A CSS value that is valid for `position`. */ _replaceBlankPosition: function (pos) { if (pos === 'auto' || !pos) { pos = '0px'; } return pos; } }); })(jQuery, Backbone, Drupal);