/** * @file * Attaches behavior for updating filter_html's settings automatically. */ (function($, Drupal, _, document) { if (Drupal.filterConfiguration) { /** * Implement a live setting parser to prevent text editors from automatically * enabling buttons that are not allowed by this filter's configuration. * * @namespace */ Drupal.filterConfiguration.liveSettingParsers.filter_html = { /** * @return {Array} * An array of filter rules. */ getRules() { const currentValue = $( '#edit-filters-filter-html-settings-allowed-html', ).val(); const rules = Drupal.behaviors.filterFilterHtmlUpdating._parseSetting( currentValue, ); // Build a FilterHTMLRule that reflects the hard-coded behavior that // strips all "style" attribute and all "on*" attributes. const rule = new Drupal.FilterHTMLRule(); rule.restrictedTags.tags = ['*']; rule.restrictedTags.forbidden.attributes = ['style', 'on*']; rules.push(rule); return rules; }, }; } /** * Displays and updates what HTML tags are allowed to use in a filter. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @todo Remove everything but 'attach' and 'detach' and make a proper object. * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Attaches behavior for updating allowed HTML tags. */ Drupal.behaviors.filterFilterHtmlUpdating = { // The form item contains the "Allowed HTML tags" setting. $allowedHTMLFormItem: null, // The description for the "Allowed HTML tags" field. $allowedHTMLDescription: null, /** * The parsed, user-entered tag list of $allowedHTMLFormItem * * @var {Object.} */ userTags: {}, // The auto-created tag list thus far added. autoTags: null, // Track which new features have been added to the text editor. newFeatures: {}, attach(context, settings) { const that = this; $(context) .find('[name="filters[filter_html][settings][allowed_html]"]') .once('filter-filter_html-updating') .each(function() { that.$allowedHTMLFormItem = $(this); that.$allowedHTMLDescription = that.$allowedHTMLFormItem .closest('.js-form-item') .find('.description'); that.userTags = that._parseSetting(this.value); // Update the new allowed tags based on added text editor features. $(document) .on('drupalEditorFeatureAdded', (e, feature) => { that.newFeatures[feature.name] = feature.rules; that._updateAllowedTags(); }) .on('drupalEditorFeatureModified', (e, feature) => { if (that.newFeatures.hasOwnProperty(feature.name)) { that.newFeatures[feature.name] = feature.rules; that._updateAllowedTags(); } }) .on('drupalEditorFeatureRemoved', (e, feature) => { if (that.newFeatures.hasOwnProperty(feature.name)) { delete that.newFeatures[feature.name]; that._updateAllowedTags(); } }); // When the allowed tags list is manually changed, update userTags. that.$allowedHTMLFormItem.on('change.updateUserTags', function() { that.userTags = _.difference( that._parseSetting(this.value), that.autoTags, ); }); }); }, /** * Updates the "Allowed HTML tags" setting and shows an informative message. */ _updateAllowedTags() { // Update the list of auto-created tags. this.autoTags = this._calculateAutoAllowedTags( this.userTags, this.newFeatures, ); // Remove any previous auto-created tag message. this.$allowedHTMLDescription.find('.editor-update-message').remove(); // If any auto-created tags: insert message and update form item. if (!_.isEmpty(this.autoTags)) { this.$allowedHTMLDescription.append( Drupal.theme('filterFilterHTMLUpdateMessage', this.autoTags), ); const userTagsWithoutOverrides = _.omit( this.userTags, _.keys(this.autoTags), ); this.$allowedHTMLFormItem.val( `${this._generateSetting( userTagsWithoutOverrides, )} ${this._generateSetting(this.autoTags)}`, ); } // Restore to original state. else { this.$allowedHTMLFormItem.val(this._generateSetting(this.userTags)); } }, /** * Calculates which HTML tags the added text editor buttons need to work. * * The filter_html filter is only concerned with the required tags, not with * any properties, nor with each feature's "allowed" tags. * * @param {Array} userAllowedTags * The list of user-defined allowed tags. * @param {object} newFeatures * A list of {@link Drupal.EditorFeature} objects' rules, keyed by * their name. * * @return {Array} * A list of new allowed tags. */ _calculateAutoAllowedTags(userAllowedTags, newFeatures) { const editorRequiredTags = {}; // Map the newly added Text Editor features to Drupal.FilterHtmlRule // objects (to allow comparing userTags with autoTags). Object.keys(newFeatures || {}).forEach(featureName => { const feature = newFeatures[featureName]; let featureRule; let filterRule; let tag; for (let f = 0; f < feature.length; f++) { featureRule = feature[f]; for (let t = 0; t < featureRule.required.tags.length; t++) { tag = featureRule.required.tags[t]; if (!_.has(editorRequiredTags, tag)) { filterRule = new Drupal.FilterHTMLRule(); filterRule.restrictedTags.tags = [tag]; // @todo Neither Drupal.FilterHtmlRule nor // Drupal.EditorFeatureHTMLRule allow for generic attribute // value restrictions, only for the "class" and "style" // attribute's values to be restricted. The filter_html filter // always disallows the "style" attribute, so we only need to // support "class" attribute value restrictions. Fix once // https://www.drupal.org/node/2567801 lands. filterRule.restrictedTags.allowed.attributes = featureRule.required.attributes.slice( 0, ); filterRule.restrictedTags.allowed.classes = featureRule.required.classes.slice( 0, ); editorRequiredTags[tag] = filterRule; } // The tag is already allowed, add any additionally allowed // attributes. else { filterRule = editorRequiredTags[tag]; filterRule.restrictedTags.allowed.attributes = _.union( filterRule.restrictedTags.allowed.attributes, featureRule.required.attributes, ); filterRule.restrictedTags.allowed.classes = _.union( filterRule.restrictedTags.allowed.classes, featureRule.required.classes, ); } } } }); // Now compare userAllowedTags with editorRequiredTags, and build // autoAllowedTags, which contains: // - any tags in editorRequiredTags but not in userAllowedTags (i.e. tags // that are additionally going to be allowed) // - any tags in editorRequiredTags that already exists in userAllowedTags // but does not allow all attributes or attribute values const autoAllowedTags = {}; Object.keys(editorRequiredTags).forEach(tag => { // If userAllowedTags does not contain a rule for this editor-required // tag, then add it to the list of automatically allowed tags. if (!_.has(userAllowedTags, tag)) { autoAllowedTags[tag] = editorRequiredTags[tag]; } // Otherwise, if userAllowedTags already allows this tag, then check if // additional attributes and classes on this tag are required by the // editor. else { const requiredAttributes = editorRequiredTags[tag].restrictedTags.allowed.attributes; const allowedAttributes = userAllowedTags[tag].restrictedTags.allowed.attributes; const needsAdditionalAttributes = requiredAttributes.length && _.difference(requiredAttributes, allowedAttributes).length; const requiredClasses = editorRequiredTags[tag].restrictedTags.allowed.classes; const allowedClasses = userAllowedTags[tag].restrictedTags.allowed.classes; const needsAdditionalClasses = requiredClasses.length && _.difference(requiredClasses, allowedClasses).length; if (needsAdditionalAttributes || needsAdditionalClasses) { autoAllowedTags[tag] = userAllowedTags[tag].clone(); } if (needsAdditionalAttributes) { autoAllowedTags[tag].restrictedTags.allowed.attributes = _.union( allowedAttributes, requiredAttributes, ); } if (needsAdditionalClasses) { autoAllowedTags[tag].restrictedTags.allowed.classes = _.union( allowedClasses, requiredClasses, ); } } }); return autoAllowedTags; }, /** * Parses the value of this.$allowedHTMLFormItem. * * @param {string} setting * The string representation of the setting. For example: *

* * @return {Object.} * The corresponding text filter HTML rule objects, one per tag, keyed by * tag name. */ _parseSetting(setting) { let node; let tag; let rule; let attributes; let attribute; const allowedTags = setting.match(/(<[^>]+>)/g); const sandbox = document.createElement('div'); const rules = {}; for (let t = 0; t < allowedTags.length; t++) { // Let the browser do the parsing work for us. sandbox.innerHTML = allowedTags[t]; node = sandbox.firstChild; tag = node.tagName.toLowerCase(); // Build the Drupal.FilterHtmlRule object. rule = new Drupal.FilterHTMLRule(); // We create one rule per allowed tag, so always one tag. rule.restrictedTags.tags = [tag]; // Add the attribute restrictions. attributes = node.attributes; for (let i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) { attribute = attributes.item(i); const attributeName = attribute.nodeName; // @todo Drupal.FilterHtmlRule does not allow for generic attribute // value restrictions, only for the "class" and "style" attribute's // values. The filter_html filter always disallows the "style" // attribute, so we only need to support "class" attribute value // restrictions. Fix once https://www.drupal.org/node/2567801 lands. if (attributeName === 'class') { const attributeValue = attribute.textContent; rule.restrictedTags.allowed.classes = attributeValue.split(' '); } else { rule.restrictedTags.allowed.attributes.push(attributeName); } } rules[tag] = rule; } return rules; }, /** * Generates the value of this.$allowedHTMLFormItem. * * @param {Object.} tags * The parsed representation of the setting. * * @return {Array} * The string representation of the setting. e.g. "

" */ _generateSetting(tags) { return _.reduce( tags, (setting, rule, tag) => { if (setting.length) { setting += ' '; } setting += `<${tag}`; if (rule.restrictedTags.allowed.attributes.length) { setting += ` ${rule.restrictedTags.allowed.attributes.join(' ')}`; } // @todo Drupal.FilterHtmlRule does not allow for generic attribute // value restrictions, only for the "class" and "style" attribute's // values. The filter_html filter always disallows the "style" // attribute, so we only need to support "class" attribute value // restrictions. Fix once https://www.drupal.org/node/2567801 lands. if (rule.restrictedTags.allowed.classes.length) { setting += ` class="${rule.restrictedTags.allowed.classes.join( ' ', )}"`; } setting += '>'; return setting; }, '', ); }, }; /** * Theme function for the filter_html update message. * * @param {Array} tags * An array of the new tags that are to be allowed. * * @return {string} * The corresponding HTML. */ Drupal.theme.filterFilterHTMLUpdateMessage = function(tags) { let html = ''; const tagList = Drupal.behaviors.filterFilterHtmlUpdating._generateSetting( tags, ); html += '

'; html += Drupal.t( 'Based on the text editor configuration, these tags have automatically been added: @tag-list.', { '@tag-list': tagList }, ); html += '

'; return html; }; })(jQuery, Drupal, _, document);