domainCreateTestDomains(); // Get the services. $this->domainStorage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('domain'); $this->currentUser = \Drupal::service('current_user'); $this->moduleHandler = \Drupal::service('module_handler'); } /** * Tests domain loading. */ public function testHookDomainLoad() { // Check the created domain based on its known id value. $domain = $this->domainStorage->load($this->key); // Internal hooks. $path = $domain->getPath(); $url = $domain->getUrl(); $this->assertTrue(isset($path), new FormattableMarkup('The path property was set to %path by hook_entity_load.', ['%path' => $path])); $this->assertTrue(isset($url), new FormattableMarkup('The url property was set to %url by hook_entity_load.', ['%url' => $url])); // External hooks. $this->assertTrue($domain->foo == 'bar', 'The foo property was set to bar by hook_domain_load.'); } /** * Tests domain validation. */ public function testHookDomainValidate() { $validator = \Drupal::service('domain.validator'); // Test a good domain. $errors = $validator->validate(''); $this->assertEmpty($errors, 'No errors returned for'); // Test our hook implementation, which denies explicitly. $errors = $validator->validate(''); $this->assertNotEmpty($errors, 'Errors returned for'); $this->assertTrue(current($errors) == ' cannot be registered', 'Error message returned correctly.'); } /** * Tests domain request alteration. */ public function testHookDomainRequestAlter() { // Set the request. $negotiator = \Drupal::service('domain.negotiator'); $negotiator->setRequestDomain($this->baseHostname); // Check that the property was added by our hook. $domain = $negotiator->getActiveDomain(); $this->assertTrue($domain->foo1 == 'bar1', 'The foo1 property was set to bar1 by hook_domain_request_alter'); } /** * Tests domain operations hook. */ public function testHookDomainOperations() { $domain = $this->domainStorage->load($this->key); // Set the request. $operations = $this->moduleHandler->invokeAll('domain_operations', [$domain, $this->currentUser]); // Test that our operations were added by the hook. $this->assertTrue(isset($operations['domain_test']), 'Domain test operation loaded.'); } /** * Tests domain references alter hook. */ public function testHookDomainReferencesAlter() { $domain = $this->domainStorage->load($this->key); // Set the request. $manager = \Drupal::service('entity.manager'); $target_type = 'domain'; // Build a node entity selection query. $query = $manager->getStorage($target_type)->getQuery(); $context = [ 'entity_type' => 'node', 'bundle' => 'article', 'field_type' => 'editor', ]; // Run the alteration, which should add metadata to the query for nodes. $this->moduleHandler->alter('domain_references', $query, $this->currentUser, $context); $this->assertTrue($query->getMetaData('domain_test') == 'Test string', 'Domain test query altered.'); // Build a user entity selection query. $query = $manager->getStorage($target_type)->getQuery(); $context = [ 'entity_type' => 'user', 'bundle' => 'user', 'field_type' => 'admin', ]; // Run the alteration, which does not add metadata for user queries. $this->moduleHandler->alter('domain_references', $query, $this->currentUser, $context); $this->assertEmpty($query->getMetaData('domain_test'), 'Domain test query not altered.'); } }