{# Create classes array. The 'node' class is required for contextual edit links. #} {% set classes = [ 'node' ] %} {# BEM inspired class syntax: https://en.bem.info/ Enable this code if you would like node classes like "article article--layout-teaser", where article is the content type and teaser is the view mode. {% set classes = classes|merge([ node.bundle|clean_class, view_mode ? node.bundle|clean_class ~ '--layout-' ~ view_mode|clean_class ]) %} {% set title_classes = [ node.bundle|clean_class ~ '__title' ] %} #} <article{{ attributes.addClass(classes) }}> {% if title_prefix or title_suffix or display_submitted or unpublished or page is empty and label %} <header> {{ title_prefix }} {% if not page and label %} <h2{{ title_attributes.addClass(title_classes) }}> <a href="{{ url }}" rel="bookmark">{{ label }}</a> </h2> {% endif %} {{ title_suffix }} {% if display_submitted %} <div class="submitted"> {{ author_picture }} {% trans %}Submitted by {{ author_name }} on {{ date }}{% endtrans %} {{ metadata }} </div> {% endif %} {% if not node.published %} <p class="node--unpublished">{{ 'Unpublished'|t }}</p> {% endif %} </header> {% endif %} <div{{ content_attributes.addClass('content') }}> {{ content|without('links') }} </div><!-- /.content --> {% if content.links %} <div class="links"> {{ content.links }} </div><!-- /.links --> {% endif %} </article><!-- /.node -->